Beastmorph Alchemist 1 | ❤ 9/9 | AC 16 – T 13/FF 13 – CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2 | Initiative +3 | Perception +5
About Draak "Lizard"
Male Tiefling Beastmorph Alchemist 1
N Medium humanoid (orc), outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., can see creatures on the ethereal plane, Perception +5
-----DEFENSE----- AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
-----OFFENSE----- Speed 30 ft.
spear +3 (1d8+4/x3)
or crude dogslicer -1 (1d6+3/19-20)
or dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20)
or melee touch +3 (varies)
alchemical bomb +4 (1d6+3 fire)
or javelin +3 (1d6+3)
or dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20)
or ranged touch +3 (varies)
Special Attack bomb 4/day (1d6+3 fire, DC 13)
Alchemist Extracts Prepared (CL 4th)
1st – monkey fish, stone fist
Darkvision Tieflings see in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Fiendish Resistance Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.
Pass For Orc Discrimination against tieflings with horrifically fiendish features is so intense that even tieflings look up to those precious few of their kind who can pass as orcs. These tieflings have otherworldly features that are so subtle, they aren’t often noticed unless the tiefling points them out (for example, eyes that flash red in the throes of passion, or fingernails that are naturally hard and pointed). Such a tiefling doesn’t need to succeed at a Disguise check to appear to be orcish and count as humanoid (orc) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells like charm person or enlarge person). The tiefling does not automatically gain his associated outsider language (but may select it as a bonus language if his Intelligence score is high enough), and he may not select other racial traits that would grant him obviously fiendish features.
Skilled Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.
Class Abilities:
Pending Upate
Mathematical Prodigy Mathematics has always come easily for you, and you have always been able to “see the math” in the physical and magical world. You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Touched By The Sea You’ve always felt the call of the sea and your blood surges with the ebb and flow of the tides. Perhaps one of your parents was a sailor or pirate, or maybe one of your ancestors had a bit of aquatic elf or undine blood in them. Whatever the reason, you’re as comfortable in the water as you are on land. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks and Swim is a class skill for you. In addition, penalties on attack rolls made underwater are lessened by 1.
You came to Port Peril in search of your destiny, and after a few drinks at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, you went down to the docks to take in a view of the sea. The last thing you remember is a blow to the back of your head and the waves rushing up to meet you.
Draak’s Backstory:
Draak was born and raised on the docks of (nearby port, not the port we start in). As an adolescent, he was “recruited” to man the oars of a coastal raider where his size and brains allowed his to advance to join the crew. Soon he was noticed by the gang’s second in command, who began to show Draak how to use the various chemicals he kept on board to create weaponry and enhance the physical traits of the crew, and himself.
Draak had always known he was different than the other half-orcs, though he was not sure how. While learning alchemy from his mentor, he also began to learn about other beings, those from this world and those from other worlds. He began to suspect he shared blood with creatures from those “other” worlds, his resistance to various energies was one of the final clues. Even though he showed no real physical traits of his fiendish heritage, Draak was a tiefling.
Draak took to alchemy well, though there was one quirk that even his mentor could not figure out. No matter what variation Draak used with his mutagens, the effect would manifest as saurian features. Draak would grow heavy scales and his hair would become various horns or ridges. His face would elongate and his teeth would grow out. The crew began calling him “Lizard” as a nickname, especially since this trait seemed to manifest when Draak would become angry, even without the mutagen being active in him.
Eventually the raiders took on too strong a target, and the vessel and crew were defeated. Draak’s mentor was killed in the raid but Draak had seen the trouble long before the battle was lost. He managed to grab the sea chest in his mentor’s cabin and fled. He eventually made it to (starting port), where his story continues.
Draak’s Personality:
Draak is a smart man but has a darkness within him. There are two sides to him, and when he becomes stressed the other side can begin to creep in. He thinks of it as his lizard-brain taking over, but in truth he fears it is his fiendish self trying to take over.
Draak is usually friendly, though that darkness can come on suddenly. He enjoys pirating, raiding, and carousing after. He bonds with a crew and captain that are fair, though he has little desire to lead. Gold, rum, and the company of a tavern wench are his only real goals. Those, and finding the truth about the darkness within himself.