Age of Ashes (Team Alseta)

Game Master Delta Arena

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You probably suspect this already but, Zeldone's player sent me a message saying that he will be prioritizing his work, taking on some new responsabilities, and won't be participating any longer.

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

Sick kiddo. Might be delayed in responding.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Hmmm...should we put out feelers for an extra member in Zeldones' departure?

Elf Investigator 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 | Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 | Perception +8 | Active Investigations - halfling firestarter, Cinderclaws

Sorry, I was focusing on Resa's roleplay and forgot to give the GM something to respond to. Ellaeaanda would open the door and look into the room just south of her.

Ardoinel Oreflame wrote:
Hmmm...should we put out feelers for an extra member in Zeldones' departure?

We could if you really want. But we do still have 5 players, we can carry on as is and leave the door open for Zeldones to return if his availability opens back up again.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (1) HP 16/16, AC 16/ Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, W+5/ Perception +5/ Initiative +2/ HL: 0/1/ Infused R 2/4/ Hero Point 0/1

Genuine question: must the 'daily preparations' of an alchemist all happen at the same time?

Basically trying to determine whether I can make 2 Alchemist's Fire right now as part of daily preparations (since we're not in Combat), or if I have to make 1 with Quick Alchemy.

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5
Alseta GM Delta Arena wrote:
You probably suspect this already but, Zeldone's player sent me a message saying that he will be prioritizing his work, taking on some new responsabilities, and won't be participating any longer.

Zeldones: it was fun playing with you. Hope work goes well and maybe you can join back in the future.

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gm core wrote:
After you rest, you make your daily preparations, which takes around 1 hour. You can prepare only if you've rested, and only once per day.

It should be only once per adventuring day in order to incentivize planning ahead. For alchemists it's the equivalent of preparing their spells. Whether that makes sense in universe or not...


I'm working the late shift tomorrow so I probably won't be able to reply until friday.

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

Was AFK most of the weekend. Will post ASAP in the morning.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Thank you for your patience while I've been dealing with my aunt's funeral and stuff.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (1) HP 16/16, AC 16/ Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, W+5/ Perception +5/ Initiative +2/ HL: 0/1/ Infused R 2/4/ Hero Point 0/1

My condolences, Ardoinel. I hope you're okay.

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

Ardoinel, hope you are doing as well as you can.

I'm sure one of us can bot Ardoinel if you'd like.


I hope you and your family are doing well, Ardoinel.


Sorry, it’s been a really busy past few days. I’ll reply tomorrow for sure.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

We are, thank you. :)

Elf Investigator 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 | Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 | Perception +8 | Active Investigations - halfling firestarter, Cinderclaws

FYI, I'll be on vacation from June 30 - July 9, so Ellaeaanda will float around in the background as an NPC. I think the hellknight will more than compensate for Ellaeaanda in case of combat. :)

Ellaeaanda wrote:
FYI, I'll be on vacation from June 30 - July 9, so Ellaeaanda will float around in the background as an NPC. I think the hellknight will more than compensate for Ellaeaanda in case of combat. :)

Unfortunately, combat did just break out.

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Elf Investigator 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 | Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 | Perception +8 | Active Investigations - halfling firestarter, Cinderclaws

Okay, I'll squeak in quick posts for my turns then.

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”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Hee hee, "squeak!" Because rats! :P


It is Canada Day over here, and there is a lot going on in town. Sorry about that and happy Canada Day/4th of July week!

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (1) HP 16/16, AC 16/ Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, W+5/ Perception +5/ Initiative +2/ HL: 0/1/ Infused R 2/4/ Hero Point 0/1

Happy Canada day! :P

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

Happy Canada Day!

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”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Happy Canada Day from Canada's underpants!


Thanks everyone

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

Darnit I'm fickle...I know every +1 counts in 2e, but part of me is REALLY debating whether an Elven Curve Blade (possibly reflavored to look like this incredibly cool zulfikar or like a two-handed yatagan). But of course there's also the fact Player Core 2's coming soon and I'll probably need to rebuild Ardoinel anyway...

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

@Delta: I'm unable to view the maps document. Should I request access?


you shouldn't need to request access, but if you are not able to view it feel free to do so.


The zulfikar does look amazing, the serrated edges look super painful.


Sorry for the delay, I had been really busy and really tired this past couple days.

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

I was away from computer most of the weekend. I'll catch up later this morning.

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

I still see access denied. I requested access.

Grand Archive

M Hafling(-ish) Alchemist (1) HP 16/16, AC 16/ Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, W+5/ Perception +5/ Initiative +2/ HL: 0/1/ Infused R 2/4/ Hero Point 0/1

Came down with something, will try to get a post up tomorrow. Sorry

Elf Investigator 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 | Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 | Perception +8 | Active Investigations - halfling firestarter, Cinderclaws

I also can’t access the map (but I can see the one for our Flowers game just fine—I’m not sure what the difference is).


I've tried to double check the permissions, hopefully that'll do the trick.

Elf Investigator 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 | Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 | Perception +8 | Active Investigations - halfling firestarter, Cinderclaws

Thanks Delta Arena! I'm able to access the map now.

Human Male Thaumaturge 1 | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | Fort +6 ; Ref +4 ; Will +5 | Perc +5

Same here!


Awesome, glad to read that.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

HaHA! My PDF of Player Core 2 finally came! I can't wait to rebuild Ardoinel once it all gets uploaded to Pathbuilder (if that's okay with you, Arena)!

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

I was talking with GM Arena about Ardoinel's impending rebuild once Player Core 2's on Pathbuilder and stuff and I realized something: if I go through with my plan to make Ardoinel a Champion with an Oracle free archetype, I don't think ANY of us in the party will be true casters anymore...

Elf Investigator 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 | Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 | Perception +8 | Active Investigations - halfling firestarter, Cinderclaws

I'd say don't worry and go ahead with whatever build makes you happy. I'll need to rebuild my Investigator and am thinking of taking the Cleric archetype if it makes you feel better.

”Ardoinel Oreflame” | Male Medium Aiuvarin Dwarf Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Perc +3 | Default Exploration ( ?????? ) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None

I do think it'll be a good idea, if only to give our group a proper tank! Who you thinking of being a cleric to? :D

Elf Investigator 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 | Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 | Perception +8 | Active Investigations - halfling firestarter, Cinderclaws

A tank would be lovely! I wasn't thinking cleric until I saw Followers of Fate. :)

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