GM Ietsuna |

Yes, my intent is that if we play a Paizo AP then I will be issuing chronicles.
Sources will be fairly open. Nothing 3rd party, but anything Paizo is fine.
In terms of post frequency I would expect 5 or 6 posts per week as a minimum. We all get busy and RL happens. I periodically run obstacle races and cannot post for a whole day or work just gets busy. I will give as much notice as I can of interruptions and I would appreciate the same in return. To mitigate that slightly could everyone please make a BOT ME spoiler so we can carry forward if need be.

GM Ietsuna |

The AP is set in the infamous Stolen Lands of the River Kingdoms, where there is a bit of a land rush. Players are tasked with growing and managing their very own kingdom (using rules that would later be incorporated into Ultimate Campaign), while they also defend it from monsters and bandits.
Shattered Star
The story sees agents of a new Pathfinder Society lodge in Magnimar learning of a fragmented artifact scattered throughout the old lands of Golarion. So it falls on the players to step in and gather up the seven fragments of this Shattered Star with some classic dungeon crawling.
Iron Gods
The Rain of Stars was really fragmented remnants of a starship from beyond the stars that fell from the sky, scattering strange technological ruins across the land. Today, those sites are occupied by barbaric tribes and coveted by the sinister spellcasters.
Hell's Rebels
This is another city-based campaign. It has as its setting a rebellion in Cheliax, starting with the formation of a group of ragtag resistance fighters.
Splinters of Faith
Splinters of Faith is a collection of 10 adventures for characters of levels 1 to 15 that can be played individually or as part of an epic campaign to restore the Scepter of Faiths. Adventure in 10 fully detailed temples such as the Shield Basilica of Muir or the dwarven city of Anvil Plunge, and conquer the nightmarish Nether Sepulcher to restore the balance of good.
Rappan Atthuk
Rappan Athuk, the legendary mega-dungeon by Frog God Games and Necromancer Games is nothing more and nothing less than a good, old–fashioned, First Edition dungeon crawl updated for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Swords & Wizardry rules. Very difficult, Rappan Athuk will truly strike fear into the hearts of the most stalwart adventurers. It offers legions of inventive traps, tricks, strange features, and monsters -- many of them never before seen. It affords numerous opportunities for roleplaying, but anyone willing to brave these subterranean halls better arrive ready to rumble, or their lives will be short indeed.
Trail of the Apprentice
The theft of a mysterious artifact launches a group of heroes on a desperate quest to unmask a hidden foe and stop his plans to unleash a terrible evil upon the world. Only by following clues, getting help from some unlikely sources, and overcoming great challenges will the heroes be able to discover who their enemy is and what plans are unfolding to threaten the good people of Threll. Will their strength, willpower, and talent be enough to win the day?

Grumbaki |

Splinters of Faith
Splinters of Faith is a collection of 10 adventures for characters of levels 1 to 15 that can be played individually or as part of an epic campaign to restore the Scepter of Faiths. Adventure in 10 fully detailed temples such as the Shield Basilica of Muir or the dwarven city of Anvil Plunge, and conquer the nightmarish Nether Sepulcher to restore the balance of good.
You have my interest!

Ouachitonian |

I've never played Shattered Star, and only barely played any of Hell's Rebels. I'd definitely be interested in one of those.
I'm in an Iron Gods game, but would be happy to try a different one (the character I'm playing basically uses no tech stuff, so I'd be interested in a build that goes whole-hog for that sort of thing).
The 3PP ones I know basically nothing about. I'd try them, but they're farther down the list for me.
I like Kingmaker,but I've played enough of it that I don't know if I'd want to add another game of it.

Gerald |

I’d love to play in any of the Paizo APs.
Shattered Star is really hard to run via PBP in my experience since it is so dungeon heavy. It’s tough to keep up the posting rate without a rogue that posts multiple times a day, listening for noises, checking for traps, etc.
I’ve played in many of your PFS scenarios, so I know you’d be great for a AP campaign!

Phntm888 |
I'd be interested in Iron Gods - I was in a game that got through the beginning of Book 2 and then died, but the part I played was enjoyable. I've submitted to Rappan Atthuk before, and could play that one. I'm not too familiar with anything involving the other 3pp ones, and I am either actively playing or have completed the other Paizo RPGs.

Balacertar |

I would like to follow you in your adventure to play the Hell's Rebels one.
As for the character to play, there are many concepts I would like to explore so no particular preference. And crunch base I am open to fill whatever role is needed in the party, although I tend to play more comfortably the utility and support ones.

GM Ietsuna |

Ok, wow. I am kind of floored by the amount of interest this has attracted. I will give this some thought today. The leaning seems to be towards Shattered Star, but all of the others have a smattering of support. I know some will be disappointed, but I will do my best to accommodate as many people as I can.

G.A.L. |

Counted interest via votes:
Hells rebels 14
Iron gods 16
Kingmaker 9
Shattered Star 14
Trail of the Apprentice (by Legendary Games) 3
Rappan Athuk 4
Splinters of Faith (by Frog God) 4
Discalimer: Didn't count houstonj because they said an AP needed to be picked before submitting interest.
Added houstonj's votes, sorry for misunderstanding!

hustonj |
Well, I tried to say I'm not really interested in Kingmaker, but I have no idea what kind of character I would be looking to play until I know which story we're working with. I may not have been clear enough.
Edit: I hate trying to type on my phone, so any post I make on the phone tends to be more concise. Even in landscape mode, the little "buttons" on the phone keyboard are around half the size of my fingertips. Typing that way is a chore.