Rakshasa Maharajah

DM Dan E's page

2,791 posts. Alias of Dan E.

Full Name

(Master of Gnolls)

About DM Dan E

Email dfedwards2001@yahoo.com.au

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Kelmarane Map


Undrella's list of enemy forces in the upper town:

Battle market


Kardswann (upper levels)
Ugruk (flind sub-chief) (upper levels)
“Flame witch” (upper levels)
Personal guard of 12-15 gnolls armes with axes and either spears or bows (split into several units on different levels). Undrella notes 3 main guardposts.
Gnoll bartender (ground floor)


Human slavers and traders (currently 8?) (ground floor)
3 Bugbears (ground floor)
Hurvank (ogre wrestler) (ground floor)

Upper town

12-18 gnolls armed with axes and some bows (in various buildings near the battle market)
2 gnoll trackers / animal handlers (guardhouse)
? hyenas (Undrella is sketchy on the number of these but thinks you’ve killed the majority, these range around but most seem to centre around the guardhouse)
1 hyenadon (apparently this lived in the lower guardhouse but has been moved)

Carrion King gnolls ?

Quick Stats:

Grall [dice] 1d20 + 8 [/dice]
Nuveril [dice] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
Linah [dice] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
Khalid [dice] 1d20 + 8 [/dice]
Sajan [dice] 1d20 + 7 [/dice]
Arjun [dice] 1d20 + 6 [/dice]

Grall [dice] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
Nuveril [dice] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
Linah [dice] 1d20 + 1 [/dice]
Khalid [dice] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]
Sajan [dice] 1d20 + 2 [/dice]
Arjun [dice] 1d20 + 4 [/dice]

Grall [dice] 1d20 + 2 [/dice]
Nuveril [dice] 1d20 + 7(5)[/dice]
Linah [dice] 1d20 - 3 [/dice]
Khalid [dice] 1d20 + 9(8) [/dice]
Sajan [dice] 1d20 + 6 [/dice]
Arjun [dice] 1d20 + 5 [/dice]