Angelica Nenaviste |

Heads up, I will be having cataract surgery tomorrow in one of my eyes. As such I will not likely be reading/writing much soon after. I may be silent this week (at the least).

DM Bigrin |

Just want to let everyone know that I am traveling next week for a MAJOR test/evaluation event for a software product my company develops. In the leadup to that, I am going to be really busy at work, and at home, prepping for the week-long trip. I may not be able to post reliably until after I am back.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Enjoy your trip.
Yeah, I thought it would take the readied and at least one more round.
Taking another (should be my last) level of Fighter.
It's hard to turn down the free feat vs. 1 more sneak attack (especially since everything in here is constructs or elementals).
1d10 ⇒ 10
BAB: +1
Fort: +1
Class Ability: Bonus Feat (Canny Tumble), Bravery +1
Skill Points (4):

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Have fun in California, Bigrin.
HP: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Bab: +1
Fort: +1
Ref: +1
Skill points (6)
Knowledge (Engineering)
Knowledge (Geography)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Planes)
I'm reserving declaring my two new spells for after I have some time to review the books.

Jam'Lamia Urthadar |

Jam will walk around the area to pick up all the Durable Arrows he shot. (They are the only kind of arrows I have so I didn't think to note that I was firing Durable Arrows)
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 2
+1 BAB
+1 to Fort., Refl., and Will.
(Point-Blank Shot modifier in parentheses)
Regular Attack: +8(+9)
Flurry of Blows Attacks: +6(+7)/+6(+7)/+1(+2)
(Made a mistake with my attack modifier. It's now corrected I believe)
Deadly Aim: -2(instead of -1) on all attack rolls for +4(instead of +2) on all damage rolls
Monk Feat - Weapon Specialization: Longbow +2 dmg
Slow Fall (Increased to 30ft)
Fast Movement - Total Speed increased to 50ft
Bonus Feat - Improved Precise Shot
Skill Ranks: 3 into Stealth; 1 into Perception

Zaphomil Collander |

HP: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Grr...
Here's a little nugget that I just discovered. Apparently, I didn't update my top field with my hp from the last time we leveled. So I was at 37 HP the whole time! So, now I'm at least at 42. It's better than 36.
Other leveling up goodness:
+1 BAB
+1 on all saves
+1 2nd level spell
+1 3rd level spell
Skill points: 4
1 into Perception
1 into Kno. (religion)
1 into Sense Motive
1 into Diplomacy

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

After some reflection, I've changed my mind about adding a skill point to Knowledge (Nature). I'm going to give it to Linguistics instead and learn Giant as my new language. I also forgot to add my extra skill point for gaining a new level, so I'll put that in Knowledge (Arcana).
So now its--
HP: 7
Bab: +1
Fort: +1
Ref: +1
Skill points (7)
Knowledge (Arcana)
Knowledge (Engineering)
Knowledge (Geography)
Knowledge (Planes)
Languages: Giant
Thanks to Hero Lab, I've also noticed that when I did my last rebuild of Shabbezz I forgot to include the two free 1st-level spells that should have been added to her spellbook when she hit level 2, so I'm remedying that right now.
1st—shield, summon monster I
And for the two spells I've gained this level, I'm taking dispel magic and haste.
So my current spellbook is now--
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic, fireball (DC 17), haste, lightning bolt (DC 17)
2nd—flaming sphere (DC 16), glitterdust (DC 16), gust of wind (DC 16), locate object, see invisibility, web (DC 16)
1st—burning hands (DC 15), comprehend languages, detect secret doors, detect undead, floating disk, grease, identify, mage armor, magic missile, shield, sleep (DC 15), summon monster I
0—all 0-level spells except for Illusion and Necromancy

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to post for the rest of the week.
My father was struck by a car today while walking the dog. He's in the ICU right now and it's too early to say for sure if he'll be okay.
I'm sorry about this, but I need to be with my family right now. I'll update you all on the situation as I am able.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Thank you all for your patience.
My father got a broken leg, a severe concussion with bleeding in his frontal lobe, and about three dozen cuts and abrasions, but (thank God) he pulled through. He was in agony and pretty drugged up for a week, and they had to wait three days his brain to heal enough so that they could operate on his leg. His short-term memory is still shot to hell, although they said that would probably get better over time.
It could have been worse though. He was struck by a car turning left at ten miles an hour, and if it hadn't stopped immediately or if he had been a larger man they said he would have been killed. As it was, the fender shattered his leg and he bounced off the hood and then struck his head on the asphalt. He doesn't remember any of it.
The dog came home five hours later. He is fine.
Anyway, Dad was moved into the rehab wing of the hospital today, and he still has a long road to recovery, but he should improve over time. Things feel stable enough, so I will start posting again.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Traveling for the week, but booked a place with wifi. So, as long as my laptop cooperates, I should be able to post regularly. More than usual, potentially, given I have nothing much else to do after work each day. :)

Angelica Nenaviste |

Sorry, I had access, but it was very spotty, and wasn't reliable enough to not piss me off if I lost a post, not to mention I had less time that I thought. The combination of the two made my posting limited. Then, since my return, been busy catching up with work and plumbing issues at home.

Jakscar Steelclaw |

Without shelling out, (which seems a bit much for one game) it looks like I won't be able to access Roll20 from my phone, which may lessen my opportunities to see the map. However that shouldn't be too hard to work around. I will just have to be organised and check via the laptop more often. Happy to give it a go.

DM Bigrin |

What do you mean without shelling out? Are you talking about the Pro subscription to allow players to access from mobile devices? I have already done that. I've been running games on Roll20 for years. It is only a couple of my paizo holdouts that haven't completely switched over yet.
Tell you what, I'm going to invite you guys to a Roll20 map and see what you think. In the meantime, I'll try and recover that maptool map and we can move forward.

Jakscar Steelclaw |

Sorry, yes that was what I meant, didn't realise you already had. I have reported in, it isn't the easiest on a phone, but good enough to fill in when I can't use the home computer. I have used it for a previous game (before they stopped access at work) and found it pretty good, so I am happy if it makes your life easier.

DM Bigrin |

So, Shabbezz, have you had a chance to check into the Roll20 game yet? Everyone else has done so.
I have assigned everyone control over their token in Roll20. You can only see what your character can see, so lighting influences everything. If you are having a hard time, or don't think you'll be able to do this, let me know and I'll rebuild the campaign in an older version of Maptool.
Honestly, I'd rather run in Roll20, but if it's a pain for you guys then we won't do it. Either way, I want to start the next section this weekend at the latest, so I need to know where to spend my time.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Sorry, entirely my fault, I allowed myself to get distracted this week. I am in as Bob Evil, but I'm just seeing a lot of black on the map at the moment.

Zaphomil Collander |

I can see you. It's probably because Bigrin hasn't linked your token with your account yet.
Speaking of seeing, I like the lighting effects, but gnomes have low-light vision. I think I should be able to see farther than that.

Angelica Nenaviste |

Okay, never really used it that much before, but it looks like I have 45' of light, and 20' of shadow (maybe it's just a scaling thing). But I only have darkvision, so can't see anything past 60' (or human ranges with a light source) and there should be no shadowy within it.

Shabbezz Whorlpad |

Thanks Bigrin. I'm still seeing just blackness on Roll20, but I'm assuming that will change once we get moving (I have darkvision 60 feet as well).