[Open Recruitment] GM Imperius' Skull & Shackles (clever title to be determined)


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Rushed over when I saw 16 new posts!

Idle chatter there, and nothing more. :P

Albion, The Eye wrote:
Idle chatter there, and nothing more. :P

Don't forget the Smurf boarding party! ;)

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Dawn of the final day...

That's it folks! 'Tis coming!

Sorry! Last minute entry... if I haven't missed the deadline. :(

His goals and backstory are on his character sheet. I think I have his figures correct for the Feat Tax rules. If I'm mistaken, feel free to correct me.

Cheers and thanks!

Archae Here finally, my submission is Adir, a switch hitting Halfling fighter focusing on the Slingstaff and slipslinger style. Mostly everything minus equipment should be in the profile and link to the character sheet.

Ach! Too many halflings and goblins! Avast!

Missed it, darn

Don’t be height shaming! :D

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No no no, see we have all goblins, halflings, gnomes ect. Except for one really tall half-ork. Then we make them the captain and instead of saying Aye aye captain, we say, "Yes my tallest!"

Elias aka 'Eli' wrote:
Sorry! Last minute entry... if I haven't missed the deadline. :(

Unfortunately, you did. The deadline for new interest was actually Sunday night. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't see an interest post from you prior to that. I'm sorry, but in keeping to my word, I can't take your submission.

Nope, nope. You're right. I didn't throw in an interest post. I saw your game late and got so excited from your opening that I just started building. Ah, well, perhaps next time.

Cheers and have a great game!

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So, this is the point somebody usually provides that old Gene Wilder quote:

Willy Wonka wrote:
The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.

I don't normally, but I was missing it, so . . ..

Mama Mambo wrote:
No no no, see we have all goblins, halflings, gnomes ect. Except for one really tall half-ork. Then we make them the captain and instead of saying Aye aye captain, we say, "Yes my tallest!"

A least someone can get the stuff off the top shelf

Watching... always watching.

Kragor Bloodskull wrote:
Mama Mambo wrote:
No no no, see we have all goblins, halflings, gnomes ect. Except for one really tall half-ork. Then we make them the captain and instead of saying Aye aye captain, we say, "Yes my tallest!"
A least someone can get the stuff off the top shelf

You're forgetting the kobold that sets traps all over the ship so everyone has to stick to the colored lines on the floor!

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Kragor's background is done.

hustonj wrote:

So, this is the point somebody usually provides that old Gene Wilder quote:

Willy Wonka wrote:
The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.
I don't normally, but I was missing it, so . . ..

Willy Wonka

It's originally a quote from Oscar Wilde from The Importance of Being Earnest.

Funny that you mention kobold setting traps. I really want to participate in this with one...lol!

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

Funny that you mention kobold setting traps. I really want to participate in this with one...lol!

Now I really want to make a kobold. Not sure what to make of one, but I need to have one in my pocket should I ever get a chance.

Kragor Bloodskull wrote:

Kragor's background is done.

hustonj wrote:

So, this is the point somebody usually provides that old Gene Wilder quote:

Willy Wonka wrote:
The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.
I don't normally, but I was missing it, so . . ..

Willy Wonka

It's originally a quote from Oscar Wilde from The Importance of Being Earnest.

Normally how it works. Stealing good lines is a time-honored tradition.

With 2 hours to go, I'm pretty sure I've hashed out my selections. I will hold off setting it into stone until midnight, just in case one of the last 2 people who expressed interest but didn't submit a character show up last minute.

Barring any surprises, though, I have reviewed all the submissions, and I think I have a party in mind. Again, if there's a last-second submission, I'll throw out my choices and restart, but failing that, expect the final selections at midnight.

Honestly, this has been a rough day. You fine folks did not make it easy on me. Especially the half of you that made melee martials or switch hitters. That's not hyperbole, either. 15 of the 28 submissions were either melee, switch hitters, or a magus. That's not even counting the bard. By comparison, there were 3 each of primary divine casters and primary arcane casters. Trying to make a balanced party has had me tearing my hair out.

I toyed with the idea of having 2 parties, but that would likely require more attention than I am able to provide. Which sucks, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

See you in 2 hours.

People love putting martials into game recruitments; they're mechanically easy to build and play, which leaves more time/effort for the roleplaying... It doesn't hurt that a low levels they tend to be mechanically dominant over the caster type as well (and most PBP campaigns die young). So you tend to see lots of martial types for any recruitment.

Yeah, that's why I decided to withdraw my rogue. If I'd known about the divine characters, though, I woulda kept in my warpriest. I liked that concept. C'est la vie, though. Looking forward to the final list.

Submissions are now closed.

Without further ado, it is time to announce the final party selections!

Our party will consist of (in no particular order):

Beryl Saltboulder - Played by Lapyd
Tempest - Played by Odentin
Melli Lillifeet - Played by Elfriede
Brother MacLaren - Played by Aldizog
Veronica Blackblade - Played by Pancakes
Ellie Dewblossom - Played by SodiumTelluride

Congratulations to those selected. To those not, I apologize. The competition was stiff, and the decision, as I stated before, was taxing. If anyone who was not chosen would like to have a civil discussion about my decision making process, and why your character ended up getting cut, I will be happy to have that conversation, just send me a PM. It's not compulsory, though.

To those selected, check your PMs. I will be sending you some additional information before we start. And look forward to the opening post, coming soon!

Have fun!

Oh well… Good gaming to those selected!

Have yourselves a fun one and watch out for sharks!

Avast! Enjoy ya scallywags!

Have fun everyone!

Have fun all!

Always the bridesmaid, never the barbarian.

GM Imperius wrote:

Submissions are now closed.

Without further ado, it is time to announce the final party selections!

Our party will consist of (in no particular order):

Beryl Saltboulder - Played by Lapyd
Tempest - Played by Odentin
Melli Lillifeet - Played by Elfriede
Brother MacLaren - Played by Aldizog
Veronica Blackblade - Played by Pancakes
Ellie Dewblossom - Played by SodiumTelluride

Congratulations to those selected. To those not, I apologize. The competition was stiff, and the decision, as I stated before, was taxing. If anyone who was not chosen would like to have a civil discussion about my decision making process, and why your character ended up getting cut, I will be happy to have that conversation, just send me a PM. It's not compulsory, though.

To those selected, check your PMs. I will be sending you some additional information before we start. And look forward to the opening post, coming soon!

That is a kineticist/rogue, sorcerer, swashbuckler, cleric, magus, and a cavalier. To save those curious the search I just went through.

Torin Brimfisher wrote:
That is a kineticist/rogue, sorcerer, swashbuckler, cleric, magus, and a cavalier. To save those curious the search I just went through.

And only 1 non-standard race. Humanx2, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Sylph.

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Hello. You can call me a lurker of this thread. I felt inspired by this thread enough to finally try the DM roll for the first time. It may take a bit for me to make the thread and choices, but for now, I would like a list of the current submissions, including the ones that just missed the deadline so it would be easier to make a decision. Please include the name,class and race of the submissions.

Patrick here reached out to me to ask if they could recruit off my thread, and I gave my blessing.

Patrick, here's the list. The asterisks denote someone who made multiple submissions and got accepted into my game. They've been included for posterity, but just something to keep in mind. I did not record race when I was making my list, though.

Lapyd*: Shantanna Lyrs - Antipaladin
Pad300: Djir Brentwhisker - Rogue
Ruin Explorer: Myrsko Izuro - Wizard
Archae: Adir Silverleaf - Fighter
Odentin*: Mahkah - Monk
Delmoth: Mama Mambo - Cleric
Spazmodeus: Angeus Mourngrym - Swashbuckler
Delightful: Black Bess - Cleric
Hustonj: Bektat - Barbarian
Hustonj: Ioney Dragi - Bard
CA Jademan: Tik Tik Scaletail - Witch
SqueezeMeNow: Torin Brimfisher - Barbarian
Galahad0430: Tristian Fortmaine - Fighter
Rabscuttle: Beric Pearlsbane - Antipaladin
Trevor86: Neachtuir - Alchemist
KingHotTrash: Beket Runetooth - Fighter
Ouachitonian: Cnut Bjornsson - Barbarian
Noral: Nuwa Feng - Summoner
Edeldhur: Reknar - Bard
Jeremy Packer: Draak "Lizard" - Alchemist
Vanulf Wulfson: Kragor Bloodskull - Ranger
Eriktd: Jaques Lacrimoisi - Swashbuckler

Sovereign Court

Thanks to GM Imperius's feedback, I will chnage the campaign trait and backstory for Tristian for Patrick's game.

Thanks for the opportunity GM Imperius and thank you for the chance to play Patrick.

Albion comes back to lurk :)

Patrickthekid wrote:
Hello. You can call me a lurker of this thread. I felt inspired by this thread enough to finally try the DM roll for the first time. It may take a bit for me to make the thread and choices, but for now, I would like a list of the current submissions, including the ones that just missed the deadline so it would be easier to make a decision. Please include the name,class and race of the submissions.

A chance to live again! Thanks for the second chance Patrick!

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Here's a more expanded list.

Lapyd*: Shantanna Lyrs – Female Tiefling (demon-spawn) Antipaladin (blighted myrmidon)/ Barbarian
Pad300: Djir Brentwhisker – Male Ratfolk Unchained Rogue
Ruin Explorer: Myrsko Izuro – Male Human Wizard (spellslinger)
Archae: Adir Silverleaf – Male Halfling Fighter
Odentin*: Mahkah – Male Oread Monk (zen archer)
Delmoth: Mama Mambo – Female Goblin Cleric of Lamashtu
Spazmodeus: Angeus Mourngrym – Female Human Swashbuckler (shackles corsair/inspired blade)
Delightful: Black Bess – Female Human Cleric of Besmara
Hustonj: Bektat – Male Hobgoblin Unchained Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
Hustonj: Ioney Dragi – Male Aasimar (musetouched) Bard (sea singer)
CA Jademan: Tik Tik Scaletail – Male Ratfolk Witch (sea witch)
SqueezeMeNow: Torin Brimfisher – Male Half-elf Barbarian
Galahad0430: Tristian Fortmaine – Male Human Fighter (aldori defender)
Rabscuttle: Beric Pearlsbane – Male Halfling Antipaladin
Trevor86: Neachtuir – Male Elf Alchemist (grenadier)
KingHotTrash: Beket Runetooth – Male Human Fighter
Ouachitonian: Cnut Bjornsson – Male Human (skinwalker [coldborn]) Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
Noral: Nuwa Feng – Female Half-elf Unchained Summoner (soulbound)
Edeldhur: Reknar – Male Half-orc Bard
Jeremy Packer: Draak "Lizard" – Male Tiefling (orc blooded) Alchemist (beastmorph)
Vanulf Wulfson: Kragor Bloodskull – Male Half-orc Ranger (freebooter/trapper)
Eriktd: Jaques Lacrimoisi – Male Human Swashbuckler (inspired blade)

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Yet more expanded...

Lapyd*: Shantanna Lyrs – Female Tiefling (demon-spawn) Antipaladin (blighted myrmidon)/ Barbarian
Pad300: Djir Brentwhisker – Male Ratfolk Unchained Rogue
Ruin Explorer: Myrsko Izuro – Male Human Wizard (spellslinger)
Archae: Adir Silverleaf – Male Halfling Fighter
Odentin*: Mahkah – Male Oread Monk (zen archer)
Delmoth: Mama Mambo – Female Goblin Cleric of Lamashtu
Spazmodeus: Angeus Mourngrym – Female Human Swashbuckler (shackles corsair/inspired blade)
Delightful: Black Bess – Female Human Cleric of Besmara
Hustonj: Bektat – Male Hobgoblin Unchained Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
Hustonj: Ioney Dragi – Male Aasimar (musetouched) Bard (sea singer)
CA Jademan: Tik Tik Scaletail – Male Ratfolk Witch (sea witch)
SqueezeMeNow: Torin Brimfisher – Male Half-elf Barbarian
Galahad0430: Tristian Fortmaine – Male Human Fighter (aldori defender)
Rabscuttle: Beric Pearlsbane – Male Halfling Antipaladin
Trevor86: Neachtuir – Male Elf Alchemist (grenadier)
KingHotTrash: Beket Runetooth – Male Human Fighter
Ouachitonian: Cnut Bjornsson – Male Human (skinwalker [coldborn]) Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
Noral: Nuwa Feng – Female Half-elf Unchained Summoner (soulbound)
Edeldhur: Reknar – Male Half-orc Bard
Jeremy Packer: Draak "Lizard" – Male Tiefling (orc blooded) Alchemist (beastmorph)
Vanulf Wulfson: Kragor Bloodskull – Male Half-orc Ranger (freebooter/trapper)
Eriktd: Jaques Lacrimoisi – Male Human Swashbuckler (inspired blade)
stormraven: 'Eli' - Male Goblin Zen Archer Monk (LN)

Draak is awake and paying attention again!

Owner - Gator Games & Hobby

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I didn't post her because I found the thread after the deadline, but if I can sneak onto the new list, here's Chisomo!

Character Concept (Red Mantis Washout) & Background:
Human (Osiriani) Unchained Monk of the Mantis - Ilizmagorti Native (LN)

Chisomo was raised in Ilizmagorti, trained from childhood as an aspirant to the Red Mantis Assassins. She excelled at some aspects of her training; her body was fit and strong, and the precise ruthlessness of Achaekek's chosen came easily to her in sparring as well, whether with blade or fist.

The discipline was welcome too. Chisomo loved the rhythms and routines of the training and chores of her home, but despite the exhortations of his priests, and the affirmations of her brothers and sisters-in-training, she never truly felt Achaekek's claws upon her heart.

And when it came time to advance to the next stage of her training, to murder a stranger simply because it had been asked of her, the deep-growing doubts that her ready smiles concealed fully blossomed.

So when she was sent out into Ilizmagorti to stalk her prey, she stowed away on a ship instead.

She fled.

She doesn't know whether or not her old family is after her - she doesn't wear their armor or wield their sabers; she doesn't claim to know their secrets, let alone teach them to outsiders! Maybe it's all enough that they'll forgive, or at least forget.

She's only just arrived in Port Peril perhaps a week ago after a long chain of hiding on different sloops to throw off any early pursuit, but even though her training told her to stay holed up and hidden, she went out to a tavern called the Formidably Maid for a drink because, well, she was lonely. She could pretend that she was just out on an overnight mission all she wanted, but she knew that the next night would still see her in a cold room only her body's warmth was heating, with none of the family she loved around her.

Unfortunately, the drink didn't go well...


Personality-wise Chisomo is far from the classic stoic LN Monk. She laughs she drinks, she smiles, she flirts (though she's likely to be mortified the first time she does so to a non-monastic target and they flirt back). She's all about a path to joy and laughter.

Role in the Group and on the ship:
Chisomo is designed as a bit of a mix between skirmisher and frontliner. At low levels this mainly manifests with reasonable mobility, but at higher levels will show up in the dimensional dervish feat-chain as well!

As for on the ship, I'm looking to see how that develops. I won't be taking Profession (sailor) at level one (for example), but find that a very likely thing to pick up along the way!

How Chisomo might change and grow:
I don't totally know yet :-p
She's designed to be fairly impressionable at the moment - she's just lost her surrogate family and will very quickly imprint onto a new one, and is likely to shape herself to match them, to a point. After all, when she didn't fit in with the Red Mantis, she left.
Piracy isn't something she's planned on, but I expect that she will enjoy it far more than her previous pursuits, particularly when it's against ships that can put up a fight - she's more than a little bit competitive.

If she were asked, she'd expect to drift towards the chaotic end of the spectrum over time, but I suspect she's wrong. Absolute freedom won't feel as good as she expects...

When interacting with the group, I expect her to play as the outsider, particularly in the beginning - a lot of earnest "Oh, really? Back home we always did [insert grueling tale of merciless training]" and that sort of thing.

Since some might not see LN as particularly gelling with the Pirate's Life, I wanted to explain what it means for her.

Chisomo is Lawful because she values order in her life. She likes things to be scheduled; even if she doesn't have as much of a say in things as she would like, as long as someone's in control, she's happier. She also has a strong resentment towards what she sees as 'unfair.' Which to her usually means 'breaking the rules I thought we were playing by.'

Chisomo is Neutral because even though she's warm and compassionate towards her in-group, before then you're really just more of a concept to her. She doesn't like the idea of pointless murder, but the idea of endangering herself to save a total stranger is far more alien. Then again, she can be pretty easily talked into things like that if she thinks it would be possible, but tough ;-)

Level 1 stats/choices:
Archetypes: Monk of the Mantis
Race: Human (Dual Talent)
STR 16+2, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 16+2, CHA 8
Feats: Toughness, Dodge (Monk Bonus)
Traits: Ilizmagorti Native, Honored Fist, Carefully Hidden, Foul Brand (hand)
Active Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Stealth, Perception
Background Skills: Lore (Red Mantis), Sleight of Hand

Equipment: Sansetsukon, Sling, Monk's Kit, 'Temple Sword' (Peacebonded into scabbard).

I am going to be withdrawing Beket Runetooth, as I have found a different game. Thank you to both DMs for the opportunity to play <3

Would a kobold unrogue be able to get shanged-highed?

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:
Would a kobold unrogue be able to get shanged-highed?

Let's see what you have for me.

Patrickthekid wrote:
Dorian 'Grey' wrote:
Would a kobold unrogue be able to get shanged-highed?
Let's see what you have for me.

I may have just did this, but, I will complete it and write up his Backstory this weekend.

Thank you for running!

I'll have something for you tonight GM

Don't give me hope...

Ah, who am I kidding?! I'm all in!

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I hope to have a decision made by the end of the week, but it will likely be sooner. I hope to start things up by next week Tuesday.

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