Oh yeah! Adventure Paths!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Huh. It's been a while since I've talked about an Adventure Path in the blog, I just realized. Looking back, seems the last time we talked about an Adventure Path at all was on January 6th, in fact. AIEEE!

Now... sometime soon I wanna share with you some excerpts from Merisiel's journal that have come into my possession... excerpts that catalog her joys and frustrations over the foundation of her new nation in the northeastern River Kingdoms... but I'm still deep in the process of translating it to English from Elven and excising all the racy parts that the MAN won't let me put on the blog.

So, since I don't have the time yet to post that preview of the kingdom-building rules that'll be appearing in Pathfinder Adventure Path #32, why don't I show off some of the art from the first Kingmaker adventure instead? Let's see... how about pictures of two of the more ferocious war chieftains your PCs will be dealing with during the course of "Stolen Land?" Names withheld to prevent the not-so-innocent...

And I promise to make public Merisiel's journal soon! Stay tuned!

Illustration by Kyushik Shin
Illustration by Eric BelisleIllustration by Scott Purdy

PS: Yes... the third picture is of a carbuncle. For real.

James Jacobs
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Carbuncles Elves Eric Belisle Fey Iconics Kingmaker Kobolds Kyushik Shin Merisiel Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path River Kingdoms Rogues Scott Purdy Vermin
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Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

These are my favorite kinds of blog posts. I love seeing the carbuncle, but where's the flumph!?

Sovereign Court

Woot! Mite Cavalier!

I'm not familiar with the Carbuncle (at least not visually) - where's that from? (originally)

Majuba wrote:
I'm not familiar with the Carbuncle (at least not visually) - where's that from? (originally)

Jorges Luis Borges FTW!

Along with (IIRC) the Peryton, Bahamut, and a ridiculous number of other classics.

Go Paizo! Every time they go back to the roots, it cements my fanboyism.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The kobold shaman rocks!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Agreed, finally a kobold that's going to scare people looking at it.

Be scarier if he was a proper blue kobold.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Zaister wrote:
The kobold shaman rocks!

He's no shaman; he's the CHIEF! The shaman's a different kobold in the adventure, and therein lies one of Stolen Lands' strangest power struggles...

James Jacobs wrote:
Zaister wrote:
The kobold shaman rocks!
He's no shaman; he's the CHIEF! The shaman's a different kobold in the adventure, and therein lies one of Stolen Lands' strangest power struggles...

Go carbuncles!

James Jacobs wrote:
Zaister wrote:
The kobold shaman rocks!
He's no shaman; he's the CHIEF! The shaman's a different kobold in the adventure, and therein lies one of Stolen Lands' strangest power struggles...

The link is mislabelled then! It says KoboldShaman!

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Do Carbuncles fly? I don't think i've ever noticed that before. Maybe someone just punted it..

Liberty's Edge

I think it's pouncing. I'm guessing it's got about an inch of vertical.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

I'm so happy the carbuncle no longer looks like an armadillo with a gemstone on its head!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

vagrant-poet wrote:
The link is mislabelled then! It says KoboldShaman!

I'm the guy who labels the links, and I usually have no idea what the picture actually is in the adventure (I usually see adventures just about the time you guys do). Sometimes the blog itself or our internal filenames give me a clue, but sometimes I just have to guess. In this case all I just went with what it looked like to me.

Sometimes I'm wrong, but I like to think that means I get to keep you guys guessing.

Majuba wrote:
I'm not familiar with the Carbuncle (at least not visually) - where's that from? (originally)

Fiend Folio, AD&D 1E. Monster by Albie Fiore.

Even today I often browse through the Fiend Folio and MMII, they were so evocative and chock full of ideas... I really like how Paizo manages to bring old weird monsters into play.

I am waiting to see nilbogs and protein polymorphs.

Liberty's Edge


Mounted Mites!

Engilsh! (What other strange and wonderful languages do you know Doctor Jacobs?)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jam412 wrote:
Do Carbuncles fly? I don't think i've ever noticed that before. Maybe someone just punted it..

That mystery shall be revealed in Pathfinder #31.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:
Majuba wrote:
I'm not familiar with the Carbuncle (at least not visually) - where's that from? (originally)

Fiend Folio, AD&D 1E. Monster by Albie Fiore.

Even today I often browse through the Fiend Folio and MMII, they were so evocative and chock full of ideas... I really like how Paizo manages to bring old weird monsters into play.

I am waiting to see nilbogs and protein polymorphs.

The actual carbuncle, while it first appeared in D&D in the 1st edition Fiend Folio, is an actual mythological critter.

I'm 99.99994% sure we'll never do anything with protein polymorphs. I'm 100% sure we'll never do anything with nilbogs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
Engilsh! (What other strange and wonderful languages do you know Doctor Jacobs?)

It's times like this that I wish we on the 1st floor of Paizo had the ability to go in and edit blog posts...

W-wuh-what have you done to my carbuncle?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

It looks like an Igor version of a chameleon. I love it!

James Jacobs wrote:
I'm 100% sure we'll never do anything with nilbogs.

But wacky surprises are fun!

(Just kidding, I could care less if we have nilbogs. I think they're an early interesting step in the maturation of the game from the early days to where we are now. 1st Edition had unusual ideas in terms of what made a good monster, and in some cases a lot of cool material was reverse engineered from something that started out as just a visual effect (ropers for example).. and in some cases it didn't, like the nilbog.)

James Jacobs wrote:
Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:
Majuba wrote:
I'm not familiar with the Carbuncle (at least not visually) - where's that from? (originally)

Fiend Folio, AD&D 1E. Monster by Albie Fiore.

Even today I often browse through the Fiend Folio and MMII, they were so evocative and chock full of ideas... I really like how Paizo manages to bring old weird monsters into play.

I am waiting to see nilbogs and protein polymorphs.

The actual carbuncle, while it first appeared in D&D in the 1st edition Fiend Folio, is an actual mythological critter.

I'm 99.99994% sure we'll never do anything with protein polymorphs. I'm 100% sure we'll never do anything with nilbogs.

Well I just took two absurd monsters at random, I didn't really particularly like neither.

But the gambado... I still laugh to tears when I look at that picture.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
W-wuh-what have you done to my carbuncle?

We injected him with cool flavor inspired by mythology and a heavy dose of cute! Look at him! He's a l'il darling!

The Exchange

I will name him Squishy and he will be my Squishy.

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
W-wuh-what have you done to my carbuncle?
We injected him with cool flavor inspired by mythology and a heavy dose of cute! Look at him! He's a l'il darling!

Not as cute as the mite—D'aww, look at his beady little eyes!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I always wondered why we were drawing carbuncles at Iron Illustrator last year. :P

Does this mean there's plans in store for our illustrations of Apollyon? I noticed me and Crystal's never got returned. :D

Dark Archive

Some great art for low level beasties !

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zeugma wrote:
I will name him Squishy and he will be my Squishy.

HAHAHA... Fix that for ya

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

So I just clicked on the pictures and realized how incredibly detailed those are. Especially the Chief. Great job.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I approve the art of Eric Belisle. I hereby request that Paizo orders more art from him. You may proceed ...


Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
W-wuh-what have you done to my carbuncle?

Made him awesome! No more of this "I get scared, I die" crap. That's just what the haters wants you to think.

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:
I am waiting to see nilbogs and protein polymorphs.

Ooofda. That wait would have to be a long one indeed. Long enough to out stretch my tenure.

Jam412 wrote:
Do Carbuncles fly? I don't think I've ever noticed that before.

Nope! They do better than fly! ...Well not really. You'll see.

vagrant-poet wrote:
The link is mislabelled then! It says KoboldShaman!

Publishing Manta #4 Wise man never trusts words of artists.

yoda8myhead wrote:
These are my favorite kinds of blog posts. I love seeing the carbuncle, but where's the flumph!?

Right here dude, we got it covered.

Silver Crusade

Lem: Carbuncle! Use Headbutt!

Carbuncle: Carbuncle!



Lem: Good job, Carbuncle!

Carbuncle: Car! Carbuncle!


Evil Lincoln wrote:
Majuba wrote:
I'm not familiar with the Carbuncle (at least not visually) - where's that from? (originally)

Jorges Luis Borges FTW!

Along with (IIRC) the Peryton, Bahamut, and a ridiculous number of other classics.

Wow.. looking up that guy led to quite a wealth of information. Thank you!

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:
Fiend Folio, AD&D 1E. Monster by Albie Fiore.

This is what I was really asking (glad to know both!) - looking it up I recognize it now... cure little piggy creature, 1 HD creature with no attacks or defenses. One of the strangest in a strange book :)

Actually the Carbuncle like almost all off the monsters in the original FF first appeared in the pages of White Dwarf(when it was more than a Warhammer fanzine/catalogue)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:

Lem: Carbuncle! Use Headbutt!

Carbuncle: Carbuncle!



Lem: Good job, Carbuncle!

Carbuncle: Car! Carbuncle!


This wins the internet today.

Just did a google image search for a Carbuncle... and discovered that it's also a medical term. Nasty, nasty pictures then appeared on my screen. *shudder*

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lazaro wrote:
Zeugma wrote:
I will name him Squishy and he will be my Squishy.
HAHAHA... Fix that for ya

I originally thought this


GentleGiant wrote:
Just did a google image search for a Carbuncle... and discovered that it's also a medical term...

Oh, uh, yeah dude. Our bad. Here's what you were looking for: the Carbuncle in myth.

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:

Lem: Carbuncle! Use Headbutt!

Carbuncle: Carbuncle!



Lem: Good job, Carbuncle!

Carbuncle: Car! Carbuncle!


But...isn't Headbutt a Normal-type move? I thought Normal-type wasn't super effective against anything? [/nerd of all nerds]

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
Just did a google image search for a Carbuncle... and discovered that it's also a medical term...
Oh, uh, yeah dude. Our bad. Here's what you were looking for: the Carbuncle in myth.

That link makes me intensely curious about The Ass With Three Legs.

It won't be long before that shows up attacking a helpless fishing village in an AP.

Okay, I love the look on the carbuncle's face. Also, great communication of action.

Sovereign Court

Scipion del Ferro wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
Just did a google image search for a Carbuncle... and discovered that it's also a medical term...
Oh, uh, yeah dude. Our bad. Here's what you were looking for: the Carbuncle in myth.

That link makes me intensely curious about The Ass With Three Legs.

It won't be long before that shows up attacking a helpless fishing village in an AP.


Dark Archive

The kobold shaman looks awesome.

James Jacobs wrote:
Zaister wrote:
The kobold shaman rocks!
He's no shaman; he's the CHIEF! The shaman's a different kobold in the adventure, and therein lies one of Stolen Lands' strangest power struggles...

I guess Ross never changed the file name--just in case you missed it, David.

Dark Archive

Is the Mite riding a fiendish giant spider.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

David Fryer wrote:
Is the Mite riding a fiendish giant spider.

Nope. He's riding a giant tick.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Is the Mite riding a fiendish giant spider.
Nope. He's riding a giant tick.

He's a Mite, on a tick, and a flee on a rat." Hmm, now where have I heard that before.... :)

Pretty Woman, I think...The cute little Kat...hhmmmm...

Nevynxxx wrote:

He's a Mite, on a tick, and a flee on a rat." Hmm, now where have I heard that before.... :)

"...on a log, in a hole in the bottom of the sea..."

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Is the Mite riding a fiendish giant spider.
Nope. He's riding a giant tick.

I'm guessing that will be in one of the Kingmaker AP's bestiarys?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

David Fryer wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Is the Mite riding a fiendish giant spider.
Nope. He's riding a giant tick.
I'm guessing that will be in one of the Kingmaker AP's bestiarys?

Nope. Tome of Horrors has stats for giant ticks. (And they'll eventually be in Bestiary 2.)

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