
Old School GM Obermind's page

545 posts. Alias of Edeldhur.


Elder Beholder ‖ Shadowdark Map

About Old School GM Obermind

AD&D2e Character Creation Rules:

Roll 4d6 drop lowest, in order.
Allowed to swap your highest stat with another slot, but then having to play a 'matching' class.
One non combat skill point is required to read/write Common.
We will not be using 'Alignment Languages'
Shortbows can only shoot flight (or stone arrows)

Current year:
576 CY

Suggestions for possible future changes:
Remove the fact some non-combat skills being gated by class?

S&W Considerations:

So for my reference:

- Character creation

1. Roll 3d6 6 times
2. Assign to stats at will: Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis Cha.
3. You can reroll once and keep the new result IF
You do not have at least a 14
If your average bonus modifier is lower than 0 (or +1, or +2, lets see how the characters turn out)
(On the fence if these should be before or after racials. Tending towards before)

- Skills (shamelessly stolen from Smugzoid so we can test it)

Relevant attribute = chance

17-18 = 3/6 chance of success
13-16 = 2/6 chance of success
5-12 = 1/6 chance of success
1-4 = no chance

Examples of skills

STR: Athletics, Lifting, Rough wall climbing (not smooth - thief skill only)
DEX: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Walking on ice or an edge, Tying a rope quickly, Lighting a torch quickly
CON: Holding breath, Endurance, Nausea
INT: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Scribing, Reading
WIS: Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival, Nature, Tracking
CHR: Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion

At 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th level you can increase the odds of any one stat skill by 1. For example if your DEX skill started at 1/6, at 3rd level you can make it 2/6. At 6th level you can increase it again or, increase a different stat skill by 1.

These increases do not change your six character stats, it only increases your skill odds.

No STAT skill can be greater than 5/6

Note: Thief and Assassin skills remain RAW

Map Test: #9


⬜ = Empty space
⬛ = Solid wall
⭕ = NPC
Ⓜ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ = Me (enlarged)
⚫ = Allied PC