City of Ashes (Inactive)

Game Master Grimmy

Round 4
Fire Mephit (steals the amulet)
Uurnir (scorpion style)
Magma Elementals (attack)
Lilia (magic missile)
Ronen <<<<
Ares <<<<
Priscilla <<<<

Battle Map

Campaign Map | Equipment Sheet | Campaign Journal

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Well if you guys didn't mind the slow pace maybe it would have been better to keep going but I just thought it would be better to pause for a bit until I can log in more regularly. I'll send you guys a PM when things ease up on my end.

The Professional | Female Human Unchained Rogue 8 | HP 51/51 | AC: 20/15/15 | Evasion | ImpUncDodge | Danger Sense +2 | F:+4 R:+12 W:+7 | CMB: +7 CMD 22 | Initiative +5| Perc.+15 | SM+13 | Lowlight Vision

Good luck to you, Grimmy.

Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Hope everything is able to settle down for you Grimmy, by Muir's might we all shall return!!!!

Hey Guys,

I am restarting my wizard's amulet game, but with the way my personal and professional life is at the moment I have to stick to just one for now. I just didn't want to return to the boards without at least leaving a message here.

Good luck!

Thank you my friend, I really do miss gaming with you lot, and have to resist a really strong temptation to try to start this back up now. But I have some mental health issues and I have to be cautious with taking on responsibilities because it easily gets to be too much for me to handle.

I really hope there are no hard feelings.

The Professional | Female Human Unchained Rogue 8 | HP 51/51 | AC: 20/15/15 | Evasion | ImpUncDodge | Danger Sense +2 | F:+4 R:+12 W:+7 | CMB: +7 CMD 22 | Initiative +5| Perc.+15 | SM+13 | Lowlight Vision

Hope you are doing well, Grimmy.

Male Aasimar Cleric-3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 15(17 w/shield) T:12 FF:13(15) | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 | Cmb:+4 CMD: 15 | Perception:+4

Hope everything is well with you Grimmy, enjoyed playing with you both times!

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