Got a rules question about Pathfinder Second Edition? Post it here! And we might answer them on stream!

Rules Discussion

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Source Core Rulebook pg. 633 2.0
Light effects overcome non-magical darkness in the area, and can counteract magical darkness. You must usually target darkness magic with your light magic directly to counteract the darkness, but some light spells automatically attempt to counteract darkness.

But how actually does this operate.
1. How does the Target mean?
2. It is said light magic not light spell. How does non-spell magic operate?
3. What is the range the light magic can counteract.
4. What is the range that darkness magic counteracted?

For example, can the spell Light counteract Darkness?
I think it can't. Because Light can only target an object. But my friend thinks that it act like Dispel Magic. Once used 2 single action and touched Darkness. Then operated as the Counteract r

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May this can answer:

YuriP wrote:

May this can answer:

Thank you. This video declares that Target has a narrower definition.

This is a bit of a strange one. I've recently been in a bit of an argument where the other person is claiming that the shuriken's reload time of 0 is a typo and it should have a reload of "-" like all other thrown weapons.

Have there been any discussions around this, and the possible implications and interactions with other rules? And is there are general opinion or official clarification around why this one weapon is treated slightly different from all other thrown weapons?

My argument so far has been that I don't see any strong reason to believe it is a typo, and that there is a precedent from 1st edition where the shuriken was treated like ammunition with regards to how it's drawn and what happens when you throw it.

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JDCalvert wrote:
This is a bit of a strange one. I've recently been in a bit of an argument where the other person is claiming that the shuriken's reload time of 0 is a typo and it should have a reload of "-" like all other thrown weapons.

Making shuriken have 'reload -' would cause Shooting Stars Stance to be nearly unusable.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

There's been no discussion about it that I'm aware of, no developer comment to suggest there's anything wrong with the Shuriken, nor has it been touched upon in the three errata passes the CRB has received so far.

There's nothing really to suggest that it's a typo.


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JDCalvert wrote:
I've recently been in a bit of an argument where the other person is claiming that the shuriken's reload time of 0 is a typo and it should have a reload of "-" like all other thrown weapons.

I think that the Reload Trait itself is the problematic element here, not Shuriken.

People are constantly arguing whether you still Interact with a Reload 0 weapon, which can matter for some reactions, as well as ignoring the Flat Check from being Grabbed.

I would work with your group to reword how Reload works, and while you're at it, you can add Shuriken in addition to "ammunition".

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Interesting that the information on "reload" at Nefreet's link says nothing about "reload -". So where is that defined?

Seems to me "reload 0" basically says that "reloading" takes no actions. Why is that a problem?

Source Core Rulebook pg. 279
While all weapons need some amount of time to get into position, many ranged weapons also need to be loaded and reloaded. This entry indicates how many Interact actions it takes to reload such weapons. This can be 0 if drawing ammunition and firing the weapon are part of the same action. If an item takes 2 or more actions to reload, the GM determines whether they must be performed together as an activity, or you can spend some of those actions during one turn and the rest during your next turn.

An item with an entry of “—” must be drawn to be thrown, which usually takes an Interact action just like drawing any other weapon. Reloading a ranged weapon and drawing a thrown weapon both require a free hand. Switching your grip to free a hand and then to place your hands in the grip necessary to wield the weapon are both included in the actions you spend to reload a weapon.


EDIT: As to why some see reload 0 as an issue as that some claim because it's not it's own action but part of a the attack it no longer has the normal traits of a reload action, meaning it wouldn't have the Manipulate trait and just somehow gets from stored to your hand without you touching it. Others see it as becoming a subordinate action within the attack and as such it keeps it's traits.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I don't see anything in the rules that suggests that something loses its traits just because it's part of another action.


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If you search this Forum you'll find plenty of discussions on the topic. It's fine to pick a side, so long as you understand what the other side is.

Nefreet wrote:
If you search this Forum you'll find plenty of discussions on the topic. It's fine to pick a side, so long as you understand what the other side is.

And I'll add it's important to consider Mobile Shot Stance re: Reactions, which IMO decides the core question.

Castilliano wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
If you search this Forum you'll find plenty of discussions on the topic. It's fine to pick a side, so long as you understand what the other side is.
And I'll add it's important to consider Mobile Shot Stance re: Reactions, which IMO decides the core question.

Or not. If you decide that the stance is badly designed and should have included removing reactions to reloading reload 0 weapons too.

Errenor wrote:
Castilliano wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
If you search this Forum you'll find plenty of discussions on the topic. It's fine to pick a side, so long as you understand what the other side is.
And I'll add it's important to consider Mobile Shot Stance re: Reactions, which IMO decides the core question.
Or not. If you decide that the stance is badly designed and should have included removing reactions to reloading reload 0 weapons too.

Or you just realize that the stance does NOTHNG for any reloads so there is no reason reload 0 weapons to be special: mobile shot doesn't help a crossbow or pistol avoid reactions vs their reloads so why would it do so for bows?

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I would say something about keeping the conversation to the threads that already exist on this topic, but this thread needs to die anyway.

graystone wrote:
Or you just realize that the stance does NOTHNG for any reloads so there is no reason reload 0 weapons to be special: mobile shot doesn't help a crossbow or pistol avoid reactions vs their reloads so why would it do so for bows?

Ruling it that way makes Mobile Shot Stance distinctly worse for bows than for crossbows/firearms. Because crossbows/firearms can be reloaded while not in reaction range. Then if you need to fire it while in melee reach of an enemy with AoO, it won't provoke the reaction. With a reload 0 weapon the only way to fire it at all is to reload it at that exact same action time and therefore in that exact same location.

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breithauptclan wrote:
Ruling it that way makes Mobile Shot Stance distinctly worse for bows than for crossbows/firearms.

*shrug* So? Not every feat is going to be equally good for all options. I'm 100% fine with bow NOT being the best weapon for every feat/option.

Secondly, I don't see why you couldn't take an Interact action to reload your bow: nothing says you can't take longer to reload than the minimum action cost [it just doesn't benefit you do do so 99% of the time]. For instance, I doubt many DM are going to tell you that you can't load your bow before the party opens a door just because you aren't immediately attacking someone.

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The entire Gunslinger class is built with the idea that using a bow isn't always the best option.

But if Mobile Shot Stance was supposed to not work with bows at all then it should actually list that it doesn't work with bows. Otherwise it is just a confusing and trappish option that requires a very thorough reading of the rules to realize that it doesn't actually work the way it is presented.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The appeal to balance/fairness seems misplaced. Bows are already so many miles ahead of reload weapons that any time an ambiguous ruling might work against the former or in favor of the latter, it seems like a no brainer to go that way.

breithauptclan wrote:

But if Mobile Shot Stance was supposed to not work with bows at all

It does exactly what it says regardless of which way you land on this ruling.

Squiggit wrote:
breithauptclan wrote:

But if Mobile Shot Stance was supposed to not work with bows at all
It does exactly what it says regardless of which way you land on this ruling.

LOL. Technically, yes it does.

Mobile Shot Stance wrote:
While you’re in this stance, your ranged Strikes don’t trigger Attacks of Opportunity or other reactions that are triggered by a ranged attack.

But if you read that from a perspective of someone who isn't a rules expert, it certainly sounds like it is saying that you can make attacks with a bow without provoking reactions.

But HAH GOTCHA - you forgot about reload.

If we continue this for much longer, I recommend we all flag our own posts as baiting.

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breithauptclan wrote:
But if Mobile Shot Stance was supposed to not work with bows at all then it should actually list that it doesn't work with bows.

This is just false: it does EXACTLY what it says for bows AND other weapons. For instance, Sepid has a reaction that triggers off of "A creature hits the sepid with a ranged Strike or a ranged spell attack roll." A Etioling Blightmage has a reaction with Trigger: "The etioling is the target of a physical ranged attack". Sylph Sneak has Deflecting Gale: "Trigger The sylph sneak is the target of a physical ranged attack". Japalisura has Return Arrow: Trigger "The japalisura is targeted by a ranged attack from a bow". Cloud Dragons have Deflecting Cloud: "Trigger The dragon is the target of a ranged attack". Castoroides has a Slap: "Trigger The castoroides is targeted by a physical ranged Strike from an attacker it can see". Kirin has a Deflecting Gale : "Trigger The kirin is targeted with a ranged Strike". Doprillu has Deflect Arrow: Trigger "The doprillu is the target of a physical ranged attack". Giant Fly has Avoid the Swat: Trigger "The giant fly is targeted with a melee or ranged attack by an attacker it can see". Ice Yai has Icy Deflection: Trigger "The ice yai is targeted by a ranged Strike or spell attack roll that doesn't have the fire trait". Reborn Sun Hunter has Nimble Dodge: Trigger "The sun hunter is targeted with a melee or ranged attack by an attacker they can see". Somnalu has Baleful Gaze: Trigger "A creature within 100 feet makes a ranged attack or uses an action that has the concentrate trait". Temteki has Interposing Earth: Trigger "Temteki is targeted with a melee or ranged attack from an attacker it can see".

For NPC's Abbot Tsujon has Negate Projectiles: Trigger "Abbot Tsujon is the target of a ranged attack". Spinel Leviathan Syndara and Syndara The Sculptor have Portal Redirection: Trigger "Syndara is targeted by a ranged Strike or spell attack roll". Syu Tak-Nwa (Level 20) has Spiraling Web: Trigger "Syu Tak-nwa is the target of a ranged Strike or ranged spell attack roll". Mialari Docur has Nimble Dodge" "Trigger Mialari is targeted with a melee or ranged attack by an attacker she can see". Scarlet Triad Sniper has Backshot: Trigger "A creature the sniper can see misses it with a ranged weapon Strike." Acrobat, Agile Warrior, Ajbal Kimon, Assassin, Burglar, Muruwa, Shino Hakusa and Yana No-Trail have Nimble Dodge Trigger: "The acrobat is targeted with a melee or ranged attack by an attacker they can see". Glaz “Brick Blaster” Nixbrix has Leap Away: Trigger "Nixbrix is targeted with a ranged attack". Scarlet Triad Boss has Return Fire: Trigger "The Scarlet Triad boss is the target of a physical ranged attack".

People always hyper-focus on Attack of Opportunity and seem to ignore that there are a LOT of other reactions out there and lots of them trigger of a ranged attack but not a Reload...

EDIT: saw your comment "If we continue this for much longer, I recommend we all flag our own posts as baiting" after my post went through. We can stop here if you wish as I don't know what the exact rule/etiquette is for a thread that can't fulfill it's intended purpose anymore.

graystone wrote:
EDIT: saw your comment "If we continue this for much longer, I recommend we all flag our own posts as baiting" after my post went through. We can stop here if you wish as I don't know what the exact rule/etiquette is for a thread that can't fulfill it's intended purpose anymore.

Heh. That's why I suggest flagging our own posts. If it was an etiquette problem, I would just flag the other posts and not continue the conversation. But flagging my own posts is just trolling the moderators into maybe doing something about this thread.

You are all [insert personal attack here].

Everyone please feel free to flag this post as abusive, and then maybe a Moderator will lock the entire thread ^_^

Silver Crusade

Magic Aura contains this text "A caster using detect magic or read aura of an equal or higher spell level can attempt to disbelieve the illusion from magic aura." whereas both of those spells contain this text "You detect illusion magic only if that magic’s effect has a lower level than the level of your detect magic/read aura spell." Which is correct?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

They could both be correct, with Magic Aura's text acting as a specific exception to how detect magic works by being easier to detect.

Silver Crusade

Hadn't thought of that. That sounds right to me, thanks.

Customer Service Representative

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Locked the thread


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Well, thank goodness it finally got locked!


...Now hold on a second...

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Just flagged the Paizo moderators comment as Baiting ....

Sorry but couldn't resist.

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