Books you would like to see in the Future

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Now that 2nd Edition is in full swing what books are you interested in seeing in the future that haven't been announced yet?

My hopes so far include:

Occult/Horror Book – This book focuses on Occult and Horror themes and includes Classes/Archetypes for the Inquisitor, Medium, Occultist, Shifter, Slayer, and Spiritualist. This book plays heavily on themes of mystery, secrets, the unknown, and fear. Included are appropriate Ancestries/Heritages, Equipment, Feats, Spells and other rules.

Combat/Intrigue Book – This book focuses on rules for Combat and Intrigue and includes Classes/Archetypes for the Bloodrager, Brawler, Magus, Mesmerist, Ninja, and Samurai. This books has an underlying theme of interweaving combat focused play with intrigue focused play while provide plenty of options for both. Included are appropriate Ancestries/Heritages, Equipment, Feats, Spells and other rules.

Wilderness/Magic Book – This book focuses on rules for Wildness and Magic with and underlying theme juxtaposing the allure of exploration into the deep wilderness against the allure of urban studies into deep magic. Included are Classes/Archetypes for the Arcanist, Hunter, Kineticist, Psychic, Shaman, Skald, and Summoner. Included are appropriate Ancestries/Heritages, Equipment, Feats, Spells and other rules.

Adventurer's Armory - Big book of gear, equipment, magic items, and new class Artificer (great at crafting, can magically repair damage to armor and weapons, and can temporarily imbue armor and weapons with runes). This book might also include subsystems for gear such as Legacy (Scaling) Items, Magical Gear Sets, Magical Tattoos, Magical Plants, and Relics.

Technology Guide – This book brings in the technology centered rules. It has early tech rules for guns and includes the Gunslinger Class. Also there are rules for similar black powder weapons like cannons, as well as other lower tech equipment. The next part of the book focuses on advanced technologies like lasers, robots, and other high tech. If there is room this book could also include additional rules relating to Constructs and rules for body modification technologies like demonic implants, elemental augmentations, fleshcrafting, magical implants, and necrografts. Included in this book is Ancestry rule for Androids, Wyrwoods, and a new Clockwork Ancestry found in Casmaron.

Underwater Adventures Book – This book is basically the core rule book for adventures set underwater. While prioritizing rules for adventuring underwater this book is tied closely to the Lost Omens setting squeezing in as much lore as possible. The book include rules for “core” underwater Ancestries/Heritages and also include information on Gods, Organizations, and Nations.

Darklands Adventure Book – This book is basically the core rule book for adventures set in the Darklands. While prioritizing rules for adventuring in the Darklands this book is tied closely to the Lost Omens setting squeezing in as much lore as possible. The book include rules for “core” Darklands Ancestries/Heritages and also include information on Gods, Organizations, and Nations.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I definitely need the Technology guide, since my group has some advanced weapons.

In that vein I'd also really like a Starfinder add-on book, that lets you play Starfinder with PF2 rules. I'd be all over that in a heartbeat. So many of Starfinder's little annoyances are glaringly obvious now that I've played with PF2.

But what I personally want most of all is a book dedicated to playing powerful ancestries. For years and years we've danced around letting people play Dragons or Liches or Vampires by giving them watered down versions that fit the mold of the rest of the game. But now that we have a new system with progressing ancestries, there is an opportunity to come up with a satisfying way to *actually* play these kinds of creatures. It'll take some creativity, and possibly some heavy caveats, but gosh darn it I want to say yes with a straight face when someone asks if they can play a unicorn or a dragon because this is Pathfinder gotdangit and you can play anything!!!

I would love to see an occult book (mesmerist has a special place in my heart). Wilderness too, if the Shifter could have something more akin to the adaptive shifter archetype from 1e.

I do like WatersLethe's idea about progressing up more potent races (maybe a feat chain that can be taken across both class and race?)

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

More god books, more demigod books, more on the currently uncharted continents :D That's what I want first at least

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Mwangi Expanse book, Southern Garund book, Arcadia book(s). I wouldn’t ask for much else if we had all those.

I certainly wouldn’t mind a Casmaron book, but that would need psionics and I think 1e would’ve had them if we were ever going to see them.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh yeah, I would like to see level 26-30 creatures eventually, but not before we have 2e's equivalent of mythic rules to actually combatant them :p I don't really see benefits of "lol here is statblock that is ten level highers than PC's max level" in systems where five level highers is considered impossibly hard, you might as well say "You try to fight a demigod, you die"

But yeah, some sort of more balanced 2e's version of mythic would be cool for those superpower games :D

Grand Lodge

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Lost Omens stuff
I love the new format of the Lost Omens line, lore tied to character stuff...lets keep doing that.

Darklands book would be awesome, maybe a tie in to an few APs like they are with Absalom.

Garunde book, lets explore the entire continent :)

Dawrven Lore, stuff about the Five Kings Mountains! Maybe tie it to the Darklands stuff..the Dwarven AP!!! Retaking a Sky Citadel!


I am hoping the APG is the last real rule book to be paired with the CRB. I like the simplicity right now

I am hoping they do not keep introducing more and more base classes but they instead focus on Archtypes.

Maybe a book expanding on each magical tradition, Occult, Arcane, Primal and Divine(I guess Gods and Magic did this).

I would not mind more books to help GM. I have not seen the GMG but all the talk tells me it is a good resource. More of those books always help, there is a usually a focus on player stuff but do not forget the GM. Maybe dive deeper things not in the GMG; creating races, creating spells, large scale battles, pacing, how to run mystery, how to run a heist and adventure design?

More Bestiaries!! (yea this is a given)

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I would love a book that does for other realms (like the First World, Heaven, Dis, etc.) what the Lost Omens World Guide did for the Inner Sea.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would like to see more about the Darklands and the other continent.
I think a book about each of the Inner See region like the one on Absalom could give enough infos and options to set a campaign in this region and allows to discuss new stuff that was never covered (or which got very little cover)
Mythic rules would be awesome, with all the strong creature that could get stat blocks at this point.
Otherwise, more spell for every tradition, lot of new items.

Sovereign Court

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We're long overdue for a new Tian Xia book.

- Monk styles got a big overhaul and "my school is better than your school" is a very viable adventure premise now.
- Just like in the inner sea region, we need some updates on how things ended up after some of the APs like Jade Regent.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ascalaphus wrote:

We're long overdue for a new Tian Xia book.

- Monk styles got a big overhaul and "my school is better than your school" is a very viable adventure premise now.
- Just like in the inner sea region, we need some updates on how things ended up after some of the APs like Jade Regent.

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Tian Xia book, knowing how the previous Dragon Empires books went down (read: super-popular with the narrow pro-Asian subset of the fanbase, ignored by everybody else).

A "continents beyond Inner Sea" book is likely the best thing we'll be getting.

I would like to can use modern technology but in d20 it can break the balance of power. How to explain it better with any example? In the first movie "Alien the eight passenger" one xenomorph almost almost all the crew of Nostromo spaceship but in the sequel dozens, maybe hundreds, were killed from other room with only a couple of sentinel torrets guns. If a PC without ranged weapons face a remote-control drone with canons or a sniper from the top of a tree or windows, it would be more surviving a trap than defeating a monster.

I would like monster classes, and also racial parangons classes.

* I suggest a hybrid class mixing the summoner and the shifter, something like "choose your own mutation and monster traits".

* About titles by 3PPs I would like an updated version of Akasha Magic and Paths of War by Dreamscarred Press, and vestige pact magic.

* The no-core classes...and monster compendium....but for D&D 5th Ed.

* The races from Starfinder for PF2, with lists of racial feats.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:

We're long overdue for a new Tian Xia book.

- Monk styles got a big overhaul and "my school is better than your school" is a very viable adventure premise now.
- Just like in the inner sea region, we need some updates on how things ended up after some of the APs like Jade Regent.

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Tian Xia book, knowing how the previous Dragon Empires books went down (read: super-popular with the narrow pro-Asian subset of the fanbase, ignored by everybody else).

A "continents beyond Inner Sea" book is likely the best thing we'll be getting.

A Tian Xia book would likely do better if the Tian Xia adventure path had actually been set there.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's completely unrelated. Distant Worlds sold bonkers despite no planetary AP to support it at all.

Sorry, katanas and kitsune just ain't that popular.

Silver Crusade

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Gorbacz wrote:

That's completely unrelated. Distant Worlds sold bonkers despite no planetary AP to support it at all.

Sorry, katanas and kitsune just ain't that popular.

Kitsune are very popular and should have been featured more.

Scarab Sages

Ascalaphus wrote:

We're long overdue for a new Tian Xia book.

- Monk styles got a big overhaul and "my school is better than your school" is a very viable adventure premise now.
- Just like in the inner sea region, we need some updates on how things ended up after some of the APs like Jade Regent.

One of the things I really liked about later 1e books was Style feats for now than monks - I'd like to see more of these like in a vein like Everstand Stance.

Beyond that, I'd love a book on each continent.

A book entirely dedicated to all manners of archetypes. The ones we had in PF1e. Archetypes that are class-specific, not these new generic ones or multiclass.

I really want those that truly altered the class or were full of flavor that was tailored with a specific class in mind. I would also want a lot more archetypes that only a specific Ancestry could choose, things like Watersinger Bards, Petal Ninja, Purifier, Nine-Tailed Heir, Trickster, etc.

Other interesting archetypes such as Mindblade Magus, Warrior Poet Samurai, Lorewarden Fighter, Holy Gun Paladin, Urban Barbarian, Mutagen Warrior (one that is actually good with the Mutagens, hopefully after some very much needed buffs to mutagens), Dervish Dancer, Archaeologist and many, many more archetypes that I haven't read but are probably interesting.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

An NPC Codex. The GMG is incredible. It has lots of NPCs of low to mid levels. Combat to skilled to social encounters. I love it.
But I want more. I will pay for a whole hardcover dedicated to NPCs of all levels, up to 20 or even 24.

I expect a Bestiary every year.

And I love the books that cover creature genres. Book of Undead. Book of Dragons. Book of Aberrations. All that sort of stuff.

I'm looking forward to the APG coming up.

I also loved the 3.5 and PF1 books on organizations. PH2 for 3.5, and Faction Guide for PF1, had a chapter on creating your own organizations. And you could gain membership score to grant you and other members little boons as you achieved certain milestones in the group. I love that sort of stuff. I don't know what sort of subsystem they'd have to create.

Some Non-Golarion setting oneshots.

More Distant Worlds, more Tian Xia, more First World.

At least three or four years from now, Pathfinder Unchained 2.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ched Greyfell wrote:

I expect a Bestiary every year.

Off to a good start since we're getting two this year

FaerieGodfather wrote:

Some Non-Golarion setting oneshots.

More Distant Worlds, more Tian Xia, more First World.

At least three or four years from now, Pathfinder Unchained 2.

Agreed on Tian Xia, gotta get Kitsune, Imperial Dragons, and as much about Oni as possible. Ninjas too.

Lantern Lodge

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Well, I would say the following :

- A adventure guide book, mixing the adventure series of books from the first editions (occult adventure, mythic adventure, horror adventures and so on) with ultimate campaign introducing corruption as a new affliction, new example of subsystem using the victory point framework.

- an occult book introducing the psychic magical traditions and class like the mesmerist, the psychic and the occultist.

- an ultimate options book with archetype, feat, spell, focus spell and so on to improve the existing. The more first editions classes converted into archetype, the better.

- More bestiaries of course, because we never have enough monster.

- A book of template to improve the customisation of monsters.

My vote

Ultimate war

Rules for Mass combat
Rules for Castle siege/defense

This was speculated at the very end of Pathfinder 1 era

My vote Part II

Book to bridge the gap between
Pathfinder and starfinder

rules that allow shifting between settings
time travel

keftiu wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:

We're long overdue for a new Tian Xia book.

- Monk styles got a big overhaul and "my school is better than your school" is a very viable adventure premise now.
- Just like in the inner sea region, we need some updates on how things ended up after some of the APs like Jade Regent.

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Tian Xia book, knowing how the previous Dragon Empires books went down (read: super-popular with the narrow pro-Asian subset of the fanbase, ignored by everybody else).

A "continents beyond Inner Sea" book is likely the best thing we'll be getting.

A Tian Xia book would likely do better if the Tian Xia adventure path had actually been set there.

I too think a Tian Xia book would do a lot better than people give it credit for. The new model going forward is to combine campaign setting material with crunch. Provide a lot of good crunch and the folks into that will buy it (even if it seems Asian themed), while folks interested in the setting will buy it for the lore.

keftiu wrote:

Mwangi Expanse book, Southern Garund book, Arcadia book(s). I wouldn’t ask for much else if we had all those.

I certainly wouldn’t mind a Casmaron book, but that would need psionics and I think 1e would’ve had them if we were ever going to see them.

Why do you think Casmaron needs psionics?

I think the priority is bringing back the core elements for me...let get the occult classes, guns, summoners, technology and various races into play. And I would like to see them tackle mythic again: I think there is a lot of room to improve and update that system, now that we have years of seeing folks play around with the former rules.

As far as original hardcovers, I think its a shame we never got a hardcover Darklands book. Now would be a good opportunity to rectify it. And if we are going to use some new book models, something like 3E's environment themed books (frostburn, etc) would make good additions.

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There are two main book types I'd like to see. And a third that's cool to me but more of a pipe dream.

Ultimate Campaign is still my favorite hardcover from PF1e. I love it because it's more than just "new classes/spells/items". It has so many cool ideas and options that help expand a campaign, or run some campaigns that go against more traditional types of D&D/PF. Things like rules for Organizations and Buildings, Mass Combat, Child Adventurers, Monster Parts for Magic Item Crafting... I honestly love all of that. The GMG 2e has a lot of this and I really love that book. So I guess I just would love more books that expand your campaign.

For setting, I would love a hardcover that handled the stuff outside of the Inner Sea and Avistan. Don't get me wrong, I love Avistan and I love the Inner Sea setting. But I think it would be very cool to see alternative settings and how to fit them into the 2E ruleset. People that know me know I love and champion more Arcadia content, but seeing more of Tian Xia as well as expanding on Casmaron, Gaurand, and Sarusan (one day...) would neat.

And speaking of settings, I'd love to see a book (hardcover or soft) of other genres and working them into 2E. Things like Dying Earth style, Horror, Eberron Magicpunk, heck even something a bit more Modern. This one is more of a niche one, so I get that the chance of something like this is slim. But it'd be pretty cool to have.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

When Pathfinder converted from 3.5 to 1st Edition the last setting book was “The Great Beyond: A Guide to the Multiverse” and when Pathfinder converted from 1st Edition to 2nd Edition the last Rule Book/Setting Book was “Planar Adventures.” I am hoping this time we can get Planar rules much early than the last book of the edition.

I would love to see a Lost Omens: Planar Guide, a 128ish page book with 4 page write ups with planar rules and lore for all 22 major planes (9 Outer, 4 Elemental, First World, Material, Shadow, Astral, Ethereal, Positive, Negative, Dreamlands, and Time = 88 pages), plus 2 page write ups on rules and lore for 10 major demiplanes (20 pages) and 1 page write ups on rules and lore for 10 minor demiplanes (10 pages). That leave 10 pages for everything else.

In addition to a Lost Omens: Planar Guide in the setting books I would like to see a Planar Bestiary in the rule book line. Considering at the end of 1st Edition there were around 3000 monsters and approximately 750 of those were of the “outsider” type, not to mention the “fey” type and other monsters from the planes that didn’t have the “outsider” type, we could easily have a Bestiary of just planar monsters. Nearly one-third of all 1E monsters were planar monsters.

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MMCJawa wrote:
keftiu wrote:

Mwangi Expanse book, Southern Garund book, Arcadia book(s). I wouldn’t ask for much else if we had all those.

I certainly wouldn’t mind a Casmaron book, but that would need psionics and I think 1e would’ve had them if we were ever going to see them.

Why do you think Casmaron needs psionics?

This is the deepest cut imaginable, but in the Legacy of Fire player’s guide, it suggests any psions studied their craft in Casmaron as a PC background. They also fit like a dream for Vudra.

Horizon Hunters

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I would like to see a Lost Omen Class Guide which does a deep dive into the classes of Pathfinder 2e and how they relate to the Lost Omens setting.

For example, for the Bard you could have a look at a couple of Bardic Colleges, their place in society, how one gets into Bardery, etc along with some more flavourful feats to expand the class.

A bit like the Character Guide but for Classes rather than organisations and ancestries.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I honestly want a shifter or some other shapeshifting martial class.

A dedicated shapeshifting class had been long requested in 1st Edition only for it to become the biggest disappointment of the edition. I'd like to see it done right in 2nd Edition, a game that has a good model for balancing spellcasters and martials.

keftiu wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
keftiu wrote:

Mwangi Expanse book, Southern Garund book, Arcadia book(s). I wouldn’t ask for much else if we had all those.

I certainly wouldn’t mind a Casmaron book, but that would need psionics and I think 1e would’ve had them if we were ever going to see them.

Why do you think Casmaron needs psionics?
This is the deepest cut imaginable, but in the Legacy of Fire player’s guide, it suggests any psions studied their craft in Casmaron as a PC background. They also fit like a dream for Vudra.

Psionics has been pretty much retconned out of the setting, and replaced with occult magic. A lot of the 3.5 stuff from early on really doesn't apply anymore.

I am intrigued as to how new classes are going to be batched into the “concept” books that are apparently going to be released once the “Core” is out

For example could we get something on “Impossible Lands” that includes Gunslingers , Kineticist (outside of Tian Xia they are mostly tied to Jalmeray) and a couple of others? Perhaps Magus could be tied to Nex in this book?

Conceptually perhaps Broken and Impossible tie together bringing in Summoner tied to God Callers?

But along this line of thinking what “new” classes could be assigned to the other regions in similar future releases?

Where would you put Shaman , Inquisitor , Occultist etc ?
And interesting thought exercise actually

I'll be honest, most of my ideas for books I would pitch sound more like something in the Lost Omens line rather than the rule book line. I know they're not avoiding Lost Omens material in the rule book line, but are they actively seeking it? I'm certain that if the Technology guide were printed today, they'd include Impossible Lands and Numeria flavor, but would it contain substantial information about the regions or just a bit to root it in the setting?

I'm looking forward to Gencon since I think they'll announce next year's rule book, and I'll have a better conceptual idea of what other books in this line will look like.

I don't know if they would put entirely new classes and rule systems into a specific sub region book, unless the region was large enough and the class specific enough that it made sense. It would be too limiting for the basic character options they would want to apply to a class

Silver Crusade

I’ve said it elsewhere but I fully expect guns and the gun using Class/Archetypes to show up in a Technology Guide Rulebook, which will a Playtest beforehand.

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To echo something I saw earlier in this thread, a book to support Mythic play would be incredible. I think it could work in 2e because one main problem with 1e mythic involved how it played with the action economy (lots of swift actions or free additional spells). I think Mythic support within the 3-action-economy could work better. Plus I love imagining the book of Mythic feats they could make...

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I'd like a Lost Omens book focused on learning centers in the Lost Omens Campaign Setting. Universities, colleges, and libraries from all across the world and even off-world/plane showing what different regions place emphasis on educationally, and character options to embrace different styles of magic or fighting or whatever else taught in different places.

Rysky wrote:
I’ve said it elsewhere but I fully expect guns and the gun using Class/Archetypes to show up in a Technology Guide Rulebook, which will a Playtest beforehand.

It would be odd to me if they released a key book in the rulebook line with only one actual class

Would any other old or new classes fit a technology guide?
And most of the technology stuff fits only small sections of golarion unless a very broad definition of “technology” is used

AnimatedPaper wrote:

I'll be honest, most of my ideas for books I would pitch sound more like something in the Lost Omens line rather than the rule book line. I know they're not avoiding Lost Omens material in the rule book line, but are they actively seeking it? I'm certain that if the Technology guide were printed today, they'd include Impossible Lands and Numeria flavor, but would it contain substantial information about the regions or just a bit to root it in the setting?

I'm looking forward to Gencon since I think they'll announce next year's rule book, and I'll have a better conceptual idea of what other books in this line will look like.

Yes Gencon will hopefully be informative as right now the only things I can think of that have a reasonably broad scope (including hosting more than one new class) are more Lost Omens related ...

Silver Crusade

Lanathar wrote:
Rysky wrote:
I’ve said it elsewhere but I fully expect guns and the gun using Class/Archetypes to show up in a Technology Guide Rulebook, which will a Playtest beforehand.

It would be odd to me if they released a key book in the rulebook line with only one actual class

Would any other old or new classes fit a technology guide?
And most of the technology stuff fits only small sections of golarion unless a very broad definition of “technology” is used

I was indeed using a broad definition of technology, nut just scify Numeria stuff.

As for one class for the book, I was looking at it from the POV of the playtest, you'd need it for the Class, but mostly for the guns.

Sovereign Court

I would really like a technology book, to help me take my Iron Gods campaign to second edition.

And if they take the same moment to also do guns for Alkenstar, that would be good timing.

Doing it as a Lost Omens book would make sense; with the Technic League defeated and Casandalee ascendant, now is a good time to talk about technological spread across the world.

I was more wondering if such a book would also include things like ships and ship combat for those pirate loving folk

That is what I meant by a broad definition of “technology”

Silver Crusade

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Yeah that would be a good place for it. Ship combat/boarding maneuvers.

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The PF1 Technology guide was a half-sized rule book. Grabbing the equipment and vehicle chapters from Ultimate Combat, and the magical crafting/constructs from Ultimate Magic, you'd get Gunslingers/Drifters, Antiquarians/Occultists, and Thaumaturgists/Summoners (around the back by introducing a golem-eidolon option) and probably not break the full size.

Since that would involve Summoners AND Gunslingers in the same playtest, that's likely enough headache for one book. But some kind of Mage Smith class wouldn't be amiss.

I'm pretty sure they mentioned during paizocon that if they were to make gunslinger, they would do it with a bunch of support for guns. So including them in an 'ultimate equipment' sort of book (even though they said they weren't doing those sort of books going forward, but some sort of themed book at least) would make sense.

I could definitely see a Technology and Equipment book described by AnimatedPaper. I'd dig that.

There's been a lot of talk about the Kineticist and Summoner lately, I could see them both appearing in a book about the planes.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Lanathar wrote:

I am intrigued as to how new classes are going to be batched into the “concept” books that are apparently going to be released once the “Core” is out

For example could we get something on “Impossible Lands” that includes Gunslingers , Kineticist (outside of Tian Xia they are mostly tied to Jalmeray) and a couple of others? Perhaps Magus could be tied to Nex in this book?

Conceptually perhaps Broken and Impossible tie together bringing in Summoner tied to God Callers?

But along this line of thinking what “new” classes could be assigned to the other regions in similar future releases?

Where would you put Shaman , Inquisitor , Occultist etc ?
And interesting thought exercise actually

They would probably either release concept books or a rulebook along side the AP. They choose to include the investigator specifically because of a the Absalom AP.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Salamileg wrote:
There's been a lot of talk about the Kineticist and Summoner lately, I could see them both appearing in a book about the planes.

i could totally see that. keniticist (elemental planes) summoner (outer planes) spiritualist/medium (astral/etherial planes)

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