
Torin Argentus's page

300 posts. Alias of SqueezeMeNow.

Full Name

Torin Argentus


Human (Dual Talent)


Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) / 1













Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Torin Argentus


Unarmed Strike: +5 to hit / 1d6+6 / 20x2 / B
Flurry of Blows: +5 and +5 to hit / 1d6+6 and 1d6+4 / 20x2 / B
Sling: +2 to hit / 1d4+4 / 20x2 / B / 50 Ft.

His trait increases damage when he has been struck by an enemy. His first unarmed strike of a round will apply strength and a half to damage due to dragon style.


HP: 15/15 (1d10 [Max 1st] + 1 Con, +1 FC, +3 Feat)
Fort: +3 (2 base, 1 stat) Ref: +3 (2 base, 1 stat) Will: +0 (0 base, 0 stat)
AC: 14 (10 base, 1 Dex, 0 armor, 0 dodge, 3 misc)
Flatfooted: 10
Touch: 14
CMD: 16 (10 base, 1 BAB, 4 Str, 1 Dex)


Athletic Champion: Your physique and skill brought
you into the public eye, and a winning smile helps you
stay there. Taldor honors its extraordinary athletes,
celebrating them as cultural heroes. Whether you were
a gladiator, a runner, a wrestler, or any other competitor,
your most recent victory caused someone important to
sit up and take notice. You may never have a political
career in front of you, but for now your name is helping
to bring a little extra money in, and maybe that’s good
enough. Select two of the following skills: Climb,
Diplomacy*, Perception*, and Swim. You gain a +1 trait
bonus on checks with those skills, and they are always
class skills for you. In addition, you are accustomed to
maneuvering through crowds; you gain a +2 trait bonus
on checks to navigate through a crowd or resist being
moved against your will, including spells and bull rush,
drag, and reposition combat maneuvers.

* Choosing Diplomacy & Perception

Vengeful: Whenever you strike the last creature that damaged you in the past 24 hours, you gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against that creature.


Toughness *1st Level*: You gain +3 hit points. For every Hit Die you possess beyond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have more than 3 Hit Dice, you gain +1 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die (such as when you gain a level).

Dragon Style *Scaled Fist 1st bonus*:While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. You ignore difficult terrain when you charge, run, or withdraw. You can also charge through squares that contain allies. Further, you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on a given round.

Improved Unarmed Strike *Scaled Fist*:You are considered to be armed even when unarmed—you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.

Stunning Fist *Scaled Fist*: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). A stunned character drops everything held, can’t take actions, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

A monk may attempt a stunning attack a number of times per day equal to his monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels he has in classes other than monk.


Acrobatics (DEX): 5(Ranks 1, Mod 1, class skill 3)
Diplomacy (CHA): 8 (Ranks 1, Mod 3, class skill 3, trait 1)
Intimidate(CHA): 8 (Ranks 1, Mod 4, class skill 3)
Knowledge [Arcana] (INT): 1 (Ranks 1, Mod 0)
Knowledge [Nobility] (INT): 1 (Ranks 1, Mod 0)
Perception (WIS): 1 (Ranks 0, Mod 0, class skill 3, trait 1)
Perform [Dance] (CHA): 6 (Ranks 1, Mod 2, class skill 3)


Sling (No weight/cost for one.)
Bullets (10), 1 SP, 5Lbs.
Outfit (Monks), 5 GP, 2 Lbs.
Pouch (Waist), 5 SP, 1/2 Lbs.
Pouch (Belt)x2, 2 GP, 1 Lbs.

0 PP, 53 GP, 4 SP, 10 CP

Torin wears his wider belt pouch in the middle of his back, and it holds small personal items and his spare clothing. His belt pouches rest on his dominant hip (right) and contain his gold and his potions. Sling bullets come with their own pouch and are on his non-dominant hip with the sling itself.


Torin is the bastard son of a courtesan sorceress. Given as a baby to his monastery he was expected to be raised within the order and live a life of obscurity. However, the designs of one man would change this. Selvid Chaust was previously a Chell mercenary who had abandoned his old life to take up training in the dragon style. Unlike the other monks he was a man of ambition who sought recognition and prestige for his order. His background and his style were both maligned in Taldor, and in this child of draconic bloodline he saw the chance to bring the latter to new prominence. He arranged to be the child's mentor, giving him a name of exotic Elvin origin and dubbing him Torin Argentus so all would be aware of his draconic heritage. Torin was trained away from other monks, given arcane instruction brought in from outside the monastery, and raised with special attention not afforded to others. He was constantly groomed not just to be a powerful warrior, but a shrewd political agent for the order. He was raised to believe that he would embody and showcase the virtues of the dragon style, and that the personal renown and wealth he would garner would be the reward for his training. Always straining against the pressure placed upon him, the monk was all too happy to graduate from his training by winning an athletic competition and proving he could represent his style. Now that he is free to live on his own he finds himself unsure of his place in the world, but he still clings to the self-styled identity of being a prodigy.


The description of his noble clothes will have to wait until he can manage a proper pair in this campaign, but I would hate to erase the description.

This Taldan man stands at an impressive height of six feet and two inches. His frame is no thicker than a normal man, but he is heavily muscled. He hair is a dull, muted brown that falls down to his ears. A few of his bangs on the left side of his head are parted back and held with a small silver laurel clip. His gray eyes are a strong contrast to his hair, being bright and alert. He wears a sleeveless silk tunic and breeches. The primary color is white with steel colored trim. He wears a fine leather belt with a silver buckle. On his feet he wears open sandals of leather sole and silk cord with silver washed steel beads. Finally, across his left shoulder he wears a steel colored velvet half cloak with the embroidery of a silver dragon head over the shoulder. The clasp has a similar engraving and both the clasp and chain are silver washed.

He wears a similarly colored outfit of plain linen when working or engaging in activities that might ruin his best clothes. The coloration of the trousers and tunic are the same, but it lacks the finery and valuable adornments. The sandals are simple linen cord and tanning leather. The belt is a woolen sash. There is no cloak.
He still wears his hair clip.

Progression and Party Role:
Torin was initially a gestalt character that could pursue a regular scaled fist monk progression and that of a dragonheir scion fighter. I have rebuilt him as an unchained monk scaled fist with the plan to take him into the dragon disciple prestige class. To achieve this he will dip a level in sorcerer somewhere between third and fifth level. Whenever best fits the story. Then take four levels of dragon disciple for it's more martial levels. After that it should be back to monk for the remainder of his progression.

His role in the party should be pretty straightforward. He has social skills and combat skills so that no matter the venue he can hold ground for the group. He definitely is not the scholar or the sneak in a group. Just because his background is a bit sheltered doesn't mean I want to play him as a stupid/silent fighter guy though. I want to play him as eager to endear himself and his strengths to a group, so he would definitely seek to learn from or help others in the party in their own endeavors. Making assist other checks, serving as a distraction for the skill monkey, bull rushing an enemy into a better position for the party, coordinating with the casters to see what magics they like to use and how that might help him. His build and his backstory make party interaction very fruitful. He is all about making connections and establishing himself. He does so for his own good though. He is more ambitious than selfless.


General tank and protect others. Emphasis on taking down enemies or helping allies that would increase how he is perceived.