Back in Business (Alpha Run) [Shadowrun 4E]

Game Master CloakedInSmoke

This is the thread for the Alpha Run campaign of Back in Business (Shadowrun, 4th edition).

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Trog could carry some extra weight in combat for sure, but wouldn't be doing us any favors on the social side of things. Still, I guess if you're tough enough, diplomacy is mostly unnecessary.
Alternatively I could bring in Lyst who is somewhat of a face and let your Trog fill Crix's combat role, but changing characters in the middle might interrupt the feel.
Of course, not playing for months might have already done that. So I'd leave that one up to the team.

Crix Zelbourne wrote:

Trog could carry some extra weight in combat for sure, but wouldn't be doing us any favors on the social side of things. Still, I guess if you're tough enough, diplomacy is mostly unnecessary.

Alternatively I could bring in Lyst who is somewhat of a face and let your Trog fill Crix's combat role, but changing characters in the middle might interrupt the feel.
Of course, not playing for months might have already done that. So I'd leave that one up to the team.

When I play other games I have a feel for what the character can do, and how they stand, but with SR's yahtzee-esque fixation on the cascading waves of D6s I'm not sure how useful I would be.

Either way I am happy, but if the trog could fill a roll/role I am 103% there.

If you want to move her over from Beta run, Maeyan is a very social elf... Slightly sociopathic, but very social.

I guess it depends on our wonderful new GM if he wants to handle two more players. I am perfectly fine with the addition of two more.

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

I've no objections as well :D

I have no objections either. Let's try to get the characters up and running soon. I will be posting on Sunday to kickstart this game. Sometime in the afternoon GMT so watch for that. Got all the changes from base 4e to anniversary in my head I think, so hopefully I don't screw up or mix up a rule. Feel free to call me on it if I do.

I see the last GM didn't let you trade in dice for success, I will be allowing the rule of trading 4 dice for a single success if you wish to use it however only out of combat or not in a stressful situation. (I forget which page number this rule is on but it is in there.)

You can mix and match that if you want so .. pool of 11 dice; you can say use 4 get a success then roll 7. Or use 8 to get 2 successes then roll 3.

I've actually thought of a way to introduce the other characters into the following scene so that'll be good too.

Who are the players currently here? I see Jack, Miyako, Maeyen, Crix, (Jinx's character). Is Droid still around?

Action Figure

Yeah, just been having trouble with my tech.

In the mountains at the moment posting via tethered cellular on my laptop, so my connectivity will likely be hit and miss. Not sure if I am back home tomorrow afternoon/evening, or Monday afternoon/evening, but will keep up as best as I can on the fly.

Not my norm to be out of range of a connection, so the future should not have many delays like this, though depending on the time I get back you might not even notice I was AFK.

Link to Jinx' character sheet on Myth-Weavers: HERE (also found if you click "Human" under his name, while clicking on "Gunslinger" will take you to a handy Shadowrun slang website).

'Tis a work in progress...

Jinx presses a blood-soaked bar rag to his left cheek, wincing with the frigid contact of the ice cubes entombed in the sodden fabric. Breathing in slow, deep breaths he pushes away the pain working to ignore the sticky warmth he could feel under his armour. Blood loss makes him slightly giddy, bolstering his nerve and permitting him to take a peek. It is as he feared, his abdomen isn’t much more than shreds of meat, broken ribs held together by tendons and burned skin.

Time for some ‘ware.

Getting dusted by a ‘Dorpher would just be embarrassing.

Just FYI, I'll get my intro post up some time tonight.

So erm, who's still here? Maeyan is posting soon, Jack has been posting fairly constantly and Jinx has now posted. Miyako has checked in a little while ago.

Just missing Crix and Droid.

I'm here, but again, I'm unconscious, so I don't have a lot to contribute. I'm still following the posts though.

You are conscious as of last post.

Oops. I remember reading that now. Just forgot.

What's the expected posting frequency of this PBP?

When it was established it was at least once per day during the week.

New GM .. I dunno

I'd like to hope daily, sorry I got no internet over the weekend so posting now.

I also would like to see at least one daily post per person during the week, it keeps things moving along nicely. I don't really expect people to post on the weekends.

I can commit to a daily posting requirement.

I'm all over it.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sorry did I miss that your comm got killed in the last fight Crix? If so how was it disabled?

One of the hackers hacked it. It took full matrix damage and got knocked out, however that works. But I made Crix as a technophobe so it's not a huge deal. He doesn't even use a smartgun system for his pistol.

-Posted with Wayfinder

I've just gotten back from vacation, and I'm only going to be able to post 4 days a week during all of September. That's why I couldn't step up to GM this.

I'll try and keep up, though.

Mr. Johnson - what, if anything, should I do with the damage I took in the Beta version of this fight? It was pretty close to incapacitating, even after healing, although 5 hours rest had cured all the stun when the thread died.

So you have had magical healing for your wounds already?

If you have an Android phone, Wayfinder might help you post more consistently.

Jack Be Nimble wrote:

So you have had magical healing for your wounds already?

I think I've just had mundane healing so far.

Crix wrote:
If you have an Android phone, Wayfinder might help you post more consistently.

I don't, but it probably wouldn't help. :(

Thanks for the idea, though - if Wayfinder ever comes to iOS, I'll definitely take another look at it. It looks quite useful.

@Maeyan: Does Paizo forums support Tapatalk? That one I think is on iOS

Let's say that you still have the damage as that is what got you and Jinx captured. (The stun damage at least is gone, you'll still have the physical damage)

Mr. Johnson, The Revenge wrote:
So as not to repay the entrance fee to get into the Ork underground the group does know of several cafes they can likely just put up their feet for a little while to let their bodies readjust to the damage they have taken.

In looking at the map the old GM left for the group in the Campaign Info tab:

The Ork Underground

Is the Crossroads Cafe (#2 on the map) not in the Ork Underground? Or is there more in another map? I imagine there's more to it since I don't see the Pirate Cove warehouse there.

p.s. I am completely lost with the damage taken and healing thing. Anyone have a quick explanation before I hide in my closet?

I'm pretty sure that whole map is the Ork Underground. The escalators are escalators from above leading into the Ork Underground that is those buildings listed on the map. Unless I'm reading the module wrong anyway.

At the moment you have no damage taken Jinx, so you shouldn't need to worry.

Though healing is usually a 2(3) step process.

(1), Healing from spells: You can heal up using the heal spell, but only once for one set of wounds. Once the spell has healed the physical damage you took from a fight you must heal the rest naturally.
2, Medicine: You can help speed up your healing with a medicine roll, any hit you get from the medicine roll helps your next stun and/or physical recovering. Every hit gives you an extra dice on the next roll.
3, Natural healing: If you rest of an hour (stun) or a day (physical) you may make a healing roll. Every hit recovers one pip of the stun/physical. The roll is boosted by any medication you had before hand.

The medicine check can be impeded by things such as being awakened, or having less essence. For most characters unless you are completely untarnished by both ends up being -1 to -2 to medicine checks on you. (In addition to things like environment.)

Hopefully that cleared up healing for anyone that might have still been lost.

Mr. Johnson, The Revenge wrote:
The medicine check can be impeded by things such as being awakened, or having less essence. For most characters unless you are completely untarnished by both ends up being -1 to -2 to medicine checks on you. (In addition to things like environment.)

Jinx is an adept and also has enough tech built into him that his essence is a 4.1, what would his penalty be to his roll?

Good information for later wounds.

So what's our plan from here?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Crix Zelbourne wrote:
So what's our plan from here?

Has the group found the Pirate Cove warehouse previous to Hellcat and Jinx joining the group?

If not, we could throw some social rolls/nuyen around to track down its location, make sure everyone is healed up to be combat effective, then draw in information to kidnap Jack Turner and work out our plan to get him back to the KE.

I don't believe we had found the warehouse, no. And Crix has neither social rolls nor nuyen, so someone else will have to do the throwing.

There's also First Aid, which has to be applied within 12 hours, and before any other treatment (magical or mundane). Unlike Medicine, which just improves your ability to heal once you make natural healing rolls, First Aid actually treats the wounds. But it's not an easy roll, can make things worse if it goes badly, and is very limited in how much it can cure. (First Aid + Logic (2), hits over the 2-hit threshold heal boxes, up to your First Aid skill's rating)

Jinx, since you haven't quite lost 2 points of Essence, the penalty to Medicine rolls to heal you starts at -2. The penalty for a doctor to heal you in the midst of a fire, with no supplies on hand would be -9... -11 if you're trying to carry the doctor out of the fire at the time instead of letting him treat you. Aren't modifier tables fun?

Yes first aid works too, though saying that the guy healing you doesn't have it and I don't think a single party member has it either. So I am not sure it will come up often. Unless you pay someone to do it for you. (Yes I do know autodocs/medkits can give you a skill rating equal to the rating of the equipment. I don't think any party member has that either and the worker is doing a medicine roll on you. As his base First aid with the Medkit would likely not heal anyone.)

I carry medkits, but as they are only rating 4, it is unlikely that they will be doing any healing.

Jinx has a rating 6 medkit.

Thanks so much for the opportunity chummers, but the game is moving a tad too slow for me.

I am going to exit stage left.

Good luck with your adventures in SR : )

p.s. If anyone comes across a SR game that has a 1/day posting requirement, I would love it if you messaged me.

Hey guys, I would like to say sorry very much. I just got back to my computer. My dad is fading fast and I spent the weekend in Minnesota. I will get something posted tomorrow.

Sorry, Jinx.

Sorry to hear it Jack. Hope everything works out.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Thanks, Crix. It is not easy to see, but not unexpected.

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

yeah sorry to hear that Jack. Be well.

I sound like an echo chamber, but I'm sorry to hear it too. It's a sad thing to have to deal with.

Personally, I'm having the opposite problem from Jinx. It's not that things are moving too fast for me, but I'm having a really hard time getting back into Kat's mindset, so I'm having a hard time posting when I want to.

I also think I'm overcommitted for this month, which doesn't help the problem.

I'm not going to drop just yet, but by next week I may have no choice. October can't get here soon enough.

Droid, are you still here?
Would it help to recap our mission objectives?

Come on guys, it's been over two weeks now that you've arrived at Pirate's cove. The aim is now to find your man, you can do that either by asking around and name dropping pip or sneaking onto the ship.

I know there seems to be 3 regular posters, Maeyan and Droid might drop in once in a while but I really want to get this done for you guys before I have to dash off (Due to workload starting in october). The run is almost over, you have end in sight and I'd like to get you to that stage so whenever Maeyan is free to pick up she can start wherever she likes.

Well, speaking of me...

I'm finally done with the September craziness as of the end of this weekend! Over the course of the next week, I'll be catching myself up on everything that I've been letting slide, and the week after that I should know whether or not I've got the time and energy to actually GM a game. I really hope to, but I might need to stay a player.

... Assuming there's still interest, anyway.

Init:7(10) IP:1 PDT: 0/10 SDT: 6/10 Composure:6 Judge:7 Memory:7 -1 Wound Modifier

Sorry guys, but my interest in this has waxed and waned all over the place; I'll have to drop it for good I think, just can't get back into it, it just gets lost in the static of my other campaigns.

Lots of thanks to Davachido for trying to keep it going...and Droid and Crix and Jack thanks, it was fun to learn a new system ( to me at least) with you guys.

Sorry to see you go, Miyako. :( But knowing how busy you are in other games, I understand. We will miss you.

I would still like to see this game progress, But it seems to have petered out. Please post here if you would still like to play it out.

I'm still game, but I've lost all absorption. I can hardly remember our objectives.

-Posted with Wayfinder

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