Testing the waters


Although I may soon regret it, I'm itching to start a new campaign.

I've got three ideas in mind:

The first, I developed and ran a campaign in a Homebrew World for an honest to god real life, warm body, in person, face to face, at the table group, that lasted a couple of years until it became a victim of the pandemic. This may be the easiest option for me, as I've got what basically amounts to 'Book 1' already mapped and planned out. It's more typical to your standard AP, although probably a bit more open-world-ish. There's a part of me that's still pretty sore from the group falling apart, but maybe giving it a second run can be part of the healing process.

The second option is and idea I have of a prequel campaign, same setting, but a good number of years earlier. This campaign would be more of a mega-dungeon adventure. I've got lots of ideas, but no actual work done on this.

These first two ideas would be PF1e games. I have no experience yet with 2e, and don't feel great about running a full campaign using PF2e. That brings me to my third idea...

I have a copy of The Angry GM's 'Fall of Silverpine Watch' adventure, which is written for D&D5e, but I would be willing to revise it for PF2e as a learning exercise. This is a short adventure, so probably more fitting for PbP.

So I'm just throwing this out there to see what kind of interest there is. Thanks!

Would take a look at either PF1 campaign.

I agree with pad300.

I would be more interested in a PF2e game. I am teaching our good Parrot PF2e in another PbP that I am DMing. I could help if you decide to convert.

Thank you for running, Anzath!

Always love seeing homebrew on the boards, but I'd prefer not the megadungeon

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

PF2e would be my preference.

Anything PF1 is good for me. I'm not a fan of PF2 and don't know D&D5th very well yet.

I'd be inclined for the PF2e, as I'd be coming into it blind and want to try to get a sense for it.

I imagine you'll get lots of people if you go PF1 and slightly less if you do PF2.

Pick what you'll have the most fun with!

Nikolaus de'Shade wrote:

I imagine you'll get lots of people if you go PF1 and slightly less if you do PF2.

I'm actually quite surprised by this. I would have figured everyone's jumped aboard the shiny new ship by now!

Here's a fourth option then:

I can convert the 'Fall of Silverpine Watch' adventure to PF1e, and if we can complete it and the group is still jiving, possibly expand it into an open-world type campaign to keep the fun going.

Liberty's Edge

Would not mind trying a PF2e game!! Sounds interesting!

I'd be interested in throwing my hat in with any PF1e you came up with. Like The Lobster, I'd be less inclined to join the megadungeon though.

I am surely outnumbered but, for what its worth, I would enjoy the 5e adventure.

I am for the pf1 and interested

Liberty's Edge

Actually I am willing to play whatever... :-)

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Good news!

I just saw that Crown of the Kobold King is being rereleased for PF2e! I think that might be a good option for me to learn the new system.

Otherwise, I'm reading through Silverpine Watch and I think I can easily convert it to PF1e, and if things go well, grow it into a longer campaign.

So thanks for the feedback and interest. It might be some time before you see a recruitment thread, but keep your eyes open.

Crown of the Kobold King is a classic! Which I would definitely be interested in!

I never played those, but have wanted too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a gameslut, I go both ways.

For an introductory adventure I prefer PF2, for PF1, I'd prefer to start with a few levels under our belts.

Grand Lodge

I agree with Philo, as PF1, things don't really get good until starting at around 3rd level, for the most part.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Definitely sounds fascinating, and I'd totally be down for the homebrew PF1 options

I was hoping you'd go with PF1 as I don't know PF2 very well. But if Crown of the Kobold King using PF2 is the call, I could try and put together a front liner for you.

Liberty's Edge

PF2e and Crown. Count me in. Sounds like a great way to learn a new system!!

Interested pf2e. Will watch the forums like a hawk.

I like that first option.

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