DM Bigrin's Shattered Star (Group B) (Inactive)

Game Master bigrin42

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Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

HP: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
BaB +1
Fort/Ref +1
7 Skill points (increasing Escape Artist, Knowledge [Dungeoneering], Knowledge [Geography], Perception, Profession [Scholar], and Spellcraft)
Feat: Improved Initiative (Initiative is now +6)
Caster level: 3 vs. SR: +3
Three 2nd-level spell slots gained (two general, one school)
Spells added to spellbook: Glitterdust, Hideous Laughter

I can't recall, should I add these new spells to my memorized spell list now or wait until Shabbezz has had time to rest and study?

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

I'd say that's the case. That's how I'm doing Tia.

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

Works for me. Thanks.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

TIL! Thanks Harbug, I was completely unaware of that.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

Fighter 2: Step Up -> Weapon Focus Short Sword / Gladius (use the same fcs/spec)
3: Iron Will

I also updated my character sheet.

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Dug through the thread, ½HD+1 was an HP option and (as I expected) it's the one I chose.

HP +7 (Total 23) (½ 1d6=3+1=4+2 CON=6+1 Favored Class)
BAB Unchanged
Fort & Ref saves +1
Spells Per Day: Gained 1 2nd level spell per day (+1 bonus for INT)
Two new spells added to familiar (and, based on conversation in Discussion forum, spells prepared):
Blood Transcription
Touch of Idiocy
Skills: +4 Ranks
+1 Intimidate, Spellcraft, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature)

Feat: Given to familiar

Gained HP (because Harbug did)
Nat Arm +1
Int 7
Can deliver touch spells
As Harbug
Feat: Dodge

Krass Kargoth wrote:

I hate to ask this, but can I change the feat 'Step Up' to something else? It is the kind of mechanic that doesn't work with the pbp system at all -_- if not, I understand, but I've experienced the feat to be a hassle.

Benefit: Whenever an adjacent foe attempts to take a 5-foot step away from you, you may also make a 5-foot step as an immediate action so long as you end up adjacent to the foe that triggered this ability. If you take this step, you cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn. If you take an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 feet from your total movement.

Yes, feel free to change that one. It is a great mechanic, but you are right, in PbP it can be difficult to play. Although I see Harbug has already taken care of it

As for hit points, I think we were doing 1/2 + 1.

So, I am back in town, and we will be moving on shortly. I have a commitment to one of my other PbPs to remake the map I lost in the airport when I just slammed my laptop closed without saving, and then we can be off.

Look at the maps and tell me what you want to do. As a reminder, the walls have large burial creches in them, there are a half dozen ant mounds, and a hallway exiting opposite the side you entered on.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Sorry for the minimal posting, but it's the end of the semester and I'm dealing with end of class work and preparing for finals. I may not be able to post often until after 14 Dec.

I apologize for being quiet for so long. Been sick all week. I'll try and get caught up by this evening.

I'm going to put all my games on hiatus until Jan 2, starting tomorrow. I have family in town and I want everyone to enjoy (what they can) of theirs. If you care to post, feel free, but know that I won't be "pushing forward" until Jan 2 or everyone has had a chance to post.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good fight!

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

Have a good one and see you again in the new year! :)

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

No worries; take some time and relax. Have a great Christmas and New Year's!

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Given that we're level 3, I'm sure my XP total is wrong. What are we at now?

3509 XP

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

Just a heads up. I'm moving offices at work sometime this week, and I don't know if the I'll be able to access the forums as frequently. So my posting my drop a bit. Thought you should know.

Thanks for the heads up Tia. If we come to a point where we need to move on and haven't heard from you in a while, I'll DMPC you until you can make it back. Have fun with the move.

Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

Thanks. It's just during office hours that it may drop. At home shouldn't be a problem.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

It only struck me now, but maybe - just maybe - we should consider finishing this clicky legs part and then go back to town to sell all the junk we got and stock up on items? Sorry for interrupting the flow of combat.

A short list of items we could definitely use:
-Full-plate for Krass.
-Eventual armor upgrades for others.
-Masterwork weapons for those without those.
-Consumes for our casters such as:
~scrolls of spells you won't memorize everyday, but when you need them, you NEED them: remove paralysis, remove fear.
~potions: invisibility, gaseous form, lesser restoration, enlarge/reduce person.
~wands for spam-happy spells: cure light wounds, magic missile and if some of us can cast it: bless and shield of faith!

I'm sure I forgot stuff, but I feel that our approach is dragging down the effectiveness of our casters :)

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

For 2300, assuming we could find one, we can get a CL3 magic missile wand so that our cuddly froglok can spam 2D4+2 magic missile :) anyways, feel free to discuss it or wipe it off the table if you want to keep on pushing on!

This is a particularly hard fight, and you guys have had some terrible rolls. But, carry on good friends, for the time of victory is at hand!

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

I personally am not a big fan of the rather expensive nature of consumables. I tend to prefer items with greater reusability. If you think about it long term, we would get more use out of 2 pearls of power for that amount, 1 for Tia and 1 for Shabezz would mean both more missles, and more heals (restorations), and save 300gp that could go toward MW armor or weapons for the rest.

Potions and Scrolls for immediate need recovery, I understand.

As for protective upgrades, I would think Krass needs it the least, as he already gets hit the least. We have 3 meleers and two ranged. Our first defensive priority should be Harbug, since even with a Mage armor his AC is almost the lowest, but he's often right up front. In this case a wand of mage armor for him may be worth it's weight in cures we won't need to buy/produce.

That's just my assessment.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

I've learned to embrace the consumable and ignore the super expensive permanents, haha, but I've played so many wizards over the years that my view on it might be skewed ;-)

The problem with Harbug is that he needs some dedicated buffing once combat starts. A Shield of Faith is cheap and easy at 750 for 50 charges, but I don't think anyone can use it? Barkskin is a bit more expensive, but also helps a lot.

And I'm a personal fan of giving non-combat characters a reach weapon so that they can use an action to Aid Another. That +2 AC (even if just vs one attack) saves lives :D

But we'll need to inventarise first and see how much munnies we got!

Male Orc
Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

Yeah, I think Harbug's first purchase will be a reach weapon... though there is really only 1 option (longspear) as he doesn't get many proficiencies... Falchion is from his race, not class. Mage armor would do more than Shield of Faith BTW, Mage armor is 4 AC, shield of faith +2 (though it stacks with the haramaki for a total of +3), but Mage Armor is by the hour, whereas SoF is min/lvl.

Anyway, a masterwork longspear would be really nice =p (As would a masterwork falchion)

Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

I have no issue with what's been suggested. At the bare minimum, Shabbezz and Tialara need new wands and scrolls (definitely want that CL3 magic missile wand that Krass suggested, but I'll take a CL2 if costs don't permit it), all the melee combatants need better weapons, and I feel that everyone needs at least 1 healing potion for emergencies.

And I'm all for boosting Harbug's AC, but I feel that as the primary defender Krass should still get better armor if we can afford it.

Do you guys think a scroll of feather fall would be worth adding? Shabbezz doesn't really need it because of a racial ability, but it's an immediate action to cast if I add it to my spellbook and affects multiple targets at range. Could be useful if the rest of you take an unexpected drop.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

Feather Fall is an amazing spell to have when you can quick-cast it through the Arcane Bond ability, so my answer is a definite yes.

On armor and weaponry: Krass has a MW weapon, but currently is rocking some STR damage and needs another level to get Power Attack. PA will boost his damage output significantly, but once he hits 6 he will invest in the improved dirty trick chain. This should boost both the offense and defense of all the others - a blinded foe is a prime target for Angelica. He will NEED some heavy armor when he hits 5 tho so he gets his DR 3/-.

I'm also up for investing in some gear for Angelica, so that she doesn't melt away when things look her way. Rogues simply lack the base Fort save, d10/d12 HD and armor proficiencies to stand toe to toe with most baddies. A +2 armor of sorts together with the occassional buff would go a long way. My honest opinion is that rogues simply aren't good in combat (3/4 BAB, circumstantial damage forcing you to get BEHIND enemies, D8 HD, low base FORT save, light armor, and so on) until you can heavily invest in weapons and armor .. and even then, so if we want Angelica to shine there she'll require a bigger slice of the pie and I'm fine with that.

Krass 'only' needs heavy armor, a magic weapon so he can hit incorporeal and DR-happy foes and eventually a magic shield.

tl;dr we need more gold!! :D I'll go through the loot list later and (assuming we sell at 50%) make a preliminary assessment of the contents of our stuffed piggy.

Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

Financial update:

Assuming we sell all the items we have right now, we gain:
2289.5 gold pieces

This is without selling the following:
(unknown price):
1 Garnet
1 amethyst
1 brass comb
1 gemstone buttons
1 white pearl
1 coral
1 jet
7 gems
1 shallow pottery basin
1 antique bronze platter
6 gems and jewelry

We currently have 1634.52 gold pieces. So added together, that's some 3924 gold pieces and 2 pieces of copper! I got no idea how much the gems and such are worth tho.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

I appraised the 6 gems and jewelry in the game thread. Don't remember if I appraised any of the following, either way I will go through each one again. If I had already failed then just ignore that roll.

1 Garnet - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
1 amethyst - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
1 brass comb - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
1 gemstone buttons - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
1 white pearl - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
1 coral - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
1 jet - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
7 gems - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
1 shallow pottery basin - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
1 antique bronze platter - appraise 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Spellcraft on the loot:

  • Potion of Haste
  • Feather Token - Whip

    Appraise on gems:

  • Garnet - 75g
  • amethyst - 250g
  • brass comb - 30g
  • gemstone buttons - 75g
  • white pearl - 70g
  • coral - 60g
  • jet - 100g
  • gems(7) - 275g
  • shallow pottery basin - 250g
  • antique bronze platter - 100g
  • gems and jewelry - 80g

  • Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

    1365 from the gems and such .. check. Total when all is sold and put together: 5289 gold pieces.

    Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
    HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

    Just an FYI for everyone. Due to an unfortunate incident with a vampire, my work shift is changing from 0400 - 1230 Mon - Fri, to 1930 - 0400 Sun - Thur.

    Since I had designated Sundays to spend with my wife, this shift will cause me to not even turn on my computer during the weekends to spend as much time as possible with her. I will be able to post Sunday nights while at work, but it will be limited. During the week, I will mostly post at night, since I will probably be sleeping during the day. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's what I have to do.

    No worries. day, night, wahatever. And I rarely move things forward on the weekends anyways (cause I am usually spending time with my family).

    Male Orc
    Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

    That's kind of a crappy shift; good luck with whatever you're doing. We'll wait for you!

    Male Orc
    Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

    I may be remiss about posting for the next 4 days or so; I'm sitting the NY bar tomorrow and Wednesday, then I'll be getting on a plane on the 28th. (I'll try to check by at least on the 27th, but I may be completely out of it) so feel free to DMPC me if needed to move things along until this weekend.

    Good luck, sir! The bar is stressful (I have had several close friends take it), but I have complete confidence in you.

    Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

    The best of luck!

    Sorry I have been completely out of contact the last few days. Ice storm took out power and internet on Friday. We got power back Friday night, but still no internet at home. I will try and catch up today.

    Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

    My Skull & Shackles game died, and I have decided to scrap it and start over with Mummy's Mask. As such I have started an invite only recruitment thread, and everyone here is encouraged to apply to the game. I still have a few players from the previous game, so am only looking for 2 players. I may possibly need up to 4, based on whether all my S&S players are staying or not, in order to get a 6 person team.

    Link to the recruitment

    You guys are still waiting on a loot breakdown, right?

    Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
    HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

    I believe so, yes.

    Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

    Yep, still waiting.

    Here is the loot that I have for you guys in the Crow, so far. Note that the loot isn't very high for your level and experiences. That is largely because most of the loot for this is further on in the module.

  • 235g in mixed coins
  • 13 gems and jewelry (sell for 349gp)
  • silver horse statuette (sell for 175gp)
  • pottery basin (sell for 250gp)
  • bronze platter (sell for 100gp)
  • feather token whip (sell for 250gp)
  • 6 shortswords (sell for 30gp)
  • 6 studded leather armor (sell for 75gp)
  • 6 hand crossbows (sell for 300gp)
  • mwk shortsword (sell for 155gp)
  • mwk studded leather armor (sell for 87.5gp)
  • 30 hc bolts (sell for 1.5gp)
  • mwk light wooden shield (sell for 76gp)
  • mwk elven curve blade (sell for 190gp)
  • light crossbow (sell for 17.5gp)
  • 20 crossbow bolts (sell for 1gp)
  • backpack (sell for 1gp)

    Sell all for 2294 gp

    Keeping in the kitty until assigned

  • potion of haste
  • universal solvent
  • bracers of armor +2
  • 50' rope

  • Female Grippli Diviner (Scroll Scholar) 6 / Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 / AC 17*, touch 13*, flat 15 (mage armor) / HP 40 of 40 / Init +9 / Perc +8 (darkvision 60 ft) / Status: none

    Like I said elsewhere, I'll take the bracers of armor +2 for Shabbezz unless someone else wants them or they would be better of being sold for the good of the group.

    Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

    Actually, Angelica will take the 30 Hand crossbow bolts (and I will keep track of them better so I know whether I really am out or not).

    Male Orc
    Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

    Seems like we want to sell most of it that hasn't been claimed; then split it, grab a few miscellaneous items and head back in?

    I think we've been doing a split of N shares (with occasional "group" purchases like the wand of cure light wounds)...

    With Angelica taking the hand crossbow bolts, there's 2292g in stuff to split; that makes 458g 4s each for the 5 of us, unless we want to try and grab another wand (I recall the one we have being down to under 5 charges or so).

    Either way, Harbug will pick up a longspear (5gp) so he can attack from behind Krass (suffering cover penalties, but improving our tactics and average AC when facing enemies in hallways). I was thinking about getting a masterwork one, but realized that the +1 to hit is probably not worth 300g that could be spent on scrolls, potions or other magic that will be more useful in the long run.

    Male Hobgoblin Fighter 3 - 34/34HP - AC21/T13/F19 - F5 R3 W4 - +4 Perc - +2 Init - CMD18

    I'll take the mithral MW short sword .. and dump my MW short sword and silver short sword into the pool:

    Silver short sword: 15gp
    MW short sword: 155gp
    = 170 gp divided by 5 > 34gp each .. meaning ..

    492gp 4sp each ^^~

    Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

    Sorry, been spacey these last couple weeks, are we buying stuff with our shares now?

    Before we do so, it was suggested, and I agree that we could each put in a split for a wand of CLW. It's only 150 from each of us. Leaving us with 342.4 still.

    EDIT: I suggest Krass take the potion of Haste, giving him an extra attack/rnd might be a great idea. Maybe the Universal solvent to Shabbezz, since she is usually furthest back she can apply it to whoever needs it, and the melees have less risk trying to use in combat.

    Male Orc
    Witch (Beast Bonded) 5 || HP 21/37; AC 14 (T10/F14); F:+3,R:+1,W:+3; Init+0; Perc+1|+3 w/ Familiar) ----- Fang HP 36/36; AC 18 (T15/F15) F:+0,R:+3,W:+5;/Battle Form AC 14 (T11/F13); F:+1,R:+1,W:+5; Perc+5

    1) GM Bigrin--will we have any time to do quick shopping?

    2) Player Vote: (assuming time to do shopping): Buy a new (50 charge!) Wand of CLW (costs us 150g each)?

    I vote yes, and if we do get to do some quick shopping, Harbug is picking up a longspear (as stated above), and maybe a few scrolls. List spoilered, it's mostly notes to myself since I spent the time looking through the witch spell list. The ones I intend to purchase NOW are marked with $$ before their names.

    Scrolls; $$ is purchased this shopping trip--150g spent if GM approves:

    Lvl 1
    $$ Enlarge Person 25g
    $$ Frostbite 25g
    Inflict Light Wounds 25g
    Ill Omen 25g

    Lvl 2
    False Life 150g
    Frost Fall 150g
    Spectral Hand 150g

    Lvl 1
    $$ Burning Hands CL3** 75g
    $$ Comprehend Languages 25g

    Lvl 2
    Delay Poison 150g
    Fog Cloud 150g
    Glitterdust 150g
    See Invisibility 150g

    3) I agree with Angelica about the haste and universal solvent.

    4) Last thing: Are we resting for a night/8 hours/whatever such that we get back 1hp/lvl, 1 ability damage per stat and arcane casters can refresh/change spells? I'd say after shopping and resting (if we rest) we head back in immediately (barring unforeseen events while shopping/resting). Harbug doesn't need the rest, but I think Shabbezz was out of spells...

    NOTE TO SELF: If shopping trip happens, -155g for scrolls and longspear, -11g for prior money spent "from split" that I don't think I accounted for (and it's only 11g so w/e. If i did, then Harbug ate & drank well last night).

    Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

    I also say yes to the dres... er, CLW wand

    And I agree with not staying away for too long, except for one issue and it may just be me. I still have ability damage. One night will give me only 1 back, so to be fully/almost fully recovered I would need either a Lesser Resto, or another night.

    Also, bear in mind Harbug, the time/cost/skill checks required in adding spells to your Familiar (spellbook). I think it's a Spellcraft 16, 10gp, and 1 hour for a 1st level spell (off the top of my head, so could be +/- that). So based off what you want to learn, you also may need more time.

    You can take as much time as you want. Just remember that there is some urgency, as the Crow is basically undefended at this point. Also, as your direct superior in the Pathfinders, Shiela won't put up with too much delay. One day, maybe two at most.

    Female Catfolk Druid (Menhir Savant) 3
    HP: 21/21 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | AC: 14 (T 12/ F12) | Per: +8 | Init: +4

    Actually Angelica, if someone could give you Long-term care, you could recover 2 ability damage after 8 hours rest. It's only a Heal check vs DC 15.

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