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Pathfinder Adventure: Crown of the Kobold King

Happy Anniversary, Kobold King!

July 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of Paizo as well as the 15th anniversary of the world we now know as the Lost Omens campaign setting. In 2007, with the licenses for Dungeon and Dragon magazines set to expire, Paizo had to take some big risks to stay in business—risks that ultimately paid off. With a much smaller staff taking a stab at something new, Paizo released a series of short standalone adventures telling the tale of the rise (and fall) of the kobold king, Merlokrep, in the northern wilderness of Andoran. Over three adventures, Hollow’s Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, and Hungry Are the Dead, authors Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Nicolas Logue, and F. Wesley Schneider established the foundations for what would grow into the Lost Omens setting we continue to explore and expand today.

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Tags: Kobolds Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Foam Replica: Life-Sized Kobold in Red and Blue Available for Preorder!

This life-sized replica stands a full three feet tall, ready to wreak havoc on anyone who enters their domain. The statue has been sculpted fully in sturdy, lightweight foam and latex, carefully hand-painted for realistic detail.

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Tags: Kobolds Pathfinder Pathfinder Second Edition

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Monster Mash

If you have not heard yet, the newest addition to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is hitting subscribers and game stores now. The Monster Codex is a mighty tome, filled with some of the most iconic foes in the game. Each of the 20 monster types appearing in this book has an expanded ecology, new rules, and 7 pages of new stat blocks across a range of CRs. Each one gives you plenty of ideas and awesome crunch to make these monsters the feature of an entire adventure or even a portion of your campaign, while saving you the time it takes to come up with the mountain of stats needed to make it happen.

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Tags: Damien Mammoliti Goblins Jason Rainville Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Goblins Ahoy!

Obviously we're not the only ones with pirate goblins on the brain! While we've been putting the final touches on Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles, Pathfinder reader Jason A. Legg put together this awesome papercraft diorama. Check out the amazing detail on the little kobolds defenders, the goblin invaders, the bamboo field, and the shaman's fearsome dragon magic!

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Tags: Goblins Kobolds Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles

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The Kobold King Says Get Your Superstar Entry In!

... The Kobold King Says Get Your Superstar Entry In! Thursday, December 30, 2010 ... Illustration by Warren Mahy ... Tomorrow at 2pm PST the first round of RPG Superstar™ 2010 will end. The judges will go over the entries and pick the best 32, and the winners will move on to Round 2. Ultimately, we'll get down to the Top 4, who will all receive a contract to write for us. The ultimate winner will get to write a Pathfinder Module, while the remaining members of the Top 4 will get to...
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Tags: Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Scenarios RPG Superstar Undead Warren Mahy

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Preview: It's Here!

... GameMastery Guide Preview: It's Here! Thursday, June 17, 2010 ... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... As I write this Cosmo is standing in our warehouse, shin deep in packing Styrofoam, yelling about peanuts to anyone who passes by. Such strangeness might be chalked up to the daunting nature of his task—though it is hard to tell with Cos—as he's surrounded by huge walls of boxes filled with books. Guides, of a sort. GameMastery Guides, even. Which he's helping to ship out right now....
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Tags: Andrew Hou Dragons Game Mastering Goblins Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #31: Stolen Land (Kingmaker 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Oh yeah! Adventure Paths!

... Oh yeah! Adventure Paths! Friday, February 12, 2010Huh. It's been a while since I've talked about an Adventure Path in the blog, I just realized. Looking back, seems the last time we talked about an Adventure Path at all was on January 6th, in fact. AIEEE! ... Now... sometime soon I wanna share with you some excerpts from Merisiel's journal that have come into my possession... excerpts that catalog her joys and frustrations over the foundation of her new nation in the northeastern River...
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Tags: Carbuncles Elves Eric Belisle Fey Iconics Kingmaker Kobolds Kyushik Shin Merisiel Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path River Kingdoms Rogues Scott Purdy Vermin

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Receive the Gift of Kobolds at Free RPG Day!

Receive the Gift of Kobolds at Free RPG Day! Friday, June 20, 2008 For those of you who don't know, tomorrow is the second annual Free RPG Day. Created and run by the good folks at Impressions Marketing, Free RPG Day works with hobby game retailers and RPG publishers to create in-store events that give away new RPG quick start rules and adventure modules. This year, the event is worldwide, meaning gamers in Canada, England, Germany, Scotland, Spain, Costa Rica, Chile, and the United States...
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Tags: Darkmoon Vale Free Stuff Kobolds
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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

You Can't Keep a Good Kobold Down

... You Can't Keep a Good Kobold Down Monday, May 5, 2008In Revenge of the Kobold King the PCs once again find themselves facing perilous death in Darkmoon Vale, but this time they are working for a man as dangerous as any monster prowling the shadowy forest. ... Thuldrin Kreed, by far the most powerful of Darkmoon Vale's lumber barons has long ruled Falcon's Hollow with a clenched fist, feeding on the misery of its common folk. When some undetermined and insidious force menaces his interests...
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You got GameMastery in my Dragonlance!

You got GameMastery in my Dragonlance! Monday, October 1, 2007 ... While seeing folks play in our campaign world is of course the biggest compliment we can receive, here at Paizo, we understand that many people have been playing in alternative game worlds for a long time, and simply aren't interested in switching over. As a result, we're always excited when we hear about someone getting jazzed enough about our products to mine out ideas or convert them over to their favorite setting. ... Thus...
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Free RPG Day is Tomorrow!

... Free RPG Day is Tomorrow! Friday, June 22, 2007Tomorrow, June 23rd, is the first annual Free RPG Day, where you can stop by your local game store and pick up a free product. As mentioned in the post from April 24th, you can pick up the very first GameMastery Module, D0: Hollow's Last Hope tomorrow as part of this exciting event. ... Hollow's Last Hope is a prequel to D1: Crown of the Kobold King and covers much of the lead-up to that adventure, taking brand-new 1st-level characters up to...
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Tags: Darkmoon Vale Falcon's Hollow Free Stuff Kobolds Pathfinder Modules Wallpapers

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The New Stat Block

The New Stat Block Tuesday, May 22, 2007Since we have sent a number of modules out to the printer, we recently came to the realization that it was high time to show off the new stat block. Mind you, there are a lot of things you are going to find familiar, but some things are brand new. When it came time to start working on Pathfinder and the GameMastery Modules, we took that opportunity to improve and tinker, while still trying to retain the easy-to-use format everyone has come to know and...
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Tags: Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Modules Stat Blocks
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Leaping Slime

Leaping Slime Thursday, May 3, 2007Everyone knows about goblins and worgs. Going all the way back to Tolkien, the goblin/worg raiding party has been a staple of sword and sorcery fantasy. Giving the goblins an iconic mount to ride makes them that much scarier, and also that much more usable. No longer confined to their underground lairs, a mounted group of goblins can range far across the countryside, strike at numerous towns and villages, and generally wreak havoc. ... But why should the...
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Tags: Kobolds Monsters Wallpapers

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Hail To The King Wednesday, April 25, 2007Kobolds have been around...

Hail To The King Wednesday, April 25, 2007Kobolds have been around for a long time. From the ratlike little dog-men of the early editions, to the more recent incarnation as draconic lizards, these guys remain one of the game's favorite foils. Usually depicted as sneaky, conniving trap-makers, they also have a history of being cute, pathetic monsters struggling to find their place in the dungeon, usually at the bottom of the local food chain. When we went looking for an iconic monster to kick...
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