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Pathfinder Tales: Queen of Thorns

Queen of Thorns Sample Chapter Scavenger Hunt!

Queen of Thorns Sample Chapter Scavenger Hunt!Wednesday, October 31, 2012 ... It's Halloween, and in the spirit of going door-to-door looking for treats, we've decided to do something a little unusual for the release of the new Pathfinder Tales novel Queen of Thorns. Instead of offering a single sample chapter, we've spread the first four chapters across four prominent fantasy and gaming websites, giving you a free sneak preview of the first 70 pages of the book! Here to talk a little bit...
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Tags: Dave Gross Elves Eric Belisle Paladins Pathfinder Tales

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Mike Selinker on the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Mike Selinker on the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Tuesday, October 30, 2012 So, there is an announcement on the Paizo blog about the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game going into semi-open playtests. The collaborative deck-building game (which is neither completely collaborative nor completely deck-building, but work with me) is probably the best game system I've ever designed, and I'd like to tell you a little bit about it. ... The basic concept is this: It's a cooperative game for one to six...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Playtest Rise of the Runelords

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The Urge to Evolve

The Urge to Evolve Monday, October 29, 2012 Back in spring 2011, the first Pathfinder Society Quest, Ambush in Absalom, was released in the pages of Kobold Quarterly (and has since been made available as a free PDF here on paizo.com). Last spring, knowing that we'd soon be using quests as the format of our Pathfinder Society Open Call and urged by Kobold-in-Chief Wolfgang Baur to put some new Pathfinder Society content in the magazine, I asked frequent KQ contributor and my fellow Pathfinder...
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Tags: Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Cosmic Horror Halloween!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Cosmic Horror Halloween! Friday, October 26, 2012 Halloween is less than a week away, so it's finally time to deliver on the cosmic horror I've been teasing for the last several weeks. ... You've already seen the enormous Gug, which I've included again below since it is so awesome and fits the theme so well. ... But the Gug is only one of THREE mythos monsters included in January's Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures. He happens...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Gobloween is Coming!

Gobloween is Coming! Thursday, October 25, 2012 Goblins trick and goblins treat, ... Time to smell some goblin feet! ... Ghosts and ghouls, nice and spooky, ... Goblins like to dress up kooky! ... Give us sweets, don't be a jerk, ... If not have candy, pickles work! ... Bar the windows, lock doors tight, ... 'Cause Gobloween is hallowed night!It's drawing near to Halloween and that means it's pumpkin carving time! If you're looking for some inspiration, check out this pumpkin carved by Becky...
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Tags: Costume Goblins Halloween

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Proper Villains

Proper Villainsby Erik Scott de Bie ... Chapter Four: The Reward He awoke in a cold spray of brackish water. The Hellknight who'd roused him drew back the half-empty bucket, then brought it forward again for another go. This time, Tarrant inhaled half the putrid stuff and gagged. Is that really necessary? he coughed. ... The Hellknight leaned close, his breath turning Tarrant's stomach. You stink of fear, Liespinner. ... And you stink of mediocrity, Tarrant said. I prefer my smell, thanks....
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Tags: Carlos Villa Erik Scott de Bie Web Fiction

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex (OGL)

NPC Codex Preview #1

NPC Codex Preview #1 Tuesday, October 23, 2012Prepping for a game can sometimes be a chore. You’ve got a plot to develop, monsters and treasure to assign, and NPCs to create. Over the past few years, we’ve given the busy GM plenty of tools to fill out their adventures with a wide variety of monsters and treasure, and now we are giving you everything you need to populate your world with NPCs as well. ... The NPC Codex is set to release in just over a month and we thought it was time for you to...
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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

Building Your Pathfinder Society Community

Building Your Pathfinder Society Community Monday, October 22, 2012 ... Illustration by Guz BorodaWhen I started playing Pathfinder Society more than 3 years ago, I realized the more I gave to it, the more I got from it and the more valuable it became to me. While it may not be a universal truth, I believe that when you work for something, you value it more than if it was just given to you. Also, I find that when you give back to your community, it too becomes stronger and more valuable. ......
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Tags: Guz Boroda Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Gray Days

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Gray Days Friday, October 19, 2012 The Halloween season is about more than just scares. Here in Seattle, the approach of Halloween means the end of nice weather and a months-long descent into the gray, a series of cloudy, rainy, dreary days often strung together 40 or 50 at a time. It's not the dreariness that gets you, or the dampness. It's the monotony of it all. The same day, every day, for days and days and days and days (can you tell I just got back from a...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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More About Paizo Game Space

More About Paizo Game Space Thursday, October 18, 2012 ... The Swallowtail Festival from Rise of the Runelords in full swing! We still don't know who invited the dragon...At the PaizoCon 2012 banquet, we announced we've been working on Paizo Game Space, a virtual tabletop that runs right in your web browser. We've shown some screenshots, and clarified why we're doing this (hint: it's not to crush our enemies). But now it's been a few months, and the VTT isn't available yet, so we'd like to...
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Proper Villains

Proper Villainsby Erik Scott de Bie ... Chapter Three: The Caper Humming anxiously under his breath, Tarrant watched as the last cart of treasure arrived from the docks as the sun set. This time was always torture and ecstasy for him: he could hardly stand the waiting, and yet he could not help his excitement for the game to come. Tarrant shadowed the cart from the docks to Hawkthorne Tower, then slipped around the back. ... It was time to begin. ... With all the activity around the front...
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Tags: Carlos Villa Erik Scott de Bie Web Fiction

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GameMastery Map Pack: Rooftops

Synergistic Maps

Synergistic Maps Tuesday, October 16, 2012 When I'm not working on the next upcoming hardback rulebook, or apps, or whatever needs to be done around this place, my mind is on maps. While the talented Jason Engle makes our Flip-Mat and Map Packs gorgeous, I'm the guy who dreams up what goes on those maps and how they work together. And that's a fun job! ... For the past year and a half I've been working hard to make these lines as fun and useful as possible. I've worked to make many of our Map...
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Tags: GameMastery Jason Engle

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Plots and Perils of the Pathfinder Society

Plots and Perils of the Pathfinder Society Monday, October 15, 2012 We launched the Year of the Risen Rune at Gen Con in August and are moving quickly into the heart of the season's metaplots with the release of two new scenarios this month. In past seasons, we've moved from completely unlinked scenarios to short three- or four-part story arcs within a larger array of generally unlinked scenarios and then further into seasonal meta-arcs covering an entire year's worth of scenarios. During...
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Tags: Daniel Warren Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (PFRPG)

Playtest the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Playtest the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Friday, October 12, 2012 Paizo is pleased to report that in just a few short weeks, we're expecting to begin the playtest for next year's Pathfinder Adventure Card Game (known to some of you by the code name Project Swallowtail). Because playtesting a card game isn't quite as simple as letting everybody download a PDF, it's not going to be quite as open as our RPG playtests have been, but if you'd like to get involved, read on to find out how that...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Playtest Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Scary Monsters

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Scary Monsters Friday, October 12, 2012 It's October, and as Halloween approaches it seems appropriate to focus on some of the scarier creatures in the upcoming Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! ... I'm technically on vacation this week, but hey, no rest for the wicked. I can't let my personal need for a couple of days off get in the way of your personal need for more cool Pathfinder Battles previews. As a wise man once said,...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Meet the Iconics: Imrijka

Meet the Iconics: Imrijka Thursday, October 11, 2012 ... Wails regularly echo through the eastern wing of Gravecharge, Pharasma's cathedral in the university city of Lepidstadt. Yet such aren't the breathless screams of the dead that so often ring through the corners of Ustalav, but rather the cries of life. Since its construction, Gravecharge has maintained a clean and well-supervised hospice for sick and orphaned youths. Just as the goddess Pharasma concerns herself with the transition of...
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Tags: Half-Orcs Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Proper Villains

Proper Villainsby Erik Scott de Bie ... Chapter Two: The Gang You're sure about this gang? Fat Gorm fidgeted, rubbing his fingers together. I only ask, because the hour presses on— ... Sit easy. Tarrant hummed dancing wisps of music, which calmed him. He wondered how anyone who couldn't see music managed to relax. ... They met at midnight in the Bloody Fang, a dive down in the Puddles district that catered to sailors, criminals, and the lowest of the low. The authorities of Absalom...
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Tags: Carlos Villa Erik Scott de Bie Web Fiction

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex (OGL)

Choose Your Enemy

Choose Your Enemy Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Since the Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex is so packed with images of worthy allies and deadly foes, we’re starting the previews for it a bit early. This time, check out a crew of mid-level marauders, which you’ll find both in this expansive character catalog and in the Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex Box (the humanoid-heavy sibling of the Bestiary Box). Be sure to watch this space in the coming weeks for even more NPC Codex action! ... Illustrations by Jason...
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Tags: Damien Mammoliti Jason Engle Miroslav Petrov Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL)

Pathfinder Society Survival 101

Pathfinder Society Survival 101 Monday, October 8, 2012 One of the concerns I have heard pop up lately, both on the messageboards and at shows, is that Pathfinder Society scenarios have become more deadly. I've heard horror stories about TPKs on the rise in various regions of the world. Let's see if we can help combat some of that and help the new player, or the low-level character of a veteran, with some options that may just prove useful. ... One of the benefits of being a Venture-Captain...
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Tags: Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Big Blue

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Big Blue Friday, October 5, 2012 I'd planned to spend the next few weeks leading up to Halloween on some of the spookier figures in the upcoming Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures, but this week our doorbell rang here at Paizo, and our partners at WizKids delivered one of the greatest pre-Halloween treats of all in the form of the final paint master of the Gargantuan Blue Dragon, the special case incentive promotional figure for the...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #67: The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Winter's Reign Nears!

Winter's Reign Nears! Thursday, October 4, 2012 On Monday the Paizo offices were visited by a praying mantis (something rare in western Washington from what I hear), so I thought I'd share the cover image for the first volume of the Reign of Winter Adventure Path. ... Illustration by Craig J SpearingSome of you who were at PaizoCon, Gen Con, or read these messageboards religiously already know a thing or two about this Adventure Path. For those who don't—next year in Golarion is 4713...
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Tags: Craig J Spearing Pathfinder Adventure Path Reign of Winter

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Proper Villains

Proper Villainsby Erik Scott de Bie ... Chapter One: The Liar You owe how much? asked Tarrant the Liespinner. ... My boy, my boy—don't fret. Fat Gorm's cheeks reddened like two overripe apples. It's not so bad. ... Tarrant cast his gaze around the Open Palm to check for eavesdroppers. Fat Gorm's tavern bore a fitting name, considering how often the dwarf asked his supposed friends for coin. Tarrant Akayn the Liespinner had been out of prison for all of two hours, and already the dwarf...
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Tags: Carlos Villa Erik Scott de Bie Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction

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Killer Cover Compilation

Killer Cover Compilation Tuesday, October 2, 2012 Since we had our Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex preview yesterday, here's something a bit more general. Check out this fantastic compilation of the first 60 Pathfinder Adventure Path covers, stitched together by our own Senior Art Director, Sarah Robinson. This set collects our first 10 Adventure Paths, highlighting the themes and deadliest threats of each campaign up through volume #60. Five years ago I didn't even dare to hope I might be saying...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex (OGL)

NPCs on the March!

NPCs on the March! Monday, October 1, 2012 We're still a couple of months out from the release of Pathfinder RPG: NPC Codex, but all of the awesome art in that book refuses to be contained! Check out a sampling of 10 fantastically deadly characters by 10 fantastically talented artists. Also, be sure to watch this space in the coming weeks for in-depth previews of Pathfinder RPG: NPC Codex—releasing this December. ... F. Wesley Schneider ... Editor-in-Chief ...
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Tags: Alex Tooth Branko Bistrovic Chris Seaman Damien Mammoliti Jason Rainville Jorge Maese Lydia Schuchmann Mauricio Herrera Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roberto Pitturru Scott Purdy