Jack Greyfeather |

Link to map of Diamond Lake and environs: http://tenetti.org/kts/DandD/DiamondLakeMap.jpg
You are in the Square, the Flophouse where Alison Land is staying is point 9 on the map.
I must be blind...I can't find #9 on the map...other numbers no problem, just not 9

Arial |

Dotting. I just gave this character a sex change, since I'm using her as an NPC in a game I'm running.
I don't really know my Greyhawk so well. Where are the elves around there? and are there any sort of elven chivalric orders that would fit a sort of spiritual warrior?
PS Sai Ling's character

GM Skull Funk |

Good map of Greyhawk (you will need to zoom in): http://tenetti.org/kts/DandD/Greyhawk%20Map.jpg
I'm not all that familiar with Greyhawk beyond what's presented in the three APs I've read (Shackled City, Age of Worms and Savage Tide), but Wikipedia tells me that the elves of Greyhawk come from an area called Celene, which is a short ways south-west of the Cairn Hills.
I looked for chivalric orders and all I found were various groups of knights, which doesn't seem to fit the elven monk vibe you've got going on. Maybe make up a new organisation?

Arial |

Sehanine Moonbow is an elven goddess with a deep mystical tradition, associated with the moon, dreams, death and transcendence. Some of her followers, Sehanine's Arrows, combine mysticism with ancient martial traditions, and a strong code that emphasizes opposing oppression and defending the weak. ((more chaotic than paladins or monks could get away with in D&D, but similar in role. Her hindrances become articles of her faith))

Arial |


Jack Greyfeather |

Jack, is the Greyfeather Bakery still trading in Diamond Lake? Do you have family members living locally and working there? Will leave this decision up to you.
I'd like to say it's still in business. It is now run by Jack's older brother and his wife. (Jack doesn't own any part of the business.)Amazingly, they are both fatter than Jack. Jack loves his brother but can't conceive of a life led in Diamond Lake and not exploring the wider world. There is no love lost though between Jack and his sister-in-law who has a shrewish personality and an acid tongue. Her great pleasure in life is spreading gossip about the townsfolk.

Warrior of the White Wolf |

Popping in here before heading to gameplay to say thanks for accepting me and I hope to have a great run of gaming with all of you! I'll try and get some info on Azander in the way of personality, appearance, and what folks in Diamond Lake know about him in the profile today.

GM Skull Funk |

Start with 3 as per the rules, then add any that you earn through IC/OOC awesomeness. :D
Ordinarily, that number would refresh at the start of every gaming session, which doesn't really work in a PBP game. I'll tell you when you can refresh your bennies to 3, probably at the beginning of each new module.