
Elias aka 'Eli''s page

219 posts. Alias of stormraven.


HP:10 | AC:18; T:18; FF:13; CMD:18 | Fort:+2; Ref:+7; Will:+2 | Init:+5; Perc:+7 (Darkvision)

About Elias aka 'Eli'


Male goblin unchained monk (zen archer) 1

LN Small humanoid (goblinoid)

Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +1 size, +2 Wis)
HP 10 (1d10)

Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2

Speed 30 ft.

(M) handaxe +5 (1d6+1/×3) or
unarmed strike +7 (1d4+1)

shortbow +7/+7 (1d4/×3)

Special Attacks
flurry of blows (unchained)
perfect strike 1/day

Str 12, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 8

BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 18

Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike[APG], Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse

Adopted (by humans) - born to the water (ijo)
Besmara's Blessing (Campaign)

Acrobatics +13
Climb +9
Escape Artist +9
Linguistics +2
Perception +7
Perform (Sing) -1
Profession (sailor) +7
Stealth +13
Survival +2 (+4 to avoid becoming lost)
Swim +6

Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Climb

Languages Common, Goblin, Polyglot

cheap piratey clothes
panty 'pirate bandana' (worth 0.5 gp)
'magic' tricorn leather hat (worth 1 gp)

> arrows (20)
> grappling arrow (1)
Boarding Axe (Handaxe size: M)

Seabag (backpack)
> box of fishing tackle (2 lb)
> fishing pole, simple (1 lb)
> hemp rope (50 ft.)
> waterskin (2)

> compass
> flint and steel
> Cash: 3 GP, 5 SP

Special Abilities:

Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-round action, gain extra attacks with some weapons.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Perfect Strike (2d20, 1/day) With certain weapons, roll twice, higher is attack, lower is confirmation roll.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Besmara's Blessing Gain a +1 trait bonus on PER and Pro:Sailor checks. 1/week Reroll a Pro:Sailor check and take the better result.
Born to Water (Ijo) You gain a +1 on Swim checks and only need to make a Swim check every 2 hours to avoid fatigue.

Age: 18
Height: 3'
Weight: 35 lbs

Striding into the Formidably Maid is 3' of unconventional gobbo pirate. Red eyes stand out against the green skin of the pantaloon-wearing miniature corsair. Dragging over one shoulder is a heavily laden waterproof sea-bag. Slung rakishly across his chest is an oversized bandolier. Slung through the bandolier at shoulder height, is an almost full-sized axe whose end bangs against the floorboards. Completing the pirate look, Eli wears a large salt-sprayed leather tricorn hat. He whips the hat off in a debonair fashion for a passing trollop who he mistakes for a lady of high standing. Covering his skull (also at a rakish angle) is a 'pirate necessity' - a red silk bandana. Unfortunately, Eli doesn't realise what most of the people in the room do, that his bandana is actually a pair of women's panties.

Goals & Motivations:
Eli wants to become a salty old sea-dog with a flinty glance and more stories of great adventure than a dog has fleas. He hasn't quite realised that the realities of piracy, privateering, and sailing may be far less glamorous than he hopes. He thinks it will be a life of grog and wenches... and while he doesn't quite understand the 'wench part', he definitely knows wenches are a requirement. He is friendly and well-intentioned with just a hint of goblin cold-blooded pragmatism about combat. He is keen to master all of the sailorly arts.

Ba'wo was a 9th generation Bonuwat fisherman from Ijo working the shoals and deep waters surrounding the Eye of Abendego. A skilled sailor, Ba'wo hunted game fish across the region from Mediogorti to the Sodden Lands down to the Shackles and Sargava.

On one such trip near Mediogorti, Ba'wo found a squalling infant wrapped in seaweed, abandoned on a beach... being stalked by (or preparing to ambush) some hungry gulls. To his surprise it was a baby goblin. How the toothy child got there, Ba'wo couldn't say. Possibly it was all that remained of a goblin tribe hunted down by the Mediogortians in the constant warfare between the two races, or possibly it was left to die by its own people. In any case, pity moved the fisherman and he took the baby with him, unsure exactly what he would do with the strange little creature.

To his surprise the babe was well-behaved on his fishing boat, comfortable with the rocking of the ocean, the salt spray, and the roar of the waves. It took Ba'wo weeks to make his way home to Ijo on Desperation Bay. In that time, Ba'wo decided to keep the child and raise it as his own. Ba'wo's wife, Mi'asa wasn't easily convinced but, as she hadn't provided the fisherman with a child. she eventually relented and accepted this unconventional addition to their family.

The goblin proved a relatively good child with a knack for boating and sea-faring (Trait: Besmara's Blessing, Trait: Born to the Water [Ijo]), pleasing his adopted parents greatly. Knowing the hurdles a goblin would likely face in the human world, Ba'wo, Mi'asa, and their village spent a great deal of time raising the goblin to understand and be comfortable around humans. They raised him to worship Shimye-Magalla as all the villagers did and even gave him a Taldane name - Elias - to help him fit in. To increase his son's knowledge of the world and chances for success therein - and curb his sometimes quick goblin temper - Ba'wo tithed a local monastery to ensure the brothers would educate Elias and provide moral and martial instruction.

Their efforts were far more successful than they could have ever imagined. Eli sees the world through mostly human eyes. Admittedly, he sees himself as a short, shark-toothed, red-eyed human with a monstrous appetite... but close enough. Admittedly, there are some holes in his education, in part due to the naivete of his village about the world at large and the limitations of his monastic instruction... but Eli is feeling his way through these minor issues.

Ba'wo wasn't rich but he was a successful fisherman, so when Eli announced his desire to see the world and have all sorts of adventures, Ba'wo smiled and funded his son's desires. The old fisherman equipped the youth well - providing him with a sturdy bow, suitable clothing, strong rope, a water-proof kit bag, a rakish bandolier, and a boarding axe. Upon arriving at Port Peril, Eli - still a bit naive himself - bought himself a leather tricorn 'pirate' hat for a gold piece. The man who sold it to him assured him that the hat was specially-magicked to ensure smooth sailing and grand adventures... well worth a mere piece of gold!