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I have an interesting tripper build that dips 2 levels in High Guardian Fighter for Combat Reflexes based on strength bonus instead of dex. You want the biped base form. You want Bite, Trip, and Reach evolutions. You want the half elf alternate race trait that grants proficiency with an exotic weapon or elven weapon familiarity for proficiency with an Elven Branched Spear. At higher levels you want Large and Huge evolutions. Spells to focus on are Enlarge Person and Long Arms for all the reach. Once you get +6 BAB you can grab Greater Trip.
1st:Synthesist - Dirty Fighting
2nd:High Guardian
3rd:High Gaurdian - Improved Trip
5th:Synthesist - Extra Evolution
Why not just cast Polymorph on your familiar. Then you aren't bound by the restrictions of Polymorph Familiar.
And here I was thinking the Exploiter was the real issue with the Exploiter Pact Wizard not the Pact Wizard. Could have sworn an exploiter with Potent Magic, Quick Study, Dimension Slide, Fiendish Proboscis, and Counterspell would be the real issue in the build. But I suppose a built in way to bypass SR and pass those dispel checks so you don't need feats to do it is kinda the cherry on top so to speak.
Ju-Mo. wrote: HOWEVER I just found (while writting this post) another argument.
You clearly cast a spell:
"[...] can use it to CAST any one spell [...].
Core Rulebook - Magic wrote:
You can cast a spell at a lower caster level than normal, but the caster level you choose must be high enough for you to cast the spell in question, and all level-dependent features must be based on the same caster level.
If you cast a spell (which you clearly do) you need to have a caster level which works for the spell.
Power Word Kill is a 9th level spell, so you need to have a caster level of Wizard 17 to cast it.
You arent allowed to cast it any less.
So even a Wizard 25 has to cast Power Word Kill with a caster level from 17 to 25 (you can select less than 17 and no more than your caster level)
So RAW a Wizard 15 with items/feats that give him +2 to his caster level, would be able to cast a 9th level spell.
That would mean as long as he doesnt have this items or spell specialisation for one specific spell you cant to much more with this abiliy even if you read it stricly RAW.
So RAI it clearly has the restrictions of a normal arcane bond.
Only RAW yes he can cast higher spells IF (and thats a big IF) his caster level is high enough for the spell he wants to cast.
This is the argument I started with against this player. I think it's the most solid argument for the RAW here.
Azothath wrote: Wizard archetypes Exploiter or one of two Pact Wizards.... Pact Wizard from HH stacks with Exploiter
Azothath wrote: I assume you don't run wizards. Please read the wizard class. I’ve played plenty of wizards just never one with a Bonded Object. All my PF1e wizards have always been Exploiter Pact wizards. Thank you for the insight here as that original wording on bonded item is very helpful.
I definitely agree that by RAI the spell should follow all normal casting rules meaning having a CL high enough to cast the spell and needing all the components. Unfortunately the argument is solely over the RAW. Obviously I told the player I’d never let that fly at my table but he insists it should work.
zza ni wrote: As she can't understand and write spells beyond the level of spells she can cast, i don't see how she add one to her book.
"Each time a Poleiheira adherent attains a new wizard level, she gains four spells (rather than two)"
- the two spells gained are only up to a spell level she can cast.
"Once per day while holding the book in one hand, she can use it to cast any one spell she has written in the bonded book.."
-she must be the one who write the spell in so she can't even pay someone else to have him write it in for her. (well she can but the ability won't work)
A wizard can write new spells into their spellbook by copying them from another wizard’s spellbook or a scroll. You just have to pass a Spellcraft check. There is no limit to the level of spell a wizard can add this way.
I have a player claiming that the ability Bonded Book permits a 1st level character to cast a 9th level spell once per day without any components because it's a (Sp) ability. Is this how this works?
For Reference:
Bonded Book (Sp)
A Poleiheira adherent forms a bond with a spellbook. This bonded book becomes intrinsically tied to a Poleiheira adherent’s conscious and subconscious mind. The book always opens to the right page, and she can record any number of spells and other information in her bonded book—when she turns pages, more blank pages appear. Other wizards find it difficult to read the book, which displays information in a seemingly random order: the DC of all Spellcraft checks to copy or prepare spells from the book increases by 10.
Each time a Poleiheira adherent attains a new wizard level, she gains four spells (rather than two) to add to the bonded book. The cost and time requirement for writing a new spell into the book are halved. The time to prepare spells is reduced to one third (20 minutes to prepare all spells, and 5 minutes to prepare up to one quarter of her spells). Once per day while holding the book in one hand, she can use it to cast any one spell she has written in the bonded book, even if the spell is not prepared.
A Poleiheira adherent can replace a lost or destroyed bonded book in the same manner as a bonded item. The new bonded book retains a number of spells per spell level equal to the Poleiheira adherent’s Intelligence modifier from the previous bonded book, as well as all the mundane information that was recorded in the previous bonded book. If a Poleiheira adherent replaces her bonded book or dies, the previous book reverts to an ordinary blank spellbook.
This replaces arcane bond.
bbangerter wrote: Your personal table drama has now spilled out into the "grab some popcorn" for the rest of us.
Unless there is another actual rules question to be answered, highly recommend taking this offline.
Indeed it seems to have. That certainly was not the intent of this post at all. I simply made the thread to ask if there was a RAW way to obtain magic items (especially those from the core 6) that cost more than 16k as that’s the highest base value available on Golarion. Unfortunately it seems like it’s craft or hope it gets randomly rolled. Sad day but I’ll just deal with that. Unfortunately the GM of my game took the thread as a personal attack for whatever reason and then proceeded to air out a bunch of stuff that had absolutely nothing to do with the post. Then I played into it of course. I should’ve just ignored his reply as I got my answer in the first 2 replies.
I already know that we won’t be permitted to use any exploits. I’m ok with that. I certainly feel like we’re currently going beyond what should be acceptable. But when I was told that a 17th level character isn’t guaranteed a +6 item in their primary stat throughout the course of an adventure path (a pretty common standard item and part of what is considered the big 6) I was and still am quite concerned. Especially considering a 15th level character using ABP gets +6 to a mental stat and a 16th level character using ABP gets +6 to a physical stat
Azothath wrote: the GM supplies some things in a campaign. If a player wants a specific item... get the craft feat or hire an NPC with it. Simple really.
The magic item crafting table is there to support that for GMs and Players.
That would be a great idea if Xelaaredn wasn’t actively trying to make item crafting significantly more difficult than the rules state. Potentially requiring research checks to learn how to craft an item. Potentially requiring the purchase of item formulas to learn how to craft items. Since “you shouldn’t just automatically know how to craft every item a feat could encompass the moment you take the feat”. Removing the ability to ignore prerequisites by increasing the DC. Requiring the player to be at the CL of the item to craft it. And so on.
I have a question for the hive mind. I have recently been informed that no city can have magic items for sale that exceed that city’s base value. If that is in fact the case, how on Golorian does one obtain a +10 weapon or even a +6 belt/headband if one is never given out as loot without crafting it yourself?
Andostre wrote: It sounds like you're saying that the 1E rules don't allow you to convert magic items to BP, which isn't accurate.
In the 1E Kingdom Building rules, you can deposit personal magic items into your treasury on step 2 of the Income phase.
Quote: Step 2—Make Deposits to the Treasury: You can add funds to a kingdom’s Treasury by donating your personal wealth to the kingdom—coins, gems, jewelry, weapons, armor, magic items, and other valuables you find while adventuring, as long as they are individually worth 4,000 gp or less. For every full 4,000 gp in value of the deposit, increase your kingdom’s BP by 1. Or are you saying that because you're using the 2E material but the 1E rules, you're not getting as many magic items that you can convert to BP?
I know you can deposit magic items into the treasury. Prior to Ultimate Campaign you could use the magic items you generated in your kingdom for BP without paying for them. After Ultimate Campaign you now have to buy them before you can deposit them. At that point you might as well just deposit money. So with the change we’re low on BP and I’m curious how other groups have solved that issue.
So my group is playing the new Kingmaker stuff they printed for 2e that was converted for 1e using the rules for kingdom building represented in Ultimate Campaign. Using those rules you can’t just convert magic items in the kingdom into BP so we’re having income issues. We’re at the end of book 2 and we’re about 18 months into our kingdom. We have 26 hexes, a Control DC of 50, 78 Economy, 49 Loyalty, 52 Stability, and gain 12 BP per turn from mines and sawmills. We’re averaging about 42 BP per turn but we aren’t keeping up with building needs. Does this sound about normal for where we are in our kingdom and our progress in the story? We have the option to just litter the map with quarries, mines, and sawmills to ramp up BP generation and we could even put in foundries to increase the production from the mines. Is this something that is typically done in most kingmaker games? Are there other options I’m missing?
The more I look at it, I don’t think Razmiran Priest and Crossblooded are compatible.
Technically Bloodline familiar isn’t an archetype so I see no reason why it wouldn’t be compatible. It’s just an option you can select in place of your first level power. You still get a 1st level power so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be selectable.
So Half-Elf Crossblooded Esoteric Draconic Shapechanger Razmiran Priest with a Bloodline Familiar?
So the reason for the shapechanger bloodline is for Mutable Flesh with Paragon Surge and a Ring of Continuation and Emergency Attunement so I can have access to any feat or spell I need at a moment’s notice so unfortunately I can’t choose the Arcane or Sage Bloodlines.
Azothath wrote: Bloodline Familiars and there's a list of bloodlines that can take this option. Shapechanger bloodline is not on the list. A PC chooses a regular animal Familiar and then it gains the listed bloodline familiar ability.
I'll note you can only have a Familiar or Bonded Object, not both.
A Home Game GM can create an option that's not in RAW but it is a Home Game rule for his game. GMs may use the following bloodline familiar abilities as written, or employ them as guidelines for devising bloodline familiar abilities for bloodlines not listed below.
Familiars in a martial focused higher level game are more of a liability than asset. A Bonded Object gains in value with caster level.
1: How would I go about getting a bonded object on this character?
2: Wouldn’t a familiar be better for a support caster like this that stays away from the front lines?
Is the Bloodline Familiar option limited only to the bloodlines listed or can a sorcerer of any bloodline take bloodline familiar?
If a sorcerer of a different bloodline than those listed takes bloodline familiar does the GM have to create a special effect for that familiar?
What ability would you give a bloodline familiar for a sorcerer of the Shapechanger Bloodline?
Working on a half-elf Razmiran priest sorcerer with the shapechanger bloodline and I’m considering bloodline familiar.
So a figment Rhamphorhynchus gets me Fiendish Proboscus abuse as early as level 3. I’ll take that. Then I’ll retrain its feat for mounted combat and have it negate attacks on me with the skilled evolution starting at 7th level. Not too bad.
Yeah it looks like every archetype that has SLAs loses share spells. Ambassador could be combined with figment but it wouldn’t come online till 10th level.
Well at least with that I can get my +4 initiative. Loosing share spells hurts but it is what it is.
Is Chicken really the only familiar with a 10+ cha? The only real benefit to the basic magic evolution is for exploiter wizards and arcanists with the Fiendish Proboscis exploit.
Because the Figment Archetype replaces the ability “Speak with animals of its own kind” as does improved familiar. Since 2 things modifying a familiar can’t replace the same ability they aren’t compatible.
Zepheri wrote: Whit improved familiar you can get a familiar that have charisma 10+ Unfortunately Figment isn’t compatible with improved familiar.
I was researching familiars and stumbled upon the Figment archetype and people keep mentioning taking the Basic Magic evolution. That evolution has the line "The eidolon must have a charisma score of 10 or higher to select this evolution" so my question is, How does a figment familiar even select this evolution?
Azothath wrote: we posted the 'help' and hopefully it gives direction.
A GM's job is to both curate his world and make things a bit of a challenge so the player can accomplish things. Sometimes it just takes time.
Probably it is best if you work out your home game issues off forum.
I was at a bit of a loss not knowing what to do. Posted this thread hoping to get some ideas to make good counter arguments. I appreciate all the insight you all gave me here. Sorry for causing a bit of a stir.
To be clear, I pretended to be the GM so that I didn’t seem like I was just throwing my GM under the bus and in an obligatory “my GM made this “ruling and I don’t like it” post. Also, in my discord conversation with the GM it was never actually made clear to me that I would be permitted to craft the item in question.
Azothath wrote: Look at Special materials. Singing steel in particular.
A weapon needs to be (+1) before any weapon qualities are added.
Spell storing would be a nice addition... Holy is good but it is +2.
He would love to make the weapon out of singing steel but apparently that material is hard to find outside Tien Sha and even if you can find it you’d need a special forge to smelt work with the mythril. I should probably mention that I’m running the Kingmaker AP.
zza ni wrote: first a note. it help if you link or copy the information you ask about.
linking here
i think one must first read the items information. even the flavor text.
there are some items that started being made by a specific religion but then spread out and can be found made by others. and others that have specific extra abilities when used by believers of a specific religion.
even some say in the items creation information that the maker must follow a specific god etc.
as for myself i would:
1 allow anyone to craft anything they can get the requirements to craft done. if he is not a follower of a specific god and the item require it then he can add +5 to the dc (or have the help of one. maker doesn't have to be the only one supplying the demands).
2. an item that has extra abilities when used by a believer of a specific religion will only allow said believers to use that ability (in some cases a UMD check with high enough dc can be substituted. again a house rule of mine). im talking about using the made item. not making it.
3. an item that is used by a specific religion but has no special powers granted to it's believers nor has a special requirement stating the belief of it's creator - can be made and used by anyone.
in some cases i might demand a knowledge religion or arcane before allowing the creator to make a very obscure item that he should not have known about without said roll.
the item in question mostly fit into the 3rd option as it say nothing about the religion of Shelyin in it's information. i rather believe this mean that while it is very common to find in the hands of believers of Sheylin -who's favored weapon is the glaive, ever since she took it from her brother, and has a thing for performance. but it's not strictly restricted to them
I like this approach. My only question is, how does the PC have the knowledge of the item he/she wants to craft or the requirements to craft said item? Does everyone just have knowledge of all magic items and their requirements?
So, I’m running a game and I’m allowing magic item crafting. One of my players wants to craft a Blade of Three Fancies which is a Shelyn specific weapon but he is a bard that doesn’t worship any deity. Would you allow the player to craft the weapon? If so, how would the PC know of the weapon and the specifics of the item’s construction? If not, what would the justification be for disallowing it?
My group have differing opinions on how these qualities are selected. My GM seems to be of the opinion that he should choose our settlement qualities for us instead of us choosing them ourselves. So I have a few questions regarding them. 1: Should the GM be choosing the settlement qualities for our kingdom? 2: Are all the qualities available for choosing at the start even if we have no buildings to support the qualities ex. Choosing holy site with No shrine temple or cathedral?
I guessed that would be the case and I needed to see that all laid out. After reading through that, I agree that Sohei is not beneficial here. I really like Zen Archer 20/ Inquisitor 20 for an archer gestalt. I like Ravener Hunter for wood bond and Sanctified Slayer archetypes.
It’s sad to see that no one is mentioning the Sohei monk as it’s the only thing in the game that can flurry with rapid shot and manyshot. I realize that doing so is very feat intensive but I still think it’s worth mentioning.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Found it. Samsaran choosing Silksworn Occultist as the class for it's mystic past life.
Davor Firetusk wrote: Two levels of Pathfinder Savant will let you grab a spell from any spell list and add it to Magus Except it would be treated as a 7th level spell and thus unable to cast it.
Is it worth losing those things for the things you can do as a phantom blade?
Melkiador wrote: I don't know of a way to do it with a magus. The spiritualist has the phantom blade archetype that is a lot like a magus. And the spiritualist has harm on its spell list. This is true. Magus is just objectively the better class for spell combat and spellstike abilities and a better spell list to facilitate it. Was hoping to find a way to get it.
I'm looking for a way for a Magus to add Harm to it's spell list. Is there any way to do this without multiclassing or losing caster levels?
The first turn of kingdom building has you choose where to place you first settlement. Due to the time it takes to prepare the land for building it looks like no buildings can actually be built in that first kingdom turn. Is this correct?
Java Man wrote: Yes, I'm saying that if extracts (or horoscopes) don't count as spells for being a spellcaster then they don't count as spells here either. And lacking a pq (like a spell) for crafting only raises the (terribky easy) DC by 5, so why worry? Because the DC is raised by 5 per spell you don’t have access to. Thus if you have 3 spells you don’t know that’s +15 to the DC. At that point it’s difficult to willingly increase it by another 5 to craft twice as fast. When time is of the essence cutting crafting time down is imperative.
Java Man wrote: According to faq an alchemist does not count as a spellcaster for taming crafting feats. A starwatcher's charts count as extracts except for specific differences listed in the archetype. So I'd say you cannot assist another character in making magic items. The star watcher isn’t doing the crafting. He’s just providing the spells needed.
Would a Star Watcher investigator be able to provide spells for a Witch crafting a wonderous item? The star watcher does not have any crafting feats and does not have cooperative crafting. The horoscopes are keyed to specific individuals and thus cannot affect the item being crafted so that is where the issue is coming from. Any help here would be huge.
Mark Hoover 330 wrote: So... you're looking for a quick way to generate something to pay for the crafting of magic items? Soul Gems, obviously, if that's the way you want to go. Some other options:
1. Trophies can be harvested from monsters and some of these can be used to pay for certain types of magic items
2. Downtime lets you generate Magic capital; by spending 50 GP as part of earning the Magic capital, 1 Magic capital can be spent to pay for 100 GP worth of magic item crafting costs
In the section for Trophies it says if the group is harvesting trophies the GM should lower other monetary rewards equal to the amount gained from trophies so we don’t actually get anywhere with that. Downtime however has no such caveat and we’re running Kingmaker so we’ll have plenty of downtime to generate capital so that is definitely something we will be using.
Senko wrote: Honestly soul gem bothers me much like hellfire ray as it allows you to send a saint who's lived their entire life by their gods rules even before they were old enough to understand because it felt right to the abyss or hell with no recourse. It feels like if something like that is possible it should be limited to the greatest devils or demon lords not a CR 2 critter. Even worse this damnation is done for a mere 2 fast healing for a few rounds. Which to me kind of devalues the soul gem as this seems a pretty petty thing to use an immortal soul for.
I also have to ask why your going this route as creating a soul gem is a pretty dark act, as is demon summoning. Is this an evil party or is there something else going on?
As for the Djinn my ruling has always been the creature and anything it brings with it returns when its time is up. Anything it changes/creates however persists as per normal. For example if it planeshifts you to Elysium you remain on Elysium when it goes. If it creates wine the wine remains when it goes. If it creates a sword the sword remains for 7 hours (couldn't be bothered looking up djinni caster level so using hd) even if created right before the djinni returns to its real. If it creates a cabbage then the cabbage remains till eaten or it rots. You take its armour the armour vanishes when its summoning expires. While the being has gone what it did to the world remains. Just like if a player planeshifts to a realm and creates a sword then planeshifts away the sword remains.
So, the party is mostly neutral with the soul gem creator being the only evil PC. We have placed a restriction on that PC that only truly detestable enemies that we kill are allowed to be turned into soul gems. Also, a point of note, soul gems have 3 potential uses. 1: to be consumed for some useless fast healing. Obviously not what we’re going for. 2: to be sold in a specialized market for their value. Closer to what we’re going for but not quite. We would settle for this option. 3: crafting magic items using their value in place of gp costs for crafting. This is the optimal way and what we would prefer.
We (the players) did inform him of the plan to use summon cacodaemon to create soul gems and his response was “I don’t know if the daemon will listen to you and even if it did, I don’t know how long it takes for the soul gem to grow. The spell might time out before it’s finished.” So I was trying to find some sort of RAW answer on these things.
Mark Hoover 330 wrote: I wish this wasn't the Rules forum. Again, the only concrete RAW answer is that Summon Cacodaemon acts as Summon Monster, and SM states only Summon Monster I wrote: If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. As a GM I will say that in a home game, an intelligent monster summoned for something outside of basic combat, at my tables, will respond to commands based on its alignment and the fluff built into the monster's description. A cacodaemon, summoned for 3 rounds in combat, will revel in destruction. The same cacodaemon, summoned for 3 rounds of using it's Bluff skill to distract some guards while the PCs sneak by might get a little annoyed and bite attack anyway.
I say this as a GM b/c this is how a GM can propel a narrative forward, if handled with care and panache. As far as what the rules say, there is an obvious gray area here for perfect obedience. The cacodaemon is being summoned to create a soul gem of a killed enemy for full transparency.