DM Alexander Kilcoynes Carrion Crown Game (Inactive)

Game Master Alexander Kilcoyne

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M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Oh pathfinder srd how I love you.

A splash weapon is a ranged weapon that breaks on impact, splashing or scattering its contents over its target and nearby creatures or objects. To attack with a splash weapon, make a ranged touch attack against the target. Thrown splash weapons require no weapon proficiency, so you don't take the –4 nonproficiency penalty. A hit deals direct hit damage to the target, and splash damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the target. Splash weapons cannot deal precision-based damage (such as the damage from the rogue's sneak attack class feature).

Your Humble Narrator

Quiddling's vial passes through the same space, the contents disappearing mid air once again as the empty glass container shatters. You wait anxiously for a counter-attack by the poltergeist...

But it never comes. Eventually, Stannislav and Sarrah return. Although there is no body, you feel that either the haunt retreated or you defeated it.

Quiddling stands frozen in in anticipation for the next barrage of tools and debris, but relaxes when the attack does not come. "Did i get it?" he asks Arianna almost in disbelief. "I got it!" he shouts as he runs to the now (hopefully) empty spot and does a little dance. "I got it, i got!", he repeats cherrily as Sarrah and Stannis return. Once a few moments pass the halfing calms down and starts to rummage through the room (S14).

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 (+4 to find concealed or secret objects)

Human (Varisian)

Arianna smiles in equal parts joy from being done with that particular ghost and amusement at Quiddling's reaction...

"I do believe that you did. Congratulations." she says, as she proceeds to search the room with the excitable halfling.

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Your Humble Narrator

100 XP.

A search of this cluttered room reveals a number of valuable objects—a pair of fully stocked healer’s kits, 3 vials of antitoxin, 2 vials of antiplague, 3 doses of bloodblock, 3 doses of smelling salts, 2 vials of soothe syrup, and 4 labelled potions of cure light wounds.

A doorway to the north-east leads out of this chamber or alternatively you could backtrack south and head through one of the eastern doors- or head upstairs...

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis returns, tightlipped and clearly angry and frustrated and falling prey to the creature's fear not once but twice. He stands impatiently next to the north east door while the others search.

How are Sarrah's channels going? Given the haunt may reform me want to try and clear the section past this room before calling today.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sarrah talks to the group before they complete the search of the room, We should try to find what is holding the spirit to this room if possible. If we can remove or destroy it maybe we can be rid of it forever. Maybe some bones or a bloody item...could be many things

Do I see anything that might fit the bill? She casts Guidance on herself before looking around.

knowledge religion guidance 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 1 = 25
perception guidance 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 1 = 10

2 spells and 3 channels left....kept running away so couldn't use them all :)

Lets look around just a little more, anyone need any healing before we do?

Wand of cure light wounds (take a charge if you need it and I will sutract them):
Cast cure lights wounds 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Cast cure lights wounds 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Cast cure lights wounds 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Cast cure lights wounds 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Your Humble Narrator

As the room was clearly once an infirmary, Sarrah surmises that the poltergeist may have been formed of all those who suffered within the room, their agony manifesting into the ghost. She finds nothing that suggests it might be tied to it or could prevent the haunt from re-occuring though. She knows that poltergeists typically take from 2 to 8 days to amass enough negative energy to re-form.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

I'm down 3 after that last LOH let me take a charge I guess. Assume that means we're Ok to do this section. Just realised that fight took a month rt!

When everyone's ready to continue, Stannis will try the ne door.

Bolstered by vanquishing the spirit, and the great bounty it yielded Quiddling searches feverently after anything that might mit fit Sarrah's description. He eagerly presents the oracle with one object after the other, each with the same enthusiasm.

The halfing is fast on the paladin's heels as he opens the next door.

How do we divide the potions? One cure light wounds for everyone? How about the rest?

Human (Varisian)

I'll take a charge

Your Humble Narrator

Will continue once you've sorted out healing.

Quiddling is already at full health

Your Humble Narrator

Ok, so Sarrah has marked off two charges. Stannislav heals 9 and Arianna 7.

Stannislav opens the next door and as he isn't immediately attacked, steps into the room proper with the three of you following him. A huge stone furnace dominates this room to the south, large enough for a child to climb inside. An ancient fire has burned away the entire east wall the room, providing a panoramic, if eerie, view of the lake beyond. That same lake has gradually expanded into the room, flooding its eastern half. A soot-caked copper plaque over the furnace entrance reads 'Ember Maw'.

Group Perception-

Quiddling-1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Arianna-1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Stannislav-1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Sarrah-1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Quiddling, Sarrah:

You notice what Stannislav and Arianna do not- a faint red glow stirring in front of the furnace, the rising of the heat level in the room and the faint, ominous scent of burning flesh.

Its clear a haunt is forming!

Sarrah- 1d20 ⇒ 2
Quiddling- 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Surprise Round-

Quiddling- 11
Haunt (will manifest)- 10
Sarrah- 2

Quiddling is up- what does he do? The fiery strip forming in front of the furnace is growing even as he decides...

I only have one action right?

Quiddling's eyes goes to the stone furnace and widen. "It's another haunt! Run for cover!", he warns and starts to dig feverishly through his sling bag. A moment later he produces one of the glass vials found in the tome (it was there we found the haunt siphons, right? or was it in the professor's chest in Kendra's house?). Unfortunately the halfing is not quick enough and the room starts to get warmer as Quiddling struggles with the cap of the vial.

Move action to draw a Haunt Siphon.
Next time i'll have the siphon ready when we walk into a room. Lesson learned.

Your Humble Narrator

Heh, well it still works when you use it in round one.

DM Only:

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
1d4 ⇒ 4

The heat in the room rises to distinctly uncomfortable levels, as a fiery strip of red flame, 15 feet by five, floats up into the air, hovering above the ground- flames licking hungrily along its semi-translucent surface and casting gloomy shadows around the room. The strange red strip of flame crackles like the furnace behind it must once have done; and with a harsh crackling sound, a jet of flame hurtles towards Quiddling! The halfling does his best to dodge it but the attack is too sudden, too fast. Quiddling is enveloped by the line of fire, swirling around him in swift movements as they burn his flesh and clothing, pressing in on him like a constrictor snake. The flames touching him slowly fades away into smoke but the hideous burns left by the attack cause Quiddling to fall to his knees and then collapse in pain and shock, severely wounded. The unopened Haunt Siphon drops to the floor beside him,rolling gently back and forth on the remains of the stone floor.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 VS Touch AC
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 2) = 15 Fire damage

Surprise Round Initiative-
Quiddling (acted)- 11
Haunt (acted)- 10
Sarrah- 2

Sarrah's up. I'll roll initiative for Arianna and Stannislav now.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Stannis
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Arianna

Ouch! Well Quiddling, at least you got to act eh? Arianna had a much nastier encounter with Lorrizombie earlier- punched her twice in the face and put her into negatives before she could react!

One might wonder if his confidence went up in flames... :)

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Ugh their some ungood initiative rolls. Is Stannis close enough to five foot step and scoop up the haunt syphon?

Your Humble Narrator

Yeah your all within 5 foot of each other.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

OK Stannis will do that round 1 if able.

Your Humble Narrator

Bump. Sarrah's up for the surprise round.

Your Humble Narrator

Sarrah's been pretty busy lately I think, and its been 48 hours so i'll take Sarrah's action.

Sarrah sees Quiddling crumple and swiftly acts to save him with a cure light wounds spell. The fiery strip seems to be a persistent haunt, the flames continue to roar and the heat only seems to be rising within the room...

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Healed

Quiddling- 11
Haunt- 10
Arianna- 5
Stannislav- 4
Sarrah- 2

Quiddling is up, on 3HP and prone.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sorry was really busy trying to work this weekend and been having internet problems to boot...having to switch internet carriers because it has got so bad. You did what I would have done anyways.
Just to note I will probably start to carry the wand of CLW in my hand going forward until we rest.

Round 1, initiative 13
ac 17
hp 3/13
effects: none

Quiddling's senses comes back one by one. First the roar of the fire, then the nauseating smell of scorched flesh and burnt hair. His world turns from darkness to a blinding light and Quiddling is jerked into consciousness in an instant. Fumbling around the floor he finds the dropped vial. Quiddling brandishes the flask infront of him like a shield while crawling back, trying to get away from the fire.

Move action to pick up the haunt siphon
Standard action to use the haunt siphon: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) = 14 of positive energy damage to the haunt

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sarrah stands between the flame and Quiddling yelling at the haunt, You will not have him! trying to gets the haunts attention away from the little man.

Your Humble Narrator

The strange energies within the haunt siphon glow green as the powerful object completely overwhelms the haunts energies. A few tense moments pass, but then the fiery strip fades into nothingness.

It had 13HP, nice roll! Investigation and/or knowledge (religion) could help you find the haunt's cause/destruction.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis lifts the little halfling back onto his feet, slapping him on the shoulder.

Well done!

Stannis will take 20 to search the room while the others do their thing.

Your Humble Narrator

Stannis can search the whole room, but its possible that clues lie in the soot covered furnace, which he is too big to investigate easily...

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis looks at Quiddling and gestures towards the filthy furnace.

Well one good turn deserves another, he grins.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sarrah begins to look around for the source of the undead menace after gifting herself with a portion of the "ladies" grace.
Cast Guidance"
knowledge religion guidance 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 9
Anyone want to try and assist? Or not...grumble grumble

Human (Varisian)

Arianna holds out her hand to help the halfling to his feet...

"Well done Quiddling. That's two for you now, thinking of taking up spirit removal as an occupation?"

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Go ahead and take the next two charges of the wand I rolled before...9HP's. How are you?

Sarrah uses the wand to help Quiddling's wounds before he goes into the fireplace fussing over him,
Rushing into the room like that what were you thinking?

Maybe we should retreat for the night and heal up after we search out this room. There does seem to be a lot of malign spirits in this Abyss cursed place!

The 9 hit points will take me up to 12/13, which is enough for me

Quiddling sits pressed against the wall with one hand covering his eyes and one hand swinging the haunt siphon in front of him like a sword. Stannis firm grip makes the halfing open his eyes and drunkedly peer around the room. His legs are still shakey and his body trembling until Sarrah heals his wounds, but a patch of soot still clinging to his nose. "I did not...", he beginns to stammer at the oracles barrage and quickly takes to Stannis suggestion to search through the furnace. One part halfing curiosity, one part getting away from Sarrah's scolding. "The furnace seemed to follow me. To single me out. I didn't mean to. Thanks for the healing touch!" he says in a clatter of broken sentences and scurries over to the furnace to rummage through the ashes.

Profession investigator roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Your Humble Narrator

Sarrah has no real idea how such a haunt comes to manifest or can be destroyed. Stannis begins to search the room with painstaking precision while Quiddling climbs into the cold furnace in order to investigate it. The halfling's investigation bears fruit as he crawls 10 feet into the ancient furnace- finding a single pile of burnt bones- parts of a skull, some ribs and a few finger bones. Although the furnace itself is cold, the bones are very hot to the touch. He returns with his strangely hot findings while Stannislav continues to search. Around you, you begin to hear faint knockings on walls, floor, and furniture. The noises are seemingly coming from various and random locations on the floor, remaining walls and ceiling...

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

The bones?

Perhaps if we put them to rest in the graveyard?

Thats as good as Stannis can come up with. Course its just guessing that the bones belong to the haunt....

Quiddling looks at the bones cradled in his hands with a piece of cloth to keep the halfing from burning himself. "I don't know much about ghosts. Will a burial soothe the furnace? I would think that just removing the bones might remove the source of this haunting", he says and looks for further guidance from the "undead experts" Stannis and Sarrah.

Your Humble Narrator

The knocking on various locations in the room seems to be slowly increasing in intensity, as though responding to the conversation.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Unsure of exactly what to do Sarrah reacts to her gut...
Lets get the bones out of the room and destroy them, it might be re-forming!

The bones goes flying from Quiddling's hands as he jerks in surprise at Sarrah's sudden reaction. "Destroy? How?" Quiddling asks while scuttling across the floor to collect the bones. "What's that knocking?"

Once he collects all the bones he hurries to the door. "What now?"

Human (Varisian)

"Perhaps another poltergeist about to attack? Let's get these bones outside, maybe Sarrah could perform rites to lay them to rest?"

Your Humble Narrator

Knowledge (Religion) DC12:

The rapping spirits are a very basic haunt, sometimes all that is left of a more powerful haunt after it has been temporarily destroyed. It is possible to communicate with these spirits using a spirit planchette or by devising a clever system of knocks- its possible you could learn from the spirits/spirit involved in the haunt what would need to be done to bring it peace.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sarrah takes a moment to think about the situation
knowledge religion take a 10 total of a 16
otherwise knowledge religion 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

It is the spirits, the other spirits in the room they are trying to talk to us. The knocking, we may be able to use it to help us!

Sarrah walks over to the wall and speaks loudly and knocks on it once and says Yes!
then knocks twice No!
She repeats it one more time before she asks her question...
Should we take bones from the room and destroy them? if no
Should we take bones from the room and bury them? if no

There must be so other way to put this spririt to rest. The spirit planchet could also work!

Your Humble Narrator

Sarrah please make a linguistics check (can make untrained).

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

linguistics 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Quiddling, do you think I am doing this right?

Human (Varisian)

At mention of the spirit planchet, Arianna pulls item in question from her bag...

"Here, allow me." she says, preparing to use the board.

not sure how this works mechanically.

"We seek to end your suffering, how may we put you to you final rest?"

Your Humble Narrator

Sarrah manages to establish the code with the spirits, resulting in a single knock after each of her questions.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Arianna Sirmikova wrote:

At mention of the spirit planchet, Arianna pulls item in question from her bag...

"Here, allow me." she says, preparing to use the board.

not sure how this works mechanically.

"We seek to end your suffering, how may we put you to you final rest?"

We should save the other device for when we need it, my spirit code seems to be working!!! she says happily.

Your Humble Narrator

The planchette isn't a 'limited' resource. Bump.

Quiddling stands in the doorway turning uneasily, unsure what to do. "Does it have a preference to where we lay the bones?", he whispers to Sarrah.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

No we should just destroy them outside of this room! Stannis can you smash the bones into powder? Hopefully that will do it.

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