Lizardfolk Stalker

Art Burd's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 42 posts (2,315 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 59 Organized Play characters. 27 aliases.


Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll also be removing myself from being an option. I know that I didn't get a finished character put together, but I still feel the need to state this. Good luck to those in the running!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks interesting. I'll got a few character ideas so far after having taken a quick look through the player's guide. I'll have to try and narrow it down though.

Liberty's Edge

Dotting with interest.

Liberty's Edge

@Oxnard, would the Adaro tribe have reliable access to metal weapons and armors?

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to be working up an Adaro Hunter with the Aquatic Beastmaster archetype, giving them more thematic Animal Foci (Focuses?) to apply to their animal companion and themself. At later levels, I was thinking of multiclassing into Skald, specifically with the Totemic Skald archetype. This would allow them to grant allies who accept their Raging Song an Animal Focus for its duration, including the character themself and their animal companion.

One question I would have about the Totemic Skald however, would be whether I could pick the Animal Focus they grant from the Aquatic Beastmaster list rather than the standard Hunter list.

Also, I may or may not be able to finish the character and get them fully posted by the first deadline, due to some scheduling issues I have this week. I'll try my best to do so however.

Liberty's Edge

Is Gnoll one of the races that there will likely only be one of in the game? Asking as I have a character idea for one, but might shift to a different character idea if Gnoll numbers are limited.

Liberty's Edge

Found it, thank you. I had just been looking further up in the chapter, and hadn't noticed those tables yet. I'll try and post something of my character later.

Liberty's Edge

Looking through equipment costs, I am noticing that there aren't prices on a significant number of the weapons. Am I missing something?

Liberty's Edge

4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 5, 5, 3) - 3 = 16
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 6) - 1 = 14
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 2) - 2 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 6) - 1 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 6) - 1 = 10
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 5) - 2 = 11

I'm thinking of working up a character who is a professor, and they would be either French or German.

Liberty's Edge

Alright, that will probably be what I do in that case. I was originally working off of some of the sections of this page from the Encyclopaedia Iranica, where it talks about the Daeva's serving people who beat them in challenges. However, the concept wasn't too built around that focus, so it should be easy to switch to a Ahura instead for the Eidolon.

Liberty's Edge

I'm thinking of applying with a Shirren Mechanic or Biohacker. It depends on how exactly I feel the character will go as I work on them.

Liberty's Edge

My (as of yet unnamed) character concept is that of a Zoroastrian worshiper (I am unsure of the exact name for the role, but I believe that it would be Magi) of Persian descent. He would be accompanied by a Div who serves him, which would be serving him after the main character had overcome them in some kind of a challenge.

Mechanically, the character would be a Human/Half Elf Hybrid race-wise. For classes, they would be a Summoner on one side of the Gestalt, with the other side being either Cleric, Druid, or Oracle. For Mythic, he will probably be an Archmage//Heirophant.

Meanwhile, the Div (the Eidolon) would probably have levels of Wizard and some other as of yet undecided class, although it would probably be either Alchemist, Druid, or Magus depending on how exactly the concept turns out. If that is the case, the base character wouldn't be a druid. They would probably also be a Archmage, but I don't know what their other Path would be yet.

Liberty's Edge

Alright, good to know. As for how deep into this I want to get, I will look into the Encyclopedia Iranica like you suggested. If I find anything I want to know about that I can't figure out more of from there, I will mention it. Does that work for you?

Edit: Now that I'm looking through some of the stuff a little more, I am trying to decide between the Eidolon representing an Ahura or a Daeva. Since my character would be a Zoroastrianism worshiper (don't know the correct term offhand), I imagine that they would share the common view of Daeva's that other members of their religion would share (that they aren't worthy of worship). This would shape how the eidolon was built, as well as what classes it took for its levels.

Liberty's Edge

Sebecloki wrote:
Art Burd wrote:

Looking through things, I think that I have a somewhat defined concept of what I could do for my character. I might actually do something other than Ranger, depending on how things look.

** spoiler omitted **

I know a lot about Zoroastrianism -- is the idea your character is one of the minority of practitioners following the Islamic conquests? I'm very interested in that idea, and can help with good sources. I could see him being interested in helping the mongols overthrow the Turkish muslim dynasty currently ruling Iran (the Khwarazems were turks).

That would actually work really well for what I was thinking of. Once you are able, I would certainly appreciate any sources that you would be able to link me to so I can have a better idea of what direction to go with my character.

I don't know for sure if this has already been answered, but if you were Gestalting with two spellcasting classes, how would that affect the size of your Spell Points pool?

Liberty's Edge

Looking through things, I think that I have a somewhat defined concept of what I could do for my character. I might actually do something other than Ranger, depending on how things look.

Currently what I am thinking of related to the eidolon is that they could be a Daeva (or a Div as they are known in Pathfinder).

I was wondering if my character could actually be of Persian descent, but was potentially driven away by them for some reason or another. This could have led to his joining into contact with his eidolon, allowing it to come into the world in exchange for helping him seek vengeance.

As for how he is connected to the Mongol fort, perhaps he joined them several years previously as a mercenary, or for a similar reason to why he forged a pact with his eidolon (to get back at the people who drove him away from his home).

What do you think of these?

Liberty's Edge

I am currently thinking of working up a Ranger//Summoner character, or Ranger with something else. For the Summoner build, I am mainly trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for the Eidolon.

Liberty's Edge

Sebecloki wrote:

I think we're probably beginning mid January. I'm not setting a recruitment end time, I'm going to wait within reason for everyone wants to play to finish characters. Holidays are busy and I think it makes more sense for this type of recruitment to take a leisurely pace.

I won't wait an additional 3 months if 4 people are done and 1 isn't finished, but the last can finish up when they're able and join later.

1. I mean 2 (one on each side of the base class gestalt) would seem pretty much as many as would be reasonable. I guess it depends on your patience. We're going to do a group assessment before we start to make sure everyone has an interesting niche and no one is dramatically underpowered compared to everyone else. I assume everyone else will have issues if you have a dozen buddies following you around.

2. In what sense? They're made exactly like PCs. Let's say you were playing a Ranger//Druid with a wolf animal companion. So you'd take a wolf or awakened wolf, and use the same point buy etc. to make its stats. Clearly, the lack of opposable thumbs would create some issues for a lot of animal companions, in terms of wielding certain weapons. However, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, and some other classes of buddies might basically be a PC with an unusual race like pixie or quasit. Remember though, I want all of this to fit fluff wise with the setting.

Alright, that all works for me. I was just wanting to be sure about the number of companions, and wasn't planning on doing anything with massive numbers of them, and was initially not planning on going with any more than two anyway.

As for the second point, it would just be treating the companions creature type as their base race, correct?

Also, just how fantastic or not fantastic would you want things to be to fit within the setting? This is tied more towards companions again, especially Eidolons and Phantoms.

Liberty's Edge

I have a few ideas for characters, but won't decide between them or work any further on them until you have posted the exact character creation details. (Not rushing you in any way, just saying that I am still here and interested.)

Liberty's Edge

Looking through the rules that you have put up, I am pretty interested in this. I love doing highly complex things, I would just need to look things over fairly extensively. However, I would probably be unable to really get very much done before the end of next week.

Also, two questions regarding 'Buddies' as you refer to them (Animal Companions, Followers, Eidolons, etc...).
1) How many companion beings would you allow each character to potentially have?
2) Could you provide an example of a buddy? (The basics of them, not precise details.)

Liberty's Edge

Dotting with interest.

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested. Thinking of working up a Bard, probably a half-elf. I'll post details and background roles later.

Liberty's Edge

Can someone please make a Diplomacy check? Others can aid if you want. For checks like this, I will assume that the highest check is the base, with any others being aids.

As you express your interest in beginning your exploration of the city, the Copaxi scientists give you a small datachip that can be passed between your devices. Downloading its contents, you find that there are three things of note. The first is what appears to be a map of Tabantria in the google slide. As you look it over, the scientists explain that the seven dots they have placed on the map are places that they think would be of interest to your investigations. The teal ones are locations that they have already explored, and are guaranteed to be safe. Meanwhile, the locations marked orange are explained to be places that they have yet to explore due to hazardous conditions and threats, with the Copaxis suggesting that those areas may contain valuable information.

The second item contained in the datachip is a program that appears to be a prototype translation software for converting between Common and Copaxi.

Finally, there is a Comm unit connection address, which Therseis explains connects to their comm unit. They explain that they are curious about all of you and are interested in seeing you work. They request that that you communicate your findings to them after investigating each location, or alternatively allow Therseis to stay close by for an in-person report.


Perception (DC 23):
You notice that Therseis briefly fiddles with a handheld comm unit out of sight of the other Copaxi scientists.

Liberty's Edge

Currently trying to decide between Tiefling, Nagaji, and Half-Orc for my race. Other than that I basically know what I'm doing.

Liberty's Edge

Alright. So were you wanting to / interested in doing what Daniel Stewart suggested earlier?

Daniel Stewart wrote:

A new city that we can all add our own part to would be fun. I did this once with a group and asked them to each give me the name of 5 places their character knew in the city and to briefly describe them. Then I ask for 5 people from the city (other than those associated with the 5 places)their characters knew or had heard about. Finally, I ask for 1 rumour or tale the player knew about the city or a person who resided in the city. Their submissions gave me enough fodder to run several adventures without even having to try that hard. Something like that would be awesome!

I also think running a business could be fun as well!

Liberty's Edge

As a question for you, how many players are you looking for? Or do you care/know?

Liberty's Edge

From those three, I believe that we seem to be lacking a front-liner. Unless someone else wants to go that route, I would be willing to fill that role in the party. If I go that way, I would probably go with an Armored Hulk barbarian, probably with the Robot Slayer or Skymetal Smith campaign traits.

@GM Letsuna, what are your guidelines on race choices?

Liberty's Edge

I would be interested in an urban campaign. The idea of running a restaurant/tavern/inn is especially appealing.

Liberty's Edge

Perhaps just a map of the are within a ~5 day journey from the town, adding things on as they are needed? Perhaps I could do a mostly blank template, with general terrains and notable locations for instance. Other things could be added later, by either you or me.

I'm almost done with my backstory. Should be read for you to look over soon.

Liberty's Edge

I'm also in. I've been interested in the Iron God's AP for a while, but have never been able to get into an interested group.

Liberty's Edge

I would be interested in playing any of the paizo adventure paths, and perhaps Rappan Atthuk.

Liberty's Edge

Alright. How about shaman's in training? Would they be more likely to be able or willing rove around, or would they also tend to stick with their tribe?

Edit: also, would you be alright with me working up a very basic map? Perhaps of the region just around the town we are in? I would make it to where it would be completely editable by you as well (probably a google drawing). Or would you prefer to not have a map for now? Either is fine with me.

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested. I'll try to look into working up a character soon.

Liberty's Edge

I could be interested. I'd have to read through some of those, but it shouldn't take too long.

Liberty's Edge

I'm definitely interested in playing one. I have the stats for a character mostly worked up, just needing to fill out a decent sized backstory. I'll try to get one worked up by early tomorrow. In the meantime, here is a link to the profile I am using for them. Does the name work suitably for what you pictured? If not I can always rework it.

I also have some ideas for how the Novan tribes might work and interact a little (not overly much, just general ideas).

Ideas for Tribal Interactions:
I have two main ideas, one related to the markings and the other to the tribal structures.


For the markings, I would imagine that they would not only show which tribe you are from, but other details about who your are. For instance, your rank in the tribe, past achievements you may have done, and/or notable enemies you may have made. I'm picturing that location may also have some importance to them, with facial markings perhaps showing your tribal affiliation (so that it is quick to tell friend from foe), rank on forearm markings, achievements on your back/chest, enemies on your lower legs, etc...

Also, I'm picturing that shamans (anyone with magic or magic-like capabilities) would probably have special markings, probably on their forehead, hands (palms specifically perhaps), and feet (again, perhaps the bottoms specifically). These markings might give hints as to the type of magic that they specialize in, or serve as conduits for their power in some way.

Again these are just my ideas for the markings, and may not be representative of Novan tribes as a whole.


As for my idea pertaining to tribal structure, the main thing that I am thinking of involves the shamans (mainly due to my character being one). I am picturing them as often being near the top of the tribal pecking order, not necessarily the chieftain but still quite up there.

On the other hand, I also picture that many shamans might be independent of any tribes, traveling from around with no specific loyalties to any individual tribes. They would probably help a tribe for a time when they meet them, before moving on. They would probably still have the usual tribal hatereds towards their home-tribes rivals, and feel a bond to their home-tribe as well. This would probably be represented in their markings (if applicable), and may stem from a variety of reasons. (I am picturing this more specifically for shamans who are druids, and maybe some sorcerers as well.)



So what do you think?

Liberty's Edge

I'm currently working on a Novan Druid. Is there anything you think I should keep in mind as I make them, other than what is in the primer?

Also, how do Novans compare to Ionians and Valerian's physically? (hair/eye color, skin tone, etc...)

Liberty's Edge

I've got a couple character ideas popping around through my head. I'll try to start working on some of them soon.

Is there any sort of in progress map of the surrounding region available? It wouldn't have to be super detailed, just marking a rough coastline and major interest points. (I ask because it might help with some of my backstories.)

Liberty's Edge

Alright, was just wanting to check beforehand. In that case I might work one up, but will probably do something else instead. Are SRO's good?

Liberty's Edge

Would you allow me to apply with a Khizar character? I know that their lack of sight is a fairly large issue.

Liberty's Edge

I've got a couple interesting concepts for this. However, I also have a couple questions that are part of them.

Concept 1:
This concept involves making a Skeletal Champion Blink Dog. This would be fairly easy to 'level-up' by making them into a bloody and/or burning skeleton, and by simple templates such as Advanced. However, taken as written, this would eventually require a large number of templates to balance out class levels.

The question for this concept is whether this character could be 'leveled up' by increasing his amount of racial HD?

Concept 2 & 3:
These concepts are simpler, with one being one of a number of dragon types and the other being a lightning elemental.

The question for these concepts is whether this character can have an alignment separate from the default ones from their race? Also, would 'treasure' count as starting equipment, or must it be specifically spelled out in the monster entry for us to start with it?

Liberty's Edge

My first choice would be Nako, followed by Quonx.

Liberty's Edge

I would like to join this game as well, as I have been unable to play this so far. I will look at the sheets soon.

Liberty's Edge

@GM Skeemo, when were you thinking of starting your table of Heart of the Foe? I would be interested in playing, and have a couple characters that could be in range to play. However, it would depend on when you were thinking of starting as to which would be in tier to play.