Howl of the Wild AMA

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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So we know of unholy animals (like the Thrunosaurus), what holy animals/beasts are there in here?

WWHsmackdown wrote:

Do the patrons have interesting familiar abilities?

Someone on a Discord said Whisper of Wings gets free 15' flight on sustain (awful), Ripple in the Deep gets an auto push of 5' (no save) against a target within 10' (amazing), and Decay inflicts sickened I think if they're below half HP.

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Kelseus wrote:

Thruneosaurus Rex (level 17) is not based on a real animal.

Thrune-osaurus, as in a devil dinosaur related to the house of Thrune? Sounds like it's potentially a small reference to Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur...

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Kelseus wrote:
Troodos wrote:
Are there any new dinosaurs that are based on real animals?

Troodon (level 1), Protoceratops (level 2), Majungasaurus (6), Carnotaurus (7), Therizinosaurus (9), Titanosour (16).

Thruneosaurus Rex (level 17) is not based on a real animal.


Do any of the new ancestries have a "have more than 5' of reach" option?

Thank you for this thread!!

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Cloud1802 wrote:
Aparently Athamaru have a large option? While I’m at it I’m interested in what all their heritages are?


Coral - Coral on body medium armor +4/+1 Dex cap
Hopeful- large, 10 ft aura +1 v. fear
Kaleidoscopic- Reaction, roll misfortune on flat check v. concealment
Quilled- unarmed attack 1d6 piercing, agile finesse

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Benjamin Tait wrote:
So we know of unholy animals (like the Thrunosaurus), what holy animals/beasts are there in here?

Karkadann looks like an ugly unicorn. Creature 7 with Fey and Holy trait.

Alicorn- Flying unicorn Creature 11

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Do any of the new ancestries have a "have more than 5' of reach" option?

Minotaur have a level 5 feat stretching reach gives a two handed weapon reach. That's it.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Thank you for this thread!!

My pleasure. I always appreciate it when others do the same.

What new animal companions are there? Really hoping for a frog or spider one.

What are the different heritages/templates for awakened animals? I know they previewed burrowing, but...

What are the mermaid heritages?

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CynDuck wrote:
What new animal companions are there? Really hoping for a frog or spider one.

Antilope, Elk, Flying Squirrel, Giraffe, Kangaroo, Mole, Salamander, and Sholashu (uncommon, psychic catrovellian dino mounts)

Also has Advanced AC. They list a minimum level to select.
Giant eel (4), giant frog (6), giant wasp (14), griffon (14), hippocampus (4) hippogriff (14), orca (6), riding tarantula (6), Roc (16), umbrella mushroom (14).

Dubious Scholar wrote:
What are the different heritages/templates for awakened animals? I know they previewed burrowing, but...

Climbing, Flying, Running, Swimming. Can't get burrow until level 13 Feat.

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ornathopter wrote:
What are the mermaid heritages?

Abyssal- deep water, darkvision, immune to water pressure

Carcharodon- scent 30ft, smell blood 120 ft in air and 500 ft in water.
Pelagic- 1 action, till next turn first time take either acid/fire, gain resist equal to half level, or level if in water or cast water spell.
Reef- poison resist 1/2 level, success save reduces poison stage by 2.
Sailfish- swim speed +5 ft, +1 to jump, can swim instead of striding before jumping.

Kelseus wrote:
CynDuck wrote:
What new animal companions are there? Really hoping for a frog or spider one.

Antilope, Elk, Flying Squirrel, Giraffe, Kangaroo, Mole, Salamander, and Sholashu (uncommon, psychic catrovellian dino mounts)

Also has Advanced AC. They list a minimum level to select.
Giant eel (4), giant frog (6), giant wasp (14), griffon (14), hippocampus (4) hippogriff (14), orca (6), riding tarantula (6), Roc (16), umbrella mushroom (14).

…Fine. I will wait until level six to charge into battle astride a mighty arachnid. In the meantime… Does the giraffe have the Mount trait?

Thanks for doing this, these all sound awesome. About time griffons were an option, even if it's level locked, it's just too cool a fantasy option to not be official.

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Commander trading in his war horse for a griffon in tier 4 of play is an amazing mental image and that alone is worth the steed feats

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I’m curious about the Minotaur Heritages?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cloud1802 wrote:
I’m curious about the Minotaur Heritages?

God I hope there is a minitaur.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Xenocrat wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:

Do the patrons have interesting familiar abilities?

Someone on a Discord said Whisper of Wings gets free 15' flight on sustain (awful), Ripple in the Deep gets an auto push of 5' (no save) against a target within 10' (amazing), and Decay inflicts sickened I think if they're below half HP.

Yes, though Decay offers a fort save vs the sickened (binary check, no partial effect on success or enhanced effect on a crit fail).

Wings is a real monkey's paw situation. Reaction-proof free movement is great for helping position familiars around, but the whole reason Witches care about positioning their familiar is managing familiar abilities.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
Cloud1802 wrote:
I’m curious about the Minotaur Heritages?
God I hope there is a minitaur.

Technically yes

* Ghost Bull - Bonus against confusion and Know the way cantrip
* Glacier Cavern - Cold climate
* Littlehorn - Medium size
* Roaming - Terrain experts
* Slabsoul - Summons slabs of rock to harm opponents
* Stalker - Stealthy

Verdant Wheel

What is the name of the Devourer of Decay special familiar ability and hex?

This sounds like such a great book!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
This sounds like such a great book!


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

How about a basic summary of the surki heritages. It would be neat to get a sense of the interesting buggos.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Here's a useless one:

Both the orca and giant eel advanced animal companions have a land speed. So they can flop around on the ground (very slowly) along with you on non-aquatic adventures (although the eel will need a breathing solution).

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The time has finally come for my dream to come to smurfing fruition!

I get to play my awakened carp juggler!

(He flops about knocking everything into the air.)

Would anyone with the PDF be willing to say what the werecreature dedication grants?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Squiggit wrote:

Here's a useless one:

Both the orca and giant eel advanced animal companions have a land speed. So they can flop around on the ground (very slowly) along with you on non-aquatic adventures (although the eel will need a breathing solution).

Imagine you're a kobold in a dungeon, and you just hear this massive

trundling towards you at like, 50 feet per minute. You finally open the door and there's a giant black and white mouth bigger than the cavern where you grew up full of sharp teeth inchworming towards you, and you don't even notice when the fishman riding it like a horse puts an arrow through your brain.

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Dork Smurf wrote:

The time has finally come for my dream to come to fruition.

I get to play my awakened carp juggler!

(He flops about knocking everything into the air.)

A devoted follower of Jin Li!

…I don't know why this post has a smurf avatar…

TheTownsend wrote:
Dork Smurf wrote:

The time has finally come for my dream to come to smurfing fruition!

I get to play my awakened carp juggler!

(He flops about knocking everything into the air.)

A devoted follower of Jin Li!

…I don't know why this post has a smurf avatar…

Sorry. I've been feeling a little blue this week. I may be a little bit contagious. I wouldn't worry though; Doc says it will clear up soon.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Brew Bird wrote:
Would anyone with the PDF be willing to say what the werecreature dedication grants?



Kelseus wrote:
Cloud1802 wrote:
Aparently Athamaru have a large option? While I’m at it I’m interested in what all their heritages are?


Coral - Coral on body medium armor +4/+1 Dex cap
Hopeful- large, 10 ft aura +1 v. fear
Kaleidoscopic- Reaction, roll misfortune on flat check v. concealment
Quilled- unarmed attack 1d6 piercing, agile finesse

Hopeful seems sick. Now I need to drum up a Tidehunter style character, a jolly green sea monster with puns and an uplifting demeanor.

Dark Archive

1.) What and what level are the new wildshape feats.
2.) Which ones from #1 do barbarians get access to.
3.) Are there any new unarmed ranged strike options (ancestry or archetype based).
4.) Do any of the unarmed strike stances require you to be armored?
5.) Can you give any more examples of beast master feats (what levels, best 2-3?)

Are there any new familiar options/abilities?

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Squiggit wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:

Do the patrons have interesting familiar abilities?

Someone on a Discord said Whisper of Wings gets free 15' flight on sustain (awful), Ripple in the Deep gets an auto push of 5' (no save) against a target within 10' (amazing), and Decay inflicts sickened I think if they're below half HP.

Yes, though Decay offers a fort save vs the sickened (binary check, no partial effect on success or enhanced effect on a crit fail).

Wings is a real monkey's paw situation. Reaction-proof free movement is great for helping position familiars around, but the whole reason Witches care about positioning their familiar is managing familiar abilities.

Whisper of Wings has a nice niche when combined with Stitched Familiar and with the Elemental Scamp's Elemental Breath. When you cast Patron's Puppet, they can position with the free 15 feet to get in range to use either of those two abilities, providing nice damage at no action cost to you.

Also, if you choose the familiar as the creature that the target cannot approach (without taking damage) with your special hex cantrip, moving your familiar for free allows you to better hamper the target's movement (this is already possible with independent but an additional 15 feet is nice).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kelseus wrote:
Pronate11 wrote:
What does the winged warrior architype actually do? Do you need wings? does it give you wings?
Winged Warrior as a prerequisite of having permanent wings.

So you don't need to fly; you just need the wings?

Grand Lodge

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Squiggit wrote:

Here's a useless one:

Both the orca and giant eel advanced animal companions have a land speed. So they can flop around on the ground (very slowly) along with you on non-aquatic adventures (although the eel will need a breathing solution).

Does it have to be a solution? I thought there were freshwater eels.

What's the walking speed on the Centaur? And is there any guidance on someone riding you?

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
TheTownsend wrote:
What's the walking speed on the Centaur? And is there any guidance on someone riding you?

30 foot base, one heritage gives +5 move, and yes there is guidance on someone riding you.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Brew Bird wrote:
Would anyone with the PDF be willing to say what the werecreature dedication grants?

Toughness for free, but also weakness to silver. Choose an animal (such as a weremoose.. yes that's a choice) and you can change shape to animal or hybrid form. On full moons you have to change.

Additional feats add on to these abilities.

What are Minotaur’s 1st level feats if you’re able to share?

Verdant Wheel

WarDriveWorley wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
What's the walking speed on the Centaur? And is there any guidance on someone riding you?
30 foot base, one heritage gives +5 move, and yes there is guidance on someone riding you.

Is it as ill-advised as Sprite?

(I remember "everyone loses an action" or some similar dealbreaker...)

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
rainzax wrote:
WarDriveWorley wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
What's the walking speed on the Centaur? And is there any guidance on someone riding you?
30 foot base, one heritage gives +5 move, and yes there is guidance on someone riding you.

Is it as ill-advised as Sprite?

(I remember "everyone loses an action" or some similar dealbreaker...)

It is not. They actually have the Mount feature that some animal companions have.

Any new deities?

Smurf tastoc!!

TheTownsend wrote:

Does the giraffe have the Mount trait?


rainzax wrote:
What is the name of the Devourer of Decay special familiar ability and hex?

creature below 1/2 hp sickened w/in 15ft of familiar. Hex is answered above

For werecreatures is there any way to transfer your curse to people you bite? And what's the coolest werecreature feat in your opinion?

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