Back in Business (Alpha Run) [Shadowrun 4E]

Game Master CloakedInSmoke

This is the thread for the Alpha Run campaign of Back in Business (Shadowrun, 4th edition).

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The goals we have, as far as I can recall, are to find/rescue the archeologist lady and to leave the guy who kidnapped her in Knight Errant territory where they can collect him.

I do not remember if we are supposed to recover anything other than the archeologist and this other guy.

Crix Zelbourne wrote:

I'm still game, but I've lost all absorption. I can hardly remember our objectives.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I thought I could get back into it, or even pick up GMing it, but I've realized that it's just not going to happen. I had a hard time getting back into the character's mindset, and now I have so much going on that it'd be even harder. I actually just had to give up running my RL group's games to cut down on the stress.

So, my apologies for flaking out and vanishing (with whatever impact that had on the revival of this game), and I wish you all well in future games.

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