Shadows in the Dark (Private)

Play-by-Post Discussion

Grimmsgate Status

Hey everyone,

We have all been here in some shape or form before, in a private thread set up by me to discuss games and gaming in a forum of ‘like minded people’, or even more simply put, people with whom I have enjoyed a lot playing in the past :D

I will repeat something I have also said in the past - 'most of you know my thoughts about gaming in general, and PF in specific, what bothers me, what frustrates me and what I like about it. Some of you will know this better than others because you have most likely been a victim of one of my ‘old gamer’ rants, etc'

With that being said, I am at it again. I did ponder beforehand if it would be a good idea or not, but in all honesty nowadays I find there is more worth in actually doing things, than simply mulling them over eternally. Also another reason why I like less and less the looooong dragged recruitments here in the Paizo forums… But my complains are not what we are here for today.

In any case, my preference goes to gathering a few ‘good ones’ instead of opening a Recruitment thread (not saying I cannot/will not do that in the future, but for now would prefer to keep it contained). You all also know my appreciation for Pathfinder 1e, even if I do not like the current state of things. It IS a great game, with amazing resources and a tremendous community. Unfortunately I don't think it is the best game for PbP, unless you have a lot of time on your hands to make sure you take advantage of its tactical side and mechanical options, because let's face it, that IS an interesting side of Pathfinder 1e. Unfortunately I do not have that kind of availability.

So I am interested in exploring alternative systems which may strike me as interesting as far as character options and system complexity go, but also which might be easily ported into PbP. Bottom line, I like some crunch and options, but I also want a more streamlined approach to my DMing.

And that is why I would like to give Shadowdark a try with you. Why Shadowdark is something I hope we will have ample opportunity to discuss right here. Suffice to say I feel the system is worth a try.

Even though my preferred games are sandboxes, the plan here would be to start simple, most likely with something pre-written and episodic (of course it will be impossible not to paint outside the lines a bit :D), for us to get the feel of the system, how it plays, how interesting it is (or not), and how well it works with PbP. And if it fits the kind of game we want to run/play (this is another subject which will require revisiting here in this Discussion, but all things in due time ;))

So… Thoughts? Questions? Comments?

A very interesting set of rules. I does feel like it focuses more on story telling than min/maxing. I like the simplicity, it reminds me a little of the original D&D, I do like that most tasks, just happen automatically, but that some will require a 'Difficulty roll' which keeps everyone honest.

As far as the basic rules go, I'd prefer picking a background and assigning my stats instead of rolling them in order. It felt like the 'spell casters' got the short end of the stick. Between a very limited number of spells known by spell tier and rolling DC 10 + the spell's tier. It just felt limiting. I do have one question the rules say

Players Guide wrote:


If you succeed on your spellcasting check, the spell takes effect.
If you fail your spellcasting check, the spell does not take effect. You can’t cast that spell again until you complete a rest.

Does that mean you only lose the spell if you fail the spellcasting check? That may make it worth the risk...

It reminds me a little of the old 'Traveller' rules, the GM needs to have a potential idea for 'difficulty rolls' and must be able to come up with some on the fly. I think you'd still run into some of the 'same old problems' depending on the way you do initiative and such. Obviously, we wouldn't be using a timer here on the boards.

I've been expanding my willingness to try new rules. Within the last year I've been in a Mutants and Masterminds game, a Traveller Game, a PF2 Game and I'm still in a D&D5 game. So, it wouldn't hurt to give this a go. I would do a 'intro story' and see how it went.

Edit: Yeah, and no way those pregen characters were rolled :)

Grimmsgate Status
Robert Henry wrote:

A very interesting set of rules. I does feel like it focuses more on story telling than min/maxing. I like the simplicity, it reminds me a little of the original D&D, I do like that most tasks, just happen automatically, but that some will require a 'Difficulty roll' which keeps everyone honest.

As far as the basic rules go, I'd prefer picking a background and assigning my stats instead of rolling them in order. It felt like the 'spell casters' got the short end of the stick. Between a very limited number of spells known by spell tier and rolling DC 10 + the spell's tier. It just felt limiting.

Hey Robert, fancy finding you here :)

I think for the first time around it could be interesting to embrace the randomness. I was considering the possibility of rolling a couple of characters over at Shadowdarklings, and then allowing people to choose from the rolled ones. Option 2 is you tell me what you want to play, and I roll the pregen. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. First decision is regarding Classes, and for a first endeavor I feel like the SD Core ones are enough - Fighter, Priest, Thief Wizard.

Robert Henry wrote:
I do have one question the rules say
Players Guide wrote:


If you succeed on your spellcasting check, the spell takes effect.
If you fail your spellcasting check, the spell does not take effect. You can’t cast that spell again until you complete a rest.
Does that mean you only lose the spell if you fail the spellcasting check? That may make it worth the risk...

I see what you mean, and looking at the amount of spells known by spellcasters, it seems to make sense it works like that. Subject to confirmation.

Robert Henry wrote:

It reminds me a little of the old 'Traveller' rules, the GM needs to have a potential idea for 'difficulty rolls' and must be able to come up with some on the fly. I think you'd still run into some of the 'same old problems' depending on the way you do initiative and such. Obviously, we wouldn't be using a timer here on the boards.

I've been expanding my willingness to try new rules. Within the last year I've been in a Mutants and Masterminds game, a Traveller Game, a PF2 Game and I'm still in a D&D5 game. So, it wouldn't hurt to give this a go. I would do a 'intro story' and see how it went.

I am expecting to use published stuff to start with - hope that will help with getting some practice with DCs and such. Initiative I feel like it would be relegated to Combat as usual, but I need to take a second look at it.

Good to hear you are willing to give it a go! ;)

Hmmmm went over to the shadowdarklings site and rolled a dozen or so characters. Some of those numbers can be rough....

I'm willing to play a short intro game. Rolling the background and stats. I like the core classes enough that anything I wanted to play could be built with them. But the random background and stats make it rough to want to play a long term game.

The characters I enjoy tend to be competent. Random background and stats almost make that impossible. I want to background to fit the 'build' which does make random difficult.

So does shadowdarkling make modules?

Grimmsgate Status
Robert Henry wrote:
So does shadowdarkling make modules?

How so?

As for the rest, I think embracing the randomness can be a good thing as a first trial. It can surprise you.

As an example, I have recently began playing in an AD&D1e game, and 5 sessions in my Dwarf Fighter with a stat spread of 12, 7, 11, 9, 13, 6 keeps holding his own. When I rolled him I thought he would be crap, but he is not crap at all.

As another example, I have two Shadowdark characters in two separate games, one has a stat spread of 13, 16, 12, 8, 12, 15 and the other a 14, 13, 10, 12, 11, 8 and they are both alive and well, holding their own, even though Shadowdark is lethal.

So it might be important to adjust expectations regarding characters and how they perform according to their stats vs PF1e for example. Randomness and pregens are good for that, and of course I would not let anyone play with a severely diminished character. Unless they wanted to ;)

In any case, this is just a first experiment - there is a lot of material out there to expand on Shadowdark, but we need to/should start small.

To be honest, so far the only things which kinda throw me off in Shadowdark are the fact no character race can see in the dark (how do scouts actually do their job in a dungeon? It is something I have a very hard time wrapping my head around, the lack of Infravision), and the torch timer - yep I know, it is one of the main schticks of SD, but... I am not sure I like it. However, the light resource management is so central to the game, I don't think it can be removed without breaking something.

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