Beacons of Hope: Wrath of the Righteous!

Game Master GM the Fifth

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Listening to Ik-Ha-Thruun sobered her up some. She'd never had much to deal with the winged aasimar since that ritual. Not from a lack of wanting to, just the way their lives had gone.

Sario Ulum Taliesin wrote:

so the consensus is that it is late night/next day?

As the night wears on and people start to head out, I will take my leave, noting those who are interested in viewing the map further to meet me at Truestone Park on the morrow.

I pay my tab and inquire as to the Tavern Owner about resupplying and if they can accommodate me with this. Once I have my confirmation I again thank those who took the time to talk with me and leave for Truestone park.

Arloric listens to Sario's talk about Sarkoris, and as the strange alchemical haze spreads in the room, his attention falters a bit, but he shakes his head a bit and sees her preparing to depart for the Park.

"Would ya like an escort, m'ady?" he asks, slurring a bit in his tipsiness.

As they depart the tavern, Aloric waves grandiosely at a tall, handsome elk who had apparently been waiting outside this whole time. His majestic antlers stretch to the heavens and his coat is a beautiful red-gold. He snuffs somewhat disapprovingly as they approach.

"Tar anois, ná a bheith mar sin! Beidh mé sober go leor do na deasghnátha amárach agus tá a fhios agat é!"

"Come now, don't be like that! I'll be sober enough for the rites tomorrow and you know it!"

He turns back to Sario.

"Shario! Meet Red-Branch, my boon companion! I reshcued him from shome shtupid huntersh a few yearsh ago! He'sh a MEGALOSHEROSH!"

Red-Branch bows his head respectfully to Sario.

Ik-Ha-Thruun wrote:

Ik-Ha-Thruun merely hands over the book, a very ornate thing, that would be a Blessed Book if there were any spells inside it, the book looks to be short perhaps only 200 pages long, but on closer inspection it is greater than 5000 pages.

Not sure what your trying to find out, give me a little to go on if you want to find out more about his backstory IC

Looking to learn more about your story via a sort of interactive guided tour here!

"You've had... conversations with this wizard, like... correspondence by letters. Messages that have been your dialogs. So... show me," says Azura, flipping through the heavy tome. "Show me a conversation that says something about who you both are."

Arloric Dziergas-Highbough wrote:

"Would ya like an escort, m'ady?" he asks, slurring a bit in his tipsiness.

As they depart the tavern, Aloric waves grandiosely at a tall, handsome elk who had apparently been waiting outside this whole time. His majestic antlers stretch to the heavens and his coat is a beautiful red-gold. He snuffs somewhat disapprovingly as they approach.

"Tar anois, ná a bheith mar sin! Beidh mé sober go leor do na deasghnátha amárach agus tá a fhios agat é!"

** spoiler omitted **

He turns back to Sario.

"Shario! Meet Red-Branch, my boon companion! I reshcued him from shome shtupid huntersh a few yearsh ago! He'sh a MEGALOSHEROSH!"

Red-Branch bows his head respectfully to Sario.

Good to meet you Red Branch I bow back to the majestic creature and strokes its nose.

Oh gwych ac anifail hudol , mae'n dda i wneud eich acquaintence

Oh great and magical beast, it is good to make your acquaintence

The Taliesin clan was never known for animals to follow us so willingly without the aid of nature magic. I envy you muchly for your companion here. I would an Escort to the Park, I am not overly familiar with the City as I generally just make quick stops here to gather more supplies and head back out. Tell me more about your uncle.

I will follow Aloric's lead

"Oh dear."

His haze was perhaps a bit too potent, and Cyril quickly dumped whatever was left out down the drain. He began to open the windows of the tavern, hoping the gentle breeze would air out the place. A fine time was all well and good, but this display might land him in hotter water than his concoction.

Eventually, he manages to air out the place, and gathering his things, the now inebriated door man made no point to stop him.

Perhaps I should socialize more often

Cyril makes his way back to his home, making a few mental notes of how to improve his latest creation.

And with that I'll be taking a break from post in the IC thread. Anything more and Cyril would be a bit forced (to be honest, I felt I kinda had to force him a bit in order to stay with the flow of things but hoped you enjoyed his outbursts). Wish we could all be chosen, or at least split into multiple tables, lots of good RP here. Good luck all.

Silver Crusade

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I show then, with those simple words he starts showing the very begining words and pharses that he couldn't understand because of the arcane nature of them, Here, he speak of ArchMage meeting he must attend, and fear because he is missing time, I write too, on next page, learning to read and write, decide on name that day, Ik-Ha-Thruun [Pronouced ICK-Ha-Thruun as in the leader of cheliax..i think? You see, Wizard Friend confused, he no understand I there. Writes more here, questions about who I be, where I come from. I not able to tell him, learning to read and write hard, take many months, many moons to learn enough to tell him I simply exist. I think therefore I am, cannot tell him anymore than that.
Looking closer into the book you can see that the person before you simply Exists, he wasn't born, nor was he created that the Archmage known as Alfred True-Light was able to determin.Alfred True-Light was something of a recluse and was advanced in years, well over 500 years old, having never had any children he had done research on how to encapsulate his thoughts onto something, like a Living Document, all of tests had failed, and he knew he was dieing, but it seems that something went right in a way, because the Mage has created new life, though the Mage isn't sure how.

Here, him talk about doing good, that it all important to do good, that Law was good too, but sometimes revenge best good. Left me Amulet and Holy symbol of Grandfather as he called him. Ragathiel, Mage not know how him think of Mage, but always try to make Grandfather of Mage proud. Look here here, him talk about trips he always wanted go on, I wake up there sometimes, then write down what I think of places and he write back starting then. Start trying to teach I, stuff and things about places and people. Not good at learning quickly, but me do know things about places, and some people. Show me lots of places, people too, met a King Once, some place north, with Ulfen, strange place but nice people. Them no bother me, like drinking and brawling. I join sometimes, miss place there was peace there. No one asked more than I had or could give. Ik-ha-Thruun fell silent then looking at the book, sadly stroking it as if he missed something.

Ik-Ha-Thruun wrote:

I show then, with those simple words he starts showing the very begining words and pharses that he couldn't understand because of the arcane nature of them, Here, he speak of ArchMage meeting he must attend, and fear because he is missing time, I write too, on next page, learning to read and write, decide on name that day, Ik-Ha-Thruun [Pronouced ICK-Ha-Thruun as in the leader of cheliax..i think? You see, Wizard Friend confused, he no understand I there. Writes more here, questions about who I be, where I come from. I not able to tell him, learning to read and write hard, take many months, many moons to learn enough to tell him I simply exist. I think therefore I am, cannot tell him anymore than that.

Looking closer into the book you can see that the person before you simply Exists, he wasn't born, nor was he created that the Archmage known as Alfred True-Light was able to determin.Alfred True-Light was something of a recluse and was advanced in years, well over 500 years old, having never had any children he had done research on how to encapsulate his thoughts onto something, like a Living Document, all of tests had failed, and he knew he was dieing, but it seems that something went right in a way, because the Mage has created new life, though the Mage isn't sure how.

Here, him talk about doing good, that it all important to do good, that Law was good too, but sometimes revenge best good. Left me Amulet and Holy symbol of Grandfather as he called him. Ragathiel, Mage not know how him think of Mage, but always try to make Grandfather of Mage proud. Look here here, him talk about trips he always wanted go on, I wake up there sometimes, then write down what I think of places and he write back starting then. Start trying to teach I, stuff and things about places and people. Not good at learning quickly, but me do know things about places, and some people. Show me lots of places, people too, met a King Once, some place north, with Ulfen, strange place but nice...

"That's... amazing," says Azura wonderingly. "You have a record of... all the things you've learned, of all the mentoring this wizard taught you, and he taught you all this about how to live a good life, how to help people, how to do better things for everyone around you. And he tried to prepare you for your travels, for the people you'd meet, and for the places you might go. It's almost like he was a father to you, trying to help you find your way in the world." Azura gently places a hand on the book, then closes it and hands it back to Ik-Ha-Thruun.

"I think... maybe he needs you to avenge him," she says. "Like something happened to him and now... all he can do is send you these messages, and he needs your help to finish... what he left behind."

Then she lets out a brief yelp as Luci's tail disappears under her skirt, but she quickly suppresses it.

Silver Crusade

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I may not be a smart man, but I know that everyone but me has a mother and father. I have me, but I also have Wizard Friend, perhaps your right, though I know not what to seek Just Revenge for, or just Revenge. You speak smart, make think, open doors in head that not open except when Wizard Freind writes. Me should give you something, not have much but have this.
Without a thought the Angelkin plucks a feather from each of his six wings, and binds it with silken ribbion, and blows on it gently so that it wafts just as gently onto the table.
He doesn't so much as speak about what he did only that he has given of himself, again it would seem though he wasn't smart enough to know that.He first gave of himself when he handed her that book, for it was a collection of all of his memories, all of his thoughts and deeds, and of the Arch Mage that might of created him.

I see, hear, and understand more than most think. Feathers soft, warm, and filled with life and light. Something to play with, or be played with. Darya might want to know, perhaps you should show her and the one, she said, Luciana? Perhaps they will like them, though I wouldn't suggest thinking of me, I am not best with things like this. Thought I try to help friends, always help freinds.
/roll Wingman skill...almost literally. 16 Charisma,16 Strength the boy looks good while saying dumb things at least

Room spins some, and thoughts creep to mind, not sure why, something to do with the mist. Makes feelings about others, feelings I no used to having, though me thinks you understand them well enough. I take up too much time Darya not need stay with I. Dragz gone too, though Luciana stays, so many people here that were there, all of them good people, good freinds, fine people. Not sure what supposed to do other than smile now. Perhaps wave you three away to some secret lovers get away? Not sure what Me can add to that,?

I don't want the RPing to end because its been a real blast to post with all of you :)

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"Thank you! That is so sweet of you," says Azura genuinely. She steps up to give Ik a comforting hug. She smells like springtime.

"If you're still here tomorrow... we could talk more. I think I would like to know more about your story." She gives his arm a comforting squeeze. Then, she turns slightly to address Luci and Darya. "We should get going if I'm going to make it to my work tomorrow," she says.

Dark Archive

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Just wanting to second Ik-Ha-Thruun, this has been awesome. Let's hope Asmodina can get through the 300+ posts we accumulated and make a decision - one big happy 15 person mythic table anyone? :D

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It's been great, I'm quite tempted to try and carry the thread on even after selections are made. Asmodina has quite a tough choice to make me thinks. Just when you think everyone has played their hand Ik pipes up with such a brilliant character! If anyone wants to keep talking feel free to wake Bahram up, I'm still here.

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I'm sure some sort of social/town rp could be arranged for those who don't go on the adventure!

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Waving to Ik-Ha-Thruun, Darya stands up, slipping on arm around Azura's waist and the other around Luci's with a smile after putting a few more gold on the counter. "Happy Armasse eve everybody!" she calls out as they leave.

It definitely has been a blast!

Merlin looks around the tavern. The evening has gotten late; it's almost morning. He yawns; a huge, jaw-popping deal that reverberates throughout his entire body.

This has been a welcomed homecoming

Merlin stands to leave. He waves so long to those he has known; and he waves to those just met.

I wonder how the actual festival day will even duplicate this night!

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Motion seconded c:

The elf will inquire about lodgings in the inn.

Azura Celestine wrote:
I'm sure some sort of social/town rp could be arranged for those who don't go on the adventure!

I've been with you the entire time and intentionally haven't made a post knowing that things would slow down. And, in fact, I don't want to say no to anyone. If this were a television show I'd try to find some place for your PCs in it because they are just that neat.

I think taking on rebuilding Kenabres would be a great idea. I'm up for discussing that.

So where do we go from here oh great leader?

Well, we could have a 15 player table.....I wonder what that adjustment would be?!

A 15 player MYTHIC table!

Oh yea, I've forgotten!...

I wonder if two tables would be able to do well? Say that when the biggie shows up in the opening sequence there was an alternate time that takes place so that both stories are able to run parallel?

Sovereign Court

Here's a list of posters so far:

Character - Player - Type
Dragz Titanhammer - william Nightmoon - Half-orc barbarian (scarred rager)
Kelly Littlekettle - MattZ - Halfling barbarian (urban)
Baleon The Bloodhound - halfdragon62 - Human paladin
Darya Flamekissed - Mark Thomas 66 - Aasimar paladin
Ik-Ha-Thruun - Grogimus - Aasimar (angelkin) paladin
Iomenna bet-Melkiel - Mjolbeard89 - Human bloodrager (celestial) (steelblood)
Losvarlinth - Reg Tyrsman - Half-drow fighter (two-weapon fighter)
Luciana Moretti - ShadowFighter88 - Tiefling (demon-blooded) paladin
Uriel Aurelius - Ouachitonian - Aasimar (angelkin) paladin

Full Divine Casters
Aberus Ocellio - John Mechalas - Human cleric
Arloric Dziergas-Highbough - Archpaladin Zousha - Tiefling druid (nature fang)
Merlin Brokencrown - Dorian 'Grey' - Half-Elf warsighted oracle
Sario Ulum Taliesin - Raltus - Aasimar (archon-blooded) druid
Siobhan Sable - Nikolaus de'Shade - Half-drow oracle

Full Arcane Casters
Adriala Nightmoon - william Nightmoon - Tiefling (devil-blood) witch
Telerin Quenya - JASON RODARTE - Elf abjurer

Skills & Hybrids
Alexa Dorne - Dragoncat - Aasimar (emberkin) unchained rogue
Arthur Murkwood - servant6 - Tiefling (Kyton-blooded) bard (archivist)
Azura Celestine - Jesse Heinig - Aasimar bard (arcane healer)
Bahram Alhazred - Louxman - Human inquisitor
Cyril Hastings Alderford - inxptter - Human alchemist
Ithilwen of the Myriad Stars - Limnen_euron - Half-drow bard (arcane duelist)

I do like the idea about the rebuilding, since extra troops would need an area to come to reinforce the World Wound.

Would it be better to post perhaps by mythic path, if stated? That might be helpful as well

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Wow, it's true that the afterparty is when the coolest things happen! That was a good read to find upon returning to the thread, guys!

I'd be intrigued to explore additional options to get as many people as possible on the bandwagon. There's FAR more than just four amazing roleplayers here (I mean, we can all agree everyone has had a couple of great moments here – many, more than just a couple).

Sovereign Court

Telerin Quenya wrote:
Would it be better to post perhaps by mythic path, if stated? That might be helpful as well

I'm not currently at home so I don't have the tools handy to reorganize the list.

Allow me, then! DUN DUN DA DAAAA!

Mark Thomas 66: Darya Flamekissed (Aasimar Paladin)
Archpaladin Zousha: Arloric Dziergas-Highbough (Tiefling Druid *Nature Fang*)
Grogimus: Ik-Ha-Thruun (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin)
ShadowFighter88: Luciana Moretti (Tiefling *Demon-blooded* Paladin)
william Nightmoon: Dragz Titanhammer (Half-Orc Barbarian *Scarred Rager*)
MattZ: Kelly Littlekettle (Halfling Barbarian *Urban Barbarian*)
halfdragon62: Baleon The Bloodhound (Human Paladin)

Mjolbeard89: Iomenna bet-Melkiel (Human Bloodrager *Celestial, Steelblooded*)
Reg Tyrsman: Losvarlinth (Half-Drow Fighter *Two-Weapon Fighter*)

Raltus: Sario Ulum Taliesin (Aasimar *Lawbringer* Druid)
Jesse Heinig: Azura Celestine (Aasimar Bard *Arcane Healer*)

Dorian 'Grey': Merlin Brokencrown (Half-Elf Warsighted Oracle)
servant6: Arthur Mirkwood (Tiefling *Kyton-Blooded* Archivist Bard)
Nikolaus de'Shade: Siobhan Sable (Half-Drow Oracle)
John Mechalas: Aberus Ocellio (Human *Taldan* Cleric of Sarenrae)
Ouachitonian: Uriel Aurelius (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin *Oathsworn vs. Fiends & Vengeance)
william Nightmoon (Probably going to need to pick one or the other): Adriala Nightmoon (Tiefling *Devilblooded* Witch *Transformation Patron*)

Dragoncat: Alexa Dorne (Aasimar *Emberkin* Unchained Rogue) (Actually, I think I'm going to Dual-Path her)
Louxman: Bahram Alhazred (Human *Keleshite* Inquisitor)
Limnen_euron: Ithilwen of the Myriad Stars (Half-Drow Bard *Arcane Duelist*)

JASON RODARTE: Telerin Quenya (Elf Wizard *Abjurer*)
inxpitter: Cyril Hastings Alderford (Human Alchemist *Beastmorph*)

If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Silver Crusade

I actually will most likely be going Guardian

Dragoncat wrote:

Allow me, then! DUN DUN DA DAAAA!

Mark Thomas 66: Darya Flamekissed (Aasimar Paladin)
Archpaladin Zousha: Arloric Dziergas-Highbough (Tiefling Druid *Nature Fang*)
ShadowFighter88: Luciana Moretti (Tiefling *Demon-blooded* Paladin)
william Nightmoon: Dragz Titanhammer (Half-Orc Barbarian *Scarred Rager*)
MattZ: Kelly Littlekettle (Halfling Barbarian *Urban Barbarian*)
halfdragon62: Baleon The Bloodhound (Human Paladin)

Mjolbeard89: Iomenna bet-Melkiel (Human Bloodrager *Celestial, Steelblooded*)
Reg Tyrsman: Losvarlinth (Half-Drow Fighter *Two-Weapon Fighter*)
-Ik-Ha-Thruun (Aasimar -Angelkin- Paladin)

Raltus: Sario Ulum Taliesin (Aasimar *Lawbringer* Druid)
Jesse Heinig: Azura Celestine (Aasimar Bard *Arcane Healer*)

Dorian 'Grey': Merlin Brokencrown (Half-Elf Warsighted Oracle)
servant6: Arthur Mirkwood (Tiefling *Kyton-Blooded* Archivist Bard)
Nikolaus de'Shade: Siobhan Sable (Half-Drow Oracle)
John Mechalas: Aberus Ocellio (Human *Taldan* Cleric of Sarenrae)
Ouachitonian: Uriel Aurelius (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin *Oathsworn vs. Fiends & Vengeance)
william Nightmoon (Probably going to need to pick one or the other): Adriala Nightmoon (Tiefling *Devilblooded* Witch *Transformation Patron*)

Dragoncat: Alexa Dorne (Aasimar *Emberkin* Unchained Rogue) (Actually, I think I'm going to Dual-Path her)
Louxman: Bahram Alhazred (Human *Keleshite* Inquisitor)
Limnen_euron: Ithilwen of the Myriad Stars (Half-Drow Bard *Arcane Duelist*)

JASON RODARTE: Telerin Quenya (Elf Wizard *Abjurer*)
inxpitter: Cyril Hastings Alderford (Human Alchemist *Beastmorph*)

If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Been ages since I read the Mythic paths, but I think my original plan was Champion. I'll read through them again this afternoon. Also, I know I haven't fixed up Luci's stats yet, it's a bit of a pain to do so I'm saving it for if she gets accepted.

Silver Crusade

I am going to introduce the Wizard Freind now if anyone wants to speak with him

Ik-Ha-Thruun felt sleepy and moved off to his room upstairs, what came down though was another thing.

The Arch-Mage known as Alfred True-Light came down the stairs moments later, supporting himself on a Great Sword made of force, clearly could all see him, but in front of him went a Book floating in the air, carried by a invisible servant. He wore the white robes of a good mage, and was bedecked as was fit for travel. A raven that had been bleached white by years sat on his shoulder, I shouldn't have lied to him Munnin, he needs you and I it seems. Though for whats left of the life of me I am not sure what to do with him. The paladin isn't old enough to be here, but neither can I simply leave him to waste his life in my Wizards Tower. Surely there is a Cure

The White Raven cocked its head and spoke in Common, "You worry much over the being that is stealing your very life, perhaps even your soul. Your powers wane now because you don't fight it. You should blast his existance from reality, but no, you will not have any death on your doorstep, since your adventuring days are over. I forget, how many of your compatriots are still alive? Was it 3? All of them strong enough in magic, be it arcane or divine, to overcome this thing. Yet still we are here, about to sit down at a table and pour over books..."
A crack of magical energy surged from the Alfred, "I will not have you speak that way Munnin, nor will I allow you to foster the thoughts that you have into others. He steals nothing from me, he has every right to exist, just I did. I however am old, and wizened. Did you not notice that without the magic of this belt, I would be too old and feeble to even walk down those steps. I pray that Grandfather Ragathiel will give me a sign soon. My powers wane too greatly for me to hold this form for more than an evening at most anymore. To make it worse my magic seems to have been bent away from my will, though only Grandfather would know why. Perhaps though it is my powers feeding him life. It could be, though I would need more research..." [/b]

The older Angelkin wrote in the book while thinking, having to stop at one point to sit at a table. He stopped once more when he read some of the things that the Paladin had wrote, feelings, other than anger and fear. It was a start, though he wasn't sure what the feelings were, Alfred knew them well, he remeberd his first wife, oh so long ago. He had felt the stirring in his loins when he had seen her, but the lad had no idea what that was. Blasted all, there wasn't enough time to talk him through these things. The thought stopped him, there was never time to talk to him as they could never be in the same place at once. Well, he could write to him, explain birds and bees, or at least what romance was like. He was slow, and had to be coached through things, but this one was one of those things that should have been told to him earlier. Grandfather forbid if some ruffian had explained it, he might have the wrong idea on how to go about things, or even if he should.
There stood another problem, what was he to the Paladin, just a freind that he never saw, one that answered questions. The sigh that escaped him was exacerbated by more problems.Time wasn't on his side, and he had so very much he needed to do.

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Missed by that much! Azura's busy getting seduced.

When are you looking to start and make your selections, DM?

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Bahram Alhazred wrote:
So where do we go from here oh great leader?

A posting of who is in the adventure will be made, and then we can move on from there. I'll have it posted this week, likely around Tuesday.

okay. will you be doing the rebuilding as well?

*fingers crossed*

Silver Crusade

Can't tell you how nerve wracking its going to be over the next few days, Good Luck to all, Bring Glory to your Home, and Revenge to those that wronged you

Dragoncat wrote:

Allow me, then! DUN DUN DA DAAAA!

Mark Thomas 66: Darya Flamekissed (Aasimar Paladin)
Archpaladin Zousha: Arloric Dziergas-Highbough (Tiefling Druid *Nature Fang*)
Grogimus: Ik-Ha-Thruun (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin)
ShadowFighter88: Luciana Moretti (Tiefling *Demon-blooded* Paladin)
william Nightmoon: Dragz Titanhammer (Half-Orc Barbarian *Scarred Rager*)
MattZ: Kelly Littlekettle (Halfling Barbarian *Urban Barbarian*)
halfdragon62: Baleon The Bloodhound (Human Paladin)

Mjolbeard89: Iomenna bet-Melkiel (Human Bloodrager *Celestial, Steelblooded*)
Reg Tyrsman: Losvarlinth (Half-Drow Fighter *Two-Weapon Fighter*)

Raltus: Sario Ulum Taliesin (Aasimar *Lawbringer* Druid)
Jesse Heinig: Azura Celestine (Aasimar Bard *Arcane Healer*)

Dorian 'Grey': Merlin Brokencrown (Half-Elf Warsighted Oracle)
servant6: Arthur Mirkwood (Tiefling *Kyton-Blooded* Archivist Bard)
Nikolaus de'Shade: Siobhan Sable (Half-Drow Oracle)
John Mechalas: Aberus Ocellio (Human *Taldan* Cleric of Sarenrae)
Ouachitonian: Uriel Aurelius (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin *Oathsworn vs. Fiends & Vengeance)
william Nightmoon (Probably going to need to pick one or the other): Adriala Nightmoon (Tiefling *Devilblooded* Witch *Transformation Patron*)

Dragoncat: Alexa Dorne (Aasimar *Emberkin* Unchained Rogue) (Actually, I think I'm going to Dual-Path her)
Louxman: Bahram Alhazred (Human *Keleshite* Inquisitor)
Limnen_euron: Ithilwen of the Myriad Stars (Half-Drow Bard *Arcane Duelist*)

JASON RODARTE: Telerin Quenya (Elf Wizard *Abjurer*)
inxpitter: Cyril Hastings Alderford (Human Alchemist *Beastmorph*)

If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Arloric's actually looking to multi-path between Champion and Hierophant. ;)

Alexa's going to be dual-pathing between Trickster & Archmage.

Telerin Quenya wrote:
okay. will you be doing the rebuilding as well?

I'd like to be a part of it.

Where would you get the gaming material for it?

Dragoncat wrote:

Allow me, then! DUN DUN DA DAAAA!

John Mechalas: Aberus Ocellio (Human *Taldan* Cleric of Sarenrae)

I feel as though I failed to provide you with an adequate challenge here. Or any challenge.

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Telerin Quenya wrote:
Where would you get the gaming material for it?

Mainly Ultimate Campaign.

Dark Archive

Sounds like fun either way. Good luck on making your choice Asmodina!

nail biter...Aberus? I thought you did a great job. Merlin needs a mentor.....

Eeeeeeeeee! So excited!

Dark Archive

Being arcane, i'll go Arch-mage not Herophant. and Dragz is going Guardian as well

Mark Thomas 66: Darya Flamekissed (Aasimar Paladin)
Archpaladin Zousha: Arloric Dziergas-Highbough (Tiefling Druid *Nature Fang*) (Dual-Pathing to Hierophant)
Grogimus: Ik-Ha-Thruun (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin)
ShadowFighter88: Luciana Moretti (Tiefling *Demon-blooded* Paladin)
MattZ: Kelly Littlekettle (Halfling Barbarian *Urban Barbarian*)
halfdragon62: Baleon The Bloodhound (Human Paladin)

Mjolbeard89: Iomenna bet-Melkiel (Human Bloodrager *Celestial, Steelblooded*)
Reg Tyrsman: Losvarlinth (Half-Drow Fighter *Two-Weapon Fighter*)
william Nightmoon: Dragz Titanhammer (Half-Orc Barbarian *Scarred Rager*)

Raltus: Sario Ulum Taliesin (Aasimar *Lawbringer* Druid)
Jesse Heinig: Azura Celestine (Aasimar Bard *Arcane Healer*)

Dorian 'Grey': Merlin Brokencrown (Half-Elf Warsighted Oracle)
servant6: Arthur Mirkwood (Tiefling *Kyton-Blooded* Archivist Bard)
Nikolaus de'Shade: Siobhan Sable (Half-Drow Oracle)
John Mechalas: Aberus Ocellio (Human *Taldan* Cleric of Sarenrae)
Ouachitonian: Uriel Aurelius (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin *Oathsworn vs. Fiends & Vengeance)

Dragoncat: Alexa Dorne (Aasimar *Emberkin* Unchained Rogue) (Actually, I think I'm going to Dual-Path her to Archmage)
Louxman: Bahram Alhazred (Human *Keleshite* Inquisitor)
Limnen_euron: Ithilwen of the Myriad Stars (Half-Drow Bard *Arcane Duelist*)

JASON RODARTE: Telerin Quenya (Elf Wizard *Abjurer*)
inxpitter: Cyril Hastings Alderford (Human Alchemist *Beastmorph*)
william Nightmoon (Probably going to need to pick one or the other): Adriala Nightmoon (Tiefling *Devilblooded* Witch *Transformation Patron*)

List updated!

Dragoncat wrote:


Mark Thomas 66: Darya Flamekissed (Aasimar Paladin)
Archpaladin Zousha: Arloric Dziergas-Highbough (Tiefling Druid *Nature Fang*) (Dual-Pathing to Hierophant)
Grogimus: Ik-Ha-Thruun (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin)
ShadowFighter88: Luciana Moretti (Tiefling *Demon-blooded* Paladin)
MattZ: Kelly Littlekettle (Halfling Barbarian *Urban Barbarian*)
halfdragon62: Baleon The Bloodhound (Human Paladin)

Mjolbeard89: Iomenna bet-Melkiel (Human Bloodrager *Celestial, Steelblooded*)
Reg Tyrsman: Losvarlinth (Half-Drow Fighter *Two-Weapon Fighter*)
william Nightmoon: Dragz Titanhammer (Half-Orc Barbarian *Scarred Rager*)

Raltus: Sario Ulum Taliesin (Aasimar *Lawbringer* Druid)
Jesse Heinig: Azura Celestine (Aasimar Bard *Arcane Healer*)

Dorian 'Grey': Merlin Brokencrown (Half-Elf Warsighted Oracle)
servant6: Arthur Mirkwood (Tiefling *Kyton-Blooded* Archivist Bard)
Nikolaus de'Shade: Siobhan Sable (Half-Drow Oracle)
John Mechalas: Aberus Ocellio (Human *Taldan* Cleric of Sarenrae)
Ouachitonian: Uriel Aurelius (Aasimar *Angelkin* Paladin *Oathsworn vs. Fiends & Vengeance)

Dragoncat: Alexa Dorne (Aasimar *Emberkin* Unchained Rogue) (Actually, I think I'm going to Dual-Path her to Archmage)
Louxman: Bahram Alhazred (Human *Keleshite* Inquisitor)
Limnen_euron: Ithilwen of the Myriad Stars (Half-Drow Bard *Arcane Duelist*)

JASON RODARTE: Telerin Quenya (Elf Wizard *Abjurer*)
inxpitter: Cyril Hastings Alderford (Human Alchemist *Beastmorph*)
william Nightmoon (Probably going to need to pick one or the other): Adriala Nightmoon (Tiefling *Devilblooded* Witch *Transformation Patron*)

List updated!

Dare you to do this again but by campaign traits!

Lmao! Game on!

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