therealthom |
I'm just curious why people think a bunch of lizardfolk in a jungle would have sophisticated equipment for a (small) mounted knight.
Wow, I can't believe that you haven't heard of the lizardfolks' bands of elite mounted child-warriors. Reptilian Hobelars, they dash through the swamps mounted on Galapagos tortoises.
I just thought I'd take a shot at getting Will the lance he wanted. Not a big deal.
So we wait a day and then we're off?
Cole. |
2 doses of anti venom — Nalverren?
5 Dried Fruits of Cure Light Wounds — split between non-healers: Cole, Rehil, and Portforged?
2 Potions of Eagle’s Splendour — Not sure. Nalverren?
2 Oils of Barkskin — Wouldn’t turn it down on Cole, but maybe better used on Rehil or other folks who might see some unclose combat?
2 “scrolls” of Cure Mod Wounds — Will?
Let’s make sure these get distributed to character sheets. Those above are just my suggestions. People call out what they’re taking. If there’s conflict, we’ll figure it out.
Additionally, Cole will be adding the following to his kit:
100 ft hemp rope
10 torches
2 water gourds
Wultram Denka |
I would strap one of the CLW fruits on Will, so if our healer is down anyone can run up and use it on him. The potions of Magic fang to him too since to my understanding only James has natural attacks.
On the eagle's splendor, sure I can take one, probably will go unused purely because of action economy but who knows what comes.
Rehil Ecraish |
Spreading the healing fruits around makes sense. Never stapled one to the healer before, but that seems like a good idea too. Rehil will take one.
I'd spread the antivenom out too. Nalverren and someone.
Barksin potions. Usefulness depends on the fight. Rehil could really use one if the fight came to close quarters, but they're well used if they keep Cole relatively invulnerable. Nalverren and Will also seem to mix it up in melee occasionally. I'd say spread them out. We can reallocate as they get used.
Nalverren |
I agree. Following a change to the Investigator since Nalverren was made, he will end up more melee than range, but right now he is equally mediocre at both. Antivenom amd Barkskin would be nice. I can cure myself but cant use my extracts on others.
Aubrey the Malformed |
I was aware that Nalverren is intended to be more melee than ranged, but I also thought that a swordcane in a lizardfolk village was pushing it.
I'm finding it a little hard to think of treasure for the more caster-ly inclined PCs as they tend to the exotic (with the possible exception of Will, who is really not that different to a cleric). Could you let me know what sort of stuff you would find useful, so I can (possibly) have it show up as suitable rewards?
Nalverren |
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Investigators are proficient with simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword, and sword caneUE. They are proficient in light armors, but not shields.
yeah I figured a swordcane was pushing it as well.
As for what would be useful, alchemical reagents and unguents to help with crafting, alchemical items, the "big six" adventuring items.
Cole. |
I can't name them all, but they're the standard slot enhancement items.
belt of < desired physical stat >
headband of <desired mental stat >
numerical weapon enhancement
numerical armor enhancement
cloak of resistance
ring of protection, etc.
at least I think that's the gist.
Wultram Denka |
For Wultram. Note that some of these are more future things assuming we will be staying even somewhere close to the realm of WBL. But I suppose it is nice to have these things in advance.
-He does have light armor profiency that does not give arcane failure. So some added protection from there is welcome.
-Headband of charisma. Pretty self explanatory.
-Metamagic rods, naturally not all are good with the spell list of DN.
-Scrolls of spells can't cast yet, idea being having "s##% hit the fan"-button in the form of high level(in comparison) spell.
-Staff of Master, metamagic goodness and some buffer against being out of spells.
-Shirt unfettered, grapple is a full caster killer.
- Eyes of the eagle are always nice, because perception.
-Ring of sustenance, no need for food or water is nice in itself, but only sleeping 2 hours that is damn nice.
-Sandals of quick reaction, that surprise round might mean the difference between life and death.
- Circlet of persuasion, already high charisma so a bonus to those skills is nice to have, also since cha based caster +3 to concentration checks is nice cherry on top.
-Ring of protection & Amulet of natural armor, while some added AC is nice to have they are not excatly that valuable and most likely would be better served with others. Still if we have extras.
-Cloak of resistance, sooner or later this pretty much comes a must have item.
-Handy haversack is always a nice item to have when you don't have a good carrying capacity.
-Phylactery of Negative Channeling, gives a little more oomph to the ability.
-Ioun stone, Mossy disk. One keyed either to arcane or relegion would be nice.
-Ioun stone, Orange prism. What caster doesn't want more CL.
Naturally there are more but I decided the list was long enough as it is. The idea was not so much give just spesific items as to give examples that could provide a pattern/guideline.
Nalverren |
Im tracking 1830 xp but I came in late
make that 2000, didn't see the 170 until now
Cole. |
So sorry for completely dropping out like that, guys. Me and my family got the flu. We’re not 100% yet,but we’re working our way there.
I likely won’t be posting much today, tomorrow, or through the weekend, but I’ll try to be back up and running by monday or so.
Again, my sincere apologies.
Wultram Denka |
Decided to take this here as to not clutter the game thread more than needed.
I had the skeleton choose fastest path even if it wasn't the best one on the account of it being mindless. And I do not know if you can do that, also I am not excatly sure how the skeleton would react. Yeah Cole is a friendly but is the skeleton aware of this? and doing overrun provokes AoO, would it take that? It could just step aside as per rules for overrun(wich do slightly suggest this isn't possible since then you could always charge trough friendly squares.)Would it take that? Maybe since it's task is to kill the lizardfolk and letting Cole pass is not against those orders.
In the end whatever you decide on the overun, feel free to have the skeleton react to it what seems to make most sense to you, because honestly I really don't know what it would do.
Cole. |
Yah, i was kind of unsure on a number of those issues as well, which is why i just had him make the overrun. If the Overrun occurs, I'd assume there's an AoO available. And I'll leave it up to Aubrey as to whether a mindless summoned critter would take that opportunity against an ally of its summoner (a lot of unknowns and variables in there). I made the call fully knowing the skellie could respond with an AoO.
It's kind of a fun little situation to find ourselves in, actually. :)