About Ionic SaltbeardPFS Information: ===================
PFS Number: 108507-2002 Experience: 72 Gold: 75.79 Training: Swords Major Factions
Minor Factions
All Faction Reputation
Purchased Boons:
Character sheet: ===================
Ethnicity: Death warden Dwarf
=================== Dwarf (Death Warden)
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Osiriani Perception: +16 (3 wis) + (13 prof) + (0 item)) [M]
=================== DEFENSES HIT POINTS: 108/108 ARMOR CLASS
Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [T], Heavy: [U] SAVING THROWS
=================== OFFENSE Class DC: 22 (10 + (3 wis) + (9 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Melee Strikes
[dice= “First the Axe!” Dwarven Waraxe, Doubling ring]1d20+16[/dice]
~~~~ Clan Dagger w/+1 weapon potency rune, Ghost touch property Agile, Dwarf, Parry, Uncommon, Versatile B
[dice= “Next the dagger!” +1 Striking Clan dagger, 2nd strike, Hunted prey]1d20+16-2[/dice]
~~~~ Cold Iron Trident Thrown 20 ft.
[dice= “Axe ain’t working! Time to put holes in it!” Trident, Doubling rings, Cold Iron]1d20+16[/dice]
~~~~ Warhammer Shove
[dice= “Axe ain’t working. Smash it!” warhammer, Doubling rings]1d20+16[/dice]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ranged Strikes
[dice= “Oi get back here!” Ranged Cold Iron Trident]1d20+13[/dice]
~~~~ Sling Propulsive, 50 ft. 1 hand
[dice= “They too far away” Sling]1d20+13[/dice]
=================== ABILITY SCORES STR +4 (19), DEX +2 (14), CON +3 (16), INT +1 (12), WIS +3 (16), CHA -1 (8)
Skills and Languages: ===================
Skills: Acrobatics: +11 = (2 dex) + (9 prof) + (0 item) - (0 armor) [T]
Feats: ===================
Ancestry Feats and Abilities Special 1st: Dark Vision, Clan Dagger Heritage Death Warden Dwarf) roll a success on a saving throw against a necromancy effect, get a critical success instead. 1st: Dwarf Weapon Familiarity 5th: Clan’s Edge =================== Skill Feats Background: Underwater Marauder
=================== General Feats
=================== Class Feats and Abilities
=================== Bonus Feats
Equipment: ===================
Combat Gear:
Magic Items:
Other Gear:
Bulk: Carrying 9 Bulk 6 Light of 9 Bulk Maximum Coins: 75.79 GP Temporary Items: ===================
Pathfinder Training Item Discovered in Scenario
Scenarios and Tracking: ===================
Chronicle #1: Origin of the Open Road (Pregen) Sheet Purchases: None Downtime: None Chronicle #2: Mosquito Witch
Spoiler: Downtime: Earn Income
Dwarven War Axe (3gp)
Trident (1gp) Warhammer (1gp) Sling (-) Sling bullets 30 (3cp) Chainmail (6gp) Minor elixir of life (3gp) Feather Token (Ladder) (3gp) Adventurer’s pack (7sp) Clothing (normal) (1sp) Pup Tent (8sp) Mirror (1gp) Simple Manacles (3gp) Healer’s kit (5gp) Compass (1gp) Chronicle 03: Flames of Rebellion
Chronicle 04: Trailblazer’s Bounty
Chronicle 05: Tarnbreaker’s Trial
Chronicle 06: Absalom Initiation
Holy Water 3gp Lesser Antidote 3 gp Lesser Anti Plague 3 gp Weapon Potency Rune (on Clan Dagger) 35 gp Cheetah’s elixir 4 gp Eagle Eye Elixir 4 gp Playing cards .5 gp Water Purifier 5 gp Wax key blank 1 gp Downtime: Earn Income Chronicle 07: 1-09 Star Crossed Voyages
Chronicle 08: 2-05 Path of Kings
Doubling Rings 50 gp Cold weather outfit .4 gp Downtime: [url=https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivloe/discussion#3]Earn Income Chronicle 09: 2-00 King in Thorns [GM Credit]
Chronicle 10: Sunder Waves One-Shot [GM Credit]
Chronicle 11: 2-03 Mountain of Sea and Sky
Striking Rune 65 gp Downtime: Earn Income EDIT: for 1 day, then 7 days retraining Toughness for Acestral Paragon (Surface Culture). Chronicle 12: 3-01: Intro Year of the Shattered Sanctuaries [GM Credit]
Chronicle 13: 2-18 Fanciful March of Urwal
Ghost Touch Property Rune 75 gp Downtime: Earn Income Crit success at level 3 w/ expert proficiency = 6.4 gp Chronicle 14: 2-20 Breaking the Storm: Bastion in Embers
Chronicle 15: Pathfinder One-Shot: Head-Shot the Rot
Chronicle 16: Pathfinder Adventure: Threshold of Knowledge
Chronicle 17: 2-08 Frosty Mug
Chronicle 18: 2-06 The Crashing Wave
Chronicle 19: Breaking the Storm:
Armor Potency (+1) - 160 gp
Pearly white spindle aeon stone - 60 gp Lifting Belt - 80 gp Boots of Bounding - 340 Downtime: [url=]Earn Income-Not rolled yet[/ url] Chronicle ##: Blank form
BOT ME!: ===================
Ionic likes to set the closest enemy as his prey and get in close. He then swings at them with his dwarven war axe followed by as many clan dagger attacks as he can. He tends to use Twin Takedown whenever he can. If he starts his turn next to his hunted prey, he likes to use Twin Takedown and then Clan’s Edge for four attacks and a free parry. *Note, these numbers are assuming he has his dagger in one hand. Reduce numbers for the axe if he doesn’t. [dice= “First de Axe!” Dwarven Waraxe, Doubling ring]1d20+16[/dice]
If the enemy proves resistant to slashing or piercing, Ionic will switch to either his trident or warhammer as needed. If he’s not holding his clan dagger, use the first set, if he is the second set.
Finally if the enemy can’t be engaged in melee, Ionic will toss either his trident if the enemy is close enough or use his sling if they are too far for trident tossing.