Book Requests

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What books would you like to see for Pathfinder 2E?
(world guides, adventure paths, player’s guides, beginner box, fiction, etc.)

Anything with undead, horror, ghosts, zombies, etc. You can’t have enough of these adventures!
I’m thinking a world guide for Ustalav and Geb would be great since we haven’t seen much for Geb and Nex yet. Also something akin to Pathfinder 1E’s Horror Adventures, for all its awesome options.

I’m also hoping for a book based on dragons since the new adventure path is about a dragon cult and this would fit into the classic DnD trope. Dragon archetypes, magic, runes or tattoos, items, spells, and monsters would be cool.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

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My favorite Pathfinder books of all time are the Monsters Revisited books. If there is ever any Campaign Setting book that fills that niche, I will buy it in a second.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The sooner we get a parallel to Horror Adventure, the sooner I'll be happy. I particularly liked the corruption system, and I'd like to play a game with a character afflicted by this.
That, and Occult Adventures.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm a big fan of Varisians and the lore and flavor of Harrow decks and Harrowings.

I'd like more on Old-Mage Jatembe, his Ten Magic Warriors, and the Magaambya, or rather the current day effects of those legendary heroes on the culture, magic, and education in Mwangi.

More information on Vudra.

Lore and class mechanics dealing with the spiritual realm in the same vein as Uda Wendo, wendifa, and other cultures that interact with the world in a more animist fashion than the traditional pantheon of gods.

Charlie Brooks wrote:
My favorite Pathfinder books of all time are the Monsters Revisited books. If there is ever any Campaign Setting book that fills that niche, I will buy it in a second.

Those are great and I saw someone else who was posting how they wanted detailed descriptions/backstory of monsters in the PF2E Bestiary. New Revisited books in some shape or form would be great for this as the new Bestiary is already completed.

Blake's Tiger wrote:

I'm a big fan of Varisians and the lore and flavor of Harrow decks and Harrowings.

I'd like more on Old-Mage Jatembe, his Ten Magic Warriors, and the Magaambya, or rather the current day effects of those legendary heroes on the culture, magic, and education in Mwangi.

More information on Vudra.

Lore and class mechanics dealing with the spiritual realm in the same vein as Uda Wendo, wendifa, and other cultures that interact with the world in a more animist fashion than the traditional pantheon of gods.

Isle of Jalmaray would be really exciting for an adventure path!

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I have said this elsewhere, but I am a sucker for sub-systems. Give me a book that details running a business, researching in a library, or sanity systems. I especially love expanded rules like Horror Adventure's expanded condition track for fear.

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I would like to see books like ultimate magic and unchained, that consist of good and useful rules, optional rules - ie ones that can't be in core, but none the less ones that are incredibly useful.

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I’m a simple man. I want more ancestries, and I want more classes.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Kingmaker aniversary editiob would be nicel

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I would like a book titled "Ultimate Weirdness".

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I think they should just make a hardcover of RotR for every edition of the game, plus Fantasy Grounds. It'll sell.
An NPC codex. And "revisited" type books for undead, aberrations, dragons. With templates and variants, etc. I love that stuff.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Barnabas Eckleworth III wrote:

I think they should just make a hardcover of RotR for every edition of the game, plus Fantasy Grounds. It'll sell.

An NPC codex. And "revisited" type books for undead, aberrations, dragons. With templates and variants, etc. I love that stuff.

Now that the trilogy of the Runelords is finished, we need a Collector with the three of them in a beautiful box. I'm ok if they wait a bit to release it though, as they need to sell the latest adventure the most copies they can, and that would eat up the sales like a ghoul affected by a Wendigo.

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I could stand Kingmaker updated to PF2.

Other than that, I’m basic too. Classes and Ancestries. Perhaps not every PF1 class, but I’d like a healthy selection of them updated to PF2 as either a subclass, archetype, or all up class.

I also want something like the villain codex, but rooted more firmly in Golarian.

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Same thing I always ask for. A book including rules for harvesting monster parts and crafting armor and weapons with them.

PF1 came close with the monster hunters manual, but ultimately said that the PF1 rules were too restricted by 3.5 to work on a large scale. Maybe now?

Although an update to previous APs to 2nd edition would be cool, for those of us who might want to run them with 2nd edition rules, it's unlikely to happen. The official timeline has been moved forward, with all of the previous APs resolved and the results incorporated into the official timeline, so going back to previous APs doesn't quite jive with that.

People playtesting PF2 have been converting APs from PF1 almost on the fly (just have to write down the new monsters, change the loot) and it's supposedly not difficult.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

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GentleGiant wrote:
Although an update to previous APs to 2nd edition would be cool, for those of us who might want to run them with 2nd edition rules, it's unlikely to happen. The official timeline has been moved forward, with all of the previous APs resolved and the results incorporated into the official timeline, so going back to previous APs doesn't quite jive with that.

Technically, Rise of the Runelords was already incorporated into Golarion's timeline when the anniversary edition came out - Jade Regent, which incorporates elements of that adventure path, had already come out (and Shattered Star, a full-on sequel, was right around the corner).

I'm not claiming that this sets any precedent, but I would bet that the profitability of such a hardcover has more to do with its possible release or lack thereof more than concerns about canon.

Charlie Brooks wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
Although an update to previous APs to 2nd edition would be cool, for those of us who might want to run them with 2nd edition rules, it's unlikely to happen. The official timeline has been moved forward, with all of the previous APs resolved and the results incorporated into the official timeline, so going back to previous APs doesn't quite jive with that.

Technically, Rise of the Runelords was already incorporated into Golarion's timeline when the anniversary edition came out - Jade Regent, which incorporates elements of that adventure path, had already come out (and Shattered Star, a full-on sequel, was right around the corner).

I'm not claiming that this sets any precedent, but I would bet that the profitability of such a hardcover has more to do with its possible release or lack thereof more than concerns about canon.

I said that it was unlikely to happen, not impossible, so it certainly could be that they could do a "Classical Pathfinder" version at some point. James Jacobs has said a couple of times, though, that they're more focused on making new APs than rehashing older ones. Updating all 3 Runelords APs to a new, hardcover, collection would be quite an undertaking, which has to be done besides the normal AP work.

It might be financially viable, although they'd probably have to sink quite a few extra manhours into the development. And, as PossibleCabbage points out, it might actually not be necessary if most of them can be ported over on the fly. An alternative could be a "conversion guide" with monsters and NPCs, but that seems more like a fan creation than something Paizo would be willing to do (since it wouldn't be a "full" product and would fall outside their normal product schedule).
But it'll be easier to gauge once we see the finished rules, whether it's easy do do on the fly/someone writes it up as a fan product.

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As for actual "book" requests, I'd like to mirror what someone has already said on the Lost Omens World Guide thread:
Separate sale of the double sided world map!
For extras and/or displaying both sides at the same time during gaming sessions.
Also, an Interactive Atlas!

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The beginner box was a great intro to PF1E for players and GM’s and was a very good deal. If they added a deluxe adventure similar to what 5E’s box has I think that would be great for PF2E. Deluxe Beginner Box for PF2E please!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

An Advanced Players Guide with additional class options. A ancestory book with more options there. I would also like to see a book with rules options like Unchained, but think it will take awhile to see that. Those books tend to be later on in games life cycle.

Liberty's Edge

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They've pretty heavily implied that something like the 'rules options' book (likely something of a cross between the Gamemastery Guide and Unchained, IMO) is going to be very early in the development cycle. Like, hints have been strong it'll be one of the first few after the corebook.

This is enabled by the degree to which PF2's rules are vastly more modular than PF1 and the math is so much clearer (which makes things like a 'no item' version an order of magnitude easier).

Silver Crusade

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Deadmanwalking wrote:

They've pretty heavily implied that something like the 'rules options' book (likely something of a cross between the Gamemastery Guide and Unchained, IMO) is going to be very early in the development cycle. Like, hints have been strong it'll be one of the first few after the corebook.

This is enabled by the degree to which PF2's rules are vastly more modular than PF1 and the math is so much clearer (which makes things like a 'no item' version an order of magnitude easier).

Yep, Mark's hints on this count haven't exactly been veiled. (Which I love!) Here's his most recent post that touches on this, for reference:

Mark Seifter wrote:
By designing the game carefully to make it easier to create new content and houserule, I'm hoping we were able to help out people even when they were one of the 10% who wanted a particular change and we went the other way and changed towards the 90%, since that design should make it easier for each of us to get what we want from PF2! Especially if it's just a matter of wanting to be higher or lower power than the baseline, or more or fewer character choices per level, that's extremely easy compared to before, and something we're going to get to you guys pretty soon after the launch products.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I know people are going to want a Gunslinger in some form. Would it be too much to ask that it be part of a themed book of technology:

  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • More poisons and medicines
  • Mass production (ie looms and other early machines)
  • Period outfits
  • Mining
  • Steam engines
  • Airships!

All the things needed to take Pathfinder from a medieval / renaissance setting into an industrial revolution / steampunk setting.

Note that I'm NOT asking for spaceships, planes, assault weapons and other modern tech, since that would be a very different setting.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Look forward to the hybrid DMG and Unchained book then sooner rather than later

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sadie wrote:

I know people are going to want a Gunslinger in some form. Would it be too much to ask that it be part of a themed book of technology:

  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • More poisons and medicines
  • Mass production (ie looms and other early machines)
  • Period outfits
  • Mining
  • Steam engines
  • Airships!

All the things needed to take Pathfinder from a medieval / renaissance setting into an industrial revolution / steampunk setting.

Note that I'm NOT asking for spaceships, planes, assault weapons and other modern tech, since that would be a very different setting.

Oh, I don’t know. I think having several points of tech to shoot for might be worthwhile. A guide for integrating Bronze Age, Renaissance, and Futuristic tech levels into the game would be useful, especially since all are present already in the Lost Omens setting.

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AnimatedPaper wrote:
sadie wrote:

I know people are going to want a Gunslinger in some form. Would it be too much to ask that it be part of a themed book of technology:

  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • More poisons and medicines
  • Mass production (ie looms and other early machines)
  • Period outfits
  • Mining
  • Steam engines
  • Airships!

All the things needed to take Pathfinder from a medieval / renaissance setting into an industrial revolution / steampunk setting.

Note that I'm NOT asking for spaceships, planes, assault weapons and other modern tech, since that would be a very different setting.

Oh, I don’t know. I think having several points of tech to shoot for might be worthwhile. A guide for integrating Bronze Age, Renaissance, and Futuristic tech levels into the game would be useful, especially since all are present already in the Lost Omens setting.

In a recent seminar Jason Bulmahn talked about how PF2E uses a universal system. episode-134/

So maybe archetypes for steampunk or technology or (x) doesn’t seem as far fetched, hopefuly!

Maybe it’s a stretch but I also feel like the new Pathfinder 2E logo looks or feels like its a metal embossed stamp. Maybe a move towards a neutral/universal; choose your own setting(s) style type of game?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
AnimatedPaper wrote:
sadie wrote:

I know people are going to want a Gunslinger in some form. Would it be too much to ask that it be part of a themed book of technology:

  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • More poisons and medicines
  • Mass production (ie looms and other early machines)
  • Period outfits
  • Mining
  • Steam engines
  • Airships!

All the things needed to take Pathfinder from a medieval / renaissance setting into an industrial revolution / steampunk setting.

Note that I'm NOT asking for spaceships, planes, assault weapons and other modern tech, since that would be a very different setting.

Oh, I don’t know. I think having several points of tech to shoot for might be worthwhile. A guide for integrating Bronze Age, Renaissance, and Futuristic tech levels into the game would be useful, especially since all are present already in the Lost Omens setting.

Absolutely. I just think they each deserve a dedicated book, rather than being mashed together.

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Tempted to say Planar Adventures but the last book has so much fluff it's pretty cross-edition.

I'd be cool with an entire book of spells/powers/items just to steal those effects and put them on homebrew monsters/items/classes/etc

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would like to see specialty monster books. Something that takes a deep dive into a single monster type or a couple of monster types. On the top of the list would be the Dragon book. This book would contain things like:

Draconic Ancestries
Draconic Class Features
Draconic Archetypes
Draconic Prestige Classes
Draconic Lore
Draconic Themed Equipment
Dragon Bestiary

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Brinebeast wrote:
I would like to see specialty monster books. Something that takes a deep dive into a single monster type or a couple of monster types. On the top of the list would be the Dragon book.

They actually makes a lot of sense when you consider how many dragons there eventually were in the various Bestiaries. Can anyone remember which Bestiary the Jaberwock was in? I doubt it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Since I really jitter and jive on Oracles, Witches, Magi, Bloodragers, and most of the Occult classes, I'm kind of hoping for a class compendium to ressurect 'em for 2E (I gather that some of them might be workable without a full class under the new rules, but... I remain skeptical about some of the more fine-tuned cases).

Beyond that... in keeping with the idea that campaign setting books will be bigger and less frequent, I'm hoping we get a little further afield on Golarion than we did in 1E.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Brinebeast wrote:

I would like to see specialty monster books. Something that takes a deep dive into a single monster type or a couple of monster types. On the top of the list would be the Dragon book. This book would contain things like:

Draconic Ancestries
Draconic Class Features
Draconic Archetypes
Draconic Prestige Classes
Draconic Lore
Draconic Themed Equipment
Dragon Bestiary

I thought about this a little more and I would separate this into two books. In the RPG Line I would have a book with Dragon based Ancestries, Class Features, Archetypes, Prestige Class and Equipment. In the Campaign Setting Line I would have a book with Dragon based Lore and Bestiary. The Campaign Setting book would have a chapter for many of the big Dragon groups. I could see it breaking down something like this:

Chapter Page (Chromatic Dragons)
2-4 Pages of General Lore about the group
1-2 Pages of Stats for each type of Dragon in the group
1-2 Pages of specific Lore about each type of Dragon in the group

So in the end the Chromatic Dragons would get approximately 25 pages. For Dragons that are not in a group chapter I would have a Bestiary with approximately 2 pages per dragon, a primarily stats page and a primarily lore page.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A lore book on the Undead would be nice as well. I wouldn't mind seeing something that dives into the genesis of Undead and breaks them into broad categories. These categories wouldn't have much impact as far as rules go but they would give some thought into the why and how Undead are formed. Potential categories include:

Corpse Dead - Undead that have a genesis focused on animating the body or parts of the body with negative energy.
Soul Dead = Undead that have a genesis focused on the corruption of the soul
Trauma Dead - Undead that have a genesis focused on the damaging of the mind
Hunger Dead - Undead that have a genesis focused on a creatures wants and desires
Occult Dead - Undead that have a genesis from a means that is more unusual or esoteric and can't be explained by the other kinds listed above.

Each chapter could have a bestiary of Undead creatures that arise based on each type of genesis.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
sadie wrote:
Brinebeast wrote:
I would like to see specialty monster books. Something that takes a deep dive into a single monster type or a couple of monster types. On the top of the list would be the Dragon book.
They actually makes a lot of sense when you consider how many dragons there eventually were in the various Bestiaries. Can anyone remember which Bestiary the Jaberwock was in? I doubt it.

Considering it was on the cover and is a pretty unique creature, it's maybe not the best example. :P

(It's in the 2nd, and I'm pretty sure I don't need to verify that info... BUT I'm a big Wonderland fan and it's one of my favorite monster)
I would have gone with cloud, sovereign, vortex, dream, or crypt.

(But yeah, on the whole, I agree. Just being pedantic. Sorry)

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A World Guide for dragons. And with that I mean I would like to see a book that could bring at least one page of lore for each one of the true dragons, as well as quickly bring all 1E dragons into 2E - that would give us lots of dragons to use (specially with Age of Ashes) and satisfy the urge for the true dragons that have close to no flavor at all. That would certainly sell.

Mainly, I don't want to open my new bestiaries and find old true dragons, I want NEW TRUE DRAGONS!

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
That would certainly sell.

You have any projected sales for that? Expected ROI? Anything beyond you wanting that book very much and projecting your preferences onto everybody ("satisfy our urge") and sincerely hoping that your preferences are universal enough that such book would be a hit?

Because, you see, I think dragons are boring as hell, overdone, Paizo has made a great move by downplaying them in the setting and would honestly wish a long list of books ahead of an all-dragon guide to everything.

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Gorbacz wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
That would certainly sell.

You have any projected sales for that? Expected ROI? Anything beyond you wanting that book very much and projecting your preferences onto everybody ("satisfy our urge") and sincerely hoping that your preferences are universal enough that such book would be a hit?

Because, you see, I think dragons are boring as hell, overdone, Paizo has made a great move by downplaying them in the setting and would honestly wish a long list of books ahead of an all-dragon guide to everything.

Well... This is a wish page, right? So what's the problem with me stating my wishes for the new edition? You can simple exclude yourself from "our" and it will be ok. =)

You yourself stated that "Paizo has made a great move", but can you really measure how profitable was this choice and how different would it be if they hadn't done it? Once again, you ended your own comment stating nothing else but your own preferences.

Why don't you merely share the book you would like to see instead? Even though you don't like my idea, I usually like yours, sincerely.

Back to books I would like to see in 2E.

I would like to see the Chronicles of the Righteous in a similar format as that of the Book of the Damned released in the Core line.

A book filled with lore and rules around the good aligned inhabitants and deities of the Upper Planes. I would like to actually see illustrations for all the empyreal lords, so this book would be a must to me! And in my perspective, new choices for players are always welcomed.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Watching the art videos they've released ... In the Harsk one they mentioned they really want to give the different ancestries a different feel. So Elf looks and feels different from Dwarf.

I'd be interested in an Ultimate {Ancestry} series.

So Ultimate Dwarf would add a ton of additional ancestry feats, items, unique class options. Throw in some lore sections to describe the difference between Dwarves in the Five Kingdoms and Dwarves in Osirion.

Probably Player Compendium size, so we can quickly add to each of the core races. Then you could use the same format to introduce non-core races.

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Honestly, my only wish is that they don't rehash PF1 development cycle. Mix things up and give us new stuff along with the old.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My biggest wish regarding books, and I think its already a lost cause, is to NOT following the Starfinder model of mixing all content together.

I liked that there were "player" books and "gm" books in PF1. (Yes I buy all of them). But I hated the way in SF books to find the few 'player options' mixed in with all the lore/setting you have to flip through and inspect every chapter. It was also much easier to players with less income to pick up a player companion book that piqued their fancy than to have to buy a full hardback for 1 small option they wanted.

If they at least pull ancestries/archtetypes/classes/spell/weapons out from the lore/monster listings and into a player content section within the book that's already much better from an organization standpoint.

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Unfortunately, they’ve already confirmed they’re going the other direction. The World Guide series is going to replace the player companion and Campaign Setting lines. The aim is for bigger, less frequent releases.

That said, who knows what the future holds?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yup as I said, lost cause.

I do hope they at least structure the books with 'player content' pulled out (either to the front or to an appendix, or something). Having weapons/equipment scattered throughout the alien archive is extremely annoying, for instance.

Silver Crusade

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MMCJawa wrote:
Honestly, my only wish is that they don't rehash PF1 development cycle. Mix things up and give us new stuff along with the old.

Erik Mona has always said they're NOT going to just rehash, so I'm comfortable there. Even the first Bestiary includes a bunch of completely new monsters rather than just trying to get the classics back on the table.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I much enjoyed the mini-index at the front of the book in the Player Companions that listed the pages on which you could find rules for "archetypes," "feats," "traits," "spells," etc.

SF Pact Worlds did not do that, but only because they put one player option (a theme) at the end of each chapter. If they had moved all of the themes to the back chapter titled "Player Options" then it would have been exactly what you are asking for (and I am hoping for).

Or they could be following the same model as Pact Worlds and putting the regional archetypes at the end of each section on that specific region then putting any spells, feats, items or whatever in the back. This would be fine, but I'd prefer the fully delineated organization between lore and rules.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'll chime in and say that I would also hope for player rules to be their own chapter.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
MaxAstro wrote:
I'll chime in and say that I would also hope for player rules to be their own chapter.

I'm ok with them being in the thematic chapter (e.g. elf feats in chapter on Elf lore) but I like the idea of having an index for "Player option" that gives you the specific page each thing is on.

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I don't think it was terribly popular, but I would personally love to see another NPC codex for 2E. SO useful for sandbox-style games.

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The NPC codex, Monster Codex, and Villan codex I’m hoping are going to be even BETTER if they stick with integrating the setting into the rules line.

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