DM Alexander Kilcoynes Carrion Crown Game (Inactive)

Game Master Alexander Kilcoyne

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Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"Old River?" Corinne looks up sharply. "Who or what is that?"

Kendra laughs as she slices at a loaf of rich white rye. "Ah, Old River. He is the local canine vagabond. A lovable mutt that has been the unofficial nanny of the children of Ravengro since I was a little girl. He lives under the gazebo in the town square and rummages through scrap bins for food. He's saved more than one child from drowning in the river and is the kindest soul in the entire town." Her laughter fades slightly and her eyebrow pinch. "But lately he's been barking an awful lot. Especially last night I could hear him barking up a storm. Something must have spooked him."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"I dreamt of a river," Corinne says slowly. "Not a canine one, I must admit, but the coincidence is ... unsettling. You say this dog has been around since you were a little girl? No offense, my dear, but this dog must be quite aged -- for a dog, you understand."

Kendra shrugs. "Perhaps you are correct. He must be pushing thirty winters by now. Perhaps he has some god's blessing, but I do know that despite his age he is as hale and hearty as when I was in pigtails." She places the slices of rye on a screen over the fire. "You say you dreamed of a river? You weren't drowning, were you? I hate those dreams. I always wake up with a headache afterward."

A yawning Quiddling comes staggering down the stairs. As he hears voices in the kitchen he runs his hands through his hair once or twice and straightens himself before entering. "You wouldn't happen to have some tea, would you?", he says and sits down at the table. "Our delve into the crypt last night must have unsettled me abit", he says and stifles another yawn.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Urgh... I think I need an ale! Morven announces as he stumbles into the room, up late. Carefully procuring his spellbook from his pack, he starts to ready himself for the day, then notices how the others look.Well, no one was killed in their sleep. Good start. Looks like you could do with an ale or twelve too though.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis is quiet in the morning although rough hair and blurry eyes indicate he had a poor sleep as well. Pulling on a roughspun jerkin he takes a small hatchet from the kitchen and sits on the back stoop to sharpen it with his whetstone before spending an hour or so replenishing the wood stock.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

It seems we all had unsettling dreams. The spirits might be trying to reach us...tell us something...we should talk about them and see what we can piece together. Dreams can carry powerful messages.
In my dream I was bound with thick ropes, standing barefoot at the edge of a large cast-iron cauldron filled to the rim with boiling lead. Sulfurous steam was rising from the surface, burning my nostrils. In the distance I could hear soft drumming. It was quite unsettling.

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Theodric comes down the stairs, rubbing his throat as he hears the discussion of last night's unsettling dreams...

"The dream that haunted me last night had us sitting on the ground, huddled around a blazing campfire with deep and grisly slash wounds across all of our throats. I suspect this is related to the Professor in someway...Sarrah found out a fair bit about the Harrowstone itself, what do we know, or can we find out, about those who were there at the time of the prison riot. By that, I mean anyone, guards, inmates, visitors...anyone."

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Worms. I dreamt of worms.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Ruurgh... I'm in no mood to share my dreams. What are we up to today?

Kendra taps a finger on her pursed lips as she considers Theodric's suggestion. "It is certainly possible that information on personnel and prisoners may be available, but it would likely involve winning over the council secretary you had such a lovely encounter -"

Kendra is interrupted by a sudden pounding on her front door. Looking concerned, she crosses the common room and opens it, revealing the head and shoulders of a nondescript middle-aged woman. "Miss Lorrimor! Miss Lorrimor, you have to come! Something's happened up at the Harrowstone Memorial and Hearthmount wants you to see it."

"What has happened, Neldi? Why does he need me?"

"Someone's splattered blood all over the memorial. Animal blood or human they can't say. They figured you looking at it might be faster than searching the whole village for someone hurt."

Kendra grabs her coat from a rack next to the door and turns to the group. "Pardon me, but I must leave the house for a while. You can stay if you like, but I have a feeling that this might be connected to what you are investigating. The walk isn't very far."

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Of course dear, I will walk over there with you to see what is happening.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Morven follows.

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Theodric quickly gathers his gear and follows Kendra out the door.

"Do you really think that our dreams have been haunted by some supernatural being?", Quiddling asks Sarrah astonished. "I figured that is was merely my mind processing yesterdays events in it's own way. If you think it will help this is what i remember. I was standing before a long rope that extended into a field of clouds, obscuring it's end. My hands and feet were encased in large pale-veined stone blocks. A voice in my head told me to advance, but the rope bended lower into the clouds with each step i took...", the halfling says before being interrupted by the knock on the door.

With a longing look at the food on the counter Quiddlnig jumps down from the chair and moves to the door. "Hopefully it is just a prank orchestrated by some of the village younglings, but we best take a look at it just in case", he says and snatches a piece of bread before following Kendra.

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Theodric looks over at the startled halfling...

"If it were just one of us, that may be the case....but with each us having haunted dreams last night, it is too much of a stretch to assume simple coincidence."

After hearing Quiddling's hopes for a prank...

"You've not spent much time in Ustlav before, have you? These things are seldom innocent pranks here..."

You are led by Neldi west along the main road, then south along the riverbank to the Harrowstone Memorial. (5 squares southwest of the home with the red roof on the river, south of the bridge.)

Other than the looming ruins of Harrowstone on a nearby hill, Ravengro’s most distinctive landmark is a 25-foot-tall, moss-covered stone statue that overlooks the river. The statue depicts a proud, muscular human man dressed in leathers and wielding a truncheon—a depiction of Warden Hawkran. A total of 25 names— the guards who died in the fire of 4661, as well as the warden’s wife, Vesorianna — are chiseled into the statue’s stone base.

Councilman Hearthmount stands at the base of the statue along with a knot of townsfolk. "Ah, Kendra! I'm glad you could come. Can you tell us what this means?"

On the statue's base, blood has been used to write a "V" over the names of those who died in the fire. More blood is splattered on the statue and the surrounding area.

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Any religious connection I can guess, cast Guidance for spiritual help... knowledge religion 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 1 = 8

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

Seeing that everyone else seems to be going to see this bloody memorial, Corinne doesn't want to be left behind in the house alone. She quickly drinks her tea and carries a triangle of toast with her to nibble on.

Arriving at the statue, she recoils in disgust at the smell of blood and squints at its base from several feet away. "V... for victims? Miss Lorrimor, you said you heard a dog barking last night; perhaps it could track whoever did this."

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 Kno: Relig

Morven's knowledge of religion, extensive as it is, does not lend him any insight into this incident.

"We could certainly try, but Old River isn't exactly a trained scent hound. He may be lovable and friendly, but he is a stray none the less. Perhaps some old-fashioned investigative work might be in order." Kendra turns and begins murmuring with a few of the assembled townsfolk.

Possible skill checks include Diplomacy (gather information), Perception, and Survival.

HP- 7/13 (+1 Rage), AC- 15, CMD 13, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Perception +3, Init +1 Half-Orc Skald (Dragon, Totemic)

Heh... Eeeeerm... Survival...

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Survival:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

And with a -1 modifier, I won't even try the diplomacy...not that the other rolls were worth a damn either...

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2
GM Tanner wrote:
Possible skill checks include Diplomacy (gather information), Perception, and Survival.

Well, looks like the campaign's over. Sorry, Ustalav, we tried to save you. ;)

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

Stannis moves easily among the townspeople, introducing himself. He does not push he does not appeal to their sense of civic duty. He merely talks to them about their concerns. He is one of them. An outsider perhaps but a man of Ustalav. A place where a bucket of blood is nothing at all compared with the things that lurk in the cold darkness. Eventually he works the conversation round to what could have happened.

Diplomacy gather info 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Survuval 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Stannislav 'Stannis' Grimski wrote:

Stannis moves easily among the townspeople, introducing himself. He does not push he does not appeal to their sense of civic duty. He merely talks to them about their concerns. He is one of them. An outsider perhaps but a man of Ustalav. A place where a bucket of blood is nothing at all compared with the things that lurk in the cold darkness. Eventually he works the conversation round to what could have happened.

Diplomacy gather info 1d20 + 7
Perception 1d20 + 2
Survuval 1d20 + 1

Sarrah will also talk with the crowd about what happened when she remembers no connection to the blood...

diplomacy 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Theodric Mikalos wrote:

Theodric looks over at the startled halfling...

"If it were just one of us, that may be the case....but with each us having haunted dreams last night, it is too much of a stretch to assume simple coincidence."

After hearing Quiddling's hopes for a prank...

"You've not spent much time in Ustlav before, have you? These things are seldom innocent pranks here..."

"This is actually my first visit here. My knowledge from Ustlav consists of what i have been able to piece together from small paragraphs in various tomes. I admit that my hopes are abit far fetched, but abit of hope never hurt anyone", Quiddling responds cheerily.

At the "scene of the crime"
Quiddling stops in his tracks at the sight of the desecrated monument. "Terrible thing. Why someone would do something like this is beyond my comprehension", the halfling sighs before getting to work examining the statue and the closest surroundings for clues to what may have transpired here.

During his investigation he takes time to wander around the crowd to introduce himself and try to gather any information the spectators might have about the recent events.

Perception check to examine the statue and the nearby area: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Profession (investigator) check to see if i can deduce anything from the clues i've gathered (if any): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Diplomacy check to gather information from the crowd: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Diplomacy check to gather information from the crowd second roll from my "Follow up" ability: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Sense motive check to gather the feel from the crowd: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

I don't have access to the rules here at work but i think that my Follow up-ability let's me know if my diplomacy check gathers false information

Gather Information

None of the townsfolk are aware of what the blood means, why it happened, or who did it. They are, however, very talkative despite the fact. Rumormongering and gossiping are traditional pastimes among the townsfolk, especially when it comes to strangers. The following tidbits are shared with you:


The food at the Laughing Demon isn’t all fun and games — and it’s no coincidence that Zokar serves more corpse chowder after unpopular merchants “leave town,” never to be seen again. If Zokar invites you into the Demon’s back room for a complimentary taste of that evening’s chowder, watch out!


Jominda Fallenbridge does more than brew potions — she brews drugs and poisons as well and sells them through agents in other towns. Why else would the sheriff be so interested in her business?


Now and then, if you visit Harrowstone near sundown, you can hear the ghost of the warden’s wife wailing and sobbing from somewhere within the ruins. She haunts the prison now, forever mourning her husband and attempting to frighten anyone who intrudes on the prison.


Nothing turns up.

Sense Motive

You get the feeling that the crowd is somewhat concerned with the incident, but that it doesn't exactly rise above their threshold for what qualifies as 'threatening' or 'distressing' compared to their previous experiences living in Ustalav.



Surveying the scene, you notice several important clues. First, the blood splattered on the statue and ground is actually very little. It only appears to be a lot because it has been spead lightly over a large area. If the blood came from a single creature, it would have been no bigger than a large rat. Second, a pair of footprints leading from the base of the statue show an outline of blood rather than smearing the blood. Whoever did this had two booted feet (humanoid) and left the scene at an easy walk. The footprints disappear approximately 15 feet from the statue.

"Well, i think we can rule out witchcraft and the occult for now. Our culprit is a civilized humanoid", Quiddling says and points out a pair of boot prints with a outline of blood. "Judging from the tracks i'd say that he or she wasn't in a hurry, but stolled of quite leisurly. Secondly there isn't alot of blood here. It's spread quite thinly over the statue. If it came from a single creature it would at most been the size of a large rat. Or maybe a chicken", the halfling summarizes and then goes back into contemplation. "I do however find it strange that the footprints disappear merely 15 feet from the monument. That i cannot explain."

After spending some time talking to the crowd Quiddling reports back to the rest of the party.

"I was not able to gather much information about this incident, i'm afraid. Mostly ghost stories. Appearenly you can now and then hear the wailing and sobbing from the ghost of the wardens wife, if you visit the Harrowstone ruins near sundown. The villagers say that she hunts the prision, forever mourning her husband and tries to frighten anyone who enters the area. All and all i get the feeling that the villagers are somewhat concerned over this incident, but not that it ranks above anything they've used."

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)

Sounds like our next destination is Harrowstone then...

"Actually, my dear, i think our next destination is a proper breakfast!", Quiddling delcares.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)

DM is there anything near the point where the tracks disappear?

Stannis returns from his discussions with the townsfolk with nothing useful.

Still feel we should talk to the priests before we go but breakfast sounds good, he smiles.

Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

"Agreed. I still feel we need to find out more about those who died in the Harrowstone riot. If the warden's wife still haunts the place, surely others do as well."

The blood-outlined footprints disappear 15 feet away from the statue. They don't disappear, it's just that the blood wears off after that far. Follow just the impressions in the dirt any further will require a higher Survival check.

Oh, sorry. I completely misunderstood that. Scratch the "I do however find it strange that the footprints disappear merely 15 feet from the monument. That i cannot explain."-part of my previous post

Female Human Varisian Oracle - Life - 2nd (FC)
Quiddling Cane wrote:
"Actually, my dear, i think our next destination is a proper breakfast!", Quiddling delcares.

Are you saying that the breakfast that Kendra and I prepared you wasn't proper?

"Not at all. I wouldn't dream of it, my dear! My only complaint is the time we got to spend with it was cut short far to quick. An atrocity i plan on correcting as soon as possible!"

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

Corinne has been standing around miserably while the group investigated, hugging herself against the cold morning and attempting to avoid looking at the blood. She perks up when Quiddling comments about breakfast. "I once read a book which made the case that halflings eat twice as many meals as normal people," she says brightly. "Breakfast, and then second breakfast, and so on. Is that so?"

"The best place to investigate those who perished in the fire would be, unfortunately, in the town hall depository. Perhaps a more... gentle approach will get you what you need. If that is not available, I believe that the Pharasmin temple may have some genealogical records that could be of use."

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"Records!" Corinne cries brightly. "That's the first thing I've heard today that sounds inviting. I'd be happy to go take a look through those. That is ... how old and creepy is this Pharasmin temple? And I trust the records wouldn't be in a dark basement?"

Kendra smiles. "You would certainly find the Pharasmin priests more accommodating than our dear council secretary. They simply require a tithe in exchange for access. I cannot make any promises as to dark basements, though..."

So who is going to the Pharasmin temple and who is doing something else?

Corinne Dunbar wrote:
Corinne has been standing around miserably while the group investigated, hugging herself against the cold morning and attempting to avoid looking at the blood. She perks up when Quiddling comments about breakfast. "I once read a book which made the case that halflings eat twice as many meals as normal people," she says brightly. "Breakfast, and then second breakfast, and so on. Is that so?"

"Though i can't speak for every halfling i would say that book contained some exaggerations. Different cultures have different customs. Although we are all united with a lust for life and are not afraid to indulge ourselves."

Depending on the timeframe Quiddling will follow to the Pharasmin temple. His major priority is finishing breakfast, unless there is something really urgent happening, like a zombie uprising. If the visit to the temple can wait until after breakfast, then we will attend, otherwise he can be found back at the dining room.

M Human Paladin 2 (Undead Scourge)


Male N Human (Varisian) Occultist 2 | HP: 17/17 | AC: 17 (11 Tch, 16 FF) | CMB: +3, CMD: 14 | Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +4 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +10, Sense Motive: +7 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None | Mental Focus 3/8 | 1st Level Spells 3/3 |

Heading to the temple.

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

Corinne is happy to see a couple of the large, intimidating men accompanying her to the temple.

After returning to the Lorrimor residence to finish breakfast, your group departs for the temple. Following the road west from the Lorrimor's, you cross through the covered bridge and turn north past several homes and fields. The temple is on your left as you continue northward, the largest building in town.

Kendra waves an arm to encompass the entire structure, perhaps ironically like a tour guide or the curator of a museum. "This temple is devoted to Pharasma, the Lady of Graves. Ravengro’s only religious structure, the temple is also the town’s most elaborate building. Its eastern facade displays an intricate stained-glass mural depicting a stern Pharasma judging Count Andachi, one of Tamrivena’s most infamous previous rulers. Vauran Grimburrow is officially in charge of the temple, but the day-to-day tending of the flock and maintenance of the temple and the Restlands are largely seen to by a dozen acolytes. The sale of minor magic items is also the acolytes’ responsibility."

Stepping inside, you are met by a haggard-looking acolyte scrubbing the tile floors. He looks up and is rather surprised to see your group. Kendra quickly explains the purpose of your visit. After briefly disappearing inside the chapel, the acolyte is replaced by Father Grimburrow himself, bringing with him the cloying scent of incense. He is a rather grizzled old man, with stray whiskers on his chin and eyebrows jutting at odd angles. He speaks with a soothing rasp. "Underpriest Bartlett tells me that you would like to access our library. The Lady of Graves smiles on those who seek to put to rest the souls of the restless. But it seems that we cannot let just anyone pore through the carefully collected tomes of our library. After all, we don't know you from Aroden. Perhaps you could tell us what you are looking for, and when we find the time we will let you know if anything turns up." He looks to the side and locks his eyes on a collection basket sitting on a shelf nearby. Looking sideways, he is still facing you as he speaks, "Of course, if you were to show that you had only the best of intentions..."

Access to the library will require a tithe or a successful Diplomacy check. Or a combination of the two.

Research with the Lorrimor library will require 8 hours of study and will confer a +2 bonus to a Knowledge check. Research with the temple library will require 2 hours of study and will confer a +4 bonus to a Knowledge check.

Female Human Wizard (conjuration) 2

"But of course," Corinne replies promptly. "Our libraries at the university are similarly open only to students and faculty, unless the researcher pays a fee. It's only fair, after all, as outsiders are not personally responsible for the cataloguing and upkeep of the collection. Believe me, I know what a headache that can be! One of the more ... rambunctious of the classes snuck into the stacks one night and rearranged all the tomes in the divination section as a prank. It was absolute chaos the next morning! Between you and me," she says, lowering her voice and leaning in toward the elderly man conspiratorially, "you'd think they would have seen it coming." She looks into her open purse. "What do you consider a reasonable rate here? I believe our college charges 5 gold, but it does have quite an extensive collection."

Father Grimburrow looks suitably aghast, yet unsurprised at the same time. "Good woman, the Lady of Graves does not barter for her knowledge." He says the word as though someone had offered him sour milk. "But her faithful, as always, must provide for the physical needs of her worship. And there are many needs..."

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