PF2 Remastered: Changes to Half-Elves and Half-Orcs

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Radiant Oath

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The Raven Black wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will half halflings be quarterlings?
I wish Halflings could be renamed.

At various times over the next decade, The Hobbit will slip out of copyright and enable this.

Liberty's Edge

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AceofMoxen wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will half halflings be quarterlings?
I wish Halflings could be renamed.
At various times over the next decade, The Hobbit will slip out of copyright and enable this.

Let's just call them Kender and be done.

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The Raven Black wrote:
AceofMoxen wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will half halflings be quarterlings?
I wish Halflings could be renamed.
At various times over the next decade, The Hobbit will slip out of copyright and enable this.
Let's just call them Kender and be done.

Sadly, no can do. Kender are proprietary as a race to WotC.

I support the idea of mixed Ancestries, and one of my concepts is waiting for a mixed Elven/'Halfling' character.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I believe that all ancestries should have their names changed to reflect their size relative to an arbitrary "whole".

Dwarves = Broadlings

Elves = Thinlings

Humans = Dire Halflings

Orcs = One and a Halflings

Gnomes = Thirdlings

Goblins = Slightly more than a Thirdlings

And then any mixed heritage you just do the math.

Orc/Halfling? 1.5 x 0.5 = Three-Quartersling

Human/Halfling = Half-Dire Half-Ling

Gnome/Dwarf? Height 1 Base 2 x .333 = H1/3 by Base 2/3rds-ling.

It's obviously the most intuitive way to call everyone.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Vali Nepjarson wrote:

I believe that all ancestries should have their names changed to reflect their size relative to an arbitrary "whole".

Dwarves = Broadlings

Elves = Thinlings

Humans = Dire Halflings

Orcs = One and a Halflings

Gnomes = Thirdlings

Goblins = Slightly more than a Thirdlings

And then any mixed heritage you just do the math.

Orc/Halfling? 1.5 x 0.5 = Three-Quartersling

Human/Halfling = Half-Dire Half-Ling

Gnome/Dwarf? Height 1 Base 2 x .333 = H1/3 by Base 2/3rds-ling.

It's obviously the most intuitive way to call everyone.

But what if I use the metric system?!?!?!

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I always thought it was weird that only humans could be half-elves or half-orcs, even in P2E, so yeah, good news that it will FINALLY be available for other ancestries.

Now if could just get a Gnome/Halfling hybrid, that would be great. Seriously, why aren't those 2 ancestries genetically compatible? That sounds like a no-brainer, same with "half-goblin", given how primal these can be.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

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In two recent games of mine, I got someone wanting to play an aasimar/tiefling hybrid (took the aasimar heritage, allowing both aasimar and tiefling feats) and someone wanting to play a half-dwarf (gave low-light vision and the ability to choose human or dwarf feats). I really like it when the game's revisions make it easy for me to let my players know that the rules are catching up with their ideas.

ckobbe wrote:
But what if I use the metric system?!?!?!

TIL that the metric system doesn't use fractions. Though how does that even work with irrational numbers?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
bugleyman wrote:
ckobbe wrote:
But what if I use the metric system?!?!?!
TIL that the metric system doesn't use fractions. Though how does that even work with irrational numbers?

And now I'll be floating a point about our rational and complex prime game having a root in the imaginary and irrational that is integral to the natural whole of our real life.

I mean, every number you will ever encounter in a tabletop game is going to be an algebraic number (generally a rational number, but there might be a square root of 2 from time to time when you measure from corner to corner.)

The Algebraic Numbers compose precisely 0% of the Real Numbers. As in "if you chose a real number at random, your odds of selecting an algebraic number are literally 0."

Vali Nepjarson wrote:

I believe that all ancestries should have their names changed to reflect their size relative to an arbitrary "whole".

Dwarves = Broadlings

Elves = Thinlings

Humans = Dire Halflings

Orcs = One and a Halflings

Gnomes = Thirdlings

Goblins = Slightly more than a Thirdlings

And then any mixed heritage you just do the math.

Orc/Halfling? 1.5 x 0.5 = Three-Quartersling

Human/Halfling = Half-Dire Half-Ling

Gnome/Dwarf? Height 1 Base 2 x .333 = H1/3 by Base 2/3rds-ling.

It's obviously the most intuitive way to call everyone.

That’s Numberwang!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We've been joking around with it, but it would be nice if halflings had a name that was more unique.

It's always been frustrating that Gygax couldn't be bothered to name them after somebody told him hobbit was trademarked...

They ought to be 'gnomes' - but original D&D made this two different things, and now we're stuck with one of them not really having a name of it's own.

We could always call them Denisovans but that's not a very fun sounding name.

arcady wrote:

We've been joking around with it, but it would be nice if halflings had a name that was more unique.

It's always been frustrating that Gygax couldn't be bothered to name them after somebody told him hobbit was trademarked...

They ought to be 'gnomes' - but original D&D made this two different things, and now we're stuck with one of them not really having a name of it's own.

We could always call them Denisovans but that's not a very fun sounding name.

Huh; gnomes and halflings seem distinct to me. Maybe because I've come to think of gnomes as "little elves", and halfings as "little humans." I'm also pretty sure Tolkien referred to hobbits as "halflings" on occasion, which probably means we're stuck with it.

arcady wrote:

We've been joking around with it, but it would be nice if halflings had a name that was more unique.

It's always been frustrating that Gygax couldn't be bothered to name them after somebody told him hobbit was trademarked...

Granted, as far as I understand he did straight up dislike hobbits.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I wouldn't be surprised if along with the new cultural names announced for half-elves, half-orcs, deep dwarves, and gnolls if there are unannounced one we aren't aware of yet. No reason halflings couldn't be one of them.

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I still wished the half-elf and half-orc were ancestries instead of heritages

6 people marked this as a favorite.
arcady wrote:
We've been joking around with it, but it would be nice if halflings had a name that was more unique.

Yeah. It's weird to have the other small ancestries referring to them as Halflings.

arcady wrote:
We could always call them Denisovans but that's not a very fun sounding name.

I don't know of any evidence suggesting that the Denisovans were particularly small. Perhaps you are confusing them with Homo Floresiensis?

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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Removed a string of off topic and baity posts.

Liberty's Edge

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bugleyman wrote:
ckobbe wrote:
But what if I use the metric system?!?!?!
TIL that the metric system doesn't use fractions. Though how does that even work with irrational numbers?

We tend to just run on for several numbers after the decimal, ramble for a bit, start mumbling, and trail off, the scientists don't seem to mind so much so long as we include something like 10 or 12 digits since after that you're approaching infinitesimally small returns on increased accuracy and that only matters at scales larger than that of a galactic cluster anyhow so...

Liberty's Edge

Just realized that we now need an Elf and an Orc Sorcerer Bloodlines.

To go with the fact that we will soon have Half-Elf and Half-Orc Iruxi, Ghoran and Poppets.

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I think I would rather not have magical bloodlines for... well really any non-magical humanoid species. I would rather sorcery come from explicitly supernatural beings like dragons and fae rather than for being an orc. I don't care that some ancestries have a little magic in their blood, like gnomes as a legacy from the first world. I see things like Otherworldly Magic as indicators of or results from sorcerous bloodlines being more common in an ancestry, rather than that the ancestry is itself inherently magical (except when they are; Conrasu for example).

It feels like it would be a bit over the edge to have a character with magic because their distant ancestor was... a dude with green skin--or had pointy ears. It feels like why not at that point have a Human bloodline?

Hags probably my one exception for a 'bloodline based on a humanoid' because they are explicitly supernatural beings to the point where it takes a magic ritual to convert a changeling child into a hag. For that matter, I've tended to think of hags as basically fey or fey-adjacent, and kind of wish they actually were...

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I agree with Sibelius Eos Owm. It would be rather odd to have a fey bloodline sorcerer and a gnome bloodline sorcerer in the party. Like, isn't it all coming from the First World anyways?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Isn’t the imperial bloodline pretty much the bloodline for getting magic from your ancestors?

Liberty's Edge

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FYI Orc bloodline for Sorcerer was a thing in PF1.

The Raven Black wrote:
FYI Orc bloodline for Sorcerer was a thing in PF1.

It was always weird that you could be a half-orc sorcerer with the Orc bloodline. Or, I guess, a half-orc sorcerer without the orc bloodline.

Liberty's Edge

PossibleCabbage wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
FYI Orc bloodline for Sorcerer was a thing in PF1.
It was always weird that you could be a half-orc sorcerer with the Orc bloodline. Or, I guess, a half-orc sorcerer without the orc bloodline.

The other side of the family ;-)

8 people marked this as a favorite.
The Raven Black wrote:
FYI Orc bloodline for Sorcerer was a thing in PF1.

It was, unfortunately, and I continue to regard its erstwhile existence as a mistake until further notice. This does not strike me as a thing that Paizo would put out today without some pretty hefty re-imagining.

Orcs of Golarion - Orc Bloodline wrote:
"... the taint of savage orc blood flows through your veins."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
FYI Orc bloodline for Sorcerer was a thing in PF1.


Unicore wrote:
Isn’t the imperial bloodline pretty much the bloodline for getting magic from your ancestors?

Not just magic. Stronger than normal magic, as a direct result of your familial lineage's history of being strong in the forcemagic.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Right. So Imperial is the "my ancestry" bloodline.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
arcady wrote:

We've been joking around with it, but it would be nice if halflings had a name that was more unique.

It's always been frustrating that Gygax couldn't be bothered to name them after somebody told him hobbit was trademarked...

They ought to be 'gnomes' - but original D&D made this two different things, and now we're stuck with one of them not really having a name of it's own.

We could always call them Denisovans but that's not a very fun sounding name.

I believe the "official" name for most D&D settings is Hin (excepting Dragonlance where it's shudder Kender, or Eberron where they're just Halflings, and I don't think Dark Sun has a proper Watsonian name for them not counting descriptives like "the ancients" or "short cannibals out in the desert").

Radiant Oath

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Unicore wrote:
Right. So Imperial is the "my ancestry" bloodline.

I'd appreciate a renaming of imperial, too. I'd like to have magic from my ancestors without implying nobility. Some cultures could have a line of sorcerers without any rank or rule.


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AceofMoxen wrote:
Unicore wrote:
Right. So Imperial is the "my ancestry" bloodline.
I'd appreciate a renaming of imperial, too. I'd like to have magic from my ancestors without implying nobility. Some cultures could have a line of sorcerers without any rank or rule.

"We're a semi-autonomous worker collective!"

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Pa'aan Inubrix wrote:
AceofMoxen wrote:
Unicore wrote:
Right. So Imperial is the "my ancestry" bloodline.
I'd appreciate a renaming of imperial, too. I'd like to have magic from my ancestors without implying nobility. Some cultures could have a line of sorcerers without any rank or rule.
"We're a semi-autonomous worker collective!"

"You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes are oppressed with undo censorship!"

AceofMoxen wrote:
Unicore wrote:
Right. So Imperial is the "my ancestry" bloodline.
I'd appreciate a renaming of imperial, too. I'd like to have magic from my ancestors without implying nobility. Some cultures could have a line of sorcerers without any rank or rule.

In my current game, one of the PCs is a goblin sorcerer whose imperial bloodline comes from the (River) Kingdom of Zog.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Ravingdork wrote:
Pa'aan Inubrix wrote:
"We're a semi-autonomous worker collective!"
"You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes are oppressed with undo censorship!"

It's a good thing it's undo censorship and not undue censorship. They can just control-z their way out of it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dancing Wind wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Pa'aan Inubrix wrote:
"We're a semi-autonomous worker collective!"
"You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes are oppressed with undo censorship!"
It's a good thing it's undo censorship and not undue censorship. They can just control-z their way out of it.

lol. Oopsie.

Liberty's Edge

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Hill Giant wrote:
AceofMoxen wrote:
Unicore wrote:
Right. So Imperial is the "my ancestry" bloodline.
I'd appreciate a renaming of imperial, too. I'd like to have magic from my ancestors without implying nobility. Some cultures could have a line of sorcerers without any rank or rule.
In my current game, one of the PCs is a goblin sorcerer whose imperial bloodline comes from the (River) Kingdom of Zog.


With the ancestry changes I will finally get to play a character concept from my Kingdom of Kalamar days. A orc half elf paladin dedicated to Iomadae.

Saint Bernard

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Saint Bernard wrote:

With the ancestry changes I will finally get to play a character concept from my Kingdom of Kalamar days. A orc half elf paladin dedicated to Iomadae.

Saint Bernard

Were you here for PF1 where you could have a half-elf or half-orc and take racial heritage in the other thus becoming half-human half-elf half-orc?

Ah the good ol days when half-elves were becoming their own distinct ancestry.

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