DM Alexander Kilcoynes Carrion Crown Game (Inactive)

Game Master Alexander Kilcoyne

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Chapter 1 - The Haunting of Harrowstone

Dylexes the Younger, of the First Era, states quite clearly that an adventure can only truly begin three ways: by death, by slur, or by letter. To begin without one of these is to be relegated to the status of an indiscretion, or, at best, an escapade. Properly then do you embark, your foundation laid with the last, and best, of the three: the letter. Invariably the most seductive catalyst of all - and thus the most powerful. Each of you has received a letter from Kendra Lorrimor, daughter of the late Professor Petros Lorrimor. In it she states that you have been named a beneficiary in the late Professor's will and requests your presence for his funeral. For reasons varied and numerous, each of you decides to attend, making the journey to the once-proud realm of Ustalav.

Numerous small towns dot the fog-shrouded landscape of Ustalav. At first glance, these towns might all seem kindred spirits?cozy collections of quaint buildings surrounded by farmland, their skylines decorated by the steeples of Pharasmin churches or the steep rooflines of colorful taverns. Yet in Ustalav, appearances are often deceiving, and many of the nation's towns and villages harbor sinister secrets. Such is the case in idyllic Ravengro, a town built originally to provide support for the notorious prison known as Harrowstone, but which today endures as a selfsufficient farming community.

Various signs point you towards Ravengro along sleepy country roads. Just north of the town is a large stretch of moorland reserved for interring Ravengro's dead - the Restlands. (MAP) You have gathered at the southwest entrance, near a cluster of buildings that serves as home and workshop for the cemetary groundskeeper. There to meet you is Kendra Lorrimor (Picture) and a fine coffin containing the body of her father, your one-time friend and ally Petros Lorrimor.

(All links to pictures and maps are reproduced on my profile page.)

She clears her throat and gives a small smile after all of you have gathered. "Thank you for answering my letter. I am certain it would please my father to see his friends here today." You cannot help but notice that there are few townsfolk attending the funeral. she turns to the others, "And a special thanks to his lifelong neighbors and friends, who have come despite the fears of others. Councilman Hearthmount, Zokar Elkarid, Pevrin Elkarid, Jominda Fallenbridge, I thank you for your unflagging support. The procession will begin shortly."

It seems you have some time while Kendra finishes preparations. Perhaps you could make small-talk with those around you...

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Did the letter detail how he died?

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Harrow Card Rolls:

1d6 ⇒ 5
1d9 ⇒ 5

[ooc]Looks like Stars (Wis, DM hint) and N (Augury as per spell), assuming I'm reading that right. Kind of appropriate for an inquisitor of the goddess of prophesy.

Under the circumstances, Theodric keeps his hood pulled up, to keep others from having to see his disfigured face as he approaches the coffin. Upon reaching the coffin, the man bows his head and mutters a short prayer to the Lady of Graves for the benefit of the man he once knew. He then approaches Kendra...

"You have my condolences, your father will be missed by many." he says before taking a seat.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

A young women stands near the front of the procession. She is marked with a number of Varisian tattoos including several of the holy symbol of Pharasma, but unlike most Varisians she is quite pale with almost white hair. She doesn't look sad but a haunted quality is in her eyes that belies her simple beauty. She wears a rugged studded leather vest and weatherproof skirt, with several weapons on her back. As with some of the others she looks like she just arrived from the road and has done her best to clean herself up for the funeral.

Assumes I have met her in the past since as part of my background I spent a little over a year with the professor here in this town.

Sarrah walks up to Kendra, trying to hide a slight hitch in her stride, Kendra, I am sorry for your loss. It saddens my heart to see the professor gone. He was a good man, a decent man, who helped others. If there is anything I can do to help you or the family, please let me know, I am at your service. she says in a soft voice.
She fades back into the group of people to wait for the procession to begin, looking over the other faces in the crowd to see if she sees anyone else she knows.

Harrow Card Rolls:

Harrow 1d6 ⇒ 2 Dex, take an immediate action.
Harrow 1d9 ⇒ 4 Lawful Neutral +10 to a sense motive check.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

A rather ugly, well muscled and stocky half-orc dressed in simple travelling robes stands uncomfortably with the rest of you. His single eye darts over you all, but quickly looks away if eye contact is made. His posture speaks of tension and a guarded demeanour, and when he speaks it is a quiet rumbling, although well-spoken. An ornate falchion is sheathed on his back, underneath an expensive looking backpack, and a silk eyepatch is worn over his left eye- not quite large enough to hide the horrific scar that starts above the eyepatch and reveals itself beneath it too.

Greetings everyone... I am Morven Greigor, its... nice to meet you all. Thankyou for the invitation Kendra. Forgive me my curiousity, but how did your father pass into the Boneyard?

Edited for further description.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

So far this is the disfigured crew...2 faces and a leg for far...can we get an arm and maybe the torso to round it out?

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Heh, you expect a half-orc to survive in a town where Orcs are hated WITHOUT being disfigured? ;).

Kendra takes a deep breath before answering. "My father was investigating the ruins of Harrowstone Prison. After several days, a few of the sheriff's men went to investigate and found him lying on his back near one of Harrowstone's walls. The stone face from a gargoyle from the roof above fell and the heavy block crushed him. He... he must have died instantly." She looks down and furrows her brows, obviously distraught. "Thank you for your condolences. We will begin shortly." She turns back and continues speaking with one of the Pharasmin acolytes.

@Morven: Are you doing anything to disguise yourself or hide your face?

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Nope, no real skill in disguise. Hes banking on surviving as is until he reaches Journeyman status and can start to use Alter Self to get by...


Turning to the others, Morvens single eye squints.

Well? Are you going to introduce yourselves?

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Morven Greigor wrote:

Nope, no real skill in disguise. Hes banking on surviving as is until he reaches Journeyman status and can start to use Alter Self to get by...


Turning to the others, Morvens single eye squints.

Well? Are you going to introduce yourselves?

My my Mr. Greigor, aren't you the impatient type... she smiles to let you know she is joking my name is Sarrah. I was once a student of the professor's for a short time. And you how do you know the professor?

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
GM Tanner wrote:
Kendra takes a deep breath before answering. "My father was investigating the ruins of Harrowstone Prison. After several days, a few of the sheriff's men went to investigate and found him lying on his back near one of Harrowstone's walls. The stone face from a gargoyle from the roof above fell and the heavy block crushed him. He... he must have died instantly."

"Hmph. That's what field work will get you." A woman near the back of the crowd speaks a bit louder than she intended and quickly changes position in the little assembly to evade turned gazes. She was a late arrival, alighting from the coach just as the procession was gathering, and is still holding a traveling satchel dangling awkwardly from one hand. A bookish woman, her coloring and accent mark her as not a native to Ustalav. Beneath her cloak, she wears what are unmistakeably a scholar's robes, and her eyes are squinting a little against the dim natural light and the wind; she is obviously no outdoorswoman.

Harrow Card Rolls:
1d6 ⇒ 1 1d9 ⇒ 8

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

A young man stands near the head of the procession in simple trews, shirt and boots. He looks like any other villager aside from being more or less a head taller and the fine looking falchion strapped to his back.

He says nothing initially but studies the half orc and then the hooded man very intently almost as if he was trying to divine something from them..

Detect evil as move actions :)

Liberty's Edge

dotting to lurk, and offer my services as a Varisian harrow card reader npc if such a character is needed.

Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:
Detect evil as move actions :)

Their auras are distinctly gray, but with small spots of goodness. :)

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

His face still deep within his hood, Theodric speaks up...

"Well met, Sarrah and Morven. I am Theodric Mikalos, I met the professor long ago when we had a run in with some dead folks who didn't have the good sense to stay dead."

Corrine wrote:

"Hmph. That's what field work will get you."

Theodric glances in the direction of the comment...

"And here I though I lacked social graces..."

Harrow card rolls:

1d6 ⇒ 2
1d9 ⇒ 7

A small halfling in a fine long coat and equally fine hat walks up to the casket of the late professor Petros Lorrimor and places a white exotic plant on the lid. He bows his head and whispers a few sentences ending with a deep saddened sigh. Then he looks up an approaches Kenda.

"You must be Kendra. I am so sorry for your loss", he says in a clear melodic tone while taking a deep bow. "My name is Quiddling Cane, i was a student of your father during his stay in Absalom. He spoke very highly of you and it saddens me deeply that we first meet under these dire circumstances." The halfing then takes a seat next to the hodded Theodric.

Quiddling shivers slightly as he hears Kendra's retelling of the professors death.

Morven Greigor wrote:

Nope, no real skill in disguise. Hes banking on surviving as is until he reaches Journeyman status and can start to use Alter Self to get by...


Turning to the others, Morvens single eye squints.

Well? Are you going to introduce yourselves?

Quiddling springs to his feet and gives a sweeping bow as he introduces himself to the half-orc. "Quiddling Cane, at your service. As i was just telling young lady Lorrimor i had the privilege of studying under the professor as he taught at the great university of Absalom". The halfling finishes the sentence with yet another grand sweeping motion.

Corinne Dunbar wrote:

"Hmph. That's what field work will get you." A woman near the back of the crowd speaks a bit louder than she intended and quickly changes position in the little assembly to evade turned gazes. She was a late arrival, alighting from the coach just as the procession was gathering, and is still holding a traveling satchel dangling awkwardly from one hand. A bookish woman, her coloring and accent mark her as not a native to Ustalav. Beneath her cloak, she wears what are unmistakeably a scholar's robes, and her eyes are squinting a little against the dim natural light and the wind; she is obviously no outdoorswoman.

** spoiler omitted **

Quiddling turns around to eye the woman disapprovingly. "Some people have no manners, isn't that right?", he whispers to the inquisitor to his right and then twitches as he sees the man's burnt face.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Theodric Mikalos wrote:

His face still deep within his hood, Theodric speaks up...

"Well met, Sarrah and Morven. I am Theodric Mikalos, I met the professor long ago when we had a run in with some dead folks who didn't have the good sense to stay dead."

Corrine wrote:

"Hmph. That's what field work will get you."

Theodric glances in the direction of the comment...

"And here I though I lacked social graces..."

Sarrah looks you right in the eye, the burns on your face garnering no reaction from the young women, Mr. Mikalos, it is good to meet you as well, although the ciucumstances could be better. You will have to tell me that story at some point. It is always interesting to hear of souls undeath corrupting their journey to my mistresses judgement.

Does Theodric have any holy symbols, etc marking him as a follower of Pharasma? Sarrah's tattoos are a pretty "dead" givaway.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)
Sarrah Kayden wrote:

My my Mr. Greigor, aren't you the impatient type... she smiles to let you know she is joking my name is Sarrah. I was once a student of the professor's for a short time. And you how do you know the professor?

I happened to bump into an assassin targeting him at the Acadamirium. Long story short, the Professor survived and I took a dagger for my troubles. The Professor hung around for days until I eventually recovered. He was... a kind man. Morven says stiffly, clearly a little uncomfortable telling the tale.

Corinne Dunbar wrote:

"Hmph. That's what field work will get you."

The professor was a great explorer, from what i've heard. I prefer to keep my studies indoors, but there is a place for expedition academia.

Theodric Mikalos wrote:

"Well met, Sarrah and Morven. I am Theodric Mikalos, I met the professor long ago when we had a run in with some dead folks who didn't have the good sense to stay dead."

Well met to you too, Theodric. Come out from under the hood, i'm sure your prettier than me with these scars and this excuse of an eyepatch... Morven tries to make it sound light hearted, but it sounds like more of a growling challenge.

Quiddling Cane wrote:

"Quiddling Cane, at your service. As i was just telling young lady Lorrimor i had the privilege of studying under the professor as he taught at the great university of Absalom".

Absalom... I have heard wonderful things from the journeymen students. You are fortunate indeed.

Glancing around at you all, Morven snorts in amusement.

No insults to my heritage? No racist comments for me? Unexpected. We are off to a good start... Must be the funeral vibe making people play nice. Well, most people... he finishes with a pointed glare at Corinne.

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |
Sarrah Kayden wrote:
Does Theodric have any holy symbols, etc marking him as a follower of Pharasma? Sarrah's tattoos are a pretty "dead" givaway.

The clasp of his cloak, and a holy symbol around his neck that occasionally pokes out from underneath.

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |
Morven Greigor wrote:

Well met to you too, Theodric. Come out from under the hood, i'm sure your prettier than me with these scars and this excuse of an eyepatch... Morven tries to make it sound light hearted, but it sounds like more of a growling challenge.

No insults to my heritage? No racist comments for me? Unexpected. We are off to a good start... Must be the funeral vibe making people play nice. Well, most people... he finishes with a pointed glare at Corinne.

Theodric chooses to remain deep within his hood, though you catch what appears to be faint smile on the man's ruined face.

"Insults to one's heritage are for the weak of mind and soul. We can not always choose what face we wear, I prefer to judge men on their deeds."

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Morven snorts in amusement once more.

And yet the sting of words has obviously shown you that most of the rest of the world doesn't feel the same way, or you wouldn't wear that hood... Me, as soon as I can master a little more transmutation you won't be seeing this face in public again...

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |
Morven Greigor wrote:

Morven snorts in amusement once more.

And yet the sting of words has obviously shown you that most of the rest of the world doesn't feel the same way, or you wouldn't wear that hood... Me, as soon as I can master a little more transmutation you won't be seeing this face in public again...

"I could normally give a damn what the rest of the world thinks of me and my appearance, but given the occasion, I choose to try and not be a distraction." he says, ever so briefly pulling back the hood to show the scarred mass that makes up the left side of his face.

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
Morven Greigor wrote:
Corinne Dunbar wrote:

"Hmph. That's what field work will get you."

The professor was a great explorer, from what i've heard. I prefer to keep my studies indoors, but there is a place for expedition academia.


No insults to my heritage? No racist comments for me? Unexpected. We are off to a good start... Must be the funeral vibe making people play nice. Well, most people... he finishes with a pointed glare at Corinne.

The scholarly woman bristles and blushes at the same time as she steps closer to the half-orc; when she speaks this time, her tone is more modulated so only those in this little knot can hear. "I meant only that the Professor's loss was senseless. Surely, there were people he could have hired to investigate this dangerous prison and bring back whatever data he needed to the safety of the laboratory. Is not academia markedly lessened by the loss of such a great man?"

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Corinne Dunbar wrote:
Morven Greigor wrote:
Corinne Dunbar wrote:

"Hmph. That's what field work will get you."

The professor was a great explorer, from what i've heard. I prefer to keep my studies indoors, but there is a place for expedition academia.


No insults to my heritage? No racist comments for me? Unexpected. We are off to a good start... Must be the funeral vibe making people play nice. Well, most people... he finishes with a pointed glare at Corinne.

The scholarly woman bristles and blushes at the same time as she steps closer to the half-orc; when she speaks this time, her tone is more modulated so only those in this little knot can hear. "I meant only that the Professor's loss was senseless. Surely, there were people he could have hired to investigate this dangerous prison and bring back whatever data he needed to the safety of the laboratory. Is not academia markedly lessened by the loss of such a great man?"

Hello, I am Sarrah. You might be correct in your logic but when it is time for you to stand judged before Pharasma, it is time. Actions and decisions are useless against the vastness of fate. I can feel it in my bones, it was simply the professor's time to leave us. We should rejoice in what he had given to each of us, we all seem to have been touched by him in one way or another...

Morven Greigor wrote:

Absalom... I have heard wonderful things from the journeymen students. You are fortunate indeed.

Glancing around at you all, Morven snorts in amusement.

No insults to my heritage? No racist comments for me? Unexpected. We are off to a good start... Must be the funeral vibe making people play nice. Well, most people... he finishes with a pointed glare at Corinne.

"Oh yes, quite fortunate. But i have been down right blessed to have had the great professor Lorrimor as a teacher", Quiddling responds and then looks around a the gathering. "I must say that i'm surprised to see such a low turnout to honor this great scholar. Appearently his genious is lost on his home town."

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

The daughter mentioned fear among the peasants... I suspect there is more to this tale.

"Well, it is not uncommon for simple folk to exhibit fear towards matter they cannot grasp nor understand", Quiddling muses. "It would not be the first time nor will it be the last. It saddens me that it is a fate that affects our dear professor."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"Corinne Dunbar. You might have noticed my work on the phenomenology of the summoned fire beetle ... no? Well, I assure you, it was quite well received in conjuration circles. It's really become the text on the consciousness of the summoned phosporescent arthropod." She glances around the foggy rural landscape darkly. "I don't know why the professor's family would choose to bury him here anyway, where his genius was obviously so little appreciated. He could have lain in state in the rotunda of the Arcanamirium, I'm sure. Of course, for all his genius, there's certainly no denying the fact that he was a little odd," she finishes, with an air that expresses it's only what you could expect from a field researcher.

The option of speaking with the present townsfolk is also available.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Morven's greeting was extended to them as well, but they walked off sharply.

Walking after the townspeople, Morven swiftly introduces himself and says-

I gather the Professor was well liked. Why would the townspeople fear the Graveyard? Do the dead walk here?

The man identified as Councilman Hearthmount speaks up. "I am afraid that our late Professor was a bit of a recluse, socially speaking. He was usually galavanting across Varisia and beyond rather than actually living in Ravengro. When he did return, it was for a few weeks at most and then he would depart again. We are a... cautious people. He brought with him things that reminded the people of dangers all-too-real in the darker corners of Ustalav."

Jominda Fallenbridge nods in agreement. "Much as I appreciated the rare herbs and extracts he brought with him, it was hard to relate to him sometimes. A very kind man, but it was easier for him to discuss international politics than to greet you in the morning, if you know what I mean."

Zokar Elkarid clears his throat and pipes in, "But you have nothing to fear in the Restlands. Father Grimburrow keeps the dead restful and at peace."

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
GM Tanner wrote:
Zokar Elkarid clears his throat and pipes in, "But you have nothing to fear in the Restlands. Father Grimburrow keeps the dead restful and at peace."

He was a man of vast knowledge, sometimes he lost me as well in his deeper discussions. To be honest I am more of a commoner than an academic, I was just lucky enough to have a sponser. Is father Grimburrow the local priest of Pharasma?

Councilman Hearthmount nods. "That he is. The faith of Pharasma is strong in Ustalav, ever since the overthrow of the Whispering Tyrant so many years ago. We have a Pharasmin temple in town. Father Grimburrow has been with us for many years and he and his acolytes keep the Restlands in as good a shape as a cemetery can be." He looks down the road toward the interior of the graveyard. "In fact, Father Grimburrow and a pair of gravediggers are already waiting at the site of the professor’s burial. As part of local tradition, they do not accompany the procession from the gate to the grave."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
GM Tanner wrote:
"In fact, Father Grimburrow and a pair of gravediggers are already waiting at the site of the professor’s burial. As part of local tradition, they do not accompany the procession from the gate to the grave."

"Why is that?" Corinne asks, a bit sharply, peering into the graveyard.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Satisfied the odd strangers are not a threat, Stannis gives his name to any who are interested but otherwise just stays silent. He listens intently at the discussion on the local dead but otherwise just waits. "Nothing is happening here. Listen to this will and then move on. Hmm I can be in Thimbleshire by nightfall.." He thinks"

Zokar Elkarid answers Corinne. "When the Whispering Tyrant ruled the land, such was the darkness that the dead would stir themselves from the earth and roam the countryside. Since a graveyard contains so many, it was necessary for a priest to enter first to make sure that the way was safe for any villagers who wished to bury their dead. This is also why they used to separate the arms and legs from the bodies of the dead, in case they came to life again they could not escape from their coffins. We no longer mutilate our dead, but we still send a priest ahead of our pallbearers to make sure the way is safe."

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Theodric sits back and listens to the conversations around him, while looking around at the rest of the mourners, trying to get a feel for who they are...

Sense Motive:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

The inquisitor then looks up and ask Kendra...

"What was it your father was seeking at Harrowstone?"

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
GM Tanner wrote:
Zokar Elkarid answers Corinne. "When the Whispering Tyrant ruled the land, such was the darkness that the dead would stir themselves from the earth and roam the countryside. Since a graveyard contains so many, it was necessary for a priest to enter first to make sure that the way was safe for any villagers who wished to bury their dead. This is also why they used to separate the arms and legs from the bodies of the dead, in case they came to life again they could not escape from their coffins. We no longer mutilate our dead, but we still send a priest ahead of our pallbearers to make sure the way is safe."

Corinne seems to grow even more nervous as Zokar explains their custom and, when he mentions dismembering the corpses, gives the nearby coffin an alarmed glance. "Quite reasonable, too," she replies, hugging herself against the damp. "This Father Grimburrow, formidable fellow, is he?" she asks hopefully.


Kendra once again breaks conversation from one of the Pharasmin acolytes. "Please, I understand that you must have many questions regarding his death, but I really need to see to the funeral. I will be more than happy to answer questions when we meet afterward for the reading of the will." She smiles and turns back to the acolyte.


Jominda smiles. "Father Grimburrow is certainly an irritable codger, but he places the safety of the town and its inhabitants far above any of his own needs. There have been a few times, though, where he has shown spellcasting that has surprised many of us. I suppose he keeps it to himself out of modesty."

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:
Satisfied the odd strangers are not a threat, Stannis gives his name to any who are interested but otherwise just stays silent. He listens intently at the discussion on the local dead but otherwise just waits. "Nothing is happening here. Listen to this will and then move on. Hmm I can be in Thimbleshire by nightfall.." He thinks"

Having met everyone except for the most heavily armed stanger of the group, Goodday, I am Sarrah. I see you have been listening to the conversations of these fine folk but not particpating. I understand, it is hard for many of us to deal with loss. Did you know the professor well?

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

His questions satisfied, Morven follows the procession.

It seems that Kendra Lorrimor has finished her conversation with the Pharasmin acolyte. She turns to the assembled mourners clears her throat. "We are ready to begin. Who would be a pallbearer for my father's coffin?"

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Theodric raises his hand and stands...

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Between her small stature and other issues Sarrah sits quietly.

"I would be honored to", Quiddling speaks up, "but i am afraid that my small stature, usually a great asset, in this case serves as more of a hinderance. "

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

I insist... Morven says, moving over to assist.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)
Sarrah Kayden wrote:
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:
Satisfied the odd strangers are not a threat, Stannis gives his name to any who are interested but otherwise just stays silent. He listens intently at the discussion on the local dead but otherwise just waits. "Nothing is happening here. Listen to this will and then move on. Hmm I can be in Thimbleshire by nightfall.." He thinks"
Having met everyone except for the most heavily armed stanger of the group, Goodday, I am Sarrah. I see you have been listening to the conversations of these fine folk but not particpating. I understand, it is hard for many of us to deal with loss. Did you know the professor well?

We are a people well used to loss but I did not know him well in truth. Only met him the once. He speaks slowly and carefully in a heavy local accent.

He travelled with a ... a friend of mine who did. It is for her I am here. Once the will is read I will be on my way.

He pauses for a few moments. I am being rude. I am sorry. I am not much of a talker and more used to the road.

Stannis is probably about as muscled as the half-orc. He will move to take the opposite side.

You take up positions on either side of the coffin and hoist it to your shoulders. Those who are small in stature take up positions behind the coffin as the small gathering begins their march into the Restlands. Kendra, as the deceased’s closest living relative, has the job of leading the somber procession along the Dreamwake — a gravel pathway that winds through the cemetery.

As the procession reaches the halfway point along the Dreamwake, rounding a corner onto a path called the Eversleep, you see that the way ahead is blocked by a group of a dozen surly-looking locals. The tallest of these toughs is an older but wiry man. He speaks out as soon as the group is noticed. (Picture)

"That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here!"

Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into anger. "What are you talking about?" she cries out. "I arranged it with Father Grimburrow. He’s waiting for us! The grave’s already been..."

"You don’t get it, woman. We won’t have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now."

"Necromancy!? Are you really that ignorant?"

"Necromancer? What facts are you relying on has to draw such a preposterous conclution?", Quiddling says as he comes trodding from the back.

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