Angelica Nenaviste |

Forget my question in the gameplay, I just read your answer before my last question here.
That said, that would be 1800 in coin, plus a 2500 gp item. Could I trade that all in for coin instead? I'm looking at a Mithril Breastplate (4200gp), and the reward together is 4300gp (plus selling my current MW Chain Shirt is another 125 gp back).

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Potion of Reduce Person: If you want it, it's yours. A tiny cleric is probably more useful physically than a tiny wizard anyway.
2 x Scroll of Magic Missile: We can sell these. The action economy doesn't make it worth it to find and read a scroll if the only effect is 1d4+1 damage. Better if I just bought a new wand or prepared it myself for the increased caster level.
Scroll of Summon Monster 1: Ditto for this. Low-level summons lose utility at the higher levels if they don't have any special abilities to make up for it. If it was higher I'd keep it to add to my spellbook, but as for right now I think I'll just hold out for a better scroll.
Scroll of True Strike: I actually do want to keep this. You never know when you absolutely have to make a shot count, and its a divination spell so it syncs with my arcane school's bonus spells.
Wand of Corrosive Touch: Sell it. I have a dagger for emergencies, but if I'm in melee all of my focus is going to be spent on getting out of melee as fast as possible. I'm not likely to hit anything in melee anyway.
Wand of Charm person: Two problems with this one. One, it's not on the cleric spell list unless you have the Charm domain, so you'd need to bump up your UMD skill to make it effective. And two, it is on the wizard spell list, but the caster needs to make an opposed Charisma check to get the subject to do anything that it wouldn't normally do, and Shabbezz's charisma is only 8 (-1). We could keep it if only to improve the attitude of captured enemies, but otherwise I doubt it's going to be very effective with these restrictions.
As for everything else, I'm still deciding on what I want to buy or pick from the lodge stores. I do know that I'm going to have Shabbezz try to add the scroll of web to her spellbook before we head out, though.

Zaphomil Collander |

@Shabbezz -- You're right about charm person only being sorcerer/wizard (Charm domain notwithstanding); I'm not sure how I forgot that. I must have gotten it confused with hold person.

Jakscar Steelclaw |

Ok so items over 100gp:
Agile breastplate +1 1550
Mstwk Duelling sword 320
Mstwk Short sword 310
Composite Shortbow +2 225
Total 2405
However as I have recorded exact cash left over (224.6), I think Zaph and I started at Lvl 3 wealth of 3000gp and I haven't really gained or lost anything, so would be fine with treating it as that. I have quite a lot of 50gp ish items.
As for the items:
The oil of light might be useful to me, unless i can work out a reasonable cost more permannent alternative, so i will take that.
Wouldn't mind swapping the +1 ranseur for a +1 duelling sword, but i don't have many plans for my share of the cash, so it might be of more use to Angelica if she is buying armour, and i will just buy one.
I will take the golembane scarab unless anyone else claims it.
Oh and I will take both the protection potions if not claimed.

DM Bigrin |

Okay, here is the link to the new loot sheet. Some of you may have seen this type of sheet before, but I'll explain it for everyone's sake.
The purpose of this sheet is to try and keep WBL roughly level at all times (or at least every time you have a chance to sell). It does this by taking into account loot that you have claimed, and everything that is for sale. It apportions out a higher percentage of the reward to those who have claimed the least treasure. Whenever you sell an item you have "claimed", you get to keep the full amount of sale (usually 50% of the cost), as it has already been attributed to you in the loot sheet.
For example, if none of you had claimed anything, and there was a 10000 gp reward, it would be split 5 ways - 2000 gp each. But, if Angelica had already claimed a 1500gp item, she would only get 800gp, while the rest of you would get 2300, making each of you have a "wealth" of 2300 gp. It looks complicated, but it is really quite straightforward once you figure it out.
The tabs across the bottom start with a Summary sheet, where you can get an overview of who has how much, and where you sit with respect to the WBL. From the current sheet, you can see that once loot is sold and distributed everyone is sitting at about 8000 gp (give or take) in wealth, BEFORE the free item is given out. Because Harbug basically hasn't claimed any loot, he will get a proportionally higher percentage of the pot once cash is distributed.
For claiming purposes, if you are holding onto something that is really for party usage, like CMW potions or a ring that gets passed back and forth, Party is the owner. If you are holding something that you are the primary benefactor on, like a weapon or scroll, then you are the owner, and it counts against your share.
Make sense? Any questions?

Jakscar Steelclaw |

Makes sense I think, just to confirm that means I have 781 + my stash of 224 to spend + my free item.
If anyone needs some cash, I am happy to lend as barring my free item, i will be saving for mithril full plate or similar, sometime in the distant future.

Jakscar Steelclaw |

As long as there is milk or cream. I am a cat after all!
Now i just have to work out my item choice,being that my weapon is sorted. I am thinking Hewards handy haversack, unless someone has a better suggestion. It isn't the most exciting, but i can't afford the exciting stuff yet.
Or I might take Pauldrons of the Serpent for 3000 if Bigrin will let me combine my 2500 gift and some money.
Also having the +1 duelling sword, means I can sell my mstwk one for 160gp I believe.

DM Bigrin |

It is telling that the Lord Canavan offered up an item from his personal stash, rather than a simple gold amount. It must mean something to him that you actually take an item. So no just trading it for an equivalent amount of gold. You could always take it and sell it (for half price, as usual), but it might not be a politic thing to do. Just take that into consideration.

Harbug the Slasher |

Questions for party/GM below! Look for the bold "Questions" section if you want to skip the wall of text!
Dug through the thread again, ½HD+1 was an HP option and (as I expected) it's the one I chose. (I search this every time we level).
HP +7 (Total 37) (½ 1d6=3+1=4+2 CON=6+1 Favored Class)
Spells Per Day: Gained 1 3rd level spell per day (1, 0 from Int)
Four new spells added to familiar (2 first level spells from scrolls--I think Harbug can spend the time learning those this night, and can take 10 on the spellcraft checks to do so as the DC is 15+spell level--and two third level spells from levelling up to 5th):
Enlarge Person
Dispel Magic
**Vermin Shape** **Ward of the Season** (This will depend on Shabbezz/Zaphomil's answer to the question below)
Feat: Probably EXTRA HEX (depends on DM and Party answer to question below); maybe Improved Familiar if not extra hex.
Skills: +4 Ranks
+1 Intimidate, Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth
Counts as Harbug lvl +1 (Current 5)
Gained HP (because Harbug did)
As Harbug
WBL Stuff:
Total wealth (prior to loot split): ~415g or so.
No items over 100g (Falchion and the CL3 Burning Hands are 75 each, and he's got around 200g cash, plus miscellaneous gear)
I'm rather shocked at how effective he's been with that, but I suppose 18 STR goes a long way at low levels. =)
Loot Distribution
If nobody wants the +1 weapon, Harbug would happily trade it for a +1 Falchion (surprisingly martial not exotic)! Probably better to let Jackscar get the dueling sword here though. Or if somebody wants the Ranseur--Cold Iron magic weapons are really good.
I agree with Zaphomil about the specific loot distribution otherwise; scrolls and wands that we want to keep go to people with the spell on list, sell the ones we don't (looking at you lvl 1 Wand of Corrosive Touch! And 2 potions of Guidance!) I could use a lot more perception, but let's be serious--+5 to Angelica's perception will save us a LOT more than Harbug acting in 15-20% of surprise rounds.
1) Question for Shabbezz or Zaphomil: Do either/both of you want to buy in for 1/3 of a Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell (3 uses/day, double duration of a spell < or = level 3)? I'm intending to use it for Mage Armor (10 hours!) and possibly Ward of the Season (immune to bleeds AND auto-healing under 0)! If you both are interested, I'd stick with just mage armor and we each pay 1000g (and I'll take Vermin Shape), if only one wants in, I'll pay 2000g and 'you' pay the other 1000 and I'll take Ward of the Season. Essentially, each player pays 1000g per use of the rod per day that they want to have.
2) Question for the party (and possibly for DM Bigrin):
I'm intending to try and purchase Cackling Hag's Blouse and take Extra Hex as a feat to grab the Fortune Hex. It will make Harbug sneaking impossible, but at the cost of using some standard actions to move (to keep people within 30' of me during combat) Harbug can keep Fortune Hex up on the party basically full time--so 1/round a d20 roll becomes roll twice and take the better roll every round... if DM Bigrin doesn't mind that, and the party wants it, I'd happily go for it, otherwise I'm not sure what I am going to do with Harbug's feat; maybe some other hex (e.g. Swamp's Grasp or Ward or maybe flight hex).
3) Question for DM Bigrin: Improved Familiar--If I were to take this feat, what would be required for choosing the new familiar (i.e. would there be some RP stuff or could I just choose one and the "how it happened" gets hand-waived)? Also, could I take the feat at level 5 and hold off until I am level 6 to take the improved familiar (since the Beast Bonded witch ability at 4th level counts me 1 level higher, I should, theoretically, be able to get a 7th level Improved Familiar at level 6.

DM Bigrin |

@Harbug - Answers to your questions (and more questions) below
2) I'm not seeing how that blouse gets you Fortune on the whole party full time. Am I missing something? Unless you intend to hex everyone up at the beginning of the day and cackle the entire day? Yeah, I'd nix that. I'm more likely to go with standard GM ruling of "you could potentially go an entire combat, but once dice rolls are over,so is the fortune hex."
3) New familiars are partially hand-waved, but also have an RP component. As for the feat, yuo'd need to wait until 7th level to get a 7th level familiar. The Enhanced Familiar ability only says that the level increase is for purposes of determining her familiar’s powers and abilities, not pre-requisites of obtaining the familiar.

Jakscar Steelclaw |

@DM Bigrin. No problems, thought i would check. As it happens there may be a way round it anyway (or have to be as checking my character sheet made me realise a duelling sword is exotic), if Harbug wants to trade the Ranseur instead and i get more money I could take the +1 duelling sword from Lord Canavan's stash (if he would have such a thing) and spend my other money.
Would that work with you?
@Harbug, that sounds a rather cunning ploy, it might not work brilliantly for Angelica as i don't know how far ahead she would have to be ahead to avoid your cackling warning everyone, but should work for the rest of us.

DM Bigrin |

@Jakscar and Harbug - letting Harbug get the +1 Falchion is approved, especially since I didn't realize the dueling sword was exotic. Loot sheet has been updated.
@everyone - Once you guys are happy with the loot distribution, I will give out final totals and then reset the loot sheet. I need a YES from each of you before I do that, so please take a moment and look things over.

Harbug the Slasher |

That's a YES from me.
Given that DM Bigrin nixed the "cackle all day" thing (I probably would too as a GM, it's silly, and it leads to stupid mechanics, and possibly leads to being fatigued--see the various "Hustle" sections at this link) I think I'll do something with my familiar. I sent Bigrin a PM to ask if I can modify Fang, but as with Shabbezz, I wanted to ask the party for an OK on it as well.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

@DM Bigrin: YES from me.
@Harbug: I am down for this idea, as it is a pain to keep spending an action to refresh mage armor by wand every combat. I'm donating 1000 gp for the cause.
Btw, if you want permission to modify Fang, it'd be pretty hypocritical of me to say no even if I wanted to object (which I don't), so go nuts.
@Everyone: I've been working and watching my nephews for the past three days (they've literally just left an hour ago) so I haven't tallied up my spoils yet, and I leave for work again in an hour so I won't be able to do it tonight. Tomorrow (Wednesday) I'm off, so I'll go over everything in detail and post my selections.
If you want to move it along before then, just assume Shabbezz agrees to everything that doesn't leave her broke or dead. ;)

Angelica Nenaviste |

Okay, I do not math well, or even see for reference which numbers Jak is even referring to with the 781 and 224.
Soooooo, could someone just tell me how much cash I have available? Also, to clarify, that does not include the free item 2500 gp that I can't take cash as cash?

Harbug the Slasher |

@DM Bigrin--can you confirm that Harbug is receiving 5308 additional gold (if the sheet does not change)? I want to start planning purchases.
@ANgelica--I think the 781 and 224 were: 224 is how much gold he had left on his character from before ("my stash of"); 781 is how much gold he was going to receive, but that number has now changed because he is not getting the +1 dueling sword as a swap for the ranseur; instead he is getting 2727g (from the line "gold given" in the Jakscar column). Quick math in my head says 2727-781 is about 2000g, which is about the value of a +1 weapon (ignoring masterwork cost and weapon cost) so it seems to have worked out approximately correctly.

Zaphomil Collander |

Is there any way to upgrade the gifted item with our cash? I'm not sure if that's been asked/answered. I'd love to have a headband of wisdom. Otherwise, I'll have to make my choice between a couple other items I'm thinking about or going with Harbug's idea.

Jakscar Steelclaw |

Ok so i would like to get a +1 duelling sword from the Lord's stash (2320gp) and buy a pair of 'Daredevil Softpaw boots' (1400gp) and a couple of CLW potions (you never know). Sell my mstwk duelling sword for 160gp and my old softpaw boots for 12gp.
If that is possible?
If not I have some other ideas.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Okay, for my money and item, I am picking a utility item and a slight armor upgrade.
For my Item, I am looking for a +1 Mithril Shirt (2100 gp)
For my money, I would like to buy a Handy Haversack (2000 gp). I am pushing too close to my medium load too often.
EDIT: Also, if I sell my current armor (MW Chain shirt) for 125 gp, can I buy 2 CLW potions?

DM Bigrin |

Angelica and Jakscar, good to go!
Okay, it looks like everyone is happy with the loot distribution. Make sure you keep track of your gear on your sheets. I am officially selling everything identified and handing out cash. It will go in your stash. Buy what you want with it and keep track of your change. The free items will go in separately.

Zaphomil Collander |

Hey, I just saw there's a field in the loot tracker that says "gold given." is that what I've got to spend? Because if so, I've got enough for that headband after all. Let me know if I'm reading this spreadsheet right, since I'm totally going to get that headband if I can.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Okay, after going over my total gold (4,339 gp + 80 gp, 1 sp = 4,419 gp, 1 sp), I've made my selection for what I want:
To start with, my chosen item for the free gift is a wand of magic missile (CL3, 50 charges), valued at 2,250 gp.
Then, I want to donate 1,000 gp to Harbug to go toward the cost of the metamagic rod of extend spell.
That leaves me with 3,419 gp, 1 sp to spend on myself. I want to purchase the following:
Mundane gear:
Parchment x18 3 gp, 6 sp
Powder x1 1 cp
Scroll box 5 gp
Trail rations x1 5 sp
= 9 gp, 1 sp, 1 cp
Magic items:
Handy haversack 2,000 gp
Scroll of detect undead 25 gp
Scroll of fireball 375 gp
Scroll of see invisibility 150 gp
= 2,550 gp total
Total cost of purchases: 2,559 gp, 1 sp, 1 cp
Total gold remaining: 3,419 gp, 1 sp - 2,559, 1 sp, 1 cp = 859 gp, 9 gp, 9 cp total remaining
*Made some edits, this is the final total.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

After some further deliberation (and a reminder of how screwed we were earlier by not carrying fire and light sources), if there's no objection I've decided to add the following mundane gear. If it's not cool, just let me know and I'll remove it:
Mundane gear:
Alchemist's fire x2 40 gp
Bedroll 1 sp
Blanket 5 sp
Candle x10 1 sp
Candle lamp 5 gp
Holy water x2 50 gp
Journal 10 gp
Scrivener's kit (ink vial, ink pen, spare pen nibs, container of pigment for making ink, tiny knife for cutting quills into pens, blotter, small ruler) 2 gp
Silk rope 10 gp
Smokestick x1 20 gp
Soap 1 cp
Sunrod x2 4 gp
Tanglefoot bag x1 50 gp
Tindertwig x10 10 gp
Torch x10 1 sp
Traveling spellbook 10 gp
Wooden holy symbol (Nethys) 1 gp
= 212 gp, 8 sp, 1 cp total
New total gold remaining: 859 gp, 9 sp, 9 cp - 212 gp, 8 sp, 1 cp = 647 gp, 1 sp, 8 cp total remaining

Harbug the Slasher |

Harbug has 5308 + 194g 2s 0c =
Harbug purchases:
2/3 of the Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell (split 1/3 - 2/3 with Shabbezz)....2000g
2x Pearl of Power I....2x1000g
5x Alchemist's Fire....100g
5x Acid Flask....50g
3x Holy Water....75g
Scroll of Remove Curse....375g
Free Item up to 2500g
Ring of Protection +1 (Value 2000g)
Spent: 4600; Remaining 902g 2s 0c
If anyone needs a loan so they can afford some larger/better piece of gear, Harbug will be willing to loan some of his remaining cash.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Jaks, no need to chip in on the Haversack.
I figure since I keep holding on to, or suggesting we keep, a bunch of little things for just in case, I have no problem being the one to bear that load (both cost and effort wise). Use your money for something else that will benefit you.
Reading that Lens of Detection, it's not something worn, despite taking the eyes slot. So is it only added to my Perception checks for active searches? If so, my default active search state will be using it, and will only not be using it if declared (or passive checks).
I don't know if you wanted an official declaration of gold spent, but mine was the Armor (free item), haversack (gold spent), and 2 CLW (after selling current armor). Also, getting rid of my belt pouches, should leave me with 34 gp.

Angelica Nenaviste |

This circular prism lets its user detect minute details, granting a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks. It also aids in tracking, adding a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks when tracking. The lens is about 6 inches in diameter and set in a frame with a handle.
Emphasis mine
The way it is described, it is a 6-inch across magnifying glass. Otherwise, wearing would look like the minions with the one lens, except over two eyes.

DM Bigrin |

Ah, now I see where the confusion lies. You are referring to the PRD, while I am referring to the updated Ultimate Equipment Guide version. In the UEG, they were placed in the eye slot as goggles.

Harbug the Slasher |

I put a link to an icon for Fang's battle form on my character sheet, I'm reposting it here for easy GM access.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Just a heads up, my main PC seems to be in its death throes and I'm trying to see if I can resuscitate it. Posting may be delayed until I can get a new setup in order, in which case use Shabbezz as needed until I can get it together again.