Castamir's Flaxseed Station

Game Master Chris Marsh

GameDay XIII
Play by Post Lodges and Guides
Data Tracking Form Link

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Gameday XIII Both low-tier Starfinder Specials "The End Awakens" are still open if anyone is interested.

The End Awakens sign up .

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GM Thoughtfulmonkey wrote:

Three players currently signed up for 4-08 Precious Cargo (levels 1-4), as part of Gameday XIII. Would be great to get at least one more, if you're interested.

Sign up sheet here.

One of the top 5 ever Starfinder scenarios.

You can't play in multiple specials can you? Or did Gameday change that?


If anyone is interested in playing Into the Perplexity, there is room in my table for Gameday! It is over at Cayden's Keg discord.

One last call for a few Starfinder agents looking to play in "The End Awakens" Starfinder special! Several slots still open for the 1-2 tier table HERE

Gameday sign-up sheet

Silver Crusade

I've only got two signed up for a run of 6-04 'Secrets Long Submerged' (9-12 tier). I'd like more please. Any takers? I don't think pregens go that high.

I'm looking for one-three more players for 7-05 The Day the River died. You can sign up here, and then directly go to the gameplay thread here

Also paging:


for their seats at the same table!

Also offering recruitment for 7-03, 7-04, and 7-06 for those interested. Sign-ups in the same place.

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Ok, that went quick. We have two tables for 7-05, and still one more spot available!

Table A: please go here
George 09-23
Joe Jungers (Dr. A-Prof)
Inspector Xagyg


Table B: please go here
Dash Riprock (Halgur)
Twila-5 (Warah)
Kaath (Solarian)


Still one more seat! Feel free to claim it here, then proceed directly to the table!

The two games share a common discussion thread, so please go there if you want to switch seats, as long as you have found a seat by the time the music stops. Fortunately for you, the current music is an Astrowerk song, and they tend to run long...


Stell, now 5th level operative (4)/Envoy (1), has filled the last spot.

Recruiting for 7-06 Archives of Eternity, a 1-4 game. I currently have seven players, so I'm looking to open up a second table if few more players sign up. You can find the sign-up here

Silver Crusade

Twilight will have to bow out at this point - she's doing a 1-12 run at the moment. The seventh person can have her spot.


Added Android Technomancer(4) to the 7-06 Archives of Eternity signup sheet.

I have several characters that are in 1-4. I might need to level some of them up, but they wouldn't go out of tier.

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