
Whitehowl79's page

Organized Play Member. 85 posts (100 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Can you please cancel my subscriptions, remove my cards, and remove my addresses? Cannot make any changes at all as it has been bugged out for quite some time.

Cap'n Nemo wrote:
Going to say just call when they open cause i think there may be a 2 week response time right now on posts.

Ah I see, thanks!

Update, was able to delete the old addresses and put in my new one for the order

Bumping this as my order now says “pending” but the wrong address is displayed!!!

Can’t change to my new payment method for my subscription, it’s still showing my old address as well. Can you fix this please?

Please include the varisian bladed scarf (weapon) and the Bladed Scarf Dancer and have it be viable. (I loved all the options for the weapon including the Ashavic dancer) It is one of my favorites and I would love to travel around Varisia whipping a flaming bladed scarf in Pathfinder 2!

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AnimatedPaper wrote:
sadie wrote:

I know people are going to want a Gunslinger in some form. Would it be too much to ask that it be part of a themed book of technology:

  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • More poisons and medicines
  • Mass production (ie looms and other early machines)
  • Period outfits
  • Mining
  • Steam engines
  • Airships!

All the things needed to take Pathfinder from a medieval / renaissance setting into an industrial revolution / steampunk setting.

Note that I'm NOT asking for spaceships, planes, assault weapons and other modern tech, since that would be a very different setting.

Oh, I don’t know. I think having several points of tech to shoot for might be worthwhile. A guide for integrating Bronze Age, Renaissance, and Futuristic tech levels into the game would be useful, especially since all are present already in the Lost Omens setting.

In a recent seminar Jason Bulmahn talked about how PF2E uses a universal system.

http://plotpointspod.com/pathfinder-2nd-edition-seminar-from-gary-con-2019- episode-134/

So maybe archetypes for steampunk or technology or (x) doesn’t seem as far fetched, hopefuly!

Maybe it’s a stretch but I also feel like the new Pathfinder 2E logo looks or feels like its a metal embossed stamp. Maybe a move towards a neutral/universal; choose your own setting(s) style type of game?

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The beginner box was a great intro to PF1E for players and GM’s and was a very good deal. If they added a deluxe adventure similar to what 5E’s box has I think that would be great for PF2E. Deluxe Beginner Box for PF2E please!

Charlie Brooks wrote:
My favorite Pathfinder books of all time are the Monsters Revisited books. If there is ever any Campaign Setting book that fills that niche, I will buy it in a second.

Those are great and I saw someone else who was posting how they wanted detailed descriptions/backstory of monsters in the PF2E Bestiary. New Revisited books in some shape or form would be great for this as the new Bestiary is already completed.

Blake's Tiger wrote:

I'm a big fan of Varisians and the lore and flavor of Harrow decks and Harrowings.

I'd like more on Old-Mage Jatembe, his Ten Magic Warriors, and the Magaambya, or rather the current day effects of those legendary heroes on the culture, magic, and education in Mwangi.

More information on Vudra.

Lore and class mechanics dealing with the spiritual realm in the same vein as Uda Wendo, wendifa, and other cultures that interact with the world in a more animist fashion than the traditional pantheon of gods.

Isle of Jalmaray would be really exciting for an adventure path!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What books would you like to see for Pathfinder 2E?
(world guides, adventure paths, player’s guides, beginner box, fiction, etc.)

Anything with undead, horror, ghosts, zombies, etc. You can’t have enough of these adventures!
I’m thinking a world guide for Ustalav and Geb would be great since we haven’t seen much for Geb and Nex yet. Also something akin to Pathfinder 1E’s Horror Adventures, for all its awesome options.

I’m also hoping for a book based on dragons since the new adventure path is about a dragon cult and this would fit into the classic DnD trope. Dragon archetypes, magic, runes or tattoos, items, spells, and monsters would be cool.

It might be a bit early for this subject since the first adventure path for 2E isn't out yet, but it was on my mind all night.

My hope for 2E is we get more horror adventures on the same level of scary as
"The Skinsaw Murders" and "The Hook Mountain Massacre" from Rise of the Runelords. It was my first adventure path I bought and it really grabbed me into Pathfinder for it's unique and darker setting. I know horror isn't for everyone but it's something that keeps me up at night and interested in running adventures for 2E.


I think there is a problem with my order. Before I hit submit order it said it was going to be $316 but after submitting the price is much higher. Also it said the items were moved to the side cart even though I wanted it shipped together as soon as possible and I saw a duplicate Adventure card game collection when I only wanted one of each.

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Whitehowl79,

I have updated the payment method attached to all 3 of your pending orders. It authorized successfully and the order that is ready to go should be on its way soon.

I have also added a replacement Starfinder dice tray to the order, so that will be shipping along with it.

Oh no! Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

I mean to say they need to send me the Pathfinder Dice Tray.

Can you switch my pending payment to my new card that is used for my subscriptions, please? It won't budge.

Also, I was sent the wrong dice tray. I ordered the Pathfinder Dice Tray, but I received the Star Finder dice tray. Do I need to send it back to receive the correct one?

Hi there my Order #4774262 is pending. Can you please move my sidecart into this order and ship it?

CactusUnicorn wrote:
The Flumphs stole the blog!

But I thought Flumphs aren't capable of such villainy!

Let me start off by saying I am very excited for Pathfinder 2nd edition. Pathfinder has some of the best story settings and module adventures in the handfuls of the different game systems that I've played. Runelords in particular has excellent writing and encounters, and I find myself just reading it and getting so immersed.

When it comes to the 3.5 variant it uses, it is a good system, although it has many issues that slow things down and can make the game un-fun. A lot of the issues they've adressed already in blog posts for PF2E (things like caster supremacy). I haven't played Pathfinder in awhile but I am hopeful I will return for the new playtests and fall in love with it!

That being said, one very important thing that I haven't seen them address so far is
the dreaded Feats Bloat/Useless/Broken Options.

Making a new character for PF1E can be extremely daunting, especially when introducing a new player. There are way too many feats (How many are there now??) that are just outright broken or completely useless. Picking out the good stuff is difficult and takes too much time. I have to find a guide online to find the best options for feats, archetypes, traits, and classes. Pathfinder's main focus is about tactical combat. Making a powerful character is important so that I'm useful to the group. If not someone else will outshine my character by a longshot.

My hope for Pathfinder 2nd edition is that feats/options will be fixed and balanced in a way that every character can shine equally in combat. I love Pathfinder and I want it to succeed.

So how will feats (and character options) be fixed?

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Many, many times, I have introduced a player to RPGs, one-on-one, with multiple PCs. The lone player might play, say, two PCs, and I, as GM, might play another two characters - "GMPCs" you might call them.

Some people on these boards have questioned that this is a good idea, but I'm telling you, I've done it, successfully, many times.

I forgot I could do that. And with any system really. Good idea!

Bearserk wrote:
Microlite20 (Free simple D&D/Pathfinder) or Savage Worlds (Testdrive for free)!?!

Ah I haven't heard of Microlite20. I will have to download that.

I didn't know Savage Worlds was playable with 1Gm/1Player!

I'm looking for an easy/beginner fun to play pen and paper RPG for 1GM and +1 Player that uses dice. I want to introduce a friend who has never played a tabletop rpg before. Anyone know of some?

I've yet to play it but I do own it. The fantasy setting is pretty cool and there is years upon years of content. There is a play by play of it on YouTube that I watched that made me want to pick it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk1hiPp2nlI

Can you please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription?
I realize there are orders pending for it, I thought those pending items were canceled months ago. I just wanted to order the "Fall Into Adventure Sale" items.

Could you please move all my sidecart items to my shopping cart except Pathways #2 (PFRPG)?

Ah, that makes sense. Love the art either way!

Opened my Bestiary 2 Pawns and I am noticing some pictures for the monsters are different than the Bestiary 2 book. The Selkie for one, is one of those pictures. Why the difference?
Note: my bestiary 2 book is second printing

How do you rename yourself without making a new avatar name?

Thanks so much! Have a great holiday!

Hi Paizo!
Was my gift card applied to my latest order to ship out?
Should have been $30 off but I didn't see the price reduced.

Hello again!
Can you please remove the following items from my sidecart?

-Dungeon Crawl Classics #79: Frozen in Time (DCC)
-Dungeon Crawl Classics #83: The Chained Coffin Silver Foil Edition
-Adventure Quarterly #1 (PFRPG)

I already received my paid print copy of Adventure Quarterly #1 from Paizo so I do not need another.

Is it hardcover version of this being released?

Hi there!
Can you please remove the following items from my sidecart?;
-Dungeon Crawl Classics #75: The Sea Queen Escapes (DCC)
-Dungeon Crawl Classics #78: Fate's Fell Hand (DCC)


There is a typo on the level 7 Psychic pages for the feat "Third Eye".
"Third Eye -Rivani can open her third up for up to 7 minutes each day,".
Pretty sure that should say, "Rivani can open her third eye for up to 7 minutes each day,".

You might have the core rulebook but for beginners I suggest The Beginner Box. I ran my first game with it. It is very beginner friendly and allows you to play with the basics of the game and can help introduce you to the more complex rules once you have the simpler rules down. Basically it is the best introduction to Pathfinder for new players and for new DM's alike.

Go to Beginner Box.

On the left side of the webpage it says, "Beginner Box". Click that and you will get a better view of what you get with the box.

Hi there. I sent an email concerning my Order 3603391 but I did not get a response.

Thank you very much!

Can you please cancel "Dungeon-Crawl-Classics-83-The-Chained-Coffin Boxed Set" from my sidecart? It is not the item I wanted.

Could you please delete this thread I found out the answer.

Hi there. I was wondering does the Dungeon Crawl Classics #83: The Chained Coffin boxed set come with the spinning wheel prop?

Katina Mathieson wrote:

After doing a bit more digging, it looks like the only thing from your pending orders that is currently available to ship is: Wayfinder #9. Your sidecart, however, has a lot of items that are ready to go.

If you'd like, I can take the available items from your sidecart and put them into an order with Wayfinder #9 and get those sent out. Then for the rest of your pending items, I can either leave them as-is or move them into the sidecart.

Was this resolved?

I was hoping the dungeon crawl classics books would be available to ship! They look awesome.

Can you move all the available items to my sidecart to ship with my next subscription?

Hello I have a few pending orders. A few of the items in the order are in stock like the "Dungeon Crawl Classics" book but they haven't been shipped yet. Do these items get held until the other items are in stock?


Mark Moreland wrote:
We have not established a specific organization dedicated to protecting her like we have the Ulfen Guard in Taldor or the Gray Maidens in Korvosa. If only we were going to be focusing our attentions on Cheliax in the near future, because an AP or two there would be a great opportunity to flesh this out.

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Juda de Kerioth wrote:

I want this earlier!!

Also, im still waiting for Carrion Crown Pawns :(

Carrion Crown pawns would be awesome! Seeing as there are many I could use like the werewolves and vampires. I hope they consider making them.

Sharaya wrote:

We are still in the process of generating May subscriptions orders to accounts. We started that process yesterday, but it crashed overnight. When it crashes, the My Subscriptions page has display errors until the system gets through everyone.

You should see an order confirmation email sometime in the near future. If you keep any eye on the May New Releases thread, we'll post there once that process is finished (and if we run into hiccups):


Okay, thank you!

Hello there. I'm not seeing any record that "Pathfinder Adventure Path #93: Forge of the Giant God (Giantslayer 3 of 6)" shipped even though I'm a subscriber. I've updated my card information to a valid card for future subscriptions if that was the issue.

RyanH wrote:

Kobold Quarterly was a thing

Wayfinder is a thing.

Neither are monthly. Don't know if either crowd funded.

Ah it must have been Kobold Quarterly then. Thank you.

Is Pathways still being produced?

All day long I've been thinking about this so I decided to make a post.
(a long while ago I saw a post maybe with this info.)

Was there ever a kickstarter for a Monthly Pathfinder Magazine? Was it funded? Was it in the UK maybe? Was it called Kobold Quest? This thought won't go away so please help!

Kalindlara wrote:
There's not much for orcs/half-orcs with that weapon set. You could give this a look, though. :)

That looks good! Ah I forgot Paizo had D&D miniatures! I could look through these and find something that works!

Barthalamu Wintwist wrote:
The Starstone has the power to create a God...What if the Aboleth's want it back?

It's been said on these forums concerning the Starstone's origins...

When the aboleths sent down the meteor on Azlant they didn't realize a poweful object such as the Starstone was inside it.