Ravingdork |

The flickmace doesn't get a whole lot of love. (And I mean genuine love, not "wow these stats are good" love.)
It occurred to me that maybe that's because of a distinct lack of representative art that makes it look really, really cool.
Then I thought, why don't we make our own? So I put this challenge to you: draw a serious-looking flickmace that fellow community members will look at and go "oh cool" and post it here.
EDIT: Upon reading the weapon description of the flickmace and flails, it seems to me that the only difference is the length of chain and handle. Flails generally have longer handles and shorter chains, ostensibly to keep the wielder from braining himself. Flickmaces, on the other hand, are much more like we see of flails in many movies and cartoons, with short handles, long chains, and an inexplicable ability to not kill their users.

Darksol the Painbringer |

To be fair, it's an Uncommon Advanced weapon. Those require extremely special training for people to be effective with them (otherwise you're getting maybe your Strength modifier to your attack roll, tops). That's why nobody short of Fighters, Gnomes, and Gnome Fighters are any good with them.
That being said, I imagine it's wielded more like a wristblade attached to your arm, where a fair part of your destructive force is propelled by your wristsnapping, as the description entails, compared to a traditional weapon. Accomplishing that, you might be able to grab it from a 180 degree reversal. That is, the ball and chain actually droop from the bottom of your hand compared to the top.

Darksol the Painbringer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm ok suspending my disbelief there (similar to being ok with lightsabers--it's cool if you go along and don't think too hard about it).
There was a video I watched about Lightsabers being more akin to Plasma than actual Light, since Plasma has substance that Light does not.
Plasmasabres sound cooler than Lightsabres anyway, IMO.

ErichAD |
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As described, it doesn't make much sense, so it's hard to draw. It sounds like a spring loaded bilboquet or kendama, but it's damage isn't based on the force of the spring but on the strength of the character. Even if made to work as a strength based item, it's clearly closer to a thrown weapon or projectile weapon than a melee weapon. I'd almost make it similar to a jai alai like basket and ball weapon, but the ball spins too much for a chain to be attached.
The closest weapon I can think of would be the chigirki, but those are used with the chain typically restrained and only released when needed.
If it really is just a spring loaded weapon, I'd draw a gun with a comically oversize barrel and call it good. I'm more inclined just to stack it next to the starknife as another nonsense weapon that can't be made sense of and draw it like it works due to magic. If I knew what it was supposed to be, I'd be happy to draw something.

Zwordsman |
I never had a problem with a visual.. but I playeed a lot of onimusha and dynasty warriors. So I might just be used to the fantasy weapons?
It also reminds me a lot of the ball+chain weapons from anime like Ruroni kenshin.
but I'm even fine with the yoyo visuals (which is what I personally would want it for). Which admitidly i'm pretty fine with because of RA Salvatore's Cleric Quintent of books (forgotten realms) and other stuff with combat heavy yoyos

PossibleCabbage |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

I assumed it was a mace the ball of which attached to a chain contained in the handle that can be extended on a swing, and retracted through some kind of mechanism. Like a rope dart, but the "dart" is a spiky ball and the slack is managed internally in the handle via a mechanism
rather than "with your hands".
So depending on what stage of its use it's in, it looks like a mace, a flail, or a flail with an extra long chain.

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I assumed it was a mace the ball of which attached to a chain contained in the handle that can be extended on a swing, and retracted through some kind of mechanism. Like a rope dart, but the "dart" is a spiky ball and the slack is managed internally in the handle via a mechanism
rather than "with your hands".So depending on what stage of its use it's in, it looks like a mace, a flail, or a flail with an extra long chain.
This is pretty much precisely how I imagine it. And looks fine, aesthetically.

PossibleCabbage |

This is pretty much precisely how I imagine it. And looks fine, aesthetically.
The implausible part is just "how do they build the mechanism that lets it retract or expand only when you want it to, and do so efficiently" which really isn't a problem given that this is a fantasy game with magic. Or for a more grounded example, Pathfinder lets you use a formation weapon like a halberd or a pike effectively in one-on-one combat without punishing you for the unwieldiness of the thing (which is why they were, historically used in formations.)

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Personally I envision it is like a Scoop Ball toy with the ball portion resting in the scoop attached to a cable (Not a chain) that feeds down into the handle wherein there is a heavy spring-loaded cable reel winding mechanism that pulls the ball and chain back to the scoop after you flick it.
Gnomes are inventors and tinkerers and sure it doesn't mention any kind of mechanical component at all but it would be easy enough to create a somewhat balanced weapon spring reel winding system that will pull the cable and ball back to the scoop when you aren't "flicking" the device to give the ball/cable enough force to propel it at an enemy.

PossibleCabbage |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

The cave troll version is pretty serious.
Having that grinder there in an occupied area with no guardrail or anything is clearly an OSHA violation.

Ravingdork |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gisher wrote:The cave troll version is pretty serious.Having that grinder there in an occupied area with no guardrail or anything is clearly an OSHA violation.
Gnome don't care!

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5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Not so serious: Babbo mace
Or better yet... Here's my PHOTOSHOP SKILLS! I present:

Gisher |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

PossibleCabbage wrote:Gnome don't care!Gisher wrote:The cave troll version is pretty serious.Having that grinder there in an occupied area with no guardrail or anything is clearly an OSHA violation.
Gnomes are the honey badgers of humanoid species.

ErichAD |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This is about as far as I'll go with this.
Here you go.
The one on the left is the one I guess works best. The one on the right I left in there since it looks like it has cat ears and uses a mellon baller grip handle, and I thought that was stupid enough to be worth sharing.

Lackluster Brown |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gisher wrote:The cave troll version is pretty serious.Having that grinder there in an occupied area with no guardrail or anything is clearly an OSHA violation.
This makes me want to write up a one handed half orc fighter that uses a modified Flick Mace as a prosthetic.

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Personally I envision it is like a Scoop Ball toy with the ball portion resting in the scoop attached to a cable (Not a chain) that feeds down into the handle wherein there is a heavy spring-loaded cable reel winding mechanism that pulls the ball and chain back to the scoop after you flick it.
Gnomes are inventors and tinkerers and sure it doesn't mention any kind of mechanical component at all but it would be easy enough to create a somewhat balanced weapon spring reel winding system that will pull the cable and ball back to the scoop when you aren't "flicking" the device to give the ball/cable enough force to propel it at an enemy.
for the most part "with some exceptions" pf gnomes are not tinkers and inventors

PossibleCabbage |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

for the most part "with some exceptions" pf gnomes are not tinkers and inventors
They are however obsessives. It's entirely likely that one gnome somewhere thought about "how do I make a flail whose chain was always as long as I wanted" and made that their obsessive project for a long period of time. Other gnomes adopted it largely because gnomes love novelty and it amused them.

Claxon |

An atterax is much scarier than a flickmace, at least until they Nerf the spin to win mods.
They did. Melee 3.0 is live on PC and to illustrate to you how much things have changed, the combo counter is gone and Maiming Strike no longer adds a flat 90% chance to crit. It's now a multiplicative buff of 150%.
So your 5% crit chance weapon is now a 12.5% crit chance, on slide attacks.
Spin to win died.