klonac's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (1,032 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


I have several characters that are in 1-4. I might need to level some of them up, but they wouldn't go out of tier.

3-17 sounds like a good time to me. I have a level 1 mechanic, operative, and a biohacker who all have a game or two on them.

Here you go.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PawOy_3mKCkmITJVX4tuecjpezriwkGgNTt ei0rhwVE/edit#slide=id.p

I have a question for the rest of the group. What do you think of players using very off-the-rails tactics? Things like burning down the adventure location in order to kill the enemies inside since they don't have hostages or a fragile macguffin. Do you like this because it can create an interesting battle, or hate this because it ruins the hard work you put in building the adventure location?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think the main job of the GM is to run the game so that the whole group can enjoy it, have the final word on rules questions and usually set up an area to play in.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been playing TTRPGs for a few years now, starting with some Arthurian RPGs with a family member. I have played a fair amount of Pf1, some Starfinder, and a few oneshots of Pathfinder 2. I have also gone to Origins Game Fair twice.

I have never GMed before now, but I have some really cool ideas for campaigns.

I also love videogames like deep rock galactic, Warhammer 40k Darktide, Armored Core 6 and Monster Hunter.

I would like to use either the soldier or the operative.

This looks interesting to me.

Redelia has recommended this game to me. Is there still a slot open?

I have a lvl 3 half elf swashbuckler or a level 6 elf rogue depending on the subtier.

Zoey Strawberry wrote:

Hello! It's bright and sparkly Zoey again!

Before she can finish whatever she was going to announce, at least four starfinders receive a message on ther comm unit: Meet us for breakfast, Croizanarte. Z


I've set up the gameplay thread for Ghost Level Delve here. The following players can proceed directly:

Artie (ArtieV88)
George 09-23 (Mage of the Wyrmkin)
Vitellius Korpopolis (Jhaeman)

There is room for two more players. Let me know if you are interested in joining

I'm interested in joining this game. I've got a level one Biohacker.

I am interested. I'll bring a level 1 android operative.

Yeah, I played this at a convention, but the GM was incompetent and had a player vs. GM mentality so I lost access to a dwarf character before it was made always available. I've been given a replay so I can do this scenario again.

Hi, I have heard many good things about your GMing, I'm looking forward to this game.

I'm interested. I have a lvl 2 Ratfolk rogue for low tier, and a lvl 3 half-elf swashbuckler. I would be happy to use a pregen if needed for party balance.

Selected the barbarian companion.

Hello, I am interested in applying to play.
I have a lvl 2 fighter[brawler] who is free.
I am also pretty new to play-by-post.