About AhmoseAlchemical Items:
Alchemical Remedies (+1 from Trait) Alchemical Grease 6/4 (10gp) Antiplague 6/4 (100gp) Antitoxin 6/4(100gp) Bladeguard 3/3 (40gp) Salt tablets (10) 3/3 (1gp) Smelling Salts 3/3 (25gp) Vermin Repellent 6/4 (10gp) Soul Stimulate 3/3 (300gp) Total crafted gp: 546 Alchemical Tools
Total Crafted gp: 818 Alchemical Weapons
Total Crafted gp: 609
The backpack itself is masterwork, within are 10 trail rations, flint and steel, a set of caltrops, two flasks of oil, ratty bedroll, backpack filled with dried meat, preserved fruit, and moldy cheese (6 rations), and a 6 inch tall marble statuette of a humanoid throwing a spear (75gp). A spellbook containing: detect secret doors, fog cloud, grease, invisibility, resist energy, shocking grasp, and silent image. This book is worth 160 gp. New backpack acquisitions:
3x cure light wounds, 3x unholy water This one time....Fluff:
The stench of rotting vegetables, spoiled goats milk, and other less than savory defecations rudely assault the little blue dragons nostrils. The raucous roars of monstrous demonic hoard blare like a thousand trumpets in the night air. The dried, burnt, trampled foliage lay defeated under the denizens of the World Wound's army.
Ahmose sits quietly. The blue-scaled Kobold has made quite the mistake. Now, he has made many mistakes before; and, they seem to always work out, but he is beginning to think this one will not. What happen was.... ....it really did seem like an easy score. His information was from an unreliable source (crazy gnome druid from the Mindspin Mountains); but, the Blue thought it was true. He traveled down from the mountains for days. He had to keep avoiding random seeming Demon patrols. Weird! He heard some talk of sacking some town (called Kenabres) in those few days. The patrols seemed to become more frequent the further he went. Ahmose was beginning to think that that druid was an asshat. Eventually, the little blue kobold found himself in the middle of a horde! It was like nothing he ever seen: cultists, demons, bigger demons, and even demon minotaur! Luckily for the Blue Whisper, his presence mostly went unnoticed. He felt a bit brazen the longer he stayed that way. Unfortunately, this particular night seemed unlikely to allow for that streak to continue. So, that information the asshat gnome druid gave to Ahmose was actually true. In the middle of the demonic army was the tree. It was an old oak that was supposed to be almost 50' tall. Unfortunately, there was a huge tent where the oak was supposed to be standing. Ahmose decided after a long 10 second pause for consideration of possible self-destructive behavior, that he would sneak into the tent. Having entered unseen into the empty tent, the Blue Whisper quickly notices the stump of what was once a mighty oak. Searching for the leaf shaped knot, the thief takes out his trade tools. After a few seconds, he receives his reward of the leaf coming off, revealing a shallow hole. He begins reaching into the entrance. Suddenly, his senses begin to scream at him; and, he just escaped being called The Blue Stump! Extracting his prize, the kobold then readies to make his escape. The louds sounds of voices begin to permeate his hearing. He quickly decides to take refuge behind some over-sized blue (convenience or luck?) cushions and pillows tossed carelessly in a corner. Entering the tent, he sees a Minotaur, two goblins and two kobolds. He overhears their meeting. He thinks They just let anyone be a demon now! Once the group departs, along with the Minotaur, Ahmose the Blue Whisper ducks out the tent. He has been stuck hiding in the mist of the army when they begin the trek to begin the assault on the town. The blue witnesses a female holding a bow beckoning him to follow her out of the demon camp. The Blue eagerly follows. She left his sight a few moments before he was picked up by a patrol of crusaders, who finished the job of escorting him back to safety, and the young Alchemist never seen her again.... Walking into the safety of Kenabres, Ahmose views the excitement of the crowd of folks all seemingly ignorant of the outside happenings. Shrugging his blue-scaled shoulders, the small Alchemist follows the crowd to see what this Armasse thing is all about...
Ahmose; the Blue Whisper NG Male Kobold (Dragon-Scaled Blue ) Alchemist ( Trap Breaker) 6 / Brewkeeper 1 (Humanoid(reptilian subtype) Init +3; Darkvision; Perception +13 (+3 Traps) -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+1 Attunement +4 armor, +0 shield, +1 deflection, +3 Dex, +0 natural, +0 dodge, +1 size) hp 57 (6d8+18+6) Fort +8 Ref +11, Will +5 +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects --------------------
Prehensile Tail swift
Automatic bonus progression
Mythic Tier Ability Score Mythic Feat Base Mythic Abilities
Terendelev Scale Frigid touch . 3/3 --------------------
Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Int modifier. Class Skills
Favored class bonus: +1 hp x6
Other Gear
Alchemical items
-------------------- Wealth 1254 gp / spent 1207gp Elixirs 1st level
2nd level
Formula Book:
1st level (10gp) 1. Expeditious Retreat 2. Cure Light Wounds 3. Heightened Awareness 4. True Skill 5. True Strike 6. Crafter's Fortune 7. Ant Haul 8. Touch of the Sea 9. Bombers Eye (10gp) 10. Comprehend Languages (10gp) 11. Disguise Self (10gp) 12. Long arm 2nd level
Prestige Mythic Path Discovery/ Alchemist Ability:
Precise bombs (Advanced Player's Guide pg. 31): Whenever the alchemist throws a bomb, he can select a number of squares equal to his Intelligence modifier that are not affected by the splash damage from his bombs. If the bomb misses, this discovery has no effect. Tanglefoot Bomb (Su)* (Ultimate Magic pg. 17): A creature that takes a direct hit from a tanglefoot bomb must save against the bomb’s DC or be entangled and glued to the floor as if it had failed its save against a tanglefoot bag. Creatures in the splash area that fail their saves are entangled but not glued to the floor; those who make this save are not entangled at all. Feral mutagen (Advanced Player's Guide pg. 30): Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he gains two claw attacks and a bite attack. These are primary attacks and are made using the alchemist's full base attack bonus. The claw attacks deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if the alchemist is Small) and the bite attack deals 1d8 points of damage (1d6 if the alchemist is Small). While the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist gains a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate skill checks. Wings (Ex) (Ultimate Magic pg. 18): The alchemist gains batlike, birdlike, or insectlike functional wings, allowing him to fly as the fly spell for a number of minutes per day equal to his caster level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. An alchemist can select this discovery multiple times; each time he does so, he adds his caster level to the number of minutes per day that he can fly with the wings. This flight is an extraordinary ability. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery. Racial:
Kobold Racial Traits Reptilian: Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype. Small: Kobolds are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet. Prehensile Tail Source Kobolds of Golarion pg. 7 Your tail is especially flexible and strong, so you’ve learned to use it for both movement and simple tricks. Gliding Wings
Darkvision: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Languages: Kobolds begin play speaking Draconic. Kobolds with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnome, and Undercommon.
1. Chance Encounter [Campaign]
Chance Encounter: The PC gains a +2 trait bonus on Reflex saves. By expanding one use of mythic power, the PC can take 20 on an Acrobatics, Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth check without an increase in the time required to make the check. 2. Strong-Willed [Religion]
3. Firebug [Combat]
4. Scholar of the Great Beyond (Faith)
Kit, Pathfinder's Price 12 gp; Weight 22 lbs. This kit consists of a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, a week's worth of trail rations, and a whetstone. Alchemy crafting kit
Thieves' tools(MW)
Masterwork Thieves’ Tools: This kit contains extra tools and tools of better make, which grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device checks. WARDSTONE SHARD MINOR ARTIFACT:
SLOT none CL 20th WEIGHT 1/2 lb. AURA Strong abjuration When the final fragment of the Kenabres wardstone shatters, a few tiny shards of the stone remain behind. The magic remaining in these fragments is fleeting, usable only once before the shard becomes an inert sliver of stone. As a standard action, a wardstone shard may be rubbed along a weapon or a suit of armor to transfer the shard’s magic to the weapon or armor for 1 day. Weapon: A weapon enhanced by a wardstone shard gains the evil outsider bane quality, and is treated as being made of cold iron and as a good weapon for the purposes of overcoming a demon’s damage reduction. The shard cannot be used to enhance ammunition in this manner, but can be used to enhance a weapon that fires ammunition; doing so causes the weapon to impart these qualities to the ammunition as it is fired. Armor: A suit of armor enhanced by a wardstone shard gains the spell resistance (13) armor special ability, but only against evil outsiders. Against demons, this spell resistance increases to 17. DESTRUCTION