![]() Xenocrat wrote:
Interesting. Can I see this panel only on the GenCon website or is it on Paizo’s twitch? Was there anything else interesting announced at the panel? ![]()
![]() Quick question. What happened to the Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box in the Paizo Store. I usually check the store every now and then to see if anything knew is coming up to get excited for. As many of you are aware of, sometimes things appear there without a huge announcement on the home page. Today however something was missing. The Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box that was supposed to release in October was no longer under the preorder tab. The only thing there was the third Bestiary coming next year and the special edition version of that Bestiary. What happened? Has it been cancelled? Was there a glitch? I honestly was seriously considering buying it to maybe introduce a few of my friends to the system. ![]()
![]() In my in-person games, I typically do combats theatre of the mind style, but I was thinking of starting a Pathfinder 2nd Edition game and use actual maps and pawns for combat. I'm most likely definitely going to buy the Pawns for the first Bestiary, but I'm not sure which Flip-mats would be a good choice to get started. Any advice? (P.S. I'm also curious about what to for my player's characters as far as pawns go, but I'm mainly curious about the Flip-mats.) ![]()
![]() Gaulin wrote: I'd like something that makes it a bit more viable to sneak attack with cantrips. Maybe have an int based one that gives you proficiencies for cantrips as you level, let debilitating strike work with cantrips, something like that. A magical Racket would be cool. They could call it the Trickster Racket. ![]()
![]() Salamileg wrote: I'd like to see a "Mastermind" that can pick Dex or Int, and has something related to Recall Knowledge. Maybe if you get a successful Recall Knowledge check against a creature, they're considered flat-footed against your attacks for a round. They are actually going to do a Mastermind Rogue racket in the upcoming APG, though I’m not aware of any specifics. ![]()
![]() Zapp wrote:
I have looked around other places, but I will admit this is the first forum ‘I’ have made on the subject. I mainly chose Paizo’s forums, because it seemed like the safest place to get a lot of comments soon. I also wanted to create forum detailing their actual experiences. Most statements I found, it was hard to determine if they were “I read this and I think it’s good/bad” or “I actually played this and it was good/bad”. I don’t want anyone to think that I’m trying to shut myself off from any negative posts about the game, I just wanted to hear some people’s actual experiences. Trust me, I already decided that I would at least try out this game long before I made this forum. ![]()
![]() Andrew Mullen wrote:
Thank you I'll take 12. ![]()
![]() Hello, I've been a fan of Paizo for a while now and I bought the Core Rulebook for Second Edition almost exactly when it first came out, but I didn't have the time to play in a game for it and definitely didn't have the time to GM one. However now I have a little more time on my hands. What I'm curious to hear, and I apologize if this isn't the right place for this topic, is anyone's experience with the game as a player or a GM. What have you liked about it, what have you not liked about it, what houserules do you use, and do you have any advice for potential new players or GMs? Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for in advance if you post anything. ![]()
![]() I feel like if I had to change something about the Envoy class, I would give them the choice of long-arm proficiency and advanced melee weapon proficiency at first level. In addition I would separate the Improvisations into two groups: One that has all of the improvisations that give optional actions like Clever Attack, and one that has all of the ones who modify improvisations in the first group. Then I would say Envoys gain improvisations in the first group at the normal progression, then gain improvisations from the second group at a different level progression. ![]()
![]() I love all of the different equipment options in Starfinder. Honestly, it's easily one of the biggest chapters in the core rulebook. However I feel like it may be daunting for new players deciding on what they want their characters to start with. So I was wondering, if you had to do a starter kit that has everything a level one character needs, what would you put in it. Obviously, different characters will need different armors and weapons. ![]()
![]() Well I appreciate everyone’s responses. I saw a lot of different opinions ranging from Yes, Yes But, and No. It’s almost like FUN is a very subjective concept. Lol I’ll probably give the envoy a try, but I’ll try to make sure I know what the rest of my part is going to be made up of so I choose the improvisations that work best. I’m really curious to see the new options for the class in the Character Operations Manual. ![]()
![]() I’ve fallen in love with Starfinder over the past few weeks, I love the classes, the setting, the races, and even the Starship system. I see the occasional flaw here and there, but nothing that couldn’t be easily fixed with a minor house rules. However, part of the reason it took me so long to actually get into the game was an interaction I had with a former acquaintance online. It was over a year ago and I had just purchased the PDF for the Core Rulebook. I was liking what I was seeing so far and I told some of my online friends and this acquaintance about how I was enjoying the read so far. Most of my friends were unfamiliar with the game, but were happy that I was enjoying it. However, the acquaintance had played the game a bit and went on a long rant about how much the system “sucked”, how overpowered certain classes were, how underpowered others were, and how Starship combat was impossible. In hindsight most of what he said was wrong or had been fixed in the FAQ. However his negativity kind of stuck with me and I stopped reading the book before I could even finish the skill chapter. Now I longer associate with this person, but for reasons other than what he said about Starfinder. I’m making my way through all of the books (a lot borrowed from a friend). However, I still see a little negativity every now and then, especially regarding the classes. The Solarian is a popular target, as well as the spell casters, but after them is the Envoy. I don’t quite get it, I love the idea about them, they are skilled, and seem helpful in combat. I love the idea of a class that uses Charisma and isn’t a spell casting class. I’m sorry that I got so much off track, but I guess the TL; DR of if it is, is the Envoy fun to play? ![]()
![]() HammerJack wrote:
So it’s probably not worth it for Solar Flare Solarians. Still though, that sounds like a great feat. ![]()
![]() Kyrand wrote: In a Know Direction recording of a GenCon panel, Rob and Amanda said that each Near Space planet given a half page in the Core Rulebook would be getting either a 2 or 4 page spread (they couldn't remember at the time). The way they talked about it also implied to me that there were going to be some brand new planets mentioned as well. That’s really good to know. Thank you for sharing. I can’t wait for this book. ![]()
![]() Hi, I'm still a little bit on the new side to Starfinder and I'm loving it so far, but in the Alien Archives there are options for playing races that are Large size. This is a bit new to me as most D20 games that I play avoid Large races like the plague. Is there anything to take into account before choosing a Large race? Any positives or negatives to doing so? ![]()
![]() Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Thank you. This may be a weird question, but are there any new feats related to skills? ![]()
![]() Since the Solar Flare is treated like a small arm, does that mean when you get your Weapon Specialization, you only add half of your level to the damage? Also, from what I’ve heard, a lot of the classes are getting optional abilities that can replace existing class abilities. Besides the new manifestations and revelations, do they add anything like that for the Solarian. ![]()
![]() The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I figured. I’m wondering if they are going to at least two pages for the non-Veskarium Near Space places mentioned in the core. Or maybe they’ll do a bunch of one page or half pages for Near Space planets not mentioned yet.