Update me on the status of your PF1 campaign!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Yeah, low level content is no joke. I dont think ROW lodge fight is as tough as the final book one dungeon in hells vengeance (which has an enemy that is an automatic TPK if that one uses its abilities properly, and which is not foreshadowed), but it can turn sour really fast.

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Yesterday was the first session of the new year and saw the game's second successful Immortal ascencion as Saigo (née Tomokato Katamura, née Izilith, née Monsieur Jacques, née Aral, née Tomokato Katamura) to the Sphere of Matter. To be fairer to the poor nightwalker final boss I should have left the solo PC at 9th level rather than let him level to 12th, but I like to be consistent in my permissions and rulings even when it bites me in the arse.

At least my players consoled me that I wasn't a killer GM but a good ol' "f*%$ around and find out" one.

Last time we played we spent the entire time on one fight...for those who have gotten to the 3rd volume of Reign of Winter know wich one that was.

Night Below is still going, though not every week right now and....they are probably going to die next game.

We managed to get a 5th player who made a Deep Gnome Rogue. They hunted down a Behir and gave it a pretty solid thumping. Now they are hunting the Dragon it told them about.

They are 8th level
The Umbral Dragon is CR 15

I'm dropping hints that they might want to rethink this. Desiccated corpses of Orcs and Quargoths. The Druid's Celestial Badger wanting to GTFOut of the area.
They even fought it's Tiny Demonic familiar that had Half the Dragon's Hit Points

They have around two weeks to let all that sink in

I'm hoping they turn around and go hunt Quargoths and Rock Trolls.
Risks of a Sandbox game

Dark Archive

Got to start my Age of Worms Pathfinder conversion a couple weeks ago. Loads of fun so far! I forgot PF characters tend to be a bit tougher than their 3.5 counterparts so they're not having the same trouble my last group I ran through did (back in... ugh... 2006. Now I feel old...)
Anyway, about to finish "Whispering Cairn" next week and then on to "Three Faces of Evil"!

We should be playing this Sunday.

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WOTR Bonkers version:
The party Skalds demonically aligned "harmless little half brother" successfully became a Half Balor, married Arelu Vorlesh, and together they killed Baphomet.
They are now planning something deeply nefarious to fuel their own ascension, which may or may not include killstealing Deskari (or even, gasp, dare to killsteal Nocticula, who is very much on board with the "crusade" given that 2/3rds of its prime blacksquad has their names on her wings, and I woulnt be surprised if the remaining 1/3 is just more sneaky about it).

It is less of a question if Deskari is skilled, and more one by whom. The buggy buy knows this, and is prepared to fight like a cornered bug. GM told us we should prepare for Tuckers Kobold Demon-lord-bodyguard kommandoes.

WOTR sane version:
Korramzadeh nearly killed a cohort. Kohort didnt kill him because he knew what Balor death throes are.
Currently fighting Diurez Broodlord. Particulate form spell is really good vs Balors.

Way of the wicked:
Butchered or way through the vale of Valtierna and beat up a Phoenix. Apparently, Mithrans are using Simulacra of their priests to try and nuke us with greater safety. Plotting to spread rumors of them trying to make Simulacra or Trompe de Loils of Nocticula (there is a piece of information that Nocticula kills anyone who does this within 7 days, and that the rest of the multiverse is fine with this) to get her more involved in messing up Talingarde.

Strange Aeons:
About to descend into the final level of the Labyrinth, the effing Aeons there are undoing some progress the party made in terms of making the hatred phantom/main dpr nicer and more pleseant.

Hells vengeance:
We TPKED at book ones final boss, after using too many resources for the penultimate super dryad who, if played to his full potential would simply murder any level 3 party, unless they specifically have a sunder guy in their lineup. The boss smote, critted, had an effing trap in her prayer room as a Paladin of Iomedae in which she compelled the Antipaladin to approach and well, yeah. THe evil aspects of the campaign also werent too fun for 2 of the players so in a big switcheroo the party is now doing

Hells rebels!:
First session happened, our more bloodthirsty swashbuckler killed 3 or 4 chelish citizen group persons, there was some running and protecting of no longer nobles, and the Skaldess succesfully spread the rumor that Barzilai Thrune was caught with his hand in the mint-cookie jar by paracountess Lriratha (Erinye advisor of Abrogail Thrune) as a child and then was brainwashed into hating mint by her.

She plans to paint Barzilai Thrune as a weak manlet, who does evil bullshit to make the Eryine-paracountess maybe notices him *uwu*.
She is already writing cringy love poetry to a "raven winged beauty" under the pen name Tharzilai Brune.

Silver Crusade

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Age of Worms

My group have made it into Dragotha's cavern and had a lovely battle with Venk(19th level warlock) riding an advanced wyvern, Loris Raknian, now a deathknight with his trusty nightcrawler steed, 6 overworms and being harassed by the avolokias inside the castle. nice appetizer that they crushed.

Upon entering the citadel, the first three guys had to make 7 saves vs. suggestion from the avolokias waiting on the inside. Magic Circle trivializes the encounter. The fighter and the rogue enter and then my avolokias start using wall of stone to block the entrance as well as divide the group.

Good battle, plenty of drama. next session is the main course with the Dracolich

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Tyrant's Grasp

We are making our way back to the world of the living and reached the 2nd waypoint in our trip. A creepy mansion full of Blood themed monsters that hit like a damn truck.

We move up to the 2nd floor next week.

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We avoided one combat, fought one, and finally got to sell our stuff after like 3+ character levels.

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Dragon's Demand

My players cleared the collapsed tower and Dungeon below. Most enemies were either able to stay out of reach of the fighter or got smashed to pulp with one swing of her earthbreaker. She had one of those crit or miss days...

Coming Saturday they will tend their wounds, probably buy some stuff from the money they looted from chests and head into the blood vow lair.

We'll see which path they choose (choosing an ally or murdering everything).


Homewbrew camapign
Party currently travels through the mierani forest, searching an artifact probably hidden in the ruins of celwynvian. Said artifact causes the plane of of shadows to "leak" into the material plane.
After dealing with a deathweb and some spider swarms they made camp.

Let them roll for random encounter.

Party is Level 8.
They hit a singular shadow (CR 3).
Long story short, I almost killed my first PC in this campaign going since 2017...

Fighter kept watch. Failed his perception check. Shadow deals 1d6 STR damage on hits. Rolled almost only max damage, and hit every turn. Took the other characters 2 rounds to realize what was going on and what to do. Fighter was down to STR 1, when the druid finally killed it, right before the shadows turn.

Never been so close to (irreversible) killing a PC since an unlucky crit at level 3 or so, which almost insta-killed the druid...

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Session zero for the penultimate adventure for Othariel's Immortality quest. Set-up is in many ways Hell's Rebels with a solid dash of Council of Thieves, but will not follow either particularly closely. I'll probably steal a bunch of scenarios from both APs as well as other sources.

After her previous trips to the future to see how her domain is doing, Othariel has come to the conclusion that she needs to do something different than she has been doing in order to ensure that her realm stable past her disappearance and also maintain her vision of an egalitarian LG society. For this trip, rather than simply showing up and solving the Problem of the Century or them, she has decided that she has to help people get better at solving their own problems, so she will go undercover and guide some locals (the other PCs) to greatness.

Haven't started running yet, but the plan is to get through Rise of the Runelords for an in-person game. Got my pawns and bases.

Just need one or two more players.

The kickoff of my friend's new campaign (in which I finally get to be a player instead of the freaking GM) was to be this Saturday but has been delayed until February 10th.

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Boo. Hiss. Damn real life getting in the way of fun.

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Boo. Hiss. Damn real life getting in the way of fun.

This grownup stuff has its drawbacks, for sure.

Still (re-)running Jade Regent. Have incorporated Ruby Phoenix Tournament this time. Tip for anyone running this module: When the adventure tells you to reward the party with a Potion of Stoneskin, before handing it out, first check you don't have an alchemist who can re-use the same potion endlessly, because that effectively turns a minor one-shot item into a major artefact.

Jade Regent book 6 and the wannabe -Empress of Minkai is being bodyguarded around an underground labyrinthe by the PCs because the plot says she has to be there (otherwise we would have left her at the last teahouse). There hasn't been a chance to stop and rest in this chapter so our Arcanist is running out of spells and the rest of the party are looking at all those consumables that have been in their bag since book 2. Her majesty-to-be even triggered on of the White Phoenix Crown's gems to help out in an encounter.

I've rebuilt my wannabe Empress into a pure bard, one level behind the PCs. Players are a lot more tolerant of escorting NPCs when they have useful buffs.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My party just mutinied in Skull & Shackles, taking out Plugg and Scourge. Just as a storm is about to hit, next stop Bonewrack Island.

Tyrant's Grasp
We finished the House of Blood but one of the other guys was telling me that our DM seemed to have skipped over some Riddles, Puzzles and Role-playing opportunities. He's had a busy week, so maybe he didn't have a huge amount of prep-time this week but I hope it doesn't become a regular thing

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Your DM might be one of those people who thinks puzzles in RPGs are a bad idea.

Matthew Downie wrote:
Your DM might be one of those people who thinks puzzles in RPGs are a bad idea.

Usually he enjoys those things, but he's been out of the loop for a while and a lot happened in the last month or so

Right now I'm playing a homebrew adventure called myth and legend of Azlant: first era of the golden age. And is basically a intro of our character before going to war with the serpent folks

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
My party just mutinied in Skull & Shackles, taking out Plugg and Scourge. Just as a storm is about to hit, next stop Bonewrack Island.


After decades of being the Perma-GM I'm getting to join the homebrew campaign created by one of the guys in my group. He and I have gamed together since 1987, with a few years here and there when we didn't live near each other.

Having been the GM for the games he and our friends played in for so long I'm kinda worried I might start behaving like I have Main Character Syndrome. I really hope I can curb the urge to hog the spotlight.

Dragon's Demand
Before my players went to the kobold lair, our rogue decided to try (again) to find a way to sneak and break in to hunclays manor, although without success due to some bad rolls and he had to abandon the idea for the moment.

In the kobolds lair, even though my players decided to work with Nighttail, they ended up killing most of the kobolds except the guys guarding the eggs and the eggs themselves.
Final fight took much longer then anticipated and was quite clutch in the end as all my players and me with Nighttail and Hak had a few rounds hitting nothing due to bad dice rolls, while Roaghaz was able to deal some serious damage.
They won the fight in the end, we called it a day and decided to do the looting and aftermath next session.

I wonder how our rogue will go about beeing allowed to go through hunclays manor, but not allowed to take anything. Especially as he has a serious honor bound LN dawrven fighter alongside him ^^

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Currently a player in three campaigns:

Strange Aeons
Well, this one is going rather poorly so far for our party, who are stuck in a mysterious place without almost any equipment. The GM rewrote a lot of the first module, so I don't know how accurate our experience is to what most other parties get. In any case, my character, Dr. Ogol Keravin, Crazy Elf Alchemist Bomberman, just died from a combination of Filth Fever and a Vampiric Mist, to my great chagrin, because I wanted to play this character for a long time for an entire campaign. My new character, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Half-Orc Hunter with wolf companion named Alto, is about to get introduced into the story, probably hanging upside down in a closet, stringed up by his nads, if I know the GM. But, dang, I never knew that Sacred Tattoo and Fate's Favored is a thing, pretty crazy combination. I hope this guy survives.

Iron Gods
This campaign is going so much better, with my human Unchained Monk Lucien Kell coming as the MVP in quite a lot of the last sessions, being the only person to be able to really damage a gargoyle at level 3, beating up a bunch of low-level ruffians mostly by himself at level 4. Lots of fun and I am looking forward to the next session. We are basically at the end of the first module as well.

Ironfang Invasion
Also going pretty well, albeit a lot more slowly due to the style of the GM. We are in the second module and currently clearing some fort in the forest of fey invaders, with a mixture of diplomacy with the nicer fey and kicking butt on the not-so-nice fey. My character is Barnabas Khaine, a Sylvan Sorcerer with his lynx (small cat) companion Mauler. A middle-aged tattoo artist who secretly was spying on Molthune, he got stuck with the group of survivors after my first character, Flynn Fairbanks, got stuck on the spiked shoulderpad of some nasty bugbear at the end of the first module.

Also already prepping my second Hell's Rebels campaign, which will begin when module two of Ironfang Invasion finishes. The GM of that campaign and I will alternate our campaigns each module, so that both the GM there and me can refresh a good bit between each module. I already have uploaded all the maps to Roll20 and worked out intro stories for each of the characters, but I still got loads of work to do for the first module, the actual character stories planned for the campaign and replacing the sucky sea elves with more Vyre.

Our most excellent GM P says we should finish the Third book of Reign of Winter at our next fortnightly session.

IMO RoW is just as good as the excellent Strange Aeons at this point.

Lodge fight in Book 1:
Our group avoided the shenanigans by dealing non-lethal damage at the request of the good party cleric.

Sometimes virtue really is its own reward ;)

I have heard others on the boards complain about how tedious Book 3 is, but I have enjoyed its design.

Tim Hitchcock did a great job!

Book 3 wicked fight:
We were very lucky during the Ratter encounter.

The GM rolled consecutive nat 1s on the Ratter’s AoO and attack on the front-liners running interference, before our bit of luck-powered archer “machine-bowed” the thing.

On the rails wrath of the righteous:
I am about to shoot Deskari in the face, my cohort learned coin shot just to shoot 30 pieces of Platinum into Arelus face.

An interesting thing is that the cohort, despite being 2 character levels and 5 mythic tiers behind, is absolutely doing stuff like Mano a Manoing Korramzadeh or Diurez Broodlord. He is kind of doing tanking duties, and is an interesting perspective on things as a pro-Nocticulan Kellid (his backstory is that he was part of a Sarkorian counterattack into the Abyss, seeking to close the worldwound from the other side, it went horribly wrong, he ended up an Arena fighting in Alyushinyrra).

Particulate form really trivializes Balors btw.

Of the rails:

We have fed Baphomets domain to Buckies, the american "you can buy everything here" chain. Nocticula and Asmodeus werent particularly amused.
My skalds antagonist married Arelu vorlesh, they probably plan to killsteal Deskari. Nocticula says she is working on an art project and doesnt answer requests for assistance. I think Galfrey and Iomedae are planning to smite "New Sarkoris", because I paid some debts and legalized worshipping Nocticula. Oh, Socothbenoth thinks my Skald is Nocticulas boyfriend, and is well... not amused.

We finally leveled to level 8 at the end of the last session, though we will have to finish leveling next time.

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I was an actual player for the first time in many years. The party was tasked to find a mythical item to save the kingdom from being overrun by another country which has already conquered much of the continent. The champions of the realm were sent out, but knowing the enemy would scry on them they are essentially the decoys to allow our party of first-level nobodies to embark on the quest.

The GM is one of my friends and players who's been with me for over 35 years. His GMing style is rusty but we still had a lot of fun. We're only going to play once a month, which is fine with everyone, and gives him plenty of time between two jobs and adjusting to a new living arrangement (he and his gf just got their first apartment as a couple). I'm already itching for the next game lol

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About time you got to have some fun.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Warped Savant wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
My party just mutinied in Skull & Shackles, taking out Plugg and Scourge. Just as a storm is about to hit, next stop Bonewrack Island.

Party sailed through a storm, fought some Grindylows on the deck of their ship, a stray lightning bolt broke a spar on their mainmast and it'll need replacing and a rogue wave sent some sailors overboard.

Our heroes managed to catch a Grindylow alive and with the Shackles of Compliance learned the overboard sailors may have been kidnapped, they intimidated the beast to lead them to Riptide Cove.

They landed on the beach and fought some giant coconut crabs then headed inland. They found a note:
Scrawled beneath it: "This sign can't stop me. I can't read! - Ranzack"

They headed to the corn plantation, cleverly defeated the botfly traps, but the tethered Grindylow wandered into the cornfield and was promptly eaten by an Ankheg. Another passive aggressive note was found.

"Stay outta me corn!" - A. Ivy
"NO!" - Ranzack
"Wouldn't you rather join the feast of flesh?" - The Whores

With no guide Our heroes explored the Southern shore with no sign of the Grindylow den. They decided to trek up the cliffs to see if a higher vantage point could help.

A pair of crossed logs had another note.
"STAY OUT! This means YOU!" - A. IVY
Just past the threshold, a spiked pit trap with a starving ghoul pinned to the bottom. Aubrey the ghoul cursed oracle pitied the creature, but was uncomfortable when the rest of the party casually destroyed it.

Further up the cliff face the remains of a small stone and wood cabin, made from the planks of a cherish ship. In the nearby trees a pair of Vine Chokers sat in ambush. Flynn the Sylph 2nd Mate was almost choked but pistols and cantrips solved the threat quickly.

They then found a palisade, wary of traps the pirates approached carefully but were still almost caught by a hangman's wire.
Deciding knocking might be safer their unexpected approach caused the occupant of the shack to accidentally almost hang themselves! Thinking quickly the party worked together to save the occupant. Struggling to breathe the old salt choked out:

The occupant of the palisade was none other than Aaron Ivy, shipwreck survivor. Sceptical the pirates weren't hallucinations with some careful Diplomacy the pirates learned the location of Riptide cove. With only a few hours until dawn, the heroes took a short rest to regather their energy then headed to the Grindylow den.

The alternative approach offered by Ivy was risky, a stirge nest offered a spot where the pirates could dive directly into the churning waters of Riptide Cove at high tide.

Luckily between Pilot Julian's touch of the sea spells, Captain Aselia's air bubble spells, and the two undines in the party much of the Grindylow's home-ground advantage was lost.

What ensued was a running/swimming battle through the twisting tidal caves, the high tide worked to the heroes advantage pulling them closer to the centre of the map. Splitting the party to cover more ground Captain Aselia and Julian wound North, while Boatswain Marina, 1st Mate Aubrey and 2nd Mate Flynn looped south. 17 Grindylows and a devilfish later, our heroes found themselves face to face with the Brinebrood Queen, her enormous son the Whale, an octopus, and a cheeky grindylow wearing Sandara's hat. Above the cavern hung Sandara and the other sailors lost to a rogue wave, weighted down by silver ingots. At the bottom of that churning pool a quartet of lacedons in tattered Chelish officers uniforms.

The battle that followed was complex and dangerous. While Flynn held the whale's attention, and Captain Aselia chased down the Brinebrood Queen. Julian held off reinforcements at the door, Marina worked on getting the prisoners free of their weights and Aubrey tried to get the hat.

Flynn ended up swallowed three times, the Queen managed to sink Sandara and our heroes were fast running out of spells and time on their aquatic advantage.
Fortunately the heroes managed a clutch round with Aubrey rescuing Sandara, the Brinebrood Queen killed by Captain Aselia and Marina, Julian taking out the hat thief. Sadly Flynn's injuries resulted in his first wicked Scar when he was defeated in the mouth of the whale.

That's where we left it.

Next time! Repairing the ship and more secrets of Bonewrack Island!

Toshy wrote:
I wonder how our rogue will go about beeing allowed to go through hunclays manor, but not allowed to take anything. Especially as he has a serious honor bound LN dawrven fighter alongside him ^^

He's not allowed to get caught taking anything :)

Yours is mined wrote:

I have heard others on the boards complain about how tedious Book 3 is, but I have enjoyed its design.

Tim Hitchcock did a great job!

My group quite liked book 3, but I had to change some of the details to make Marislova and some of the interpersonal politics of the inhabitants make sense. (Sorry, but I don't even remember what the issue was.... maybe that Marislova was too easily deceived?)

Reign of Winter Book 3 stuff:
Marislova was a mystery to us. Half the party is good aligned, so we tend to ask questions first.

Unfortunately, we rolled poorly in our initial interactions with her, so she didn't really trust us. I got the impression her attitude started changing when we began smashing giants and demons.

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Night Below

With the corpses of two dead wizards the group decides not to pursue the dragon and instead returns to the Gnome city to see about a Raise dead for them. The main obstacle, the need for 5000 gp worth of diamonds for each raise dead. Rumours tell of a Smooth Cavern with numerous gemstones but with a strange gnome repelling magic. The group sets out and unfortunately gets themselves lost in the dark tunnels of the Deep Below. After more than a week trying to find their way Ohmar spots some familiar tunnels and they manage to make their way back to the Gnome town.

After some discussion they head back to the Ice Hive in hopes of buying Diamonds from the markets there. No such luck unfortunately but there is one more chance, in the frozen city at the centre of the glacier there may be gems to be found, if the group is brave enough to face the frozen undead

Last game was this past Sunday, spent a lot of time leveling. But we did get into two fights, first one was easy, second one is still going on....we had to stop because people needed to go home. One of our characters(Gnome Arcanist7/sorcerer1) almost died, but got really lucky.

Silver Crusade

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Fromper wrote:

My group is REALLY slow. After taking 5 years to get through Rise of the Runelords, we're now only at level 11 in Kingmaker after almost 5 years. The odd part is that we meet 3-4 times per month, but we just play slowly, and spend a lot of time chatting outside of actual play. We rarely do 2 combats in the same session, just because some people are so slow while we're in combat.

But we're still having fun with it, which is what matters.

And a year later, we're now at level 13. We just took down the major "boss" enemies (as far as we know) of the current book. Given how much our GM tied one of them into the back story of a PC, I'm kind of curious as to how much he customized vs how much is in the original published adventure path, but it'll probably be another 2 years before we finish and I can ask.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Greylurker, do you happen to use Hero Lab or VTT maps for your Night Below campaign?

I'm considering running a PF 1st edition for my online PF1 group in the future, and was wondering if you (or anyone) knew of any HL or VTT-ready jpgs of the maps?

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So we alternate who is DMing
Kingmaker is about to end. We just found the boss at the end
Jade regent has 2/3 of book 5 to go (and obviously Book 6)
Giantslayer we will start book 3 soon.

We still have many AP to run/play RotRL, Iron Gods, Hells Rebels and Hells Vengeance and WotR. I don't see us leaving 1st Edition for several decades.

Silver Crusade

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Today is the day that my group faces off against the Dracolich Dragotha. I wish them luck. lord knows they are going to need it

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Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Greylurker, do you happen to use Hero Lab or VTT maps for your Night Below campaign?

I'm considering running a PF 1st edition for my online PF1 group in the future, and was wondering if you (or anyone) knew of any HL or VTT-ready jpgs of the maps?

No it's a face to face game, although for mapping out the Underdark I'm not really using a map...More of a Corkboard with index cards and string.

The string being open connections between regions. PCs make a series of tests to navigate from one to another, I throw a few challenges and such along the way. Sometimes something like a Cave in happens and I cut one of the strings, other times a new passage is discovered and I connect two locations with a new string. Discovering Rumors about a location lets them put up a new index card and the more rumors they have for a location the easier it is to get to

It's a modified version of something I got on DrivetrhuRPG called "Downcrawl"

Last time we had to stop in the middle of a fight, can't wait to finish off that frost giant.

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PCs are 13th level in the megadungeon now. They know their final boss is hiding somewhere in the dungeon they haven't gotten to yet and also know they have to collect 3 maguffins, empower a weapon to be able to damage said final boss, and have 2 of the items for the rite.

Currently they're exploring the deepest section of the place they've found so far. Following old, charred footprints on the floor the PCs entered a series of rooms with magma bubbling up (Fort saves to avoid Fatigue every minute) and a cadre of burning skeleton/skeletal champions made from the remains of fire giants with fighter levels guarding the skeletal remains of their king and a bunch of treasure.

Combat ensued, undead destroyed, treasure acquired.

After that, PCs note a hallway behind a secret door and hear a whispered voice from down that hallway. Moving to investigate the party's movement is detected and whoever is speaking casts a spell while still out of sight and flees; loud booming footsteps far away are also heard and a door slamming.

PCs continue forward and the tunnels and chambers ahead begin filling with fog. PC wizard recognizes Guards and Wards, dispels it, and the party continues. Without the fog, PC rogue easily detects and removes an Acid Pit trap, then the PCs make it past a lone Gravesludge and up a short flight of steps to a door.

Here they encounter Festus the Mad, a paranoid wizard convinced that the feminine shaped Iron Golem he commands is actually his wife. Knock spell, door opens, PCs engage, and after taking some damage and a cohort needing a Breath of Life spell, Festus is nearly dead and the IG is slightly damaged.

The villain teleports away, managing to remove the gold wedding band from the construct's finger before disappearing. The PC wizard however just happens to have Control Construct for the day so he casts that, marches "Jocasta" the IG to one of the magma pools and lets her melt into oblivion.

Silver Crusade

Alas, the group did not make it to the final battle with two frostworms, a wormdrake and Dragotha.
They got held up by two Balors, 4 dreadwraiths and a Gibbering Orb

You would think that after all the undead they have encountered the cleric would have Death Ward cast. Nope, they are relying on Rings of Inner Fortitude. Great item don't get me wrong but when a dreadwraith crits Ouch

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Got through Book 4 of Jade Regent. I made the tedious final dungeon better by removing half the battles.

As a change from linear dungeoneering, I'm thinking of trying to sandbox book 5 by giving the party the general goal of building support for their cause, and I'll improvise ways to make use of the source material provided to work with their plans.

Scarab Sages

Recently finished playing in a Return of the Runelords AP which we all enjoyed.

I played an Oracle of Time.

We finished the last fight in book 6 and I feel like my character has a LOT more to do.

It doesn't look like our GM is very interested in continuing the campaign at all, so I'm going to write a book about what happens afterward.

The first part of the book will be about what the PCs (including mine) do almost immediately after the AP's end.

The middle part take place 50 years later and will be about where all our PCs are and what they did in their lives.

The last part will take place 100 years after the AP's end and will mostly be about what my Oracle is doing. He won't be dead because 20th level Oracles of Time stop aging.

I've asked all my fellow players about what their characters would be doing after the AP and a few have given me very rough ideas of where they saw themselves.

One guy hasn't given me anything at all, so I'm probably going to write the story as if he'd never been there. For the other guys, I'll go on what they've told me, but the more details I get, the more detail I can write about their futures. If I haven't gotten enough detail, I'll just have to wing it.

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A couple of months ago I decided it was time for me to give Pathfinder 1st edition a fair shake. When it originally came out, I was pretty much burned out on 3.5e and ready to play something entirely different. So, I never gave Pathfinder even a cursory glance.

So, I purchased the Core Rulebook and decided to try my hand at a PF1e campaign, specifically, the original campaign--the Price of Immortality trilogy.

I recruited some players from the Roll20 forums and made a go of it. Core Rulebook only campaign. No optional rules.

We just completed session 10 last night and are basically wrapping up the Masks of the Living God adventure and about to start the City of Golden Death.

Several of my players have played these adventures before, but all of them have said the way I am running them is way more open-ended than what they experienced before. We're all having fun.

The PCs: Half-Orc Fighter, Human Bard, Half-Elf Rogue, Half-Elf Cleric, Human Wizard.

Background out of the way...

At the end of the last session, the PCs learned that the romantic interest of the PC Priest of Shelyn ended up being the masked villain they have been trying to stop for the past 10 sessions. The villain blew kisses to the party as she sailed away from port, with the MacGuffin safely in her possession.

Her destination (and likely the PCs next destination): The Isle of Terror.

The race is on!

We gamed yesterday, didn't get a lot done, we finished our last fight and got into only one more fight....at least I got a amulet of mighty fist+1 for my Monk.

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