Back in Business (Alpha Run) [Shadowrun 4E]

Game Master CloakedInSmoke

This is the thread for the Alpha Run campaign of Back in Business (Shadowrun, 4th edition).

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M human

Alright, Alpha Runners, welcome to the team!

Your first assignment is to become a team. Discuss (in or out of character) how you all met and became a running team. The campaign starts in Seattle, and most of your backstories revolve around Seattle, but don't feel limited by that. If you all want to meet and start your running in Antarctica, as long as you all end up in Seattle at the same time, I don't care :)

Greetings everyone! I am glad to be playing shadowrun again!

Big thanks to CloakedInSmoke for stepping up to the plate.

Jack Be Nimble does not do much outside of Seattle. He has done a couple things for the Mafia, so it is possible that one of those jobs could have taken him outside of the city.

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

yeah thanks a lot Cloaked looks like this'll be a lot of fun.

Miyako's career started in la and ended up in Seattle so along the way it'd be certain that she had run into all of the orks at some time. I think the others are all orks !!!

Unless you object, Jack met Miyako while planning the theft of a shipment of guns. As a security consultant, she would also have an idea of how to find holes in security as well.

Since then, business has called them into collaboration a few times in both directions.

Crix worked a lot with the Zenbloods, but that doesn't mean he never performed a hit for anyone else. Perhaps Jack is a contact Crix picked up while doing some work for the Orks.

Given Jack's hatred of Humanis, it is entirely possible that he would have been willing to have someone quietly erased. Or he could have been loaned out as magical backup for a hit Crix had been contracted for.

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

@Jack , yeah that sounds pretty good.
@Crix, as Miyako has done some occasional wetwork herself, it conceivable that her and Crix may have been teamed up in the past.

So... here we are.

M human

Still waiting on Skullcrusha to check in. I PMed him so hopefully he responds :P


Old runner here, chums. Been in the shadows since the 50's. Specialization is explosives. Explosives and guns. Brought down a high rise just to kill one guy. Thats how i do things. Loudly.

Been in seattle all my life. Traveled a little bit, out to the plains, but didnt like dealing with those indian folks. Too much into their totems.

I do have a day job, working at Ares in the R&D dept for explosives.

As for meeting up... im open to anything.

M human

Alright, I'm going to go ahead and start the game. If you want to, you can continue hammering out how Skullcrusha got integrated into the group in this thread. :)

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

Well, since he's in the making noise business, I can see 'crusha providing distraction ( vehicle crash, exploding garbage can....collapsing building, whatever's necessary ;D ) while Miyako got in or got out of a secure site.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

hey now, i will have you know that the noise is just a bonus. the real art is in the explosion. If i add some copper chaff, i can make the flames have pretty blues and greens in it.
So i am not just a noise guy... I am an artist!


dang it, i did it so used to posting at Rizzen for my games, that it comes muscle memory for me

Don't forget to actually post in the game thread too, btw.

I'm not sure what everyone's methods and skills are, but I think Crix can solve this fairly handily. Just waiting on some other input. Don't want to jump the gun & step on anyone's toes.


I was going to say to the group to not do anything until we get money. Its nothing off our skn if a guy takes someone hostage.

That's an interesting idea, but this does seem rather time-sensitive. Still, feel free to text or subvocal negotiate if you feel the impulse.

M human

For future reference, let's format spirit summoning like this, so you have all the requisite rolls and such.

Summoning Template:
Summon Force X Spirit of Y
Magic+Summoning [dice roll] vs. Force [dice roll]
Services Owed (net hits from M+S roll: if no net hits, no spirit appears but you still must resist drain)
Drain Resistance Test Magic+Willpower [dice roll] vs. [2x hits (not net hits) from Force roll]
Drain Taken (#, S or P)

You could use something similar to this for spellcasting too. It's just there are a lot of dice rolls involved for both that I need before I can do anything in response.

No problem .. I will use that template. I did not know if you would want me to roll for the spirit resisting the summoning. I am on board with making it simpler and faster though.

So I guess we're waiting on Jack...?

Sorry for the delay guys, I was back in town Tuesday night, but the tail end of a flu had me down pretty badly. I will get rolling again today.

M human

How would you guys feel about a rigger joining the team? I have two people in the recruitment thread interested, and it would help your lack of tech support.

BTW, sorry I've not had a chance to post. I'm on day 2 of essentially 3 days of 12 hour shifts right now. I'll get the next part rolling soon :)

I would be fine with it. we are sorely deficient in that regard

Sounds good to me.

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

Always nice to have someone to take down the security systems....well not with dynamite that is :)

But .. that ruins Crusha's fun!

MALE ORK boom :(

but, at least i have my shotguns and pistols.

speaking of which, i need to make a call for a special pistol... I forget the name, but i think it does 9D damage base.

I don't know that one, but there is a single-shot pistol that fires shotgun rounds in Arsenal. And by single-shot, I mean it only holds 1 round. I think it's only 7 or 8P though. But I guess add explosive to that...

M human

Thanks for your patience, everyone! I am going on what is turning out to be day 4 of 5 days of twelve hour shifts, and I'm exhausted. I got an unexpected hour break from work, though, so I was able to post today! :)

Action Figure

Tech specialist reporting in...


Added Fixer contact at Connection 2 / Loyalty 2
Starting nuyen: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 1) = 16x100 = 1600
Realizing i bought so little ammo i used starting cash to buy more if thats okay. Now i have 8 full clips(32rounds) for my gun and my drones and a fake S.I.N. at rating 1

Action Figure

Two questions CIS, do you want me to read the gameplay so far or ignore what happens beforehand and do you need anything from me to help bring me in.

M human

Based on the backstories mentioned above, I would say perhaps Jack, Miyako, and Droid met during the theft of the shipment of guns, with Droid being the getaway rigger (I assume your van has rigger adaptation :) If that sounds good.

Perhaps Droid was in the middle of a job and wasn't able to join the team right away to meet with Mac, who will be happy to pay him a full share. Nazaire may need a little convincing :) Happy roleplaying!

Go ahead and read the gameplay thread--nothing too secretive or "you had to be there" moments happened.

Welcome to the team!

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

Yeah welky Droid !!!

Welcome, Droid! Good to work with you again. ;)

Action Figure


Action Figure

It would probably work if one of his previous acquaintances called him in for his expertise. Quick and easy way in and avoids the old meet up in a bar schtick.


What's the scoop on this?


idk. but im withdrawing from the campaign.

been fun everyone

I'm sorry, I didn't get notification of any new gameplay posts. Sorry guys! I'll post a reply.

Should we re-recruit for Skull's spot?
I have a friend I could probably get in. We could just retcon him in to save time.

What does he want to play?

Dunno. I'd have to ask him. He's made several characters before. I think he favors gun monkeys or mages.

Okay GM, try inviting this guy and see if he's game.

Invite sent :)

RainyDayNinja declined to play, so I guess I'll be re-opening recruitment. Any requests for player types?

The Exchange

Eh what a jerk.
What role are we missing?

M human

Just warning you, I have an extremely busy and long day tomorrow, so I will likely not post until Saturday. Jack and Miyako (and anyone else who might go up to the room), be sure to make Perception+Intuition Tests to search the room. :)

Jack has no ability to contact the people outside the room. So that call is up to you Miyako.

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