Best Build for Spell Cartridges?


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Grand Lodge

Dunno why some people are acting like this is an OP feat.

You're only doing 1d4+1 damage (per 5 levels) every shot compared to the gunslinger who is getting dex to damage and can TWF with just a 2 level dip in juggler bard.

You could make an argument about combining it with Gunslinger, but that wouldn't even come online til character level 10. Hardly OP by then.

It's free action no hands reload that doesn't increase misfire chance, that's where the money's at. Still, who says it's overpowered?

It's the latest and will be the last new means of TWF with pistols. It's worth looking at on that basis, even if it's the 6th means of doing so.

Meirril wrote:
Backlash3906 wrote:
Dasrak wrote:

Looks like a great pick for an Eldritch Knight gun build. I'd suggest either:

Mysterious Stranger 1 / Primal Elemental Sorcerer 6 / Eldritch Knight X
Trench Fighter 3 / Spellslinger Wizard 5 / Eldritch Knight X

The Sorcerer build basically gives up on dex-to-damage and instead gets cha-to-damage. While you will need to manage grit very carefully, you'll have Infused Spell Cartridges as an option to deliver powerful damaging spells (because you are a primal elemental sorcerer) to land killing blows and recover that grit. The biggest issue with this build is misfires, since you don't have an way of getting the quick clear ability.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but here's a thought... take your first level as Sorcerer and take Amateur Gunslinger. Choose Quick Clear as your first level deed. The text of AG says you "CAN" trade the feat for Extra Grit, not that you automatically do. So, for the cost of a feat, you can get the starting deeds from Mysterious Stranger plus Quick Clear. Sound legit?

The reason you are dipping into Gunslinger(Mysterious Stranger) is to pick up the archetype abilities that allow you to use Cha to pick up grit points and add Cha to damage. If you only take Amateur Gunslinger you're wis based and you have no option to take the deeds from mysterious stranger.

As a side note I'm going to caution against using Spellslinger. While it could be a very powerful gun based build using the Spellslingers ability to dump a spell to temporarily boost the enchantment on a firearm requires a swift action. That means for 1 round each combat you won't be able to use Arcane Strike or Spell Cartridges. It is possible for you to compensate by using a multi-barreled weapon and use real bullets for 1 round. Spellslinger can start with any ranged weapon for free, so you could start with a cylender riffle and always keep 1 barrel empty.

get 1 level of spellscar drifter get:

proficient with all firearms (and whips and more), Amateur Gunslinger feat for clearing the gun, gunsmithing feat and you use cha for grit or other abilities that use grit.

i just wanted to clarify, that it doesn't say 1d4+1 per 5 levels, from my understanding its 1d4 per 5 levels. This feat is unlike anything i've seen before, is there a arrow version of the feat?

CasterLevel 5: 1d4
Caster Level 10: 2d4
Caster Level 15: 3d4
Caster Level 20: 4d4
Caster Level 25: 5d4

Not sure if there is a way to push the caster level high for this as those abilities usually work on cast. And archery is already in a great place without a feat like this.

Melkiador wrote:

CasterLevel 5: 1d4

Caster Level 10: 2d4
Caster Level 15: 3d4
Caster Level 20: 4d4
Caster Level 25: 5d4

Not sure if there is a way to push the caster level high for this as those abilities usually work on cast. And archery is already in a great place without a feat like this.

Is that how that works, cause I was thinking it would be 1d4 1st lv, and 2d4 at 5th level ect ect.

I would need to relook things up..
but I"m prettttyyy positive there are multiple damage spells that lack the "minimum 1dx" terminology. That in APs, in society, and elsewhere have been taken as 1d4 until leveled up enough.

as an off hand example. Here is Arcane STrike
For every five caster levels you possess, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
and spel cart
A force bullet deals 1d4 points of force damage for every five caster levels you have.

I personally don't see a fucnctional difference. I'm pretty certain Arcane Strike has always been treated as having +1 between 1-5. Granted Arcane Strike has that "maximum +5" terminology and mathing makes it obvious it starts at 1. Where as SPell Cart has no maximum amount.

But I really can't read it as not working just like arcane strike, or any other spell or ability I can think of.

Sovereign Court

Zwordsman wrote:

as an off hand example. Here is Arcane STrike

For every five caster levels you possess, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.

Funny, you missed the part where Arcane Strike says that it starts out at +1 as soon as you get it. And then it is increased every 5 levels. Spell Cartridges doesn't have the same wording at all. If it did, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It could have been worded as 1d4 damage per +1 on Arcane Strike.

Exact wording:
Arcane Strike wrote:
Arcane Strike: Benefit: As a swift action, you can imbue your weapons with a fraction of your power. For 1 round, your weapons deal +1 damage and are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. For every five caster levels you possess, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
IE: Level 1-4 = +1; 5-9 = +2; 10-14 = +3; 15-19 = +4; 20+ = +5
Spell Cartridges wrote:
Spell Cartridges: Benefit: While your gun is imbued with power from the Arcane Strike feat, you can fire force bullets instead of regular ammunition. A force bullet deals 1d4 points of force damage for every five caster levels you have. Force bullets do not use black powder or ammunition and count as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction.

IE: 1-4 = ?(can see arguments for 0 or 1d4); 5-9 = 1d4; 10-14 = 2d4; 15-19 = 3d4; 20-24 = 4d4, etc (no actual cap)

Common Terms:Rounding: Occasionally the rules ask you to round a result or value. Unless otherwise stated, always round down. For example, if you are asked to take half of 7, the result would be 3.
Do you have 5 levels? No? Round down.

My argument for 0 damage(I mean, you can still add modifiers like enhancement bonuses) at CL 1-4 is the same logic as for a close range spell. 25' + 5 per 2 levels. At CL 1, you don't have a range of 30' or 27.5', only 25'.

well it still deal the arcane strike damage so using spell cartridge would total up to:
1-4 cl : 1 damage (from arcane strike)
5-9 cl : 1d4+2
10-14 cl : 2d4+3
15-19 cl : 3d4+4
20-24 cl : 4d4+5
25 cl : 5d4+5 (the d4 doesn't seem to have an upper limit beside cl)

Huh if the weapon does 0. Is that 0+stat+arcane strike+other buffs?
or does damage not apply if the weapon damage is null itself?

id say 0d4+1 (also it's obviously only raw. rai that 1d4 should be from cl 1, as there is a force bullet in the gun after all)

Grand Lodge

I wouldn't call that RAI at all. It's specifically worded differently. The fact that it doesn't even hit 1d4 til CL 5 is what keeps it balanced and not a must have for every single TWFing Gunslinger.

In case it's relevant to the people talking spell cartridges up, here's the other means of TWF with pistols that I know of.

1. Use guns which hold multiple shots, e.g. double-barreled pistol (2 shots ea.), paddle-foot pistol (4), dragoon pistol (3) or if you can get advanced firearms there's the revolver.

2. Have multiple arms or other useful limbs (possibly a prehensile tail) so you can reload easily. There are race options, alchemist discoveries & polymorph spells to achieve this. Similarly 2 levels in juggler bard and you effectively have a free hand to reload with. A couple of pepperbox pistols could combine this and #1, or you can just get the reload time down to a free action.

3. Get fancy magic weapons with the shadowshooting property or other more expensive means of reloading.

4. Cast reloading hands to reload one weapon and get a swift-action reload like the beneficial bandolier to reload the other. I originally thought spell cartridges was another means of doing the latter but apparently it's better than that. Obviously not something for use at higher levels but it's a cheap stopgap.

5. Have a cohort or something do the reloading, and get a means of easily getting the weapons off them like the shared stash teamwork feat.

Spell cartridges is now #6.

Derklord wrote:
It's free action no hands reload that doesn't increase misfire chance, that's where the money's at. Still, who says it's overpowered?

I think it's too good for a single feat.

I think it's especially unbalanced for the fact that it means arcane spell casters are the ones that most easily overcome the challenge of firearms (reloading).

But in general I have a problem with firearms maybe I'm not the best judge for this topic. (If we removed the touch AC targeting from firearms I wouldn't care at all on this topic, it would be a way to reload an otherwise useless weapon.)

Claxon wrote:
I think it's especially unbalanced for the fact that it means arcane spell casters are the ones that most easily overcome the challenge of firearms (reloading).

I'd say that's a big part of why it actually is balanced. Someone with the caster levels to make it worthwhile, probably won't be that good with the gun anyway, either from lack of feats or lack of BAB or from having to deal with misfire. Sure, there are ways to overcome all of these issues, but it's a long and expensive path.

But seriously, try to build a character that maximizes this feat and you'll see that it doesn't do that well compared to more traditional builds of a similar level.

I'm reading spell cartridges as "1d4 per +1 arcane strike adds". Since, theoretically spell cartridges can be had well before level 5 and feats should do something as soon as you can have them.

Derklord wrote:
Meirril wrote:

It isn't really better than Shadowshooting.

If you are just going for a dip, the Shadowshooting/shadowcraft is equivalent and costs no levels or feats.
You seem to value feats higher than gold. I'm of a different mindset - I think the feat cost is a smaller price to pay than the gold cost of shadowshooting/shadowcraft, on the grounds of that it takes too long to have good weapons that way (unless the GM allows you to buy enhanced firearms). Never-misfire-free-reload firearm are expensive; two +1 reliable shadowshooting pistols cost 38.6k (20k more than non-shadowshooting), and a shadowcraft greater reliable musket costs 45.8k (+12.5k). Having the character fully funcionable is more important to me than maybe doing a tad more base damage or something.

In my experience, when you are doing things like PFS or theory crafting characters is money a truly limited resource. When you play in a home game you tend to accumulate gold far beyond WBL and you can look for opportunities for more.

While the shadowcraft/shadowshooting weapons are mid game equipment, you're also talking about 2 feats and 5 caster levels to use spell cartridges. Those are much more limited resources than gold.

I'm also of the opinion that non-gun based classes/archetypes that want to use firearms should start with a different weapon and switch to firearms when they can afford the shadow weapons so they don't need to bother with loading feats. Being an archer at low levels and switching to firearms later is less painful than starting with firearms when you have trouble affording ammo.

A force bullet deals 1d4 points of force damage for every five caster levels you have.

I don't see any wiggle room in that wording. At best, you could say that the bullets do base 0d4 damage before level 5, which can then be modified by other damage modifiers.

And there are other character options that have the possibility to not do anything when you can first get them. The bounty hunter slayer gets an ability at level 2 that relies on sneak attacks that the slayer typically won't have till level 3.

Rather than typing it all out again:

Kiesman wrote:

That is a good point to make, but then you also have spells like: Ear-Piercing Scream where it is 1d6 damage per two caster levels, with no listed minimum, as a first level spell. But the spell DOES do 1d6 damage at first level.

There are multiple other abilities like this as well (see cavaliers). The only time Paizo seems to list "minimum X" is when it is an integer, not a dice roll.

You know if you think of it as an air gun it makes more sense. Irl you need a cannon for them to hurt, but with high level magic a normal gun would sure hurt more.

Kiesman wrote:

Rather than typing it all out again:

Kiesman wrote:
That is a good point to make, but then you also have spells like: Ear-Piercing Scream where it is 1d6 damage per two caster levels, with no listed minimum, as a first level spell. But the spell DOES do 1d6 damage at first level.

Do we have a rules source for that conviction or is that just an assumption?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kiesman wrote:

Rather than typing it all out again:

Kiesman wrote:

That is a good point to make, but then you also have spells like: Ear-Piercing Scream where it is 1d6 damage per two caster levels, with no listed minimum, as a first level spell. But the spell DOES do 1d6 damage at first level.

There are multiple other abilities like this as well (see cavaliers). The only time Paizo seems to list "minimum X" is when it is an integer, not a dice roll.

Minimum X never dice? Provably false with a quick search on "minimum 1d6" in Archive of Nethys. Kinetic Fist, Ninja Trick:Strangler, Oracle Mystery Apocalypse: Dust to Dust, Ranger Trap: Bludgeoning Trap, and Wizard School: Metal: Shrapnel Burst are just a few.

Unless you've got a FAQ, errata or rules reference, I reject the premise that Ear-Piercing Scream does damage at CL 1.

I think the TWF build is probably the "best" in terms of damage output. Stack as many static bonuses to damage as you can and then just concentrate on making as many attacks as possible.

The Mysterious Stranger stuff doesn't work with Spell Cartridges out of the box, since Mysterious Stranger gets Cha to Dam as a swift action, and Spell Cartridges needs that swift action for Arcane Strike.

The best workaround I've seen is Bloodrager's 'Blooded Arcane Strike' feat - as long as you're bloodraging, Arcane Strike is active.

Also, if you want to go TWF, 1 level of Eldritch Archer Magus gives you the ability to ignore somatic components as long as you're holding a ranged weapon.

So you're looking at 1 level of Gunslinger (Cha to Dam as a swift action, firearms proficiency), 1 level of Eldritch Archer Magus (Cast spells while holding guns, Spellcasting at level 1), at least 3 levels of Trench Fighter (Dex to Dam), and then Bloodrager the rest of the way (Cast spells after level 4, Arcane strike w/o swift actions).

More Fighter levels open up Weapon Specialization and Weapon Training at Fighter 5(including effortless dual wielding).

I'm not sure if a 2nd level of Magus (for a rapid-shot equivalent Spellstrike) is worth it.

Maybe the Dragonheir Scion Fighter archetype would be a good user of this fest? This is, of course, assuming that the Arcane Strike fear that the archetype grants is supposed to scale with fighter level.

Unfortunately spell cartridges has a prereq of being able to cast arcane spells, and the dragonheir doesn't qualify.

avr wrote:
Unfortunately spell cartridges has a prereq of being able to cast arcane spells, and the dragonheir doesn't qualify.

Aah. And I suppose spell-like abilities no longer count as well.

Yup. Not that the dragonheir even gets a SLA.

Well if Dragonheir Scion counts for CL then just one lv of Arcane Archer works.

Otherwise it's just an extra 1d4 when Arcane Striking.

Hm. could qualify with a random 1 lv dip. Of which there are probably more than a few decent ones.
Eldritch Archer Magus for instance would net a free weapon, and some free buffs.
Couple of Bard dips would also have some appeal to them.

Assuming said Arcane Strike would still stack with the Fighter lv and caster levels.

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