Around the Inn

Friday, August 14, 2015

With Gencon behind us, it’s time to get back to weekly previews of upcoming Pathfinder Battles releases! Today I spotlight three figures from November’s The Rusty Dragon Inn set.

Here we have the Kobold Devilspeaker, from page 134 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex. That book is the gift that keeps on giving for Pathfinder Battles, since it contains so many great full-body illustrations that are perfect for miniatures. We’ve done several kobolds so far (notably in the Legends of Golarion set, but I always wanted a robed, spellcasting kobold, and the Devilspeaker makes a great addition to the hordes of kobolds already available. Best of all, the Small figure is slated at the common rarity, so you can pretty easily build up a whole coven of robed kobolds for all your nefarious GMing needs.

While it’s a little difficult to imagine a kobold being allowed in the Rusty Dragon Inn, it’s well known that the bar caters to some, shall we say, less reputable characters. The Cutpurse, from page 144 of the NPC Codex is a great example of one such lout. Use him as your rogue player character or collect a handful for a street ambush. At the common rarity, this Medium figure is great for filling out your tavern map on the off chance that a fight breaks out.

Everyone loves horses, right? The set includes this Riding Horse, perfect for tying to the hitch outside the tavern or using as a mount. We decided to go without a saddle for this guy, so he also works for a wild horse. If demand is there, perhaps we’ll see a saddled horse in a future set. We’ve already announced a Draft Horse, so this horse will have plenty of equine company in the set. The Riding Horse is a Large, uncommon figure.

That’s it for this week! Check back next week for more previews of upcoming Pathfinder Battles releases!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn
Paizo Employee Developer

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I like the kobold. He's an exact match for one of the pregenerated kobold PCs in True Dragons of Absalom.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

John Compton wrote:
I like the kobold. He's an exact match for one of the pregenerated kobold PCs in True Dragons of Absalom.

John beat me to it by minutes! I noticed that too! :-P

Hmm, the link to the riding horse seems to not work.

Silver Crusade

Always nice to see new kobolds.

I like the bare/wild horse but we need a saddle add on sometime down the road!!

Too bad you can't do "weapon & acc. packs"

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Beautiful minis! I really like the detail on the cutpurse's studded leather armor. Very cool! :)

...oh and the link to the riding horse jpg is broke. :(

These are quite nice. I especially like the Cutpurse.

Nice looking minis.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are the eyes in the Cutpurse image a proof for the tampo (sp?) that will be used?

Dark Archive

Hello Eric, i have a problem i hope you can help me with.

While we havn´t seen an actual production mini (you probably havn´t either), i have enough faith in the set to order 2 bricks.

I would love to order a case and the bar mini but i am reluctant to do so before i have at least measurement specs.

Is it 2 pieces - the wine rack and the bar or is it one piece or more?
How long and how high is it in squares on a map?

It would be cool if we had a photo before the Diamond Previews order is due in 2 or 3 weeks but i realize that is probably not possible.
But it should be possible to get some measurement specs from wizkids?

Thank you.

Community Manager

Feros wrote:
...oh and the link to the riding horse jpg is broke. :(


Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kobold looks like a supervillian. I approve. >:D

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Marco Massoudi wrote:

Hello Eric, i have a problem i hope you can help me with.

While we havn´t seen an actual production mini (you probably havn´t either), i have enough faith in the set to order 2 bricks.

I would love to order a case and the bar mini but i am reluctant to do so before i have at least measurement specs.

Is it 2 pieces - the wine rack and the bar or is it one piece or more?
How long and how high is it in squares on a map?

It would be cool if we had a photo before the Diamond Previews order is due in 2 or 3 weeks but i realize that is probably not possible.
But it should be possible to get some measurement specs from wizkids?

Thank you.

I don't have all of this information yet, but will try to get it soon. At Gen Con I was told about some improvements on the bar, so we're probably due for another image relatively soon.

Yay, new previews!

I dig all these. I'm sure they'll all be popular. THough I've always been surprised that the old WotC Kobold Sorcerer isn't more popular. Hopefully this one will be more so!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I use that guy a fair amount, so I can't explain it if he's not popular. One of the few WotC minis still in relatively heavy rotation at my table.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

Hello Eric, i have a problem i hope you can help me with.

While we havn´t seen an actual production mini (you probably havn´t either), i have enough faith in the set to order 2 bricks.

I would love to order a case and the bar mini but i am reluctant to do so before i have at least measurement specs.

Is it 2 pieces - the wine rack and the bar or is it one piece or more?
How long and how high is it in squares on a map?

It would be cool if we had a photo before the Diamond Previews order is due in 2 or 3 weeks but i realize that is probably not possible.
But it should be possible to get some measurement specs from wizkids?

Thank you.

I don't have all of this information yet, but will try to get it soon. At Gen Con I was told about some improvements on the bar, so we're probably due for another image relatively soon.

Great! Thank you. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

I use that guy a fair amount, so I can't explain it if he's not popular. One of the few WotC minis still in relatively heavy rotation at my table.

I use him too, but it's rare I sell a copy. Go figure!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Love all 3 however something is really disturbing me about the Cutpurse. I think it's his arms. Are they too long? Perhaps just the upper arm?

I'm happy to finally be getting more spoilers about the Rusty Dragon Inn. I like all three pieces. I really like the city theme, as in our campaigns we do spend a fair amount of time in civilization when we're not out questing. I like the horses and wagons, but the thieves guild slant is also a welcome addition. The kobold is great, I'm always looking be able to provide unusual members along with the massive horde of cannon fodder. I have the old kobold sorcerer, but I'm sorry to say he hasn't seen much table time. I like that this version looks more cultish, which might help explain what he's doing in the city.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Coin for scale, nice addition (especially with a Cutpurse). Though I have to ask, does that mean that the riding horse is a Quarter Horse? :)

Leo_Negri wrote:
Coin for scale, nice addition (especially with a Cutpurse). Though I have to ask, does that mean that the riding horse is a Quarter Horse? :)


Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Are we going to see more diversity in this set?

hmm... More monsters and PC class types. I was really hoping this set would be full of everyday townsfolk. Like actual citizens of Sandpoint.

Another horse? Seriously? Couldn't put a horn on it, or some wings, or some snazzy "we won't charge you extra for our horse armor" armor?

And, yeah, that Cutpurse has some weird Elastic Man thing happening with his arms. It's kinda creepin' me out.

Though, that sweet Kobold Devilspeaker mostly makes up for it. Mostly.

The arms on the Cutthroat are proportionally correct, the "elastic man" thing you are seeing is an artifact of the still photo being only from the front. If you blow-up the multi-angle view, you can see that his arms are slung back as he's lunging forward.

Super-villain Kobold!! Can't wait to put together an all Kobold party to bedevil my players.

A second Horse is a godsend!! If only it had a saddle :( This now gives me a total of 3 different horses in PPM, though only one has any tack on it. Please include a couple of geared-up horses in a later set, PLEASE (one saddled, one blanketed maybe, one caprissoned and one barded) and please make them Common or Uncommon so I can get lots of them. Riding and war dogs in similar kit would be nice too :)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Arikiel wrote:
hmm... More monsters and PC class types. I was really hoping this set would be full of everyday townsfolk. Like actual citizens of Sandpoint.

Can you elaborate, what sort of citizenry? DO you mean more along the lines of the merchant, dancing girl and serving girl line?

Dark Archive

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Cat-thulhu wrote:
Arikiel wrote:
hmm... More monsters and PC class types. I was really hoping this set would be full of everyday townsfolk. Like actual citizens of Sandpoint.
Can you elaborate, what sort of citizenry? DO you mean more along the lines of the merchant, dancing girl and serving girl line?

I think he means NPCs like Sandru Vishki, Mayor Deverin, Sheriff Belor Hemlock, the Scarnettis and so on.

Like Brodert Quink from "The Lost Coast", Ameiko Kaijitsu, Tsuto Kaijitsu and Shalelu Andosana from "Rise of the Runelords".
That is something i would like too but i think there need to be full-body illustrations of them in existance for the sculpts otherwise it gets too expensive.
Good candidates for future sets would be the missing NPCs from Adventure Paths and Modules and the protagonists from the Pathfinder Tales - lots of those have full body illustrations.


Seriously though, I love the horse!

Also, second on the more townsfolk. Though really this set already has lots so I'm already happy ^_^

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Are we going to see more diversity in this set?

Not really, no.

I wouldn't expect a lot of purple-skinned gnomes. i think a lot of people would consider that a mistake, or a next-to-useless mini, so if what you want is really outlandish stuff like that, I suggest painting it up yourself.

I nearly put an Akuje Elf in the set after this one, but decided not to. We'll get around to elve and half-elves with different skin tones, I suspect.

There are no halflings in The Rusty Dragon Inn set, nor in the set after that. I'll try to put them in somewhere soon.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

There are (many) more townsfolk coming.

Hilariously, I've been focusing on at least one monster per update, because the early posts were filled with fear about the set being _only_ townsfolk. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

* Digital renderings may look vastly different than what you actually randomly get

Erik Mona wrote:
There are (many) more townsfolk coming.

Huzzah! I've liked every preview for this set so far. This will be a case purchase for me instead of just picking up singles.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:
There are (many) more townsfolk coming.


Erik Mona wrote:
There are (many) more townsfolk coming.


Erik Mona wrote:
There are no halflings in The Rusty Dragon Inn set, nor in the set after that. I'll try to put them in somewhere soon.

Now that is a surprise, and a little disappointing. I thought we might have at least one townsfolk type halfling in The Rusty Dragon Inn. I hope you can get some more halflings in the future. There doesn't seem to be many high-quality prepainted ones.

Erik Mona wrote:

There are (many) more townsfolk coming.

Hilariously, I've been focusing on at least one monster per update, because the early posts were filled with fear about the set being _only_ townsfolk. :)

Oh, don't worry, that wail will come up again once you have run out of monsters to show ;-)

I'm happy at the prospect of more commoners. It's an are of my collection that is fairly thin and yet used often. I need innocents that get in the way in chase scenes, or that need protecting in street battles. Make the wizard think twice about how he uses that fireball!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Commoners are going to come in really useful for running Hell's Rebels, likely also Hell's Vengeance. On one hand I was considering running this right away, but I might start up Serpent's Skull now and wait for Rusty Dragon Inn. Starting up Serpent's Skull soon would make which of the older sets to pick up with the summer sale an easier choice.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

There are (many) more townsfolk coming.

Hilariously, I've been focusing on at least one monster per update, because the early posts were filled with fear about the set being _only_ townsfolk. :)

No preview this friday - again (like 2 weeks ago)?

Don´t make me cry, Eric. ;-)

In other news the Diamond Previews comes out on next wednesday
(august 26th) and i have one week from then to decide if i want the Bar mini (and a case) or not.
I´m strongly leaning for a yes but any news on it would help me a lot to put my conciousness to rest. :-)

Berk the Black wrote:
I'm happy at the prospect of more commoners. It's an are of my collection that is fairly thin and yet used often. I need innocents that get in the way in chase scenes, or that need protecting in street battles. Make the wizard think twice about how he uses that fireball!



Erik Mona wrote:

There are (many) more townsfolk coming.

Hilariously, I've been focusing on at least one monster per update, because the early posts were filled with fear about the set being _only_ townsfolk. :)

Yup that was me.... This set has too many humanoids in it for me. Shattered Star had 11 medium humaniods out of 55 and that was the pushing it. RotRL having 22 medium humanoids for 65 pieces was way too much, even if most of them were rare. Personally, anything over 25% medium humanoids are too much in my eye. I don't need that many mooks, and since I mostly use them for PFS, the only named character I've been able to use as themselves was Sheila Heidmarch

Dark Archive

Lately a lot of humanoids from the NPC Codex and Monster Codex (or even the Magnimar Campaign Setting)have been showing up.

"The Rusty Dragon Inn" set includes more of them than any set before - so far from the 20 revealed minis(excluding the "Dungeon Dressing" pieces and the bar) 15.5 (if you count the orc on worg as half) of them are humanoids.
That is a lot and i can understand if it is too much for some people who don´t use bystanders and only pull out a map if a battle breaks out.

Personally i like "real monsters" a little bit more too because they are more useful but as long as the humanoids are good (useful pose and no bendy weapons) i don´t complain.

Technically the Ghouls, Kobold, Ice Giant, Orc and Bugbear are monsters too and from the 9 human/halfelf minis the only one not usable as an opponent is the "Serving Girl" but i don´t see humanoids of medium size as "real monsters" too.

3 minis are animals (limited usability as opponents).
The only 2 minis so far that qualify as "real monsters" are the "Quivering (Gelatinous) Cube" and the "Worg" (magical beast).

Again: i don´t really care as long as the minis are good and probably only this set will contain this many townsfolk - but i can understand that people who want monsters from the Bestiaries from where a lot of creatures are still missing - even from the first Bestiary - are disappointed.

Good news for these people: in February 2016 Wizards of the Coast will release the fourth "Icons of the Realms" set with the title "Monster Menagerie". This set will almost exclusively include "real monsters" (the Gargantuan mini is a Treant). ;-)

It´s hard to please everyone but i think overall Eric is doing a great job (if only he would´nt sometimes "forget" to post the weekly preview - one mini is better than none - excluding sickness and convention weeks of course).

Personally i have begun to buy Dwarven Forge 3D terrain and hope Paizo goes into that direction too.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Good news for these people: in February 2016 Wizards of the Coast will release the fourth "Icons of the Realms" set with the title "Monster Menagerie". This set will almost exclusively include "real monsters" (the Gargantuan mini is a Treant). ;-)

Do you have a link to information on this?

Personally i have begun to buy Dwarven Forge 3D terrain and hope Paizo goes into that direction too.

Dungeon Dressing certainly seems to have been a hit. However, minority or not, I really hope they split it out into a separate line so that those who want it can buy it and those who would rather get traditional miniatures can get more per set (both more sculpts and more figures).

Dark Archive

Steve Geddes wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Good news for these people: in February 2016 Wizards of the Coast will release the fourth "Icons of the Realms" set with the title "Monster Menagerie". This set will almost exclusively include "real monsters" (the Gargantuan mini is a Treant). ;-)

Do you have a link to information on this?

Personally i have begun to buy Dwarven Forge 3D terrain and hope Paizo goes into that direction too.
Dungeon Dressing certainly seems to have been a hit. However, minority or not, I really hope they split it out into a separate line so that those who want it can buy it and those who would rather get traditional miniatures can get more per set (both more sculpts and more figures).

I have seen this on "Kor - the orcish scrollkeeper"´s excellent minis page. He would´nt post it when it would not be confirmed to him somehow.

I would buy a "tables and benches" set (like Dwarven Forge offers) or others from Paizo in plastic form. But i understand that Paizo and Wizkids are unsure if and how much something like that would sell, so they are testing the ground with the bar mini and single "Dressing pieces".
Everyone want´s something different and for a while we will have to be content with the "mixed bag" of townsfolk, humanoids, monsters, dressing pieces and so on because it is a guaranteed seller.

-The "Dragon Evolution" line did´nt seem to sell enough (still available and no new ones) although the price is moderate and the dragon minis are great.

-The "Reign of Winter Encounter Pack" (HUGE Frost Worm & HUGE Svathurim) the same (not a good decision of minis to start such an experiment with but good quality minis none the less) and so i can understand the decision to not try something that is a questionable sell in the foreseeable future.

Paizo or another company will do it sometimes though.

I hope i could help you. :-)

Very helpful. Thanks. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
-The "Reign of Winter Encounter Pack" (HUGE Frost Worm & HUGE Svathurim) the same (not a good decision of minis to start such an experiment with but good quality minis none the less) and so i can understand the decision to not try something that is a questionable sell in the foreseeable future.

Kind of funny. I can't tell you how many times I saw that pack in my FLGS and asked myself "why would anyone bother with these two?" They're both good, but they're kind of situational. So yeah, I ignored them week after week after week.

Then the store closed.

Then, the Rise of the Runelords game I've been running for 2.5 years... reached a spot where those two were useful. Didn't see that coming. So I scrambled to order the thing via Amazon at great expense to get it to my table in time. It worked.

Still, I maintain the opinion that for Huge minis those were a poor choice. I'd've bought elementals (for instance) in a heartbeat.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Good news for these people: in February 2016 Wizards of the Coast will release the fourth "Icons of the Realms" set with the title "Monster Menagerie". This set will almost exclusively include "real monsters" (the Gargantuan mini is a Treant). ;-)

That would be good news if I didn't find the majority of D&D sculpts to be utterly abysmal, especially when compared to the Pathfinder line. The D&D Elementals are an embarrassment, the Ogre looks bargain bin toy awful, the Djinn and Efreet are painfully uninspired and lacking in flair, and that Troll, while it matches the artwork, just looks lanky and emaciated. Though, I will say that the Roper looks so freakin' perfect, if there's any chance it turns out to be uncommon (which, of course, it won't), I'd buy a case just for that figure. Well, the Roper, the Beholder and the Mind Flayer.

And, for me, the thought of a Gargantuan Treant is no incentive. I'd much prefer a Gargantuan Hydra or Kraken.

Personally i have begun to buy Dwarven Forge 3D terrain and hope Paizo goes into that direction too.

From my understanding, we're not likely to ever see terrain pieces or dungeon dressing sold as packs or individual pieces that don't first appear in the standard randomized sets. I don't understand the economics of it, but the consensus seems to be that it wouldn't be profitable. But it's also somewhat irrelevant, because there are companies like Dwarven Forge, Reaper and others who either already sell terrain and dressing pieces or are steadily making more and more of those sort of items available to the people who want them. Plus, new Kickstarters for similar products will continue to pop up as long as there's a demand for them. So, those of us who want terrain/dressing pieces, we have options, regardless of whether or not Paizo makes a serious push into that area of the market.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I have seen this on "Kor - the orcish scrollkeeper"´s excellent minis page. He would´nt post it when it would not be confirmed to him somehow.

The set was announced at the link below, and the following link shows a retailer who had a release date posted: r-miniatures

Thanks, Kor. I appreciate the link.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

There are more monsters coming.

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