Alessandra Venici |

As a party of 3 gestalt PCs, we are going to run Hell's vengeance. I am the ranged attacker, with one half to go inquisitor, maybe a few levels zen archer even.
I am undecided on whether to take fighter, ranger, slayer, or maybe even an urban bloodrager, for the other half.
Stas atm: Str 12 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 7
We are playing with elephant in the room, so deadly aim is a free option, and PBS is gone as req for precise shot, freeing up 2 feat slots.
If we're looking at the first 10/12 levels, what would offer a decently survivable and fighting combination?
Multiclass and PrC are an option.
Thanks in advance.

zza ni |

if it was the good side game (hell's rebels) i'd have advised to go with a divine caster of Erastil (cleric mostly) and then go with Deadeye Devotee
since you are going down the dark side, there is a whole range of prestige classes and acrhtypes that gives a nice boost to dedicated evil do-ers. and gestalt is premium ground for taking prestige class as you do not lose as much class features from doing so as a normal character who enter a prestige class would.
whether it's summoning devils, stealing souls or animating the dead. it's all golden.
for example an exalted of Asmodeus that has full caster level (such as a cleric gestalt) who pick the divine subdomain for his Expanded portfolio ability will get to have a sla of resurrection 1/day at level 14 and miracle 1/day at level 18 (along with the class's minor miracle ability at around level 16) all without needing the high material cost of normal spell casting.
also note that a lawful evil anti-paladin (there are archtypes for that) can be a solid class to gestalt back into, getting high offensive and nice protections and buffs.

Trokarr |

Since you are going to be evil the likelihood of you having to fight against undead is low. Void Kineticist with negative blast becomes more appealing. Eldritch Archer wielding a double pistol combined with Energize Weapon infusion, Spell Cartridges, Conductive weapon property, and Arcane Strike would be able to chuck a lot of Force/Negative Energy down range. Would bypass DR completely. Could be fun. Void kineticists have the ability to raise the dead as well if you choose the right talents.

Mysterious Stranger |

Why not just go with Zen Archer for the second class? That is an incredibly strong option for an archer. It allows you to focus on WIS instead of DEX which means your abilities are stronger. Flurry of bane with a bow is a huge advantage. Zen Archers are effectively full BAB with a bow. Drop the DEX to 14 boost the WIS to 18 and your STR to 14. The extra STR will gives you +1 damage per shot. By 12th level you can be getting up to 11 attacks per round (with flurry and reflexive shot).
Both of the classes have a lot of defensive abilities which is going to boost your survivability. You have good saves and a high touch AC so you are difficult to affect with magic. At 13th level you gain spell resistance making it even more difficult to be affected by magic. You are a ranged attacker with a really good movement so can usually avoid anything getting too close to you but still attack.

VoodistMonk |

I would use something like Ravener Hunter or Sacred Huntsmaster on the Inquisitor side to get a Mount or Animal Companion, respectively. And I would use Beastmaster on the Ranger side of the gestalt.
With a 3-man team, the companions can prove vital... if nothing more than to take up space/get in the way. You would be able to contribute to melee efforts, as well as bane-bow things into oblivion. Your spellcasting is relatively versatile, and should be near limitless with the combination of 4/9 and 6/9 divine spellcasting, both of which being Wisdom-based.

VoodistMonk |

EldritchArcher20 / Wizard20, Slayer20 / Arcanist20, or ZenArcher20 / Cleric20 would be solid choices.
My favorite Eldritch Archer gestalt is:
Eldritch Archer Magus 20/
Grenadier Alchemist 20
All good saves, and a ton of skills. Alchemy and 6/9 arcane prepared spellcasting means there is always something you can do to contribute. You have Alchemical Weapon and Arcane Pool and Bombs... always a way for you to pull your weight in combat. There is even a certain level of sharing spells between Alchemist formula books and Magus spellbooks...
Your typical Sacred Tattoos, Shaman's Apprentice Half-Orc with Fate's Favored and a HornBow can do god's work.

Ryze Kuja |

Ryze Kuja wrote:EldritchArcher20 / Wizard20, Slayer20 / Arcanist20, or ZenArcher20 / Cleric20 would be solid choices.My favorite Eldritch Archer gestalt is:
Eldritch Archer Magus 20/
Grenadier Alchemist 20All good saves, and a ton of skills. Alchemy and 6/9 arcane prepared spellcasting means there is always something you can do to contribute. You have Alchemical Weapon and Arcane Pool and Bombs... always a way for you to pull your weight in combat. There is even a certain level of sharing spells between Alchemist formula books and Magus spellbooks...
Your typical Sacred Tattoos, Shaman's Apprentice Half-Orc with Fate's Favored and a HornBow can do god's work.
Beastly :)

Ryze Kuja |

What about Zen archer 5/inquisitor x, + Ranger on the other half?
The last book of the AP is for lvl 15 characters, after all.
Typically when you do Gestalt characters, you're going to want to pick one class that is a 4/4 BAB d10HP martial and a 2nd class that is a level 9 spellcaster, and between the two classes try to get +12 progression on all 3 saves. And if you deviate from this recipe, have a really good reason why-- like you're building for something specific, and nets you a greater benefit than not getting 9th level spells and 4/4 BAB.
Gestalt campaigns are high-powered and get rocket-taggy real fast, even as early as level 1. As a GM, challenging a group of gestalts is difficult, so any monsters you face from the Bestiary will be APL+3=CR to APL+8=CR, and any named NPC/BBEGs are going to be Gestalt monstrosities custom-created by your DM to kill and maim you guys. Your GM can't really through Equal Level CR monsters at a Gestalt party, they'll get curbstomped. By level 10-12, you'll be facing level 16 to level 20 monsters that can 1-2 shot you, either through straight up damage or Save or Die effects. Having Good/Decent AC and Saves in Gestalt is the same as having Bad AC/Saves, because if you get hit even once, then you're out of the fight-- if you survive the hit, you have to gtfo and heal because the next hit is going to kill you. Maximized Disintegrates that deal 40d6 damage (unrolled 240 damage), Empowered Dazing Fireballs that Daze for 3 rounds on a failed Save, and 20d10 breath weapons are certainly on the table of possibilities. So here's the point: either put your Armor Class and Saving Throws in the clouds or don't even bother, figure out a different way to negate the damage/spells, like via Mirror Image, Protection from Energy, and Displacement.
The issue that I see with going Zen Archer5/Inquisitor15/Ranger20 is that you're only getting 15 levels of a 6/9 spellcasting class and then you're also taking 5 levels and 20 levels of a 4/4 BAB Martial class. I'm not trying to crap on your concept, but when it comes down to it, mechanically speaking you're basically a 4/4 Martial with level 5 spells at level 20. Tbh, I would either pick Zen Archer or Ranger, not both. And if you're truly married to Inquisitor, then take all 20 levels, not 15 levels. I would go ZenArcher20 / Inquisitor20, or Ranger20 / Inquisitor20. I would still advise against taking Inquisitor here (unless you're building for something specific), and instead take a 9/9 spellcasting class.

Chell Raighn |

Gestalt campaigns are high-powered and get rocket-taggy real fast, even as early as level 1. As a GM, challenging a group of gestalts is difficult,
This is very true… my group did a gestalt campaign with a boat load of house rules meant to prevent it from getting rocket-taggy (having just come off the extreme rocket tag that was a Mythic campaign)… we had HD, BAB, Saves, and Skill Points determined by one side of the gestalt. We all had to decide what our “main class” was and we only got those statistics from levels on that side of the gestalt the other side only gave features. It lowered the top end of the rocket-tag but not enough to really matter… even without everyone being D10 HD Full BAB +12 all Saves with 9th level spellcasting it was a rocket-tag mess… our two heaviest hitters with the most health and highest AC were the first casualties of the campaign too..
In that campaign I ended up playing a Zen Archer/Kineticist by the end after my first character became an ice sculpture… and I gotta say, it is a VERY potent combination… with the right choices of elements and talents you can make a character who almost never misses, is near impossible to hit, and can crit like a beast…

Melkiador |

Typically when you do Gestalt characters, you're going to want to pick one class that is a 4/4 BAB d10HP martial and a 2nd class that is a level 9 spellcaster, and between the two classes try to get +12 progression on all 3 saves. And if you deviate from this recipe, have a really good reason why-- like you're building for something specific, and nets you a greater benefit than not getting 9th level spells and 4/4 BAB.
A lot of that just comes down to preferred playing style. Having a bunch of abilities you'll never use isn't that helpful. And in a gestalt campaign, you will probably have a lot of full caster allies, so the extra casting isn't that needed.
I'd say the real thing to look out for in a gestalt campaign is your action economy. For instance, if you combine a class that relies on a lot swift actions with another class that relies on a lot of swift actions, you may never get to do all the things you'd want to do in a regular combat.
I'd also say there is no typical gestalt campaign. I doubt those are any more prone to rocket tag than any other kind of campaign. But what can happen is that a GM who has a powergaming player may start amping challenges to meet the increased power level that the poweregamed character represents. Again, this kind of arms race can happen in any campaign.

Mysterious Stranger |

The most important thing on a gestalt character is synergy between the classes. When the class abilities of one class boost the class abilities of the other class you often end up with something stronger than the sum of the parts. When the class abilities conflict you end up with a paper tiger that looks good at first but is disappointing to play.
Look for classes with similar stat requirements. Next take a look at how they function in combat. If one class relies on heavy armor and the other cannot use armor that may not be the best choice. Can an ability of one class boost the other class’s abilities? If so, it is probably a good choice.

Alessandra Venici |

I would go ZenArcher20 / Inquisitor20, or Ranger20 / Inquisitor20. I would still advise against taking Inquisitor here (unless you're building for something specific), and instead take a 9/9 spellcasting class.
I get what you're saying, but we're already in local investigations, and at level 2. 2 re-recruitments later, gestalt became an option for us remaining 3. Plus personal background wise, dear (adoption) mother is a prominent inquisitor, and raised her to become one as well. She aims to become her mother's equal in efficiency.
The 'something specific' idea was to be an efficient archer with solid investigation and social skills.But Zen archer/monk is a good backup, things considered, should it come to an untimely demise.

Ryze Kuja |

Your GM can't reallythroughthrow Equal Level CR monsters at a Gestalt party, they'll get curbstomped.
Curse you, auto-correct. Should be "throw equal level CR monsters".
I get what you're saying, but we're already in local investigations, and at level 2. 2 re-recruitments later, gestalt became an option for us remaining 3. Plus personal background wise, dear (adoption) mother is a prominent inquisitor, and raised her to become one as well. She aims to become her mother's equal in efficiency.
The 'something specific' idea was to be an efficient archer with solid investigation and social skills.But Zen archer/monk is a good backup, things considered, should it come to an untimely demise.
If you're already level 2 in the campaign, you certainly have plenty of levels to correct your planned build. And even if you've already made a mistake, then fine, you can retrain; that's what gold is for. And if it really comes down to it, fine, reroll your character into something that you would like.
In Gestalt campaigns, you primarily want to focus on defense rather than offense. Don't get me wrong, offense is important, it is SUPER important, because if things aren't dying then you have problems, but the more important issue is that you don't want to be knocked out of a fight. Defense is crucial. The damage will come eventually. It's like Sylvester Stallone says in Rocky, it's not about how hard you hit, it's about how many hits you can take and still keep moving forward.
Anywho, let's talk about your Inquisitor side of things. Let's take the backstory of your character out of this for a moment (because you *can* reroll). Is there a really significant reason why you're going Inquisitor for this other than backstory? Inquisitor is a great class on its own, but it's not ideal for the challenges that you're going to face in a Gestalt Campaign if you pair it with a 4/4 martial class. Tbh, the main draw to go Inquisitor is for stuff like Monster Lore, Judgments, Cunning Initiative, Detect Alignment, and on-demand Bane, and of course the skills, but the skills you can gain from Inquisitor aren't anything you couldn't also gain from any other 6+Int skills class like Ranger/Slayer. If this Inquisitor class is so important for your character that it's a "non-negotiable" for you, then you might pursue Inquisitor20 + any 9/9 spellcasting class, because Inquisitors have 3/4 BAB and a crapton of skills, 6th level spells, and Fort/Will +12 save progression, and this is all really GOOD stuff. But you'd be infinitely better off going Inquisitor20 + any 9/9 spellcasting class that can give you a thousand Quickened True Strikes per day. True Strike is on the Inquisitor spell list sure, but you want to be doing these True Strikes for as many hits as possible throughout the day because APL+8=CR monsters have pretty high AC, and you only have 3/4 BAB; your iterative attacks are going to suck, quite frankly. You'll probably want to be burning your Quickened True Strikes on your Iterative attacks, tbqf. And let's be frankly further, as an Archer, you should absolutely want to be 4/4 BAB and try to get as many full attack actions as possible, and relying upon Quickened True Strike to land Iteratives isn't ideal.
Okay, so now let's bring your backstory back into this: what if your mother was an Inquisitor and you highly aspire to become "better" than she was, and rather than taking the path of the Inquisitor class to do this, you took a 9/9 divine spellcasting class like Cleric or Oracle, but also choose a 4/4 BAB class for the Archery side of things. Now this makes you either a Wis- or Cha-focused character, with a mostly-major dependence upon Dex to hit. In Gestalt, you want to get as many skills/abilities/spells focused upon 1 or 2 attributes as possible, but you also want to make sure that the two classes you've chosen don't conflict with one another for Action Economy. But you still want high level spells and at proper progression as well. Gestalt is a nice complicated mess, for sure.
Anywho, here's what I'd suggest:
Inquisitor20 / Cleric20 (Destruction or Luck domains), focus on lots of Quickened True Strikes per day, Reflex Save is lacking so boost it with High Dex and probably a Ring of Evasion
Ranger20 / Cleric20 - solid all around, Wis for Spells, 4/9 and 9/9 spells, Dex for AC/Attack, 3 strong saves
ZenArcher Monk20 / Cleric20 - All 3 Saves are strong, lots of attacks, plenty of survivability, 9/9 spells
Ranger, ZenArcher, or Inquisitor20 / Sorcerer20 (Empyreal Bloodline)

Mysterious Stranger |

I disagree with the inquisitor being less than ideal in a gestalt campaign. Spell casting is nice but, it is not the be all end all of all characters. Full spell casters tend to have fewer class abilities especially prepared spell casters. This usually means fewer defensive abilities. The 6/9 casters tend to have more class features and the inquisitor has more class features than most. Probably the best defensive character in a gestalt game is an inquisitor/monk. They have all good saves, good touch AC, spell resistance and both evasion and stalwart. They are a spell casters nightmare. The Zen Archer trades away evasion, so they are slightly less defended, but still worlds above most characters.

Heather 540 |

Zen Archer seems a pretty nice choice in gestalt since its class features are also based in Wis and you get a lot of bonus feats. Spells are great, but you aren't losing anything by not being a full 9/9 caster. I have an archer bard that's gestalted with fighter. He does just fine with what spells he has access to.

Claxon |

I was going to recommend Zen Archer/Cleric.
While Inquisitor is really cool and probably my favorite class in PF1, Zen Archer will bring all the archery goodness you need and cleric will bring all the buff spell, healing, and condition stuff you could want.
The only other thing I'd consider is Zen Archer 3/Inquisitor 17/cleric 20.

Chell Raighn |

The Zen Archer trades away evasion, so they are slightly less defended, but still worlds above most characters.
Easily fixed by picking up a Ring of Evasion.

Melkiador |

I was going to recommend Zen Archer/Cleric.
While Inquisitor is really cool and probably my favorite class in PF1, Zen Archer will bring all the archery goodness you need and cleric will bring all the buff spell, healing, and condition stuff you could want.
The only other thing I'd consider is Zen Archer 3/Inquisitor 17/cleric 20.
Besides cleric, how about a druid? Take the eagle domain and maybe the Nature Fang Archetype. Enjoy flying while raining arrows down on your enemies.

Alessandra Venici |

With the tips presented, i would consider 2 paths.
Stick to Inquisitor / Zen archer , get access to the needed early archery feats.
Variation: retrain the inquisitor levels at earliest convenience, into a cleric with 1 domain replaced by conversion inquisition, and take improved initiative to make up for the cunning init bonus. That would still get me Wis to social rolls. Different class half of the gestalt, but with the two things that are pretty useful currently from inquisitor.
Or, as was suggested, one half inquisitor and few levels ZAM, the other straight cleric. That'd be Lvl 3 through 5 ZAM, then returning to inquisitor.
Besides cleric, how about a druid? Take the eagle domain and maybe the Nature Fang Archetype. Enjoy flying while raining arrows down on your enemies.
While, as a follower of Eiseth, that would look stylish indeed, she's pretty much a city raised person.

Mysterious Stranger |

This is also for Hell’s Vengeance, so likely a cleric is going to be evil. An evil cleric cannot convert healing spells, so its healing is not as effective as a good cleric. Having to memorize healing spells turns a cleric into heal bot. Not sure I would want to go with cleric in this instance. To use buffs the cleric has to spend his actions casting spells. With a party of only 3 the buffs are likely to be less effective and delaying attacking for a round to bring them up may not be a good idea.
Without knowing what the rest of the party is playing it is hard to figure out what is needed. If one of the players is an antipaladin of tyranny/oracle of life the last thing they need is healing. A magus/wizard is going to be able to cover arcane casting so another arcane caster might be redundant.
I have not played Hell’s Vengeance, but from what I can see an inquisitor would do very well in this adventure path. It looks like this adventure path has a lot of intrigue and investigation. A cleric doesn’t have a lot of skills and with all the other demands on stats will probably not have a good INT. This is the area were inquisitors really shine. The inquisitor not only gets 6 skills points per level they get more bonus on skill than just about any class. With the right inquisition you can dump CHA and still be the face of the party. From the looks of the stats in the original post this is exactly what the OP is doing. This is about the only way to have a character with a 7 CHA with “solid investigation and social skills”.
A Zen Archer/Inquisitor uses WIS as both a combat stat and a casting stat. It also powers all the abilities of both classes. This combination allows you to boost WIS for just about anything important. You will want a moderate STR, DEX and CON but can ignore INT and dump CHA to the floor. Zen Archer is effectively a full BAB character when attack with a bow. The Zen Archer also gets bonus combat feats that allows the character early access to some important feats. Being able to get improve precise shot at 6th level is great for an archer. By 6th level the character can have combat reflexes, improved precise shot, perfect strike, precise shot, weapon focus, weapon specialization without spending any normal feats. At 9th level reflex shot comes online which allows them to use a bow for an AoO. Assuming a 14 DEX that means they could get up to 3 extra attacks at full BAB. Bane means he adds an average of 9 points of damage to each arrow. Bane also increases the enchantment bonus of the bow which may allow it to bypass some forms of DR.
The character also has incredibly mobility. This combined with a high number off attacks allows him to stay at range while still attacking. At 6th level he should have about a 50’. This allows him to move and attack and the majority of the creatures will not be able to keep up. Round 1 he moves up to his full speed and makes a single attack. Round 2 he makes a full attack, on round 3 he makes a full attack if nothing can reach him or moves and makes a single attack. Doing this means the only way to attack him is at range.

Melkiador |

The whole situation is complicated, because the OP didn't start out with gestalt in mind. Personally, I wouldn't skip any levels of inquisitor.
So, you're looking at Inquisitor/X.
The simplest choice for X would just be Ranger. It gets you good base class bonuses, brings bonus feats for archery, pairs well with the dexterity/wisdom you already have, and is not very swift action dependent like the inquisitor.

Alessandra Venici |

Without knowing what the rest of the party is playing it is hard to figure out what is needed. If one of the players is an antipaladin of tyranny/oracle of life the last thing they need is healing. A magus/wizard is going to be able to cover arcane casting so another arcane caster might be redundant.
Both are frontliners.
One indeed plays the LE anti-paladin, combined with Armiger. He probably goes into Hellknight down the line, i suspect.
The other is a cavalier/bard (the psychic caster archetype)

Claxon |

Claxon wrote:Besides cleric, how about a druid? Take the eagle domain and maybe the Nature Fang Archetype. Enjoy flying while raining arrows down on your enemies.I was going to recommend Zen Archer/Cleric.
While Inquisitor is really cool and probably my favorite class in PF1, Zen Archer will bring all the archery goodness you need and cleric will bring all the buff spell, healing, and condition stuff you could want.
The only other thing I'd consider is Zen Archer 3/Inquisitor 17/cleric 20.
I prefer the cleric spell list and what it brings over druid.
Nature Fang does bring some additional martial goodies in, but the Inquisitor chassis already pretty good in that respect.
And due to conflicting swift action usage, you'd most likely end up activating studied target as a move action.
And lastly there's considerations of flavor to consider. I don't know what the OP envisions, but for the kind of character I'm imagining druid just doesn't fit.

Mysterious Stranger |

The cavalier/bard does not look too bad. I am not really familiar with psychic magic, but from what I understand you can cast while in armor. That should be fairly decent for someone who wants to screw with people minds.
The antipaladin/fighter is not really that strong. Going into hellknight does not look like it is going to boost it much. There is too much duplicated abilities between the classes. This character is probably going to be the weak link of the party. A better choice for it would be an oracle instead of a fighter for the second class.
From the looks of the other two characters your character is the only one with any kind of sneakiness and stealth abilities. Going cleric is probably going to limit that and this may be something that is needed for the party. A character without armor can appear a lot less threatening and go places where someone in armor would stand out.
Your party does lack spell casting, but I would either not worry about the spells, or go full all out caster. If you are doing that maybe a sorcerer/oracle combination, but that would mean abandoning your current character completely.

VoodistMonk |

If you do not care for a companion...
Toxophilite Ranger makes an incredibly effective chassis for Overwatch Vortex. You can really mess with action economy and Iniative order readying two shots with separate triggers as a standard action, or four separately triggered shots as a full-round action... plus the ability to intercept incoming projectiles, both as readied actions or immediate actions... and a bonus for shooting really small things (like Familiars and wands and holy symbols).
Freebooter Ranger can hand out Freebooter's Bane to the whole party, which is kind of like Studied Strike for everyone! And the name fits with your Inquisitor stuffs.
Hooded Champion Ranger gets Panache/deeds with a bow.
Divine Tracker Ranger gets Warpriest Blessings.
Woodland Skimirisher gets +1 spells per day for every level... Witchguard adds Patron Spells.
Wild Stalker gets Rage.
Ranger gives you lots of solid options...

Mysterious Stranger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The characters deity is Eiseth is the Erinyes Queen. She is basically a female arch devil focusing on battle, revenge and wrath. Her worshipers are bitter nobles, disgruntled diabolists and evil generals. I am not seeing much to indicate any interest in nature. I do see a highly disciplined warrior focused on being the best they can at combat.
Zen Archer has better archery bonus feats than the ranger. At 6th level the Zen Archer has 7 bonus feats and can have both improved precise shot and point blank master. The ranger has 2 bonus feats and has to choose between improved precise shot and point blank master. To take point blank master they also need to use one of their regular feats to pick up weapon focus, where the Zen Archer actually gets that for free. The Zen Archer also does not need to pick up rapid shot or many shot because they can get a similar effect with flurry. Zen archer also gets reflex shot at 9th level so is getting the equivalent to snapshot for free. Combat Reflexes can be picked up as a monk bonus feat to give you more AoO with the bow. The Zen Archer also gets improved unarmed strike and does more damage with his unarmed strikes. This allows the character to make AoO at lower level while still using the bow. They can also spend a point of Ki to get an additional attack that stacks with haste.
The biggest advantage of the Zen Archer is that it uses WIS for its combat stat. Since both the monk and inquisitor use WIS for everything this makes all of those abilities stronger. The character will need at least a 13 DEX to qualify for things like deadly aim, so will probably end up with a 14 DEX. This allows the character to put all their resources into boosting WIS. Boosting WIS is going to give the character AC, increase their chance to hit. Improve their initiative, give them more Ki, increase their chance of identifying monsters, give them more spells and increase the DC of those spells. Increase a lot of important skills including some social skills and allow them to change their teamwork feats more often.
The ranger is a good class; the Zen Archer is a better choice when it comes to archery. The Zen Archer also has better synergy with the inquisitor. Not using armor gives the character more options for intrigue. They can disguise themselves as a commoner and still have reasonable combat ability. Without the bow they lose a lot of power but can still beat the crap out of someone with their fists. Don’t forget that a monks unarmed strike counts as a weapon so the character can add bane to his unarmed strike.

Trokarr |

If you are planning on going Zen Archer5/InquisitorX on one side perhaps consider taking the Evangelist prestige class since you won’t get a capstone for Inquisitor anyway. Eiseth’s obedience is really easy (excessive blade sharpening basically). I think all the offensive and defensive abilities of the prestige class are well worth what amounts to one level of Inquisitor class feature progression.

Mysterious Stranger |

The problem with the Sohei is their bonus feats don’t really apply to an archer. This means they do not get early access to feats. Getting improved precise shot at 10th level is a big boost. The Sohei does not qualify for it till 15th level. They also do not get access to point blank master at all. That means they have to deal with provoking AoO when using the bow.
The Sohei will get 2 extra shots when combining flurry with rapid shot and many shot but does not get reflex shot so cannot make AoO with a bow. Since they don’t archery related feats as bonus feats, they have to use their regular feats for that. That means they don’t have the feats to get snapshot. Combat reflexes combined with reflex shot can potentially give the Zen archer more attacks than the Sohei. This is going to be highly dependent on circumstances and is no way guaranteed.
By 10th level the zen archer is going to have pretty much all the archery feats it needs and will still have 3 feats to spend. The Sohei will not have improved precise shot, point blank master, and weapon focus. They can get combat reflexes but since they cannot make AoO with a bow they can only use it with their unarmed attacks. Being able to use WIS as their combat stat means the inquisitor side is getting more of a boost to its class features. The extra spells, and DC for those and class abilities is going to be helpful.
If it were a non-gestalt campaign the Sohei would be more competitive.