Best way to nerf Hampering Sweeps?

Guardian Class Discussion

What's the best way to nerf Hampering Sweeps?

Squared in reach are greater difficult terrain for you enemies?

Reach weapons you wield gain the hampering trait. If the weapon already has the hampering trait, you can instead target all of the squares in a 5-foot burst originating within your reach.

The easiest way would be athletics Vs fortitude DC.

The feat could just make the spaces in your reach difficult/ greater difficult terrain and that would like discourage most enemies from moving.

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My take would be to give foes a 1 turn immunity after suffering the effect.

That way you still have the "you're going nowhere!" ability in your pocket that is 100% reliable, but you now you need to be thoughtful in its use.

The next turn after their movement is stopped, you loose the option to affect them with it. In theory it could allow for looping combos of CC across turn, such as with allies imposing other immobilize effects (and the Guardian potentially just Grappling them) while they wait on the CD, but I really like encouraging such multi-PC emergent tactics.

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I really, really do not think any form of fail chance is a good idea. Grapple is already right there as a better* form of movement prevention when it succeeds.

I think the absolute certainty of effect is the main appeal of Hampering Sweeps, and that should be preserved.

Even something as "harsh" as:
"The aggressive swipes sacrifice your defense, and when you perform Hampering Sweeps, you are off-guard until the start of your next turn."

Would be better balance knob than fail chance.

Guardian is perhaps the only class that is "okay" with lowering their own defenses, as it makes them more appealing to hit than their allies, and I'm rather disappointed that Taunt is the only place in the kit where that's a thing.

Guardian could be the perfect class to exploit the max stacking of defense down effects. (and if Taunt were made a circ penalty Guardian-side then it would not stack with off-guard, which IMO is superior to the foe-side +2).

Areas within your reach are difficult terrain for your enemies.

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Broken Khree wrote:
Areas within your reach are difficult terrain for your enemies.

I kind of agree with difficult terrain though I think if they did go that route it would need to be a stance. Having to spend an action each turn for just difficult terrain seems a little weak.

Stance would make sense. I don't think there is a reason the overcomplicate this feat.

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"Are difficult terrain for your enemies" is something that already exists elsewhere. Worse, it's not actually useful in any way for preventing people from walking away from you.

Add to that the fact that this is one of the few solid CC effects the Guardian has, and...

The way I'd do it is make it a roll, but swap the roll around. You engage the effect. That's a thing that happens. then, if the enemy wants to leave the area, they get to roll against your class DC. If they succeed, no problems. If they fail, they lose the movement action. If they want to try again, they can spend another action trying again. Still potent, but not quite as impregnable.

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I forgot they don't get reactive strike. Yeah, without it, difficult terrain is not great.

I like the idea of rolling against your class DC.

So either..

1 action, stance
Enmies must spend 10' extra feat of movement to move out of your reach. This stance ends if you move.


1 actions, stance
Enemies who try to move out of your reach must make a Reflex saving throw against your class DC.
Crucial Success: they move unimpeded and this stance ends.
Success: they lose their movement and this stance ends.
Failure: they lose their movement.
Crucial Failure: they lose their movement and fall prone.

I'm kind of leaning towards the second.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Make it Hampstering Sweeps and you stuff hampsters in people's pockets.

Verdant Wheel

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Move actions that attempt to leave the Guardian's threatened squares must Escape as a Reaction to do so.

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Let the opponent attempt an escape check against your class DC to move out of your reach. That would either pin them down or eat an action, and both are worthwhile.

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I would actually lean much more into the concept of hampering strike. Make being the sticky tank as the core feature/identity of Guardians.

For starters I would make it a level 1 class feature so it can't be poached easily and keep it as an action tax every round to make it the 'this is what a guardian does'-thing.

Everyone within reach would get -2 to attack everyone but the Guardian. If a enemy tries to leave the Guardian's reach the Guardian gets a free action attack which cancels the movement on top of doing damage. A free action and not a reaction is indeed very juicy, yes, but it's my opening bid anyway ;-)

With their lower weapon proficiency this is far from guaranteed (and actually a powerful enough feature to be worth that lower proficiency). Letting the player roll an attack is also much more feel-good than letting the gm roll a save and, besides, the Guardian could really use more damage-dealing capacity.

Taunt would be what you use to lure that enemy over there to come over to you, or shoot you if it is ranged, and can actually stay as it is.

You know, it wouldn't be a bad idea to swap them: a non-broken version of Hampering Strikes as a class feature, and Taunt as a level 1 feat.
Taunt is generic enough that other classes taking Guardian dedication for that feat looks ok. Meanwhile, the Guardian gets a nice, unique ability.

Liberty's Edge

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WatersLethe wrote:
Make it Hampstering Sweeps and you stuff hampsters in people's pockets.

Go for the eyes, Boo!

Liberty's Edge

Mellored wrote:

What's the best way to nerf Hampering Sweeps?

Squared in reach are greater difficult terrain for you enemies?

Why does this need to be nerfed? As the guardian stands at the moment. This is the only and I mean only reason to play this class over a champion or fighter.

Boss03 wrote:
Mellored wrote:

What's the best way to nerf Hampering Sweeps?

Squared in reach are greater difficult terrain for you enemies?

Why does this need to be nerfed? As the guardian stands at the moment. This is the only and I mean only reason to play this class over a champion or fighter.

so make Hampering Sweeps a base feature? And make Taunt a feat?

Could work.

Boss03 wrote:
Mellored wrote:

What's the best way to nerf Hampering Sweeps?

Squared in reach are greater difficult terrain for you enemies?

Why does this need to be nerfed? As the guardian stands at the moment. This is the only and I mean only reason to play this class over a champion or fighter.

No Control option should have no way to be broken/avoided.

See it from the other side: would you say that it's a "fun" option if the GM had a no save, no check, thing that completely removed several/most of your character's abilities and did that in every fight?

p.s. also, the last part is just your opinion. There are several reasons to play a guardian even outside Hampering sweep. The one I have for playtesting doesn't even have the feat.

Liberty's Edge

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Guys, have you tested this class? Lets do a lvl 5 hypothetical. So, let me get this right.

1. With a shield raised or reactive shield (a feat that you always have to basically take at lvl 1). You have basically a 27 ac. To get that 27ac you either have to use an action to raise your shield or use a reaction to do it. If you use a reaction, then you can't react to help you allies. So, 1 action to probably move to the enemies (I don't see many enemies choosing to get in melee with a mountain), because they probably won't come to you unless it's a bigger monster of some sort. I use another action to use hampering sweeps and I use my last action to raise shield. That action tax is bad enough. I put no damage on the enemy and I can't even use the trash taunt that's put in my kit.

2. Enemies have around a +18-22 to hit at lvl 5 for the most part and you want to give it another +2 to hit you while using hampering sweeps? Again, your AC is 27, and you use hampering sweeps. Now the enemy has around a +20-24 chance to hit you. So, a 13 plus can crit. Oh, you have 2 enemies around? Enemies now have a +22-26 to hit you because since they can't leave your reach, they circle around you to make you off-guard? Now they may need an 11 to crit. Meaning, 50% of the time the first attack from both will crit. Second attack, a 15+ could crit and the third attack they need to hit on an 11. Do crits do like 20 damage an attack.....? Hell, no. My experience gming and playing. Crits are at 40+ at lvl 5.

3. Oh, but you can taunt to get some damage mitigation. In that example, you couldn't taunt because you had no actions left and even if you did taunt and not move to get the damage mitigation; you now give another +2 to hit. 24-26, if they stack. Now they can crit on a 9. Oh, but now you get crit resistance for the attack(4+1/2 lvl=7). If you max con and have toughness (83 hp). Lets just use 40 as crit damage and the enemy is attacking you 6 times. 2 crits you're down to 17 hp (33 damage * 2).

4. Ok, as a gm, I know enemies are usually 1-3 lvls above the pc's for the most part. This class makes an already deadly game, even deadlier for the guardian with no respectable mitigation options until lvl 10 with Tough Cookie (the second best feat the guardian has up to lvl 10) and the only one that really helps you stay alive, but it's only once a day. Oh, the healer can heal for 50 hp every turn, but me getting 41 temp at that lvl can only be done once a day? I digress...

5. And you guys want to nerf the best thing this class has? Shame on you! Lets nerf lay on hands too... Oh, and lets nerf the fighters reactive strike while we're at it.

6. Now, if it had to be nerfed... I would like it if the action of hampering strikes action gave you 1 reactive strike reaction per enemy within reach. If you hit them with the reactive strike, movement is stopped. If not, they continue to move. That way, you're doing damage. Which is a weakness for this class anyway.

shroudb wrote:
No Control option should have no way to be broken/avoided.

FWIW, Hampering Sweeps does have a way to break it. The feat says "until you move" which includes, from my opinion, forced movement like Shove.

Verdant Wheel

PossibleCabbage wrote:
shroudb wrote:
No Control option should have no way to be broken/avoided.
FWIW, Hampering Sweeps does have a way to break it. The feat says "until you move" which includes, from my opinion, forced movement like Shove.

This would thematically chime with ancestries that offer “+2 DCs to Shove you” abilities!

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
shroudb wrote:
See it from the other side: would you say that it's a "fun" option if the GM had a no save, no check, thing that completely removed several/most of your character's abilities and did that in every fight?

Funnily enough, Paizo publishes a lot of monsters with this type of gimmick and likes throwing them in APs, so it's kind of already a thing.

So like IDK maybe it's not the end of the world for a player to have an ability the GM just has to deal with.

Squiggit wrote:
shroudb wrote:
See it from the other side: would you say that it's a "fun" option if the GM had a no save, no check, thing that completely removed several/most of your character's abilities and did that in every fight?

Funnily enough, Paizo publishes a lot of monsters with this type of gimmick and likes throwing them in APs, so it's kind of already a thing.

So like IDK maybe it's not the end of the world for a player to have an ability the GM just has to deal with.

haven't seen a hard control option without either a save or a check from a monster. I'm not saying there aren't any, but certainly not something that will be usuable in every fight in every round.

For the majority of enemies, the equivalent is a player spellcaster in a setting that half the maps are in dead magic areas.

Boss03 wrote:

Guys, have you tested this class? Lets do a lvl 5 hypothetical. So, let me get this right.

You obviously haven't, and you didn't get most of anything there right.

Yes, I've been in a playtest with a Guardian (I wasn't the Guardian in that). The player used sweeps twice, and we stopped using it because it made most of the fights extremely cheap.

1. I'd never pick Reactive shield on a guardian. I already have so many different ways to spend my reaction. Level 5 Guardian AC with shield raised is 10+7 (heavy armor+1) + 9 (proficiency) + 2 (shield) = 28

2. The average enemy has +15. You AC is 28. Your numbers are all over the place.

3. Again, your numbers are way off the mark here. I can throw random numbers too: "Oh the enemies only hit you on a 19!"

4. In what universe the "average enemy is +1-3 levels above the party". The boss of a whole big arc may be +2 to +3, the mooks are usually level -2, the average creature ranges from level -1 to equal level.

5. We want to nerf something that's way beyond the power of any feat published so far in the game? sure, I'll say yes.

6. just lol. Sure, let's have something give 3-4 reactions for an action. Sounds balanced ^^

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Boss03 wrote:
Ok, as a gm, I know enemies are usually 1-3 lvls above the pc's for the most part.

Uhhh... what?

Since when?

Sanityfaerie wrote:
Boss03 wrote:
Ok, as a gm, I know enemies are usually 1-3 lvls above the pc's for the most part.

Uhhh... what?

Since when?

That has been pretty standard in the games I play in.

Nerf it to be a stance it's now becomes probably less useful then shielded taunt. You probably would want to make it roll against the Guardian's DC because do you really want enemies to treat you as difficult terrain? I have yet to see difficult terrain being that hampering. If you make it a roll it's less useful against higher level enemies which I see is common in a lot of games or Adventure Paths.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Make it automatic like it currently is on the first round an enemy is effected by it. On consecutive rounds the same enemy instead treats spaces in your reach as difficult terrain.
Any non consecutive replication starts over.

Make it so it doesnt matter who is applying it so theres not two people hampering to lock someone down.

Speaking as both a GM and a player, I kinda want to see it stay as is. (tho unlikely I know) It’s a powerful ability that gives the Guardian shine and plays up the whole “Hit Me” vibe. Because if the enemy is prevented from moving away from a certain character, you know they’ll be focus firing on them. Plus it forces me as a GM to think outside the box as to how to deal with that. Shove, Reposition, burn a teleport, etc. The only problems I find is that it gums up combat on one small location, and it’s kind of a no brainer combat tactic.
But let me tell you, it was a game changer for an Extreme Lvl 5 encounter with a team of Kyra, Valeros, a Champion, and a Guardian vs a Lvl 9 Blue Dragon. I made the Dragon a spellcaster to play against such a heavy martial team. (Most were Sword & Board) It was toying with the group and slowly tearing them apart with its spells until it finally landed to attack with its high attack and damage output. Once the Guardian had it with his Hampering Sweeps, the Dragon went “oh crap” and focused fired on the Guardian. Which was exactly what the Guardian wanted, (provoking Retributive Strikes from the Champion, and Reactive Strikes when it cast an spell) and the rest of the team ganged up on the Dragon and whittled down its health. It was a cool moment for me. (Tho looking back, I probably should have had the Dragon try to shove the Guardian away or something like that to escape. Oh, well)
Is it overpowered? Perhaps. But I’m sure I couldn’t make a cool moment like that with just Taunt and Intercept Strike. But I’m going to continue playtesting the class…

Iron_Matt17 wrote:
... Once the Guardian had it with his Hampering Sweeps, the Dragon went “oh crap” and focused fired on the Guardian. Which was exactly what the Guardian wanted, (provoking Retributive Strikes from the Champion, and Reactive Strikes when it cast an spell) and the rest of the team ganged up on the Dragon and whittled down its health....

Honest question, why did the dragon attack the Guardian? Why not fighter or champion first? Was the threat from the guardian greater than the champion or the fighter?

Broken Khree wrote:
Iron_Matt17 wrote:
... Once the Guardian had it with his Hampering Sweeps, the Dragon went “oh crap” and focused fired on the Guardian. Which was exactly what the Guardian wanted, (provoking Retributive Strikes from the Champion, and Reactive Strikes when it cast an spell) and the rest of the team ganged up on the Dragon and whittled down its health....
Honest question, why did the dragon attack the Guardian? Why not fighter or champion first? Was the threat from the guardian greater than the champion or the fighter?

If I remember, the Dragon flew down and attacked the Cleric with his juicy bite attack. The other three had not been much of a threat up til then. (They were Hypnotized for a few rounds) By then they had shaken it off, and went after the Dragon. The Dragon expected to buffet their attacks with its Reaction and fly off and attack using its Reach/Spell advantage. Once he realized he was pinned to the ground, he went crazy and tried to free himself by attacking the one pinning him. At least that’s how I imagined it went…

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Squiggit wrote:
shroudb wrote:
See it from the other side: would you say that it's a "fun" option if the GM had a no save, no check, thing that completely removed several/most of your character's abilities and did that in every fight?

Funnily enough, Paizo publishes a lot of monsters with this type of gimmick and likes throwing them in APs, so it's kind of already a thing.

So like IDK maybe it's not the end of the world for a player to have an ability the GM just has to deal with.

Hard disagree. Having a monster once in a while doing something very strong that players have, as you say, to deal with, is ok beacuse it breaks the mold.

Having a PC do the same means it's a constant in most fights, and absolutely boring.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Broken Khree wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Boss03 wrote:
Ok, as a gm, I know enemies are usually 1-3 lvls above the pc's for the most part.

Uhhh... what?

Since when?

That has been pretty standard in the games I play in.

Really interesting. The encounter design guidelines suggest the vast majority of enemies you should be facing should be lower level than you.

Iron_Matt17 wrote:


If I remember, the Dragon flew down and attacked the Cleric with his juicy bite attack. The other three had not been much of a threat up til then. (They were Hypnotized for a few rounds) By then they had shaken it off, and went after the Dragon. The Dragon expected to buffet their attacks with its Reaction and fly off and attack using its Reach/Spell advantage. Once he realized he was pinned to the ground, he went crazy and tried to free himself by attacking the one pinning him. At least that’s how I imagined it went…

I see, so less calculating tactician and more of panicking because things didn't go as planned. Not sure I would have done that for a dragon, but that's a fair way to play it. Thanks.

WatersLethe wrote:


Really interesting. The encounter design guidelines suggest the vast majority of enemies you should be facing should be lower level than you.

We usually only use lower level enemies as fodder along some higher level enemies. Lower level only fights we find boring as they are rarely a threat to our group. With limited time to play, we just prefer more engaging fights.

Here is one way you could do hampering Swings

Hampering Swings: one to three action: all space in your reach are difficult terrain and you can use the following free action once per action you spent on hampering swings before the start of your next turn.

Hampering strike (free action)
Trigger any enemy leaves your reach or attacks your ally
Make a strike Vs that enemy with a melee weapon or unarmed strike if you hit you disrupt the triggering action.

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Or far less complicatedly a reaction to trip an enemy who steps or strides out of your reach (ignoring the hand requirement). Might well be the simplest way to achieve that stickiness.

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