DM Alexander Kilcoynes Carrion Crown Game (Inactive)

Game Master Alexander Kilcoyne

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M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis will immediately detect evil on both Kendra and this new woman, staring at both intently.

Afterwards he finally seems to comprehend that the group will be splitting.

Your going to leave? Just like that? He says to Corinne.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Stannis will immediately detect evil on both Kendra and this new woman, staring at both intently.

Afterwards he finally seems to comprehend that the group will be splitting.

Your going to leave? Just like that? He says to Corinne.

It doesn't matter Stannis, they must choose their own path, if it is not to be with us so be it. Our path is clear...we go back to the prison as soon as possible and destroy the evil that lies within, unless we track the undead professor first and destroy him. Quiddling, are you still with us? I know it is a lot to take in but we could use your help?

Turning to Arianna, Your suspicions are well founded in these times, I am Sarrah. Sorry we don't have time for nicities but can you tell us more about what happened with the professor?
She seems to have moved on from the group that is leaving and no longer has time for them...

Human (Varisian)

"The professor's body is at rest again...and currently in the basement if I remember right." she says, as she continues with her cards.

Drawing a card for the Harrowed Feat 1d6 ⇒ 4 Ok, INT based skill it is...

"As to what happened, you might get more information out of Kendra, I opened the door and he beat the hell out of me." she says, wincing a bit from pain in her ribs.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Do either of you need healing?

"The professor, risen as an undead?!" Shock seems to be the only reaction the halfing is capable of, each defeat weighting heavy on his shoulders and wearing his wits thin. "You must do something! You must bless the body. Lay it to rest!" he pleads in a rapid pace, the words almost stumbling over one another as his eyes dart between Sarrah and Stannislav.

Human (Varisian)

"If you have any to spare, I would be quite appreciative."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Your going to leave? Just like that? He says to Corinne.

"'Just like that?'" she repeats hotly. "You may have come out of our little excursion unscathed, but half of us weren't as lucky. It's like being buried alive, with your own body as your tomb; you can't speak or move, but you're aware of everything...! Never mind: you'll find out if you're fool enough to keep your word. You'll dwindle away to nothingness until you wink out like a candle flame, and your extinction won't even serve a purpose. Once you're used up, she will be too, and the evil spirits will sweep out their imprisonment just the same. Well, Morven and I will be far away when that happens. Kendra, is there a coach first thing in the morning?"

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Corinne Dunbar wrote:
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Your going to leave? Just like that? He says to Corinne.
"'Just like that?'" she repeats hotly. "You may have come out of our little excursion unscathed, but half of us weren't as lucky. It's like being buried alive, with your own body as your tomb; you can't speak or move, but you're aware of everything...! Never mind: you'll find out if you're fool enough to keep your word. You'll dwindle away to nothingness until you wink out like a candle flame, and your extinction won't even serve a purpose. Once you're used up, she will be too, and the evil spirits will sweep out their imprisonment just the same. Well, Morven and I will be far away when that happens. Kendra, is there a coach first thing in the morning?"

Remember who made a deal for his own soul to set you should be ashamed of yourself!

I would flee far away if I was you Corinne, if the spirit escape from that prison they will be ranging far looking for souls such as yours to consume.
If you are not going to be of any further help to our cause you should leave or at least stay out of the way.

Sarrah examines the wounds on Arianna and Kendra...
Take a 10 for a 16 total to see what wounds they have and how much healing they need.

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
Sarrah Kayden wrote:

Remember who made a deal for his own soul to set you should be ashamed of yourself!
I would flee far away if I was you Corinne, if the spirit escape from that prison they will be ranging far looking for souls such as yours to consume.
If you are not going to be of any further help to our cause you should leave or at least stay out of the way.

"I'm trying to leave," Corinne erupts back at Sarrah. "If there's not a coach available tomorrow, I'll just start walking! As for Stannis ...," she goes on more quietly, with an uncomfortable look at the paladin, "I do owe him for making her let me go. But a person can be grateful for being rescued from a burning building and still tell her rescuer he's a fool seeking his own death to turn around and go back in."

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis seems to have no answer to Corinne's .. vehemence. Retreating wordlessly before the onslaught he goes to check the professor's body viewing it with detect evil.

Quiddling follows Stannis eager to escape the confrontation between Sarrah and Corinne. His head swirls with the days events and a voice in the back of his head is calling for him to make up his mind on what to do next. "You can make this right, can't you?" he asks the paladin on the way hoping to get a reassuring anwser.

Your Humble Narrator
Sarrah Kayden wrote:

Take a 10 for a 16 total to see what wounds they have and how much healing they need.

Kendra is down seven and can barely stand. Arianna is also down 7.

Kendra simply watches the heated exchange with a soft sigh, then tears slowly begin to form in her eyes. She softly almost-whispers her wishes.

They are free to go, Stannis. Corinne, if you would be so kind as to write to me once you are back in an established location i'll have the money in Lorrimor's will sent on to you and Morven. As for Theodric... Would someone please take him to the church? I think he needs some long term care...

As for my fathers body... It must have risen in the Restlands and walked all the way here... I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to alarm the town or raise further suspicion on both you and my father...

The Professor's broken body radiates no evil aura anymore.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sarrah channels the divine power of Pharasma to help Kendra and Arianna.
channel positive energy 1d6 ⇒ 2
channel positive energy 1d6 ⇒ 4

Sarrah then goes down to the basement and looks at the body, she is curious to see if it was animated via a spell or something else...
knowledge religion 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
spellcraft 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Your Humble Narrator

Sarrah can't tell exactly what animated the Professor as now his damaged corpse is completely non-magical.

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Kendra simply watches the heated exchange with a soft sigh, then tears slowly begin to form in her eyes. She softly almost-whispers her wishes.

They are free to go, Stannis. Corinne, if you would be so kind as to write to me once you are back in an established location i'll have the money in Lorrimor's will sent on to you and Morven. As for Theodric... Would someone please take him to the church? I think he needs some long term care...

Corinne wilts a little as Kendra addresses her. "I'm not abiding by the terms of your father's will by running away, Kendra; I'll lay no claim to it. If the others agree to it, however," she goes on, whispering so Morven can't hear, "it would be kind to provide a share to Morven; regaining his sight won't come cheaply. And I'll be burned alive if that Father Grimburrow will extend any sort of charity to poor Theodric at less than market value." She hesitates. "I'm sorry, Kendra; really, I am. But your father overestimated me if he thought I had the wherewithal to step up and be a hero."

Your Humble Narrator
Corinne Dunbar wrote:
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Kendra simply watches the heated exchange with a soft sigh, then tears slowly begin to form in her eyes. She softly almost-whispers her wishes.

They are free to go, Stannis. Corinne, if you would be so kind as to write to me once you are back in an established location i'll have the money in Lorrimor's will sent on to you and Morven. As for Theodric... Would someone please take him to the church? I think he needs some long term care...

Corinne wilts a little as Kendra addresses her. "I'm not abiding by the terms of your father's will by running away, Kendra; I'll lay no claim to it. If the others agree to it, however," she goes on, whispering so Morven can't hear, "it would be kind to provide a share to Morven; regaining his sight won't come cheaply. And I'll be burned alive if that Father Grimburrow will extend any sort of charity to poor Theodric at less than market value." She hesitates. "I'm sorry, Kendra; really, I am. But your father overestimated me if he thought I had the wherewithal to step up and be a hero."

Kendra waves her hand wearily.

Its fine, Corinne. I'll ensure the priest is fair to Theodric, if necessary I can pay for his care out of the money Father left for him. Would everyone like to calm down while I make us all a hot drink before we retire for the evening? Its been a long day for you it seems...

Very well Corinne; your share can go towards restoring poor Morven's sight.

Your Humble Narrator

Kendra looks very uncomfortable at the heated exchange and whispers to Arianna (DC20 Perception check to listen in)-


Looks like they've had a tough time of it, make no mistake... I'm sorry for their behaviour. I understand if you don't want to honour my fathers last wishes either...

Human (Varisian)
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Kendra looks very uncomfortable at the heated exchange and whispers to Arianna (DC20 Perception check to listen in)-

** spoiler omitted **

DM AK or Perception DC 20:
"It just not my honor at stake, Kendra. My grandmother and I made a deal with your father, grandmother is too ill to honor that bargain, but I am not. So I am here, whatever needs to be down."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

Corinne bustles about getting Morven settled into a comfortable chair. You get the feeling fussing over him gives her something to do that distracts her from her recent experience -- and from her own shame at abandoning the others. "'Poor Morven' indeed. Poor the rest of them! We'll be fine; we're getting away," she mutters.

"Is he at peace?" Quiddling asks from his sanctuary behind Stannislav. "... or is he going to rise again?" he adds with a quiver in his voice. "Should be bring him to Father Grimburrow? Maybe he will know what to do. I mean, if you don't"

Assuming that Quiddling is returned from the basement when Kendra talks to Corinne:
There's a flicker of light in Quiddling's eyes as Kendra offers a drink. "I could certainly go for a drink. A glass of cognac or whiskey would do wonders for my nerves at this point."

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18.

Your Humble Narrator

Kendra serves drinks for everyone who wishes one, seeking to be as accomodating as possible in light of the circumstances. To Corinne, she says-

Transport out of Ravengro could be arranged tomorrow morning; we could have you in a carriage by midday.

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"Thank you," Corinne replies a little stiffly, obviously still a bit ashamed of herself for leaving. The intervening period between declaring she's going and actually being able to leave is socially awkward.

Quiddling sits silently trying to process the evening events while sipping on his drink and hoping that somebody breaks the awkward silence.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

In the basement with Stannis and the body, Stannis, we need to find out who is scraling the letters or go back to the prison tonight, I don't know that there is time to waste. What do you think we should do?

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)
Quiddling Cane wrote:

"Is he at peace?" Quiddling asks from his sanctuary behind Stannislav. "... or is he going to rise again?" he adds with a quiver in his voice. "Should be bring him to Father Grimburrow? Maybe he will know what to do. I mean, if you don't"

I think his body is at rest again. I can't feel any evil coming from it.

To Sarrah. If the warden's wife was tellng the truth the spirits are still locked in the prison. How then did they write the letters?

Stannis looks a bit overwhelmed but is clearly trying to get it under control.

I think we can only count on the three of us. Perhaps Quiddling has an idea how we can lay a watch on the town tonight. I want to return to the prison as soon as we can but I fear not knowing what is writing the letters might kill us. As well we still need to protect Kendra.

Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

I think his body is at rest again. I can't feel any evil coming from it.

Quiddling looks a bit relieved but not fully content. "Are you sure? Can you bless him or something? To make sure that he stays this way."

Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

I think we can only count on the three of us. Perhaps Quiddling has an idea how we can lay a watch on the town tonight. I want to return to the prison as soon as we can but I fear not knowing what is writing the letters might kill us. As well we still need to protect Kendra.

"Before tonight i would have been certain that whomever is spelling out the name of the warden's wife in blood was a resitent in this town but now i'm not sure. I'm not an expert in ghosts and spirits. I don't know what they are capable of, but right now it wouldn't surprise me if the Splatter man", Quiddling's voice quivers abit as he says the name "is not going this on his own. Or if somebody in town is helping him, but who would help such a thing?", he finishes with an alarmed expression.

Your Humble Narrator

Arianna here has agreed to help you- she was also mentioned in my fathers will but arrived too late for the funeral. So are you to investigate the letters tonight, or will you be returning to that awful place? Kendra asks as she serves drinks.

Anyone Wounded By The Burning Brands:

Despite the healing provided by Sarrah, the angry scars where you were branded have not healed over despite the positive energy. This is not normal, scars usually disappear when subject to magical healing...

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"I'll be staying here," Corinne insists. "You never know, there could be more zombies," she explains lamely, trying to come up with a reason other than cowardice for her staying behind. "And Morven and Theodric are in no condition to defend Kendra."

Human (Varisian)

"Not knowing fully what you have been through, I am willing to abide by whatever the remaining three decide for the next course of action." Arianna says, sipping from her cup.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

This might have already been stated but I missed it until I decided to reread our info as I'd forgotten it all.

Previous Info wrote:

Professor Feramin was a celebrated scholar of Anthroponomastics (the study of personal names and their origins) at the Quartrefaux Archives in Caliphas. Yet an accidental association with a succubus twisted and warped his study, turning it into an obsession. Feramin became obsessed with the power of a name and how he could use it to terrify and control. Soon enough, his reputation was ruined, he’d lost his tenure, and he’d developed an uncontrollable obsession with an imaginary link between a person’s name and what happens to that name when the person dies. Every few days, he would secretly arrange for his victim to find a letter from her name written in blood, perhaps smeared on a wall or spelled out with carefully arranged entrails. Once he had spelled his victim’s name, he would at last come for her, killing her in a gory mess using a complex trap or series of rigged events meant to look like an accident.

Now Stannis simply isn't bright enough to make this connection but it seems the Splatter Man is behind the vandalism and importantly we can expect it to happen every few days. So Stannis' plan of stakeing out the site probably isn't a good one at least tonight.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)
Arianna Sirmikova wrote:
"Not knowing fully what you have been through, I am willing to abide by whatever the remaining three decide for the next course of action." Arianna says, sipping from her cup.

Stannis looks at Arianna in surprise. So you wish to aid us? After what you've heard? His subsequent look of suspicion is poorly hidden. Why? How can you help. Forgive me but you do not appear to be a warrior.

Your Humble Narrator

Remember, any information you have found relevant to these spirits is available in this profile (along with my house rules, etc.).

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Thats where I found it :)

Human (Varisian)
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Stannis looks at Arianna in surprise. So you wish to aid us? After what you've heard? His subsequent look of suspicion is poorly hidden. Why? How can you help. Forgive me but you do not appear to be a warrior.

"I understand your suspicions, but I do have my reasons."

The young woman smiles at the questioning knight...

"As to why I am willing to join you, the good professor aided my family a few years back, I fully intend to try and return the favor. What can I offer you?" she says gesturing to the group as a whole, "I have a few tricks of an arcane nature which may be useful to your group."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"Hmph, tricks!" Corinne mutters angrily from her chair. "Morven and I were classically trained, but I'm sure her tricks will prove helpful."

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Morven grunts in agreement, sitting close to Corinne and struggling to drink a hot beverage without spilling it over himself.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Arianna Sirmikova wrote:
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Stannis looks at Arianna in surprise. So you wish to aid us? After what you've heard? His subsequent look of suspicion is poorly hidden. Why? How can you help. Forgive me but you do not appear to be a warrior.

"I understand your suspicions, but I do have my reasons."

The young woman smiles at the questioning knight...

"As to why I am willing to join you, the good professor aided my family a few years back, I fully intend to try and return the favor. What can I offer you?" she says gesturing to the group as a whole, "I have a few tricks of an arcane nature which may be useful to your group."

You don't have to look like a warrior to have the heart of one you big oaf! Sarrah smacks Stannis on the shoulder.

If you have arcane skills, you probably know more than most of us about magical powers and such. I for one would welcome any help that is offered. Sarrah glares at Corinne, hoping her useless comments will cease.

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"More than most of you, anyway," Corinne mutters again, as Sarrah's hopes go unfulfilled.

Human (Varisian)
Corinne Dunbar wrote:
"Hmph, tricks!" Corinne mutters angrily from her chair. "Morven and I were classically trained, but I'm sure her tricks will prove helpful."

Arianna glares at Corinne, and would have at Morven too, if it would have done any good...

"And we see what good your 'classical' training has done you as you run home with your tail tucked between your legs. At least the scarred man and half-orc have legitimate reasons for not continuing...your reason is solely cowardice."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"Cowardice!?" Corinne replies angrily, half-rising from her chair. "Let another being come inside you and control your body, your voice, your very blinking and breathing, and then talk to me about my reasons for leaving! Have you ever heard of a magic jar among your many 'tricks?' Except in that case, when someone steals your body, they have the decency to put you somewhere else where you're not along for the ride. Your mind is safely in a gem or a crystal, not being crushed and suffocated by her thoughts, her feelings, her memories! I'll never be rid of her, don't you understand? Even when the Splatter Man has utterly destroyed her, her footprints will still be in my mind." She is blinking back tears by the time her outburst is complete. "I never claimed to be a hero; never wanted to be one. I don't know why the Professor summoned me here. He must have hated me more than I ever knew...."

Human (Varisian)

Arianna forcibly calms herself down and begins to feel a bit of pity for the frightened woman...

"Those who set out to become heroes, seldom become them. I doubt that the professor hated you, Corrine. I would think that he had a great deal of faith in you and your abilities, or else why would he have entrusted his daughter's well being to you and the others his final wishes have called here."

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)
Arianna Sirmikova wrote:

Arianna forcibly calms herself down and begins to feel a bit of pity for the frightened woman...

"Those who set out to become heroes, seldom become them."

Heh, she has the right of it there. We were talking about this just the other night, Corinne and I. I said i'd become a hero or die in the process. I didn't expect there to be a third pathway...

"Please, this argument has no winners. We shouldn't fight among ourselves, especially as an evil lurks at the outskirts of town. Those who will stay stays and those who will go goes. That's all there is to it. What we need is to sit down and decide how we are going to stop this splatter man from escaping his bonds", Quiddling interjects hoping to draw and end to the argument and shift the focus back to the bigger problem at hand.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Quiddling Cane wrote:
"Please, this argument has no winners. We shouldn't fight among ourselves, especially as an evil lurks at the outskirts of town. Those who will stay stays and those who will go goes. That's all there is to it. What we need is to sit down and decide how we are going to stop this splatter man from escaping his bonds", Quiddling interjects hoping to draw and end to the argument and shift the focus back to the bigger problem at hand.

We have no way of finding this creature or knowing where he is going to strike next, maybe we should just head back to the prison?

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"He ... he can't be out yet," Corinne reasons. "That's what she's doing, holding him there. That's why he's trying to destroy her. But he is ... could he be influencing someone or something in town to do his will? To write these letters for him?" She shakes her head. "You could try to find the one writing the letters, but if he can influence one village idiot, there is certainly no shortage of them in Ravengro; he'll only find another. The Splatter Man is in the prison, somewhere, but I know of no way to kill a ghost. Unless our new friend has a 'trick,'" she adds sardonically.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis rubs the mark on his neck absently and nods at Quiddling's words.

Yes. What matters now is stopping the spirits. Thats all that matters.

To Sarrah I am willing. Would the brass ... thing help to proide answers? Or is just another danger to be avoided?

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Stannis rubs the mark on his neck absently and nods at Quiddling's words.

Yes. What matters now is stopping the spirits. Thats all that matters.

To Sarrah I am willing. Would the brass ... thing help to proide answers? Or is just another danger to be avoided?

It my be just the time duration but I can't remember what you are referring to...the brass "thing" ?

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
Sarrah Kayden wrote:
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Stannis rubs the mark on his neck absently and nods at Quiddling's words.

Yes. What matters now is stopping the spirits. Thats all that matters.

To Sarrah I am willing. Would the brass ... thing help to proide answers? Or is just another danger to be avoided?

It my be just the time duration but I can't remember what you are referring to...the brass "thing" ?

Ouija board kind of thing we found way back at the beginning. In the crypt, I think. I have no clue how to use it, though.

From page 6:

Haunt Siphon:

Aura faint necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These glass vials are held within stylized cold-iron casings etched with strange runes, necromantic designs, or other eldritch markings. Within the vial roils a small wisp of white vapor, churning as if caught in a miniature vortex of air. To capture a haunt’s energies within a haunt siphon, you need only twist the metal casing to open the vial in the same round that the haunt manifests (a standard action)—this can be before or after the haunt has acted. You must be within the haunt’s area of influence to use a haunt siphon. When you activate a haunt siphon, it deals 3d6 points of positive energy damage to a single haunt.

If it deals enough damage to the haunt to reduce the haunt’s hit points to 0, the mist inside the haunt siphon glows green—if it does not reduce the haunt to 0 hit points, the haunt siphon is still expended and becomes nonmagical. It may take multiple haunt siphons to destroy powerful haunts. A haunt that is neutralized by a haunt siphon takes a –5 penalty on its caster level check to manifest again after its reset time passes.

A haunt siphon that neutralizes a haunt can no longer be used to harm haunts, but it can be used as a grenadelike splash weapon that deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage with a direct hit. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the haunt siphon hits takes 1 point of negative energy damage from the splash.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure moderate
wounds, gentle repose; Cost 200 gp
Spirit Planchette:

Aura moderate divination; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 4,000 gp (brass planchette),
10,000 gp (cold iron planchette), 18,000 gp
(silver planchette); Weight 5 lbs.
A spirit planchette is typically found in a wooden case along with a thin wooden board printed with numerous letters and numbers. Nonmagical versions of these divination tools can be purchased in curiosity shops (typically costing 25 gp); while these items can be used as alternative components for augury spells, only magical spirit planchettes allow users to communicate with the other side. Three types of spirit planchettes exist—brass, cold iron, and silver. Each in turn allows an increasingly potent form of divination effect to be utilized. A spirit planchette requires a board to move upon, but this “board” can be made up of letters scribed upon any smooth surface—it need not be a prepared board for a spirit planchette to work.

To use a spirit planchette, you must rest your fingers lightly upon the planchette’s surface and then concentrate on the planchette (as if maintaining a spell with a duration of concentration) for 2d6 rounds while the planchette attunes itself to the ambient spirits of the area. After this time, the planchette begins to slowly slide in random patterns across the board — at this point, questions may be asked of the spirits by any of the individuals involved in the séance. The consequences of each question asked of the spirits depends upon what type of planchette is used for the divination, as summarized on the table below. The spirits reply in a language understood by the character who asked the question, but resent such contact and give only brief answers to the questions. All questions are answered with “yes,” “no,” or “maybe,” or by spelling out a single word from the letters arranged on the board. The spirits answer each question either in the same round the question is asked (in the case of a yes, no, or maybe answer) or at a rate of one letter per round (in the case of a single word being spelled out). A spirit planchette may be used once per day—the maximum number of questions you can ask with it depends on the type of planchette being used (as detailed on the table below).

Communication with spirits can be a dangerous task, for many spirits are jealous or hateful of the living. Every time a spirit planchette is used, the user must succeed on a Will save to avoid being temporarily possessed and harmed by the angry spirits. In some areas where the spirits are particularly violent or hateful (such as in Harrowstone), this Will save takes a –2 penalty. The DC of this save depends on the type of spirit planchette being used. Anyone who fails the Will save becomes confused for a number of rounds (depending on the type of planchette being used), and no answer is received. The spirits in the area are not omniscient — the GM should decide whether or not the spirits would actually know the answer to the question asked, and if they do not, the answer granted is automatically “maybe.” If the GM determines that the spirits are knowledgeable about the answer, roll d% to determine whether the spirits speak truthfully or whether they lie.

Spirit Planchettes

Questions - 1
Will Save DC - 11
Confusion Duration - 1 round
True Answer - 01-60
Lie - 61-100

Cold Iron
Questions - 3
Will Save DC - 15
Confusion Duration - 2 rounds
True Answer - 01-75
Lie - 76-100

Questions - 5
Will Save DC - 19
Confusion Duration - 3 rounds
True Answer - 01-90
Lie - 91-100

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, contact other plane, speak
with dead; Cost 2,000 gp (brass spirit planchette), 5,000 gp
(cold iron spirit planchette), 9,000 gp (silver spirit planchette)
Your spirit planchette is brass.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Yes the planchette. Seems a way to derive some information although I'd like to make sure we've exhausted what the warden's wife knows as well.

Stannis produces the planchette and holds is up for Arianna to see.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Yes the planchette. Seems a way to derive some information although I'd like to make sure we've exhausted what the warden's wife knows as well.

Stannis produces the planchette and holds is up for Arianna to see.

That "thing" is dangerous. We should only use it if we have to. We have some information from the warden's wife, we know what we have to destroy the spirit of the splatter man to stop the other spirits from escaping. Let's go find this evil thing and rid the world of it.

Sarrah begins to throw her pack on her back.

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Current Characters

Arianna Sirmikova

Human (Varisian)

played by Talomyr (362 posts)
Rakshasa Maharajah
DM Dan E

played by Dan E (2,791 posts)
Quiddling Cane

played by Patrik Ström (220 posts)
Sarrah Kayden

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

played by terok (176 posts)
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

played by Dan E (189 posts)

Current NPCs

Corinne Dunbar

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

played by Joana (118 posts)
Man in Mask
DM Alexander Kilcoyne

Your Humble Narrator

played by Alexander Kilcoyne (7,526 posts)
Morven Greigor

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

played by Alexander Kilcoyne (154 posts)

Previous Characters

Dan E

(384 posts)
Diseased Rat
Liberty's Edge Jeremiziah

Male Rat Editor 3/Grammarian 3
(2,109 posts)
Divine Crusader

(12,110 posts)
Patrik Ström

(1,100 posts)

(486 posts)
Spectral Dragon
Liberty's Edge stardust

(1,810 posts)
The Master of Heresy

(1,043 posts)
Half-Orc Warrior

Male English Project Manager 13th
(142 posts)

GM Tanner

played by Tanner Nielsen (210 posts)
Eldran Tesh
Malthir Al Dagon

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16
played by terok (2,190 posts)

Previous NPCs

Ekaym Smallcask
Sovereign Court Alexander Kilcoyne

(4,709 posts)
Life Stealer
Theodric Mikalos

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |
(95 posts)