Cleric of Brigh

Nalverren's page

820 posts. Alias of Tenro.


Brelish Human DM plot-hurrying turtle god fight


Rogue 1 / Artificer 5 // Mythic Genius 1 ||HP: 52/52; AC 18; F:+3; R:+7; W:+4*; Init +3, Perception +13*

Special Abilities

  • Ingenuity 10/13
  • MP 4/5
  • Infusions:
  • 1st 3/5
  • 2nd: 3/3

  • Location

  • crew 1: +7-6, (DC 15) (+1 if kalaktua doesn't move from AA22)
  • crew 2: +7-6 (locked on AA22)

  • Languages

    Common, Elven, Gnome, Orc, Giant, Draconic



    Homepage URL

    Gravity Bow

    Strength 10
    Dexterity 16
    Constitution 14
    Intelligence 19
    Wisdom 10
    Charisma 10

    About Nalverren

    Max HP: 52
    Init: +3
    AC: 18: 10 + 3 DEX + 4 ARMOR + 1 DEFL

    FORT: 3 -------|1 Base + 2 CON|
    REF : 7 -------|4 Base + 3 DEX|
    WILL: 4 -------|4 Base + 0 WIS|
    MISC: +2 vs Poison

    Mwk Light Crossbow, +7 Ranged, 1d8, crit 19-20/x2, 80ft
    Mwk Shortbow, +7 ranged, 1d6, crit x3, 60ft, P

    Not calculated / Conditional Modifiers:
    Arcane Strike +2 damage

    BAB +3
    CMB +3
    CMD 16


  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. INT
  • Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

    Favored Class: +1 skill point, +2.5 to Ingenuity Pool


  • Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
    Artificers are proficient with all simple weapons, all crossbows, with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields). If the campaign allows for firearms or siege weapons, artificers also also proficient in these weapons as well.

  • Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
    The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
    With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.
    The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

  • Trapfinding: A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

  • Infusions: An artificer casts infusions, which are like spells but are neither arcane nor divine. Like spells, artificers have a limited number of infusions per day, based on their level. Similar to other spellcasters, artificers get additional infusions per day based on their Intelligence attribute and regain their infusions per day after a normal 8 hours of rest and 15 minutes of concentration. Like sorcerers and bards, artificers can cast any infusion he knows without preparing them ahead of time, classifying him as a spontaneous spellcaster. However, given how limited his selection is, he automatically knows all infusions on the infusion list of any level he is capable of casting. Should an artificer encounter some rare or ancient infusion that does not appear on the normal infusion list, he can learn it by studying it for 8 hours and making a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to 20 + the infusion level. However, this is specifically not intended for artificers to reverse engineer normal spells to become infusions.
    Infusions, like spells, are subject to concentration checks, using the same DCs as normal spellcaster and using his Intelligence modifier to the concentration check. Likewise, infusions have components (verbal, somatic and material) which must be met when casting an infusion. However, the somatic components are simple enough that artificers do not suffer spell chance failure from light or medium armor or from any shield, except tower shields. While rare, infusions that have saving throws have their DC equal to 10 + the infusion level + the artificer's Intelligence modifier. Infusions can be modified by metamagic feats spontaneously with the same alteration to the casting time as sorcerers. Like spells, infusions are identified using Spellcraft checks with same DCs.
    Where infusions differ from spells is that no infusion qualifies for spells when making magical items or activating items, even if they are functionally similar when cast. For example, even though Light appears as both a spell and an infusion, the artificer does not have Light for the purposes of making magical items or activating a wand of Light.

  • Cantrips: An artificer automatically knows all 0-level infusions that appear on the infusion list, but unlike normal infusions, they do not require spell slots and can all be used repeatedly. In all other aspects, they act as normal infusions.

  • Artificer's Knowledge: Unlike normal spellcasters, artificers count as both casters and manifesters for the purposes of creating magical and psionic items. Likewise, they can create spell trigger, spell completion, power trigger and power completion items without having the ability to cast the necessary spells or manifest the necessary powers. They still need the necessary item creation feats, but the artificer can continue the item creation process with only a working knowledge of each spell or power needed. When an artificer puts their first rank into Knowledge: Arcana, they are considered to have a working knowledge of all 0th arcane spells from any arcane spell list. The same is also true for Knowledge: Religion and 0th divine spells from any divine spell list and Knowledge: Psionics and 0th level psionic powers from any power list. For each additional two ranks placed into a given skill, the working knowledge of the associated spell or power list increases by one level, to a maximum of 9th level spells or powers at 19 ranks.
    When determining the spell or power level of a spell or power that appears on multiple lists, search the spells and powers list that have the full 9 levels of spells or powers first (i.e. sorcerer / wizard, cleric / oracle, druid, witch and psion / wilder). If the desired effect is on one or more of those lists, the artificer has the choice of which list to take it from, notating the spell or power level and, in the case of spells, whether it is arcane or divine. If, and only if, the desired effect is not located on any of those lists, check the spells and powers lists that only have 6 levels of spells or powers (i.e. bard, summoner, inquisitor psychic warrior, etc). If the desired effect is on one or more of those lists, the artificer has the same choice. If, and only if, the desired effect is not located on any of those lists, check the spells and powers lists that only have 4 levels of spells or powers (i.e. paladin, ranger, etc). If the desired effect is one or more of those lists, the artificer has the same choice. If, and only if, the desired effect is not on any of the above lists examined, then the artificer is free to duplicate from whatever spell or power list remaining. The choice of exactly which list the spell or power is taken from will determine the spell or power level mimicked and, in the case of spells, whether or not the effect is arcane or divine.
    If an artificer needs a spell or power that he does not have a working knowledge of, he can still duplicate it with a successful Use Magic Device check with a DC equal to 20 + twice the spell or power level. Other item creation requirements can also be substituted as well, with the exception of the caster or manifester level. The artificer makes another Use Magic Device check, with the same DC as what is needed to emulate the needed class features, ability scores, race or alignments. Only one check per requirement is allowed.
    All other aspects of item creation remain following the same rules for item creation (feats required, time, cost, etc). The artificer uses his caster level as either the caster level or manifester level for comparing to the item's requirements. After all Use Magic Device checks have been made, the normal Spellcraft check to actually create the magical or psionic item still needs to be made to see if the item is successfully created. If a spell or power is required for the item creation (like that for scrolls, wands, dorjes, etc) and it is not successfully emulated, the entire item creation process (time and construction cost) is wasted.
    Thus, attempting to create a Minotaur Belt (a Wondrous Item with a CL of 4, requiring Bull's Strength and Feather Step) has a normal Spellcraft or Craft DC: 19 for someone that did not met either spell prerequisites. However, an artificer that does not have a working knowledge of either spell can make two UMD checks (first for Bull's Strength at a DC of 24, second for Feather Step at a DC of 22) to lower the final Spellcraft or Craft DC to just 9.

  • Artisan Bonus: An artificer gains a bonus to all Use Magic Device checks equal to one half his artificer level, round down, to a minimum +1.

  • Bonus Feats: As an artificer progresses in level, he gains the following feats as bonus feats. He does not need to qualify for the specified feats listed, but does for any bonus feat he gets to choose. Artificers gain Brew Potion and Scribe Scroll at 1st level, Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Wand at 3rd level, Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level, Forge Ring at 7th level, Craft Rod at 9th level and Craft Staff at 11th level.
    In addition to these specific feats, at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter, artificers gain an additional bonus feat chosen from the following list: any metamagic feat, any item creation feat not already listed (like Craft Construct), Attune Magic Weapon, Extra Ingenuity, Extra Rings, Exceptional Artisan, Extraordinary Artisan, and Wand Mastery.

  • Ingenuity: An artificer has a pool of ingenuity points equal to his artificer level plus his Intelligence modifier. This pool refreshes when an artificer regains his infusions for the day. While points from an artificer's ingenuity pool can be spent on other class features, the artificer can also spend a point from his ingenuity pool as part of casting an infusion that has a range of touch and does not involve an attack roll to cast it with close range instead. This increase in range for touch based infusions does not stack with with any other source that alters the range of an infusion.
    +X Favored Class (see Race)
    +2 Feat

  • Trapfinding: An artificer gains a bonus to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks equal to one half his artificer level, round down, to a minimum +1. An artificer can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps and this feature is in all other ways identical to the rogue's trapfinding ability.

  • Rugged Craftsman: At 2nd level, when an artificer is crafting magical items while adventuring on in a dangerous environment, he gains the full benefit of 4 hours per day, rather than the normal 2 hours of work for 4 hours of effort. The amount of gold piece value achieved per hour is still based on the normal 8 hours per day and divided normally. The artificer can also create multiple magical items in single day, provided that the total gold piece value is still within his gold piece limit per day for enchanting.

  • Unravel: Starting at 2nd level, the artificer can spend a point of his ingenuity pool to disrupt the magical energies that power magical and psionic items. At 5th level and every three levels thereafter, this ability improves.

    - - Suppression (Su): By spending one point of ingenuity and a full-round action that provokes, the artificer can attempt to suppress an unattended magical or psionic item or an unattended object that is the subject of a magical or psionic effect for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier. Doing so requires the artificer to touch the item and succeed in a caster level check against a DC equal to 11 + the caster or manifester level of the item or the effect on the item. Using this ability on magical or psionic traps causes the trap to be bypassed for as long as it is suppressed. This ability can used to suppress a cursed item, although removing a suppressed cursed item does not always remove the effects of the curse. If the artificer knows the item is cursed before he attempts to suppress it, he is not subject the effects of the cursed item.
    If necessary, the artificer can spend another point of ingenuity as a free action to immediately end the suppression.
    Improves at 8, 11, 14, 17

    - - Greater Suppression (Su): At 5th level, the artificer can use his unravel (suppression) ability has a standard action and, if successful, the effect lasts for minutes equal to his Intelligence modifier. Ending the suppression still requires a free action, but does not count a point of ingenuity. He can also use this ability on attended magical items if successful with a melee touch attack that provokes.

  • Item Augmentation: Starting at 3rd level, the artificer can spend some of his ingenuity pool to temporarily enchant or augment existing enchantments. At 6th level and every three levels there after, this ability improves.

    - - Charge Storing (Su): At 3rd level, the artificer can spend a number of ingenuity points to temporarily create a wand or dorje with a single charge. The artificer must have a mundane object to put the charge into and the artificer must have a working knowledge of the desired effect, as per his Artificer's Knowledge class ability. The artificer cannot use a Use Magic Device check to duplicate the desired effect as he would use during a normal enchantment process.
    The wand or dorje can only hold a single charge and the charge only lasts for one minute. However, unlike normal wands and dorjes, the wand or dorje uses the artificer's caster level and Intelligence modifier, at the time of the enchantment, to any saving throw DCs. Likewise, the effect is not limited to 4th level or less. If the desired effect has a material component worth more than 1 gp, however, the material component must be consumed normally during the enchantment.
    The number of ingenuity points necessary is equal to the spell or power level, to a minimum of 1. The desired effect cannot be placed into the temporary wand with any metamagic or metapsionic feat (although see Spell Trigger below) and, in the case of psionic powers, cannot be augmented. This ability always provokes.
    Using this ability starts of as a full-round action. At 6th level, it becomes a standard action. At 9th level, it becomes a move action and at 12th level, it becomes a swift action. Only the artificer can use the charge, using the same rules as using a wand or dorje, but he does not need to make a Use Magic Device check to activate it.
    Improves at 6, 9, 12, 15, 18

  • Craft Homunculus: At 4th level, an artificer is considered to have the Craft Construct feat, but only for constructs that are of Small size or smaller and have a maximum Hit Die equal to his artificer level minus 2. Any attempt to create a construct larger than Small size or with more HD then his artificer level minus 2 still requires the normal Craft Construct feat. All other aspects of the construct creation process remain the same (time, money, skill checks, etc).

  • Retain Essence: At 5th level, an artificer gains the ability to salvage the gold piece value from an enchanted item for the sole purpose to create a new enchanted item or further enchant an existing magical or psionic item. In this sense, 'magical' and 'psionic' are interchangeable. The artificer must spend 8 consecutive hours with the item and he must also have all of the necessary item creation feats to create the item he is salvaging. After the 8 hours, the item, including the mundane item the enchanted was original placed on, is destroyed and the artificer now has a collection of reagents with a gold piece value of the construction cost of the enchanted item, which is usually one half the base price of the magical item. See the specific magical item for any unusual requirements in its creation.
    This collection of reagents weighs one quarter of the original item and can be used by anyone that has the necessary item creation feats from the original magical or psionic item. These reagents never include talismanic components, like dragonshards or any part that is unique to a specific magical item.
    For example, if an artificer with the Craft Wondrous Item feat recovers a Handy Haversack that he needs to convert, he spends 8 hours with the item to break down the item and recovers 1,000 gp worth reagents (the construction cost to make the item in the first place). Those reagents can then be used toward the cost of making any magical item, provided that whomever is making the item has the Craft Wondrous Item feat in addition whatever feats needed for the new item.
    Attempting to salvage a cursed magical item can be done, but if the item is not identified as cursed before being salvaged, the artificer must make a Will save with a DC of 10 + the item's caster level or suffer a drawback (as per Corebook, pg. 538) and the cursed item is remains intact. If the cursed item is a specific cursed item, failing the initial Will save also means the artificer is wielding or wearing the cursed item, replacing whatever he might have been wielding or wearing at the time.
    Magical items with Hit Dice can be salvaged using this class feature, but the item must be controlled by the artificer for the entire 8 hours, otherwise the item will automatically attack the artificer. Also, if the item is less than full hit points, the amount salvaged is less than it would normally be. If the item's hit points are less than full but more than its Hit Dice, the artificer can salvage 2/3 of the construction cost to make the magical item, rounded down. If the item has equal or less hit points than Hit Dice, but has at least 1 hit point, it can be salvaged for 1/2 of the construction cost to make the magical item. A magical item that is destroyed (either by conditions or 0 hit points) cannot be salvaged. Likewise, if destroying the item would be dangerous, like an Elemental Bound item, the artificer must deal with that situation at a randomly determined time during that process. Any combat that arises from a salvage attempt assumes that the artificer starts the first round of combat prone, but not surprised.
    Artifacts (both major and minor), as well as magical items that do not have gold piece value, like living constructs, cannot be salvaged.


  • Mythic Tier: 1

  • Hit Points: +3 per tier

  • Genius Idea: Brilliant Distraction (Ex): As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to make a melee attack or ranged attack against a creature within 30 feet, using your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength and Dexterity modifiers to determine your attack and damage bonus for that attack. If the attack hits, one ally that threatens the same target can take an attack of opportunity against that target, adding your Intelligence modifier as a bonus on its attack roll.

  • Path Abilities:
    - Insightful Calculus (Ex): You use your Intelligence modifier when making Disable Device, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, and Use Magic Device skill checks, as well as Diplomacy checks to gather information, and you may attempt skill checks in these skills even if untrained. If you gain a competence or insight bonus to one of those skills, that bonus is increased by 1.

  • Mythic Feats:
    - Craft Mythic Wand

  • Hard to Kill: Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If you have an ability that allows you to act while below 0 hit points, you still lose hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes you to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.

  • Mythic Power: Mythic characters can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. This power is used by a number of different abilities. Each day, you can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double your mythic tier (5/day at 1st tier, 7/day at 2nd, etc.). This amount is your maximum amount of mythic power. If an ability allows you to regain uses of your mythic power, you can never have more than this amount.

  • Surge +1d6: You can call upon your mythic power to overcome difficult challenges. You can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll. The bonus die gained by using this ability increases to 1d8 at 4th tier, 1d10 at 7th tier, and 1d12 at 10th tier.

  • FEATS:

  • Empower Spell
  • (B)Extraordinary Artisan
  • Extra Ingenuity
  • Arcane Strike
  • Cull Wand Essence
    PLUS: Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Wand, Craft Arms and Armor

    (8+4 INT+1 Race+1 FC)*1= 14
    (4+4 INT+1 Race)*5= 45

      Craft Skill and DCs
      Alchemical Items

    • Acrobatics: +7 =1+3 DEX+3
    • Appraise: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Bluff: +5 =1+0 CHA+3 +1T
    • Climb: +0 =r+0 STR+0
    • Craft: Alchemy: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Craft: Weapons: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Craft: Armor: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Craft: Wood: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Craft: Metal: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Craft: Gem: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Craft: Stone: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Diplomacy: +4* =1+0 CHA+3 *IC (use INT for gather info)
    • Disable Device: +15 =6+4 INT+3 +2Cl
    • Disguise: +0 =r+0 CHA+0
    • Escape Artist: +3 =r+3 DEX+0
    • Fly: +7 =1+3 DEX+3
    • Intimidate: +0 =r+0 CHA+0
    • Know: Arcana: +13 =6+4 INT+3
    • Know: Dungeon: +4 =r+4 INT+0
    • Know: Engineer: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Know: Local: +4 =r+4 INT+0
    • Know: Planes: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Know: Religion: +13 =6+4 INT+3
    • Know: Psionics: +13 =6+4 INT+3
    • Linguistics: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Perception: +13* =6+4 INT+3 *IC; *+2Cl to spot traps
    • Perform: +0 =r+0 CHA+0
    • Profession: Canoe +8 =1+4 INT+3 *IC
    • Sense Motive: +8 =1+4 INT+3
    • Sleight of Hand: +3 =r+3 DEX+0
    • Spellcraft: +12 =5+4 INT+3
    • Stealth: +7 =1+3 DEX+3
    • Swim: +0 =r+0 STR+0
    • Use Magic Device: +15 =6+4 INT+3 +2Cl; *IC

      Misc Mod Codes: Cl = Class; R = Racial; Cm = Competence; Cs = Circumstance; I = Insight; F = Feat



    0 gp

    MWK light crossbow)
    10 +1 crossbow bolts
    a masterwork chain shirt
    a masterwork large steel shield
    two potions of Cure Serious Wounds
    two oils of Magic Weapon

    Sword Cane
    Studded Leather
    Alchemist's Kit
    Formula Book
    Filter Hood
    Common Thieves' Tools

    Ring of Protection +1

    2 doses of flesh-eating acid
    1 dose of itching powder


    Appearance: Nalverren is a male human with not-quite-mid-length hair kept out of his eyes with a headband. He wears a backpack over his studded leather armor, as well as a satchel that can be readily accessed, and carries a shortbow. He also commonly carries a cane.

    History: Nalverren was born the son of a Brelish soldier who was later promoted into the King's Shields. Growing up in Wroat, Nalverren was raised to love Breland first and foremost. Receiving an excellent education, but lacking in skill at arms, Nalverren had hoped to join the King's Wands, in order to bring his family more prestige and serve his beloved country. Then one day, a recruiter of a different sort approached him...

    Since completing his training, Nalverren has become fairly widely-traveled, working his way into ruins and fortresses-long-forgotten to find things of magical nature that could be used to defend the Crown, should hostilities erupt once more.

    Our beloved hero finds himself on a trip downriver in Q'barra, ostensibly to pick up some dragonshards for a Tharask agent. In truth, he is to slip away from the expedition and into any lizardfolk ruins he can find, before returning to The Citadel with any findings.