PF1: Looking for a couple of players and GM for an AP(Details inside)


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I've been playing Pathfinder since the Alpha edition, and I have wanted to play in and complete many of the APs, as I dearly love Golarion's lore. I've been in probably close to a dozen RotRL games, a few Carrion Crown ones, several Wrath games, and probably a couple others over the years, but the furthest I ever got was middle of book 2(maybe 3?) of Rise in my real life game before the GM had to stop running due to moving.

I have a few players who might be interested in joining me, but just in case, this is open to other to join as well.

Most importantly, I am looking for a dedicated GM who can hopefully see one of these all the way through. I realize play by post is incredibly slow, and real life happens, but I am hopeful to get to finally complete at least one AP.

As I would like to play in the vast majority of the APs, I organized them by priority(not in any other sort of order other within priority tier.):

Main priority: Rise, Council of Thieves, Carrion Crown, Wrath and Iron Invasion.

Secondary: Curse, Second Darkness, Legacy of Fire, Jade Regent and Shattered Star.

Tertiary: Kingmaker, Reign of Winter, Mask, Giantslayer, Rebels, Vengeance, War, Return, Tyrant's Grasp.

We can discuss what sort of character creation rules once a GM agrees to run, but for the most part, I am willing to go with anything. I have preferences, of course(like gestalt), but I am totally okay with setting them all aside if it means getting a GM to run one of these for me.

I'm not confident enough to GM a pathfinder game here (yet), but if you need another player, I'd love to be part of an intended run of a full AP.

Just keep me in mind. :)

I would like to play APs before I run them, if ever possible. So count me in as a player for any of the listed (I'm one of the already-interested MG talked about).

Dotting to keep an eye. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would be interested in GMing Rise of the Runelords. This would be a tentative yes, until I get home and make sure I have everything I would need for it.


I'd be interested in potentially joining as well if someone was able to run it as I'd been looking to try out a couple of character ideas. I'd be open to potentially running one of the APs as a 5e conversion at some point in the future depending on how my schedule shakes out (still new to the Pathfinder rules so not nearly comfortable enough to run that quite yet).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
echoxero wrote:
I would be interested in GMing Rise of the Runelords. This would be a tentative yes, until I get home and make sure I have everything I would need for it.

Rise would be awesome, especially in a more limited way (not a lot of third party stuff etc.)

Definitely interested. Never played any of 'Rise.

Liberty's Edge

I’m definitely intrested in applying as a player!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So, while I'm able to access the website on my phone, i am receiving a screen saying that there is an internal server error when i try to access from my computer browser. Any ideas? I won't be able to set up a game from my phone.

echoxero wrote:


So, while I'm able to access the website on my phone, i am receiving a screen saying that there is an internal server error when i try to access from my computer browser. Any ideas? I won't be able to set up a game from my phone.

What browser are you using? I'm using Firefox and can access it fine. Same from Google Chrome.

I have noticed the site has been rather slow over the last week or so, but it does eventually load.

Perhaps try clearing cache? I also checked the website feedback section, and don't see any posts there about an internal server error.

Dotting in, could be interested as a player if you need more.

Liberty's Edge

Dotting with interest.

Interested as a player.
This also depend on what AP is going to be chosen.

Silver Crusade

interested for a player, depending upon AP chosen.

Silver Crusade

Also interested, depending on the ap. I'm currently in a rise campaign and already completed wrath, but up for the rest.

I'd love to get into a game with long term intentions as well. Though I see there are several ahead of me.

Echoxero, will you be looking for character submissions?

Grand Lodge

Dotting to join in once submissions are requested.

Count me in as well.

Would this be PBP?

I’m down to play. I’ve enjoyed gaming with you in the past.

Still looking for GMs. We found 1 for Rise, but they haven't posted in awhile, and even if they come back, I would like to play in at least one or two more APs.

Monkeygod wrote:
Still looking for GMs. We found 1 for Rise, but they haven't posted in awhile, and even if they come back, I would like to play in at least one or two more APs.

I too am looking to get into a couple of AP's. The ones ive been in in the past (a couple years back) all fizzled out fairly early on. It seems chronic at this point. Lol

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