GM Wulfson |

Has anybody heard anything from Aurelius? It's been about a week and a half since he posted.

-The Shrike- |

Obviously, I haven't been playing with you very long, and I could be wrong here... But I read the 'devil ex machina' as a big finger pointing "go there" :)
Also, the ruins don't sound like a nice place for camping for unknown time.

GM Wulfson |

You seem to be at an impasse. Just let me say that you will have to eventually go there. Whether you wait and ambush Jask to find out what you may be against is entirely up to you.
Just remember that once Jask arrives you'll be 'on the clock' so to speak. If Jexxi doesn't return shortly after being relieved people will begin to wonder what's up, and it might take a while to 'break' Jask to get him to tell you what information you want.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

Let's do it that way. Wait for Jask and have Aurelius and the succubae break him.
Apparently that's the plural of succubus. (???)

GM Wulfson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm waiting for everyone to come to a consensus about staying or going. Right now, I think it's 3 to 1 for heading to the Court of Spears.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

I think you're right and we are losing our momentum, so I'll go along with following the map to the Court of Spears.
We should get rid of the halfling body before we go, maybe at night, so Jask doesn't know what happened here.

-The Shrike- |

As such I'm fine either way. But just felt going somewhere could bring up some momentum... We've been more or less "waiting" almost a month now.
And I agree, maybe we should clean up the crime scene..

GM Wulfson |

Just an FYI. I'm going to be on vacation with my daughter for spring break next week. I'll be gone from Saturday the 9th until Sunday the 17th.

Aurelius Flavius |

I had a loved one just die in my arms, posting will be reduced in terms of pace.

GM Wulfson |

OMG, I'm so sorry. You have my condolences as well. Take all the time you need.
I'll post a quick update and then we can call it until I get back from vacation.

-The Shrike- |

Hope you had a good vacation, GM Wulfson.
In turn, I'll be travelling for the rest of the week. If botting is needed for, maybe a crossbow shot is a way to go. (+5 atk, 1d8 dmg. +2d4 if sneak attack would apply)

GM Wulfson |

I was waiting on Guillaume to respond, it's been a week since I got back from vacation and he hasn't posted yet. He may not know we're back up and running yet. I'll send him a PM to remind him.

GM Wulfson |

Fellzir, can you please flesh out you profile. I don't know anything about your character (AC, domains, spells, skills, ...etc) and if you could add a tag line with the information to your profile so I don't have to keep from flipping back and forth that would be appreciated.

GM Wulfson |

You can tell about where they are at but they would have total concealment (50% miss chance) against any attacks from the ground.
Yes, that is Cimri by the rope ladder.
Using the rope ladder to get to the platform above is a DC:0 Climb check, so as long as you don't have a negative Climb you will be able to climb up as a full round action without having to roll.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

It looks like GM Wulfson hasn't posted to any of the four games he's running in 12 days and he didn't say anything about a vacation in any of them. I hope he's ok. I thought he was doing a great job.
If we don't hear anything tomorrow (later today) I will post another ad looking for a GM.
The game must live on!

bluedove |

I got released early due to inclement weather, hopefully nothing will come of it but I thought I should warn you all that we sometimes lose power for extended periods. We have a generator for such occasions but if power goes out over a wide enough area it can affect internet access too. Just an FYI...
Please feel free to ask any questions you have for me. I will try and anticipate a few here now:
Looking back at your gameplay, I believe my GMing style will be closer to your original DM than your more recent. Some find my combat documentation a little cumbersome but it helps me keep track of everyone's actions and wounds. If anything about it confuses you, please let me know and I will explain.
I was in a bit of a hurry to get posted earlier and probably neglected to clarify that those names listed in bold on my round listing may act now. I called out Guillaume specifically, but Aurelius and The Shrike are also available to act now, though The Shrike will technically need to be roused by another PC's move action and then spend a move action themselves to stand up from prone.
This map looks to me like we should be dealing with cover/concealment rules due to the tree branches and foliage but the AP makes no mention of such. Considering you are under ranged fire, you might prefer to implement them. I will defer to this choice if you do. Otherwise, I tend to find cover/concealment mechanics to be annoying and would rather do without.
I should note that I don't bot players and I don't manage loot. I will tell you what you find and it will be up to the party to distribute items. If there is a dispute, I will liquidate the item and divvy the gold instead. The party should probably decide on a timetable to wait for player actions at which time, another player may act on behalf of the absent player. If it is left to me, I will delay the absent player's action indefinitely.
Some housekeeping stuff, I generally operate on old PFS rules of using an "average" HP as your minimum per level. That's half your hit die +1, so if that is a d8 you take a minimum of 5 per level. Also it looks like Guillaume is still level 2. You definitely want to level before proceeding past the current combat.
And I'm out of time again. Happy Gaming!

-The Shrike- |

Welcome! Nice to have a GM again, and your first post looks very good - thanks for that.
I can only hope all players are still following the thread, as it's been quiet for a while.
One technical question though: did the enemy use some other sleep effect than 1st-level sleep spell (as that affects 4HD of creatures in total, so couldn't put both me and Cimri down). Although with those saves we deserve to be snoring through the battle :)

bluedove |

One technical question though: did the enemy use some other sleep effect than 1st-level sleep spell (as that affects 4HD of creatures in total, so couldn't put both me and Cimri down). Although with those saves we deserve to be snoring through the battle :)
Ah! Good catch. Cimri being an NPC, she hasn't gained levels like the rest of you. (We should probably remedy that once past this combat, especially if we don't reclaim the whole party) I was remembering she's a level 1 Rogue and so you two would add up to 4hd... But having just double checked, she's actually a Rogue 1/Warrior 1. So you're correct.
I can't edit the post anymore, but we'll amend and say that only Cimri is affected and The Shrike can go ahead and act now.

bluedove |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So the railings and the branches won't be effective as cover but the heavier trunks or walls will, thus Aurelius attempt at cover is valid, but The Shrike's is not. I have started on your update, but as I refunded Guillaume's Round 3 action, we still need that retcon.
It may be several hours before I post as I will be chauffeuring a kid back and forth to their game session. ^_^
A word of caution: as you might expect, this lofty tree fort has multiple encounters that trigger based on your progress. Rushing ahead may flush out combatants who are lying in wait which could raise the Challenge Rating beyond what the AP intended. Fair warning!

Aurelius Flavius |

I got TPKed in the court of spears in a live game, but I can seperate ooc and ic knowledge :). Its definitly among the harder first act finals! Also @guillaume we are level 3.

bluedove |

Hopefully you guys aren't finding me too wordy and missing my prompts. Everyone may act now, and Guillaume still has round 3 actions available to him.
Trash-talk is a free action, so awaiting Aurelius actions as well. ^_~

bluedove |

Since Guillaume had basically a held action from round 3, he kills his acorn thrower easily with his bardiche as it has reach. But everyone else, note that these creatures are in the branches above you and staying out of melee range.
Yay for level up! Now we're cooking! Everyone is still up!

bluedove |

BTW, how does the rope thing work for getting to the other platform? Do I need both hands free? Also, I suppose The Shrike could jump over - is it just 5ft jump?
The tightropes are a pair of ropes, one above the other and may be traversed with a DC 10 Climb check. You only need one hand free to accomplish this. But the one nearest The Shrike crosses a 20 ft gap, so the Acrobatics DC is 20 to either jump or cross the rope without the aid of a hand on the upper rope.
But don't forget my caution above about progressing further into the Fort without taking care of the enemies you are already facing. If you have options for fighting at range, now is an excellent time for them.
Everyone still has Move actions available and Guillaume and Aurelius still have Standards to spend.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

Can Fellzir stand in the brown square or is that part of the tree and he needs to remain in the yellow/gold squares?
Thank you.

Aurelius Flavius |

I was meaning to hit the blue colored humanoid enemy about 30 feet from me, but I was unclear about that, will improve next time.

bluedove |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Can Fellzir stand in the brown square or is that part of the tree and he needs to remain in the yellow/gold squares?
Thank you.
The darker brown squares are indeed impassable as they are tree trunks that the platforms are built around. I repositioned Fellzir to the square that he could 5' step. Orange will fall from his crit.
I was meaning to hit the blue colored humanoid enemy about 30 feet from me, but I was unclear about that, will improve next time.
Whoops! My mistake, I think it was the word "closest" that confused me as Cyan is a shade of blue and was closer. Thanks for being a good sport about it. I'm sure you know why command doesn't work on that particular enemy, but Aurelius doesn't! XD
I will refund you the spell slot, though, as you have a ways to go before you rest.

bluedove |

Well, looks like you guys are officially adopted! I went ahead and removed Wulfson to inactive status.
Let me know if you have any thoughts on changing the Campaign Title or Info page.

Fellzir the Mysterious |

Fantastic. We're lucky to have you. I'd say feel free to change the title. (I wonder if DM Eric checks on our progress now and then.)

bluedove |

Happy to help! ^_^ Nothing comes to mind for the campaign title, but I am catching up on your gameplay backlog still so we shall see.
Considering the pacing thus far, it seems like a 48 hour window of time before an inactive player's action becomes available for another player to make on their behalf is appropriate. I will begin my update once I've seen that three of you have acted. If any action is left unspent by the time I'm ready to post, I will spend it to put them into Total Defense.
Guillaume will be unable to spot Magenta, but I will redirect his attack to Yellow unless he specifies otherwise by the time I finish the update.

bluedove |

Thought I should mention that there is a lift on the platform where Fellzir currently stands. It is operated by the lever nearby. Both highlighted on the map with white squares.
And yes, you guys need healing. HP loss as of my last combat post:
Guillaume (-11)
Aurelius (-14)
The Shrike (-5)
Cimri (-2)
Fellzir (-5)

-The Shrike- |

I'm hoping our cleric or omdura could fix the healing part?
Also, since I jumped into the game only a while ago... the bard is someone the party encountered before?

bluedove |

Also, since I jumped into the game only a while ago... the bard is someone the party encountered before?
Yes, indeed. A few times even. That's me subtle-bragging about being close to finished on reading the Gameplay back-log.
Really, Riley should have just stayed dead since he went like -20hp from a crit. But he's supposed to be here, or his clone if you killed him. I almost said it was his twin brother Smiley. But Wulfson had already name-dropped him, so we rolled with it. XD

Fellzir the Mysterious |

I'm on travel, so need to just throw some healing dice and log off. Forgive me!
Channel 1: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Not good enough for G&A.
Channel 2: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
So A is down 3 bc of bad dice.

bluedove |

As far as I can tell, the loot sheet was up to date before I took over. I did not add the recent loot to the list, it's just that Riley Kels has been looted once before.
But I notice that all of 1 item has actually been claimed and it's still not on that character's sheet. XD
There's a cloak of resistance and a bag of holding that no one can be bothered to carry around, for crying out loud! =P
So you guys have a week to look over the stuff, claim what you want, record it on your sheets and then whatever is left will be magically transmuted into gold by your friendly neighborhood fence. That gold will then be divvied and maybe you will actually have an inkling of what you have to spend on gear you actually want and will use.
Then this loot sheet will go the way of the unwanted loot and descend to the 9th level of the Hells. Did I mention that I hate loot tracking? 'Cause I hate loot tracking... and spreadsheets. >.<