Carver Hastings

cheezeofjustice's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber. 86 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The item is an alchemist bombs listed in a section shortly after the other bombs and it mentions dealing acid damage and "listed splash damage" and lowering resistances by an amount based on the bomb's type.

But there's no listed splash damage and no information on how much resistance each tier lowers.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

My assumption is they meant for each player to track their points separately but to determine winners there's also a combined total for teams.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Well better they be overzealous about your security than under I suppose.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Ryuujin-sama wrote:

Does it seem possible/plausible for an Awakened Animal to be a Dinosaur?

Awakened Animal is sort of a "be whatever you want if the GM is fine with it and use the abilities and sizes presented here that match best" thing.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

How about a basic summary of the surki heritages. It would be neat to get a sense of the interesting buggos.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Do the Ancestries have only two boosts or do any of them have 3 Boosts and a Flaw?

If you are comfortable revealing it what's the two skills you get from the Surki's ancestry lore feat?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Weird to assume we're never getting any new options for existing classes when we're literally getting double digit new class archetypes and subclasses by the end of the year.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hm. Now if only fascinate wasn't crazy easy to break.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Every book so far has been a delight to read through and I am eager to run it.

I like the plot so much I am literally writing a book featuring a party going through it (with things in the plot being affected by me physically running the characters through the game).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
cheezeofjustice wrote:
On the bright side the file size on my AP download seems to be corrected consistently but it's bouncing me back and forth between Personsalizing and Ready and not letting me download.

I found a solution to my problem! I went to the store page and where it said "click here to see your downloads for this order" and the download worked in that spot where it only had that. I had just moments prior tried the main downloads pages with my everything on it for a 5th time today.

Either they fixed it in that small window or I found a workaround. Try it out. I got a functioning file unlike some that got the file to show up as big on the page but ended up with the broken file.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

On the bright side the file size on my AP download seems to be corrected consistently but it's bouncing me back and forth between Personsalizing and Ready and not letting me download.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Jay159 wrote:
Getting into numerating the various issues that caused this, both foreseeable and not, smacks to me of making excuses for what happened, when I would much rather make solutions for the people that it is happening to.
Once this is resolved, can we get the post-mortem on this anyway? I suspect it might be funny on some level, and I'm a sucker for process/infrastructure failures.

Part of me wonders if the volume was at least a glimmer of the post OGL rush. I mean, I figure not only did most current subs get it but a bunch of new players from the OGL thing we waiting for the Remaster books. So the numbers were probably pretty chonky.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:

Hello! I know y'all are wanting to know what going on with your subscription shipment and I am here to give everyone an update.

We have gotten an immense amount of support for the release of the Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core, and we couldn’t be more humbled and grateful for this amazing outpouring from the Pathfinder Community. Seriously… you folx are the best!

Unfortunately, however, this added volume is coming in at the same time as a perfect storm of other issues (both foreseeable and unforeseen) and this has resulted in an overall delay in orders leaving the warehouse. Due to some internal shipping issues, a number of orders were erroneously marked as “shipped” but have not yet left the warehouse. Furthermore, a number of customers rightfully reached out to CS about the delay, and we set them up with replacement orders, not realizing that the order being replaced is still waiting to be picked up. The real catch here is that we are unable to determine which orders have left and which are still waiting to go out.

On behalf of the CS team, and all of Paizo, I sincerely apologize for these errors. Rest assured that we have taken steps to address the issue to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Now, for the plan forward, here is what we are going to do:

• As we cannot determine which “shipped” orders have arrived at their destination, which have left and are still on their way, and which are still awaiting pick up, we need to re-establish a baseline shipping estimate that will cover all existing shipped orders. We will now consider the shipping window for all orders that “shipped” since Nov 1 to have left the warehouse on Wednesday, November 22nd. Please note that we will be closed for the holiday on Thursday the 23rd and Friday the 24th. This should account for both orders that have yet to leave as well as the general holiday-related shipping slowdowns and give all orders, even ones that have yet to leave, all the necessary time to arrive before we give them up...

Does this mean all orders that haven't gotten a shipping notice are delayed until the 27th or is it possible they might still pop a shipping notice?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Gotta say my customer service experience adjusting my order to ease the financial burden was probably the best customer service interaction I have ever had.

Give them a raise. I feel incredibly valued as a customer.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Jackson Wood wrote:

Our apologies for an update later in the day for many, but it does look like we will be getting authorizations in motion tomorrow as early as we are able. I have edited the original post to reflect this at this time.

If folks are looking to do modify their subscriptions to opt out of what's currently upcoming, please do reach out to us in Customer Support so we can assist. Thank you!

I emailed customer service about needing to omit the GM Core and the AP subscription from this order cycle but I accidentally didn't put a subject in the subject line. Will that cause any issues? I know some companies don't open emails without a subject line.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Raelysk wrote:
Still waiting, despite payment authorization on Wednesday (I don't actually remember ever having more than one day between payment authorization & shipping before) :(

Weirdly I got charged about half an hour ago and nothing shipped. Never had that before but it's good to know it does happen sometimes?

Hopefully it's not some weird issue this time since you are having a long one

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm a little confused about that bolded note. Why would we be getting double copies of the remaster books?

Does it have to do with Special Edition subscription or something?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Captain Morgan wrote:

All of those other spells have more nuance to what they do than Shocking Grasp did. There's only so much you can do with "reach out and shock someone you touch" to make it conceptualy different. If they go the Falling Stars route, they will probably create a new spell which deals a different type of damage but in similar amounts. Something like "burning palm, deal 4d6 fire damage with a spell attack roll."

Also... you can still use Shocking Grasp, you know? It won't be fundamentally incompatible with the remaster. Archive of Nethys isn't removing it, nor will your old rule book be altered. I imagine pre-remaster content might not be viable for PFS, but home games should be fine. Heck, even PFS might still allow it, since tons of books and spells won't be getting remastered. Parsing out which is which may not be worth it when the real problem of publishing rights isn't impacted by table play.

Also the damage difference against non-metal opponents between it and Horizon Thunder Sphere is at worst 4 points, EVER. Not per rank. EVER. The gap doesn't widen.

And HTS has a better minimum damage by an amount equal to the rank of the spell.

So against a large swath of enemies the damage is basically the same. And HTS is better on a crit and comes with alternate casting modes so it's like, multiple spells.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I want, I need. The things these covers do to me.

I need to go pen a freaking love song about these.

Do the whole set like this.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

So it just seems like some rewording, shuffling of materials for clarity and I wouldn't be shocked if they threw new errata in there for all the books. It doesn't seem like a 2e Unchained. Just a "Hey we need to get these out of the OGL and into the ORC so let's dev some improvements in"

It would not shock me if they change some terms that are grey area legally.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Raelysk wrote:
Mine already shipped, good luck everyone :)

Good to know they are starting to go out. We normally get some notice that the okay to start shipping has been given but I didn't see one this time. So your comment puts me (and likely a few others) a little at ease.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hopefully we still get item bonuses on Elemental Blast if it's going to be similar to spell attacks but not one. Because the accuracy of spell attacks does not scale at all well and Kineticist doesn't get True Strike to help. Also hoping they use martial weapon proficiency rather than Class DC as that would help accuracy a smidge. Part of the reason Spell Attacks suck is the proficiency with them goes up slower in addition to no item bonuses but they go against the same thing weapon proficiency does.

Am sad to see Elemental Blast as a weapon go strictly Elemental Weapon since that did some interesting things in combination with Elemental Weapon, but it's fine as long as it can be used more reliably than spell attacks.

Also very glad to see we won't be locked to one or two elements from the get go. It seemed weird to not keep the 1e version's style of starting with one and then expanding or specializing. Especially given that style fits well in the progression of 2e classes getting a game changer class feature somewhere in the mid-levels.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

It's in a very similar chassis to Inventor, but with no damage booster as of yet. It's damage is roughly comparable in some builds according to another thread's mathing it out. They likely didn't include an Overdrive as the kineticist gets some wilder utility stuff and they were trying to get a feel for where the sweet spot is in trading damage for utility.

I am fully expecting a single target damage bump so it fits in the ballpark of where the thaum and inventor are at. Which is okay damage, but not a specialist in that and good utility options.

Some people throw out "The AoEs are terrible because mages do it better!" The kit isn't designed to be what you'd pick to be a full on mage. It's waht you pick to be a class that hits things with a weapon-like thing and have some mix of utility and AoE. You don't pick a Thaum or Inventor to play the role of a wizard.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
nick1wasd wrote:
I don't see why they can't have Master to attack and Legendary to DC, since that seems the 'easiest' proficiency bump you could give the class to make it mathematically compete with other martials on accuracy. Give it upside down Fighter scaling, starts Expert in DC/Trained in rolls, ends Legendary in DC/Master in rolls; seems to be a decent way of potentially going about it, because then you can just control how strong the DC based mechanics are, independent from the roll based mechanics. I, personally, don't really want/care for Legendary in attack rolls, because that just seems overkill. But Legendary in DC? Heck yeah, seems to fit the bill of how the class should work just fine imo

Honestly the main problem people had with the original suggestion of this thread was starting them in Expert and also making the blasts based of Class DC progression, as that is basically just giving fighter accuracy and full mage casting on DCs and better in fact because no mages start expert casting.

I could get behind Kineticists eventually hitting Legendary Class DC. Starting Expert in it? That's probably a no from me.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

If you form an elemental weapon you can only do blasts of the same type (other impulses are not limited that way).

This does have it's benefits either way. As it's usually an increase in damage, you could pick a ranged weapon on earth to have better range if you need it, etc.

Think of it as specializing your blast to a range rather than losing an attack mode, as you can just switch back if you need to for the same action cost as drawing a weapon but better because it kinda also stashes the weapon mode for free rather than you needing to drop a weapon to save the stashing action.

It can also be neat in some combinations. Like if your blast is agile and you aren't at risk of provoking you can swing with bigger weapon then agile melee blast. Or technically if your blast isn't agile you can do the same picking an agile weapon. Perhaps one with the parry trait for extra functionality?

Oo. Dwarf earth Kineticist that forms an earth Clan Dagger and has those Clan Dagger feats could be flavorful now that I think about it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Onkonk wrote:

Higher base damage and lower accuracy is worse against higher level foes. Fighter does about the same damage as barbarian against a same level foes but lower levels (or stuff like flat-footed) favors the barbarian more while fighter performs better against higher ac foes.

And honestly I don't think boosting accuracy means they get less interesting stuff either, again looking at the fighter compared to many other martials they get powerful riders like Knockdown, are better at using critical specialization abilities, can even make enemies slowed with their attacks and gets very powerful disrupting tools. I don't think the barbarian neccesarily gets a lot more interesting and powerful riders to their attacks.

Not that I am married to having legendary progression on stuff but I think it seems like a bit of a made up problem that if you boost accuracy that means acrually that you have to make them suck anyways.

Fighters mostly get better action economy on things other people can already do such as grab and trip, etc. More crit specs and stuff.

Barbarians can get access to elemental damage, breath weapons, size increases, throwing up to huge objects around.

Monks get really high speed and a free twin attack feat, potentially ki spells for magic effects that also gives them baked in spell proficiency so they can be okay at innate spells.

Kineticist is basically one more notch into the utility range where inventor and Thaum are. Where they pay for accuracy to get wilder utility. (And yes I know the inventor and Thaum have damage increasing things. This is a playtest, the Kineticist will get numbers increased)

Fighter being lower utility for increased skill at hitting things doesn't mean they don't get interesting and helpful things. It means they aren't allowed to do crap like fly and stuff or get ki spells, etc.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Grave Knight wrote:

Hm. The way I had interpreted Hand 1+ is that it requires one hand to wield but two hands to use a Strike with. Though, with how it's explain in the book it could be interpreted as being a 2 handed weapon that lets you use one hand for other actions.

That alone needs a rules clarification. It feels like all the limitations they put on Elemental Weapon makes it not worth picking up just so you don't have to deal with it. Might as well just pick up a mundane weapon.

The definition for wielding basically boils down to holding it the way you need to in order to use it and you need two hands to fire, which is the use of item.

As for the point in using Elemental Weapon instead of a normal weapon? You can pick a martial weapon and it uses your unarmed proficiency with it. You only come to with simple and unarmed progression normally.

Also it would use the same runes as your blasts presumably as it would scale illogically poorly if it didn't.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
aobst128 wrote:
One potential issue would be tengu feather fan which could give you electric arc with this hypothetical boosted proficiency. Other notable ones are kobold breath and the elemental dwarf AOE.

There's also a tenancy in newer stuff to have archetype options scale off the higher of your Class DC or Spell DC. So essentially the change suggested in the original post would give an attack option on par with a fighter's accuracy from legendary scaling and also legendary scaling in those things.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Verzen wrote:
So your answer is - Fighters should be better at elemental blast than kineticist and wizards should be better at elemental damage than kineticists?

I can be against the idea of making them better fighters without implying they are fine.

I literally said they should buff the playtest.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Harder if you are turned into a fighter and thus don't have anything but lasers due to system balance around accuracy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
YuriP wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
I for one understand why they did it, YuriP. It still diminishes both a potential strength of the class as well as the fun of playing a kineticist.

I don't disagree with you. I just showed my understanding of why the designer did it.

That said, I think it's pretty bad too. In the end this practically renders the Elemental Weapon useless, since its main advantage would be to be able to fight melee without suffering AoO, being forced to spend an action to switch to the normal Gather Element, which is a handling action also ends up greatly limiting the usefulness of the weapons. Elemental Weapons.

In fact, this is the main reason why my players haven't used Elemental Weapons in my Playtests. Because I warned them in advance that if he was going to use a Bastard Sword Elemental for example and they needed to do a range Elemental Blast he would have to spend an action doing Gather Element.

In other words, the only advantage that remained for the Elemental Weapon was being able to make 1d12 attacks with an Elemental Bastard but that requires strength, and it would have to deal with the low AC or it would have to be with less hit or less Con and if you face an opponent with AoO it could neither use Stone Shield nor even Deflecting Wave as the reaction itself is an Impulse and therefore causes AoO.

That's why we just ignore Elemental Weapon. In fact we are just ignoring melee kineticists at all.

Rapier is still better than most of the elements if they are DEX and they would still be able to use impulses that have range and don't fire a blast, which most elements have.

Mind you they'd still need to Gather afterward but honestly how often do people that choose to spec into melee make ranged attacks? You're calling something that solves a major problem and can boost the damage too terrible just because if they specialize the element towards melee they have to do an action to switch weapons like everyone else does if they have a melee weapon out.

And also Elemental Weapon is good for playing at range too.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
cheezeofjustice wrote:
Verzen wrote:

I think this class would have a lot of its issues fixed if it got expert class DC at level 1, changed the elemental blast from a combat ability into more of a 1 action attack cantrip that is based off of class DC, and got up to legendary in class DC much like how fighter gets expert in weapons at level 1.

You could even make it so they can still use runes on a sort of conduit item that allows them to add runes to their elemental blast.

This then would allow the kineticist to actually specialize in one aspect and that's blasting. Right now it tries to be a martial and a spellcaster(sort of) and does neither of them really well and causes the entire class to be worse off. If we need to focus, we should focus on this aspect and make it so when it comes to blasting, they can land them relatively consistently compared with other blasting options.

This would literally turn the Kineticist into a fighter that attacks with Constitution and presumably elemental damage, which is inherently better than physical. Which in the structure of the game even if the cantrips we're physical the accuracy would consume power budget so it would be lower utility. And high accuracy, high single target damage at the cost of utility is the exact opposite of what the Kineticist was in 1e.

A class whose entire gimmick is a mastery of elements should probably do more than shoot lasers and they should probably not rob one of the most requested ports of one of the key parts of its identity.

Is that necessarily a bad thing? Gunslingers already cheated off the Fighter with having Legendary in Firearms at the same scaling of Fighters. So we have precedent that it's okay for other classes to have the same scaling as others, so long as it isn't a complete overwrite of the class. Even despite that, as it stands, a Kineticist with Legendary Class DC wouldn't be any better than or poach from any class because 1. It doesn't exist yet, meaning it's not stepping on anyone's...

Yes. An attack cantrip that scales off fighter tier proficiency and gets item bonuses from runes is a bad thing because that means they are as accurate as a fighter and gunslinger and attack with elemental damage. Even if it were only fire, the kineticist could just go dual element and be better than fighter against the majority of enemies in the game and just as good against fire resistant enemies. Not to mention also enchant a ranged and melee option with one set of runes. Plus, Extract Element is still in the class for some of the fire resist enemies.

Also, you know what is an astronomically more common resistance than fire? Resistance to physical damage.

Also you're judging their mastery of the elements solely on their pew pew laser and ignoring the rest of the class. Mastery of the elements isn't just PEWPEWPEW lasers and attacking. A kineticist can use the elements to move people around the battlefield, create walls, make fields of difficult terrain, etc. In order to be fighter/gunslinger the kineticist would need to be far lower utility and thus far far less a master of the elements by every other metric than PEWPEWPEW.

The Kineticist is one of the most requested ports from 1e and was middle of the road damage with cool utility powers. They should just buff the playtest's single target damage and move on. NOT force it into a class chassis the original was the exact opposite of and remove a big part of its core identity.

A master of the elements class that only shoots lasers is boring and doesn't live up to the fantasy. If they are going to give me the option to play a master of the air element I better the heck be able to fly and make tornadoes. If I am given a master of earth I better be able to walk through the earth and mess with the ground.

If they want to make a magic fighter they should make a new magic pew pew class with no baggage or expectations.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Well as far as why you would want to blast instead of strike, Some of the blasts are agile and conversely there's also the option of forming an agile weapon. That way you can hit with the more damaging of the two and then follow up with the agile one of the two.

More universally speaking, it's not entirely clear if you use weapon damage for impulses that make you attack with blasts.

Also provoking isn't usually a huge deal unless you run into one of the rare monsters with more than one. It's rare until higher levels and not an all the time thing even then. It's also easily played around, especially at higher levels. Hell the default play patterns everyone recommends you do all the time help thwart them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Even if you can get your legendary proficiency in them via picking the group unarmed strikes are in (since blasts use your unarmed strikes proficiency) they aren't in the brawling group so the fighter can't get crit spec with them. In fact I suspect blasts having their own crit spec is on purpose for that and other reasons.

They also don't count as weapons so they can't be used with things like Power Attack.

The only use they would have for it is spending another feat to give the ranged form Brutal.

Well that and having access to a weapon that deals fire damage. Which is one reason I think the base blasts should all be physical and there be some Kineticist only thing that unlocks energy damage for them.

Though elemental weapon might have weird interactions in fighter hands.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Verzen wrote:
cheezeofjustice wrote:
Verzen wrote:

I think this class would have a lot of its issues fixed if it got expert class DC at level 1, changed the elemental blast from a combat ability into more of a 1 action attack cantrip that is based off of class DC, and got up to legendary in class DC much like how fighter gets expert in weapons at level 1.

You could even make it so they can still use runes on a sort of conduit item that allows them to add runes to their elemental blast.

This then would allow the kineticist to actually specialize in one aspect and that's blasting. Right now it tries to be a martial and a spellcaster(sort of) and does neither of them really well and causes the entire class to be worse off. If we need to focus, we should focus on this aspect and make it so when it comes to blasting, they can land them relatively consistently compared with other blasting options.

This would literally turn the Kineticist into a fighter that attacks with Constitution and presumably elemental damage, which is inherently better than physical. Which in the structure of the game even if the cantrips we're physical the accuracy would consume power budget so it would be lower utility. And high accuracy, high single target damage at the cost of utility is the exact opposite of what the Kineticist was in 1e.

A class whose entire gimmick is a mastery of elements should probably do more than shoot lasers and they should probably not rob one of the most requested ports of one of the key parts of its identity.

As opposed to right now where they are the lowest DPS class in the game?

It is also the only class in the game in playtest state.

Gunslinger literally didn't even have Way reloads in the playtest.

Magus Spellstrike took 2 attack rolls to function.

Most classes get buffed before full release and it's simple to give Kineticist better single target damage without making it a better fighter.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Verzen wrote:

I think this class would have a lot of its issues fixed if it got expert class DC at level 1, changed the elemental blast from a combat ability into more of a 1 action attack cantrip that is based off of class DC, and got up to legendary in class DC much like how fighter gets expert in weapons at level 1.

You could even make it so they can still use runes on a sort of conduit item that allows them to add runes to their elemental blast.

This then would allow the kineticist to actually specialize in one aspect and that's blasting. Right now it tries to be a martial and a spellcaster(sort of) and does neither of them really well and causes the entire class to be worse off. If we need to focus, we should focus on this aspect and make it so when it comes to blasting, they can land them relatively consistently compared with other blasting options.

This would literally turn the Kineticist into a fighter that attacks with Constitution and presumably elemental damage, which is inherently better than physical. Which in the structure of the game even if the cantrips we're physical the accuracy would consume power budget so it would be lower utility. And high accuracy, high single target damage at the cost of utility is the exact opposite of what the Kineticist was in 1e.

A class whose entire gimmick is a mastery of elements should probably do more than shoot lasers and they should probably not rob one of the most requested ports of one of the key parts of its identity.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Key ability score being different from attacking score changes the power budget its abilities can have. If it were statted like a regular martial it would have to have a regular amount of utility, which can't fit in things the playtest kineticist can do.

I would rather have lower accuracy sometimes and way more utility personally. Just tweak the numbers a little to bring it up to the proper balance for the class chassis it's in.

It gets some accuracy back in other places with some feats. Mind you those are multitarget. But Chain Blast pretty much gives you a +4 or +5 on your second attack and +8 to +10 on up to five attacks after that by removing the MAP on them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Kelseus wrote:
Martialmasters wrote:
This is why white board math is never the end all. Jeesh.,
It would also help if the white board math was actually, you know, correct.

Well, technically it's correct, it's just got the wrong data in it. If there is any situation where you are fighting three APL +2 enemies with moderate AC or multiple on-level foes with extreme AC that's valid math. Mind you that won't happen nearly as often as was implied.

Not shockingly a lot of the time in this system when a person is mad about something and tries to throw math at it to prove their point it's wrong because the system uses very precise math to balance everything. Making it really hard to use math against it.

Like a certain infamous YouTuber that made a big deal of a 60% damage difference that didn't really exist and gave one side a +24% boost in damage by not including a trait on the weapon. Making the math wrong by around 84% due to not having the correct data in a correct formula.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Unicore wrote:
Shock runes on chain blast are as awesome as they are thematic and can actually be a decent way to stack some damage on the hardest target to hit as you target enemies around them

It's very fitting to almost meme degree that the water element splash crit works really well with the shock rune arcing.

If you managed to crit multiple clumped people that would be...

Must... resist... saying... it would be shocking....

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

While some might say some abilities like the basically perma-flight are too strong I kinda like that the Kineticist is the best at some of the tools it has. It doesn't have nearly the breadth of a caster but when it has a similar tool from control of elements it's a bit better if only by proxy of being at will but often just generally.

Kinda feels like this class focused on elemental manipulation as its gimmick is able to in some ways use elements better than a caster.

I feel like they got the general feel of the 1e version right with the format of the class.

And Elemental Weapon is deceptively versatile and I keep finding new ways to use it.

Lastly, I was wondering how they would balance some of these feats for the archetype. But then I realized a lot of the auras that are great are only busted with a feat to exempt your allies that would be high level in archetype. The perma-flight option? It's at a level where to grab it in archetype you'd be about the level flying ancestries get unlimited flight. That's good craftsmanship right there. Already has some balances in there! Lol.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
The Gleeful Grognard wrote:

Also by level 10 I expect PCs to be able to keep their enemies flat footed in many scenarios.

I bring it up a lot but dust of disappearance is only level 9 and will make most enemies flat footed to you while also being a solid defense option.

Throw on an atk boost since anything that boosts weapon or unarmed attacks will work. Even at level groups of enemies have a solid shot of being chained. Use a reroll on that first attack if it is necessary :p (given that you don't declare heropoint spends in advance).

Yeah. A good AoE Fear would work wonders for this. And God have mercy on them if that was from a Bard with Inspire Heroics. They'd likely survive each taking a single blast but they gettin' chained for sure.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
graystone wrote:
YuriP wrote:
Nop, about 56% of creatures are proficient in Acrobatics. It's basically a coin toss.
Then you add into that creatures that have other forms or movement [like a shark not having acrobatics] and the number of creatures that have to worry about it are even less.

It's a complex thing to figure out. Because how common they are to encounter can vary.

Like one might encounter a lot of things with Acrobatics for balance in the mountains but fewer in the plains. Plus some campaigns might be undead focused. A plain count by itself isn't super telling of one side is more populated with very commonly encountered things.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
aobst128 wrote:
If you have 5 targets, odds are they're below party level. Having 2 or 3 on level creatures would reduce it's value along with everything else you can do to them so the relative value of chain blast remains the same. As long as you have 2 or more targets, chain blast has higher value than your regular blasts. Of course if you are a universalist, you might find more value in gather amalgam at 10th level.

My numbers were mildly off. At 10 against on-level high AC you have to roll 10. And that's not 50% that's 55% vs High AC on-level for.

Against a fairly typical APL -2 monster in the same bracket it's actually 70% going to moderate bracket bumps that to 75%. Low bumps it to 85%

APL -3 is 80% in high, 85% in moderate, and 95% in low.

As far as backing up my claim his original math is off, he is sending level 1 stats at an AC of 18. Looking at the Building Creatures rules that's 1 lower than an extreme AC for a level 1 monster and isn't moderate until a level three monster.

His math he claims is a common AC and comparing against is APL +2 for the stats he's using.

So yeah. Factually not reflective of a monster those stats would run into more than two of.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I would like to point out that even a level 1 Kineticist wouldn't have a 40% hit chance against the stated 12 AC. It would be 50% at that level.

I would also like to point out Chain Blast is a level 10 feat so comparing success chances with level 1 numbers is mildly odd.

Comparing actual bonuses at the actual level of the feat reveals that even against an on level enemy with an AC in the High category you'd have a 50% chance to hit the first attack.

And the majority of enemies are below party level. And remember that was the High AC.

That was also without any buffs on the Kineticist or debuffs on any enemy.

So the math of the original post is fairly off.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
kwodo wrote:

"Each Strike counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t increase until after you’ve made all the Strikes."

They all have the same chance to hit, they aren't affected by MAP.

I think he's determining probability by multiplying 40% by itself and going through the motions of that method. Since 40% times itself is 16%.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Unicore wrote:
RexAliquid wrote:
aobst128 wrote:
Thaago wrote:

Hrrrm, I'm seeing a lot of 'Chain Blast is good/amazing' going around, but I really don't think it is. I haven't done a rigorous analysis yet, but a quick look does not leave me impressed. On the one hand multiple MAPless attacks is great, but on the other hand any miss ending the chain is rough.

Its only going to be used vs multiple lower level enemies, so that helps, but even if the hit chance is all the way up to 75%, that means you only get to the 3rd attack 56% of the time.

All you need to make it better than a standard 2 blasts is to hit the first one. 2 actions for 2 targets without map is already good. Sucks when the chain breaks at the first attack though.
That is what hero points are for!

Yeah, for sure. Plus it is just two actions. No overflow no other resource loss. Sometimes it will happen you miss. Sometimes you will hit 3 or even more targets (the more targets there are, the more likely they will have even lower AC.)

Any Solo monster who had this ability is going to be a terror

It's a good tool for managing action economy. Psuedo-AoE for when you aren't in position for the rest so you can just throw this out there and then get in position to Overflow next turn.

Which is a pattern that gets a nice buff from Flowing Kinetics. Between the two impulses you can get a full stride split in half or two steps or step and half stride.

Honestly Flowing Kinetics is really really good.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Temperans wrote:

If there are many small fries either the GM dismisses the fight because "its just a waste of time to actually run through it" or they make it into a troup and all those AoE abilities are useless.

Even if its just a group of 4 enemies, AoE is basically "hope that the GM is nice enough to place them all within 5-ft of each for you" or "I am going to deal more damage to our alies than the enemy ever did". Which both suck as the...

If the GM is putting a situation with a lot of enemies in front of the players and then hand waving it away or actively deciding to do something that would nerf someone on the team that's bad GMing and not a problem with the system.

And it isn't hard to position for AoEs, the Kineticist has options for multi-target that doesn't hit allies, and more often than not if you do position for good AoEing the positions stay the way they are for the bulk of the 2-4 turn average fight and some of the longer ones.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The 1e Kineticist was not a high single target damage dealer. To the contrary it actually need burn to not have fairly low damage compared to martials and casters. And it made up for this in having high utility and cool tricks.

Making it a fighter would be making it the reverse of what it was and boring. A master of manipulating primordial elements should be more than a guy that goes pew pew with lasers.

Not to mention legendary attacks with blasts and fighter style feats isn't particularly balanced. That's just something that is more accurate than a regular martial all the time and if it deals energy damage is superior to weapons because it bypasses the most common resistances, and half the game it's as accurate as the fighter because it catches up in attacking score in the gaps of 5-9 and 15-20. And Earth has an ability that gives +2 STR baked in so they can get Apex benefits in 2 scores.

So that's inherently a martial but better, especially if you have two element or the greater rune matching your elemental damage.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Captain Morgan wrote:

Eh. If the kinetic blasts wind up inherently better than ranged weapons, you'd need some restraints for multiclassing. IMO blasts should be at most equal to weapons, and the kineticist can have a boosting feature not available through multiclassing. Like how multiclass rangers can Hunt Prey but don't get Hunter's Edge

Don't gunslingers get a small amount of flat damage with guns?

In theory you could give Kineticist the same thing.

But that's kinda already Stoke Element.

My point is you could just buff Kineticist's blast use but not the blast.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
graystone wrote:
cheezeofjustice wrote:
Martialmasters wrote:
I'd love it if I could melee blast without provoking
Take Elemental Weapon. Regular strikes made with it don't provoke, on some elements it hits anywhere from harder to way harder, and it'll be compatible with feats from outside the class like Power Attack and such.
Sure but then you can't make ranged attacks unless you throw away your melee weapon.

You see a lot of martials making ranged attacks with a melee weapon out without changing weapons?

You want range just fire an overflow and regather. Only range limit the weapon puts on is on blasts.

If you're dual element you can do it faster because they get a feat that let's them gather and fire a blast in one action.

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